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Real life.Hard times,they are over.



  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    In Response to Re: Real life! : That's Brilliant news...  What did he say, What did he say ;o)
    Posted by JockBMW
    Hi jock. No ground breakin literary guff!lol.Deffo car and garden.Well chuffed m8 :))
    This time next week it'll be the works of shakespeare!!
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    In Response to Re: Real life! : raise dad
    Posted by aussie09
    LOL.More like stop callin everythin.ha

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    In Response to Re: Real life! : Glad to hear it Paul!!  The speech therapy will bring him along nicely.  There will be no stopping him now!  My wee man shocked me the other day, we were sitting in a waiting room about to go in for an appointment when he picked up an orange crayon and clear as a bell said orange!!  He has also started counting to 4.  It's the things like that that really brighten up your whole day :D Lisa
    Posted by lisar83
    Nice one lisa.Gonna be fun from now on I think.Have to watch the swearin from now on!
  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    In Response to Re: Real life! : Nice one lisa.Gonna be fun from now on I think.Have to watch the swearin from now on!
    Posted by bignoise10
    so very true!!!

    best wishes and have fun
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2012
    Folks.Since this thread started my missus has noticed a dramatic improvement in my attitude towards not only losin games but in general also.Now she was sceptical at the start about me sharin personal details about our weeman,but only recently she has sat down and really read everyones story and took it on board that we're not to bad off really re the weeman.Back to my attitude,being a Liverpool fan she has been used to seeing me get down more than once or twice over the course of a season!!She is mightily impressed by the change and can now understand herself that thre are others in our position just as worried as she is.I'm just takin this opportunity to thank all those that have contributed with their stories and helpful suggestions.Without them we wouldnt realise that their are so many decent folk out there and our weeman is not alone in terms of whatever may be up with him.
    Cheers and be good.
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    Folks.Since this thread started my missus has noticed a dramatic improvement in my attitude towards not only losin games but in general also.Now she was sceptical at the start about me sharin personal details about our weeman,but only recently she has sat down and really read everyones story and took it on board that we're not to bad off really re the weeman.Back to my attitude,being a Liverpool fan she has been used to seeing me get down more than once or twice over the course of a season!!She is mightily impressed by the change and can now understand herself that thre are others in our position just as worried as she is.I'm just takin this opportunity to thank all those that have contributed with their stories and helpful suggestions.Without them we wouldnt realise that their are so many decent folk out there and our weeman is not alone in terms of whatever may be up with him. Cheers and be good. Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
    Great mate!!

    In Life, Sport, Poker.....there are many things that we have no control of, this can be frustrating, sometimes dis-heartening......BUT.....

    ......What WE HAVE CONTROL OF
    ....  OUR ATTITUDE, when we wake every morning!!

    It can be hard, sometimes near impossible, BUT IF YOU CAN ATTACK SITUATIONS & Life with a positive mental attitude, YOU WILL BE Amazed at the turn-around...

    I Hope YOU have discovered this Paul!!

    Glad things are looking up!!

    here's to weeman saying his first......

    "Jam it in their eye Dad"!!

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    Folks.Since this thread started my missus has noticed a dramatic improvement in my attitude towards not only losin games but in general also.Now she was sceptical at the start about me sharin personal details about our weeman,but only recently she has sat down and really read everyones story and took it on board that we're not to bad off really re the weeman.Back to my attitude,being a Liverpool fan she has been used to seeing me get down more than once or twice over the course of a season!!She is mightily impressed by the change and can now understand herself that thre are others in our position just as worried as she is.I'm just takin this opportunity to thank all those that have contributed with their stories and helpful suggestions.Without them we wouldnt realise that their are so many decent folk out there and our weeman is not alone in terms of whatever may be up with him. Cheers and be good. Paul
    Posted by bignoise10


    Try being a FULHAM FAN FOR 40 years!!!

  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited June 2012
    Hi Bignoise, good to hear the weeman is speaking some words.I think what you are learning is that disability redefines what you think of as "success". I always say one man's boring normality is a dream come true for another person. I know this first hand as I have cerebral palsy and have poor control over my arms, legs and mouth. I have recently acquired an outdoor powered wheelchair and in my late 40s I can take myself off for a walk (well a drive!) all by myself for the first time. I am loving the independence and freedom it is giving me but for anyone else a vehicle that only did 6 mph would be very frustrating!

    My challenges have been very different from those your son faces so I cannot give you much advice however what I would say is that the medical people will always give you the worst case scenario because they'll not want to get your hopes up however with persistance and determination amazing things can happen.

    The "experts" said I'd probably never get a job (even though as child I learnt to type with my feet and was educated to HND level)... and if I did find employment, I'd have to work from home (I hated the idea of working from home, stuck in my study with no social contact). I have been in employment since 1989 and have a good job with IBM. For the first 12 months I DID have to work from home but in 1990 I began going into the office one day a week and before long, as my colleagues got used to me, I was working in the office on a fulltime basis. I made many friends through work and have had some wonderful nights out with them

    But like I say, we are all on a different journey chasing our own dreams
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    Hi Bignoise, good to hear the weeman is speaking some words.I think what you are learning is that disability redefines what you think of as "success". I always say one man's boring normality is a dream come true for another person. I know this first hand as I have cerebral palsy and have poor control over my arms, legs and mouth. I have recently acquired an outdoor powered wheelchair and in my late 40s I can take myself off for a walk (well a drive!) all by myself for the first time. I am loving the independence and freedom it is giving me but for anyone else a vehicle that only did 6 mph would be very frustrating! My challenges have been very different from those your son faces so I cannot give you much advice however what I would say is that the medical people will always give you the worst case scenario because they'll not want to get your hopes up however with persistance and determination amazing things can happen. The "experts" said I'd probably never get a job (even though as child I learnt to type with my feet and was educated to HND level)... and if I did find employment, I'd have to work from home (I hated the idea of working from home, stuck in my study with no social contact). I have been in employment since 1989 and have a good job with IBM. For the first 12 months I DID have to work from home but in 1990 I began going into the office one day a week and before long, as my colleagues got used to me, I was working in the office on a fulltime basis. I made many friends through work and have had some wonderful nights out with them But like I say, we are all on a different journey chasing our own dreams
    Posted by QUICKFEET
    great stuff, great ID too.  have you considered attending an SPT event?

  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited June 2012
    aussie, i can't play live!!!! I can't pick the cards up. I have played with my family with someone holding my cards infront of me but with my poor muscle control I bounce up and down and give off reads all over the place. lol

    Did you mean just come up for the craic? I thought it might be frustrating not being involved
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    aussie, i can't play live!!!! I can't pick the cards up. I have played with my family with someone holding my cards infront of me but with my poor muscle control I bounce up and down and give off reads all over the place. lol Did you mean just come up for the craic? I thought it might be frustrating not being involved
    Posted by QUICKFEET
    hi quickfeet.  i considered whether playing live would be possible and how feasible this might be given suitable support.  i considered the fun of just being at an spt would be something you might value without necessarily playing.  i thought that the side events might be great fun and where tells are common place given the light hearted nature of the event.  if you want to play the side event on the friday before the spt in nottingham in september i will, if allowed, not enter myself and act as your support instead.  everything is possible.

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    In Response to Re: Real life! : hi quickfeet.  i considered whether playing live would be possible and how feasible this might be given suitable support.  i considered that fun of being at an spt would be something you might value without necessarily playing.  i thought that the side events might be great fun and where tells are common place given the light hearted nature of the event.  if you want to play the side event on the friday before the spt in nottingham in september i will, if allowed, not enter myself and act as your support instead.  everything is possible.
    Posted by aussie09
    Nice gesture!  @Quickfeet (Great name BTW!) I'm pretty sure your "tells" would/could be hard to read given the nature of the side-events! ;-)   What do you play on-line? 
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    Hi Bignoise, good to hear the weeman is speaking some words.I think what you are learning is that disability redefines what you think of as "success". I always say one man's boring normality is a dream come true for another person. I know this first hand as I have cerebral palsy and have poor control over my arms, legs and mouth. I have recently acquired an outdoor powered wheelchair and in my late 40s I can take myself off for a walk (well a drive!) all by myself for the first time. I am loving the independence and freedom it is giving me but for anyone else a vehicle that only did 6 mph would be very frustrating! My challenges have been very different from those your son faces so I cannot give you much advice however what I would say is that the medical people will always give you the worst case scenario because they'll not want to get your hopes up however with persistance and determination amazing things can happen. The "experts" said I'd probably never get a job (even though as child I learnt to type with my feet and was educated to HND level)... and if I did find employment, I'd have to work from home (I hated the idea of working from home, stuck in my study with no social contact). I have been in employment since 1989 and have a good job with IBM. For the first 12 months I DID have to work from home but in 1990 I began going into the office one day a week and before long, as my colleagues got used to me, I was working in the office on a fulltime basis. I made many friends through work and have had some wonderful nights out with them But like I say, we are all on a different journey chasing our own dreams
    Posted by QUICKFEET
    am inspired!!!

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    In Response to Re: Real life! : hi quickfeet.  i considered whether playing live would be possible and how feasible this might be given suitable support.  i considered the fun of just being at an spt would be something you might value without necessarily playing.  i thought that the side events might be great fun and where tells are common place given the light hearted nature of the event.  if you want to play the side event on the friday before the spt in nottingham in september i will, if allowed, not enter myself and act as your support instead.  everything is possible.  
    Posted by aussie09
    Great idea Aussie!!

    I would love to help, and sure most of Sqauddies would as well!!

    When i started playing pub poker about 3/4 yeras ago with Apple, there was a lad about my age, from Brighton or Basingstoke I think,  that generation, who hadno hands/forearms, thalidomide victim am sure,  he said!! Anyway they were self-deal tournies and he shuflled & dealt better than most of us, was amazing!!

    My gang had a few beers with him & his mate at at couple of season tournies, then at one, before the tournie started, we were playing darts, he come's up and says....

    "I'll play the winner"..

    There were a few funny looks at each other, But we said " Course no prob, join in"!

    We all bit shocked, & usual crack of "...ok for a pint  or fiver".... etc!!

    Any way he proceeded to wipe the floor with us!!!!  LOLOLOL!!!!

  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited June 2012
    @aussie thanks. I'll think about that. Nottingham is some distance from where I live. I'll see how I could get over there. Someone - probably my cousin - would have to come with me as it would be a overnight stay so they could hold my cards if allowed.  (Just imagine how it would be if they saw my cards and THEY gave a tell!!!!! lol) Not sure how it would go, if I really have to sit still eg for a photo, I end up break dancing and giggling nervously....... my body does the opposite of what I tell it

    @Glenenlg I play mostly sNg's. I quite enjoy high stakes HU sNg's even though I am probably out of my depth at that level lol. My BRM is rubbish but I enjoy myself and manage to avoid losing more than I can afford. (I am ahead this month for a change). I just like to play for an hour each evening although in 2010 I won the Friday night main event when it was a Deepstack. I had been on a terrible run but that night I hit everything. I am no fan of ReBuys and Bounty Hunters (ReBuys especially) so don't often bother with the Main Events now (they finish too late on weekdays) but understand how they make financial sense for Sky

    @Hitman yes, there was a thallidamide guy at school. He had a proper racing go kart adapted to foot controls, I remember him power sliding it across our playground
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life!:
    Hi Bignoise, good to hear the weeman is speaking some words.I think what you are learning is that disability redefines what you think of as "success". I always say one man's boring normality is a dream come true for another person. I know this first hand as I have cerebral palsy and have poor control over my arms, legs and mouth. I have recently acquired an outdoor powered wheelchair and in my late 40s I can take myself off for a walk (well a drive!) all by myself for the first time. I am loving the independence and freedom it is giving me but for anyone else a vehicle that only did 6 mph would be very frustrating! My challenges have been very different from those your son faces so I cannot give you much advice however what I would say is that the medical people will always give you the worst case scenario because they'll not want to get your hopes up however with persistance and determination amazing things can happen. The "experts" said I'd probably never get a job (even though as child I learnt to type with my feet and was educated to HND level)... and if I did find employment, I'd have to work from home (I hated the idea of working from home, stuck in my study with no social contact). I have been in employment since 1989 and have a good job with IBM. For the first 12 months I DID have to work from home but in 1990 I began going into the office one day a week and before long, as my colleagues got used to me, I was working in the office on a fulltime basis. I made many friends through work and have had some wonderful nights out with them But like I say, we are all on a different journey chasing our own dreams
    Posted by QUICKFEET
    Excellent post m8.Very true what you are sayin,the simple things that the weeman does these days are a joy.Like tryin to copy what I do or say(obviously not sayin exact words but you kn ow what I mean hopefully).You're obviously glass half full person and hope you continue to be so.
  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited June 2012
    so many great stories of real life! inspiration everywhere.
    good luck to everyone, stay well and have fun.
  • chopos180chopos180 Member Posts: 176
    edited June 2012
    Glad every1 is in high spirits. Not been posting on ere as I've relaxing for the past 8 days basking in 110f heat in turkey. Although am nice and brown, I'm starting to peel already.(bad beat I guess lol). Anyways although I,m on holiday I'm thinking of big noise so though I'd post a thread just to say well done and don't let the simple things get you down. Have fun at thetables Nigel xx
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited June 2012
    Real life Bump!!

    Hope All are well!!

    & well done to Tony for his 12th in Vegas!!
  • jams88jams88 Member Posts: 694
    edited June 2012
    Just taken time to read through this thread. I am often dubious about reading the threads on here with a couple of hundred posts can i be bothered to scan through all that to get to the point. This time it was a case of once you read the 1st post you can't stop! Its overwelming how strong some of the community are on here in regards to their attitude to life considering the cards life has dealt them. I honestly don't think i would cope half aswell as many here. I have a habit of running away/ignoring the comparitably small problems i have had in my life and am in awe of many of you. Thank you for the jolt this thread has given me to put things in perspective, and to see many so many people offering their 2 pence and support is amazing.

    I would also like to add i think quickfeet possibly has THE best name on the site
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