Mornin folks.No real changes of note since my last post,just updating a few wee things that might be of interest.Weeman has decided that watchin the screen as I play poker is now the most excitin thing to happen since sweets were invented lol.More speech therapy ahead in the next few weeks,so hopin for more progress with that.Also more progress needed at the table.Just cant seem to get it goin since I almost bust my br a few weeks back.Been treadin water for a while now tryin different games.Like playin the hypers but the variance is such a killer at that speed.Think tis gonna have to be dyms for a wee while to see where I,m goin with this.But,tis not the end of the world either way.Just load up and start again.More positive updates to come hopefully.
Mornin folks.No real changes of note since my last post,just updating a few wee things that might be of interest is now the most excitin thing to happen since sweets were invented lol.More speech therapy ahead in the next few weeks,so hopin for more progress with that.Also more progress needed at the table.Just cant seem to get it goin since I almost bust my br a few weeks back..More positive updates to come hopefully. Cheers. Paul Posted by bignoise10
You do realise it won't be long before you're saying "Shhhhh Weeman! Dads trying to play poker here!"
In Response to Re: Real life! : Absolutely my friend.Weeman will be force fed liverpool till he likes it lol.Silent or not hes a kopite!In Brendan we trust my man. Cheers Paul Posted by bignoise10
lucky you don't hail from Exmouth Paul,or the wee man would be coming out with stuff like..... "Come on you Town...ooooh arrrr." lol dev
Hi folks.Havent been on in quite a while due to various factors revolving around the weeman.He was quite ill for a wee time,but on the mend now.The speech therapy has transformed him even with him being sick.He's up to 9 words from zero 2 months ago!Poker wise,it continues to be a grind with results so bad.Need to keep drummin it in that it will change for the better.The screen seems to still entertain the weeman while im playin so at least i can have someone watch me lose at the moment lol.
Hi folks.Havent been on in quite a while due to various factors revolving around the weeman.He was quite ill for a wee time,but on the mend now.The speech therapy has transformed him even with him being sick.He's up to 9 words from zero 2 months ago!Poker wise,it continues to be a grind with results so bad.Need to keep drummin it in that it will change for the better.The screen seems to still entertain the weeman while im playin so at least i can have someone watch me lose at the moment lol. Cheers Paul Posted by bignoise10
That's Brilliant news Paul. If it's a personal thing ignore this , but what are the 9 words he's speaking now.... The first three better not be.. Call, Raise, Fold ;o)
In Response to Re: Real life! : That's Brilliant news Paul. If it's a personal thing ignore this , but what are the 9 words he's speaking now.... The first three better not be.. Call, Raise, Fold ;o) Posted by JockBMW
Not a personal thing at all m8.Nothing as bad as call though!CAR,GARDEN,KEYS,DOG,BAD,JUICE,BICCY,FALL,UP and UP.Not any sentences yet,but its a start and it makes my wife smile which is good news all round:).
Hi folks.Havent been on in quite a while due to various factors revolving around the weeman.He was quite ill for a wee time,but on the mend now.The speech therapy has transformed him even with him being sick.He's up to 9 words from zero 2 months ago!Poker wise,it continues to be a grind with results so bad.Need to keep drummin it in that it will change for the better.The screen seems to still entertain the weeman while im playin so at least i can have someone watch me lose at the moment lol. Cheers Paul Posted by bignoise10
Great news Paul! Glad to hear he's on the mend as well. FWIW I've got a grumpy teenager and he only knows TWO words! "Eh" & "Uh"! Well thats the only two I've heard him say in about a year! ;-)) Pad
In Response to Re: Real life! : Great news Paul! Glad to hear he's on the mend as well. FWIW I've got a grumpy teenager and he only knows TWO words! "Eh" & "Uh"! Well thats the only two I've heard him say in about a year! ;-)) Pad Posted by Glenelg
nice to hear thee wee man is doing well.
ty 4 my mention.
hope things on the poker front improve 4u m8.
best wishes
Good luck with everything
"Come on you Town...ooooh arrrr."
"....The speech therapy has transformed him even with him being sick.He's up to 9 words from zero 2 months ago....."
He is my hero - that's just wonderful!
Litttle steps soon lead to big steps.
That's a grand start, & Mum & you must both be thrilled to bits.
great news 4 the wee man,
best wishes,
(* *)
Glad the weeman is doing so well