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craigcu12 diary.



  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 BR management time:
    wp tonight.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    the expirence i had tonight having the aggression putback at me, i think now i might know what is an agressive player and what is a calling station
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2014

    Session one was a bit of a roller coaster, i decided to do 4 sky tables and 2 tables on 888 poker but the 888 poker was having problems getting fully set up as i couldn’t seem to get my HUD to work.

    After about 15 minutes i was finally able to start playing what seemed looked to be a quiet session and i was picking up lots of small pots. 1.5 hour into the session the tables saw a change in dynamic, starting with KKvs44.

    When he does a 3bet on the flop, i can only see myself with two choices i either go all in, knowing he’s behind with hands like nut and straight flush draws or fold to the set. When i see 44 which gets a runner runner flush in a way it was an easy to accept loss because the truth is i’m putting him on nut flush draws that are behind and they hit so i’ve lost to what i’m expecting him to hold.  The loss i got from that hand was not a disaster for too long as 20 minute after that one i got a win AQsvs JJ when the flop give me the nut flush and the hero cbet then reraised my 3bet, i made the decision to just call and we got the rest in on the turn. Moments later it was another loss this time but it was just a standard cool down QQ vs KK.  After 40 minutes of action things went back to what they were like to start with and slowly i got my losses shorter and shorter.

    The overall loss in that session was -£15.23

    When the show started i went for a master cash session and also bought into a few sats for the main event. The sats didn’t go my way with a total cost of £20.30. i did ok in the master cash session and saw lots of good wins with premium pairs, overall my profit in that cash session was £8.07.


    To end the day i played on 5 standard nl20 cash tables and they finished my day very good and just accepted them callers rather than hope for them to raise draws, so that session finished with a profit of £66.60.

    My overall profit was £39.14

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    when poker is going well the last thing i would want to do is go stop playing to watch what was going to be a totally boring 0-0 world cup match between argentina and switerland. that unformutately was what i got so after the match finished i've went onto some master cash tables thinking i'll still get some winning but because i think i should have just kept off the table altogether as the problem with me now was time was getting on and i was going out wednesday to volenteer (although that task was a boring one where we pull up a plant that we will always get masses of) so i've made a few bad mistakes and lost about £40.

    it wasn't a fully bad day mind as i did go to watch the film mrs browns boys da movie and for those who are thinking i seeing it i can guarentee that you will like it, i myself rate it 10/10
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    just because we start off poor, it doesn't mean we will remain poor as my poker this evening started off dreadfully, after taking a break for an hour i made a return hoping for things to change but instead things looked even worst as i lost a £40 stack as i held QQ the flops comes AA4 2 clubs so i cbet and see the opponent jam, i decide to sign call thinking surely he would be more tempted to bluff that get value when doing this. so at that moent in time i was about £90 down on my original BR and was thinking of giving up for the day. the only thing that stopped me from quitting was i had one table in that second session that i was doing very good with and already my chipstack was doubled up.

    the one thing i did notice from that table was there was now a lot more players calling loose and i could now get the multiway pots that i would want for suited connectors and set mining, i also seemed to be getting lots more good luck that allowed my hands to get infront on the turn or river.
    so the overall total i won in that session was £98.06 (£9.42 £87.42 £23.13 £10.36 -£32.27)
    the total i lost in the first one was -£54.55

    sometimes i'm thinking should i check more often on flops which would put me in spots where i'm forced to fold what might be the better hand?
    nickouk68 Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £45.61
    IHadTrips7 Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £40.51
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
      Raise   £0.60 £0.90 £76.36
    craigcu12 Raise   £1.80 £2.70 £36.19
    nickouk68 Fold        
    IHadTrips7 Fold        
      Call   £1.20 £3.90 £75.16
    • A
    • A
    • 7
    craigcu12 Bet   £1.60 £5.50 £34.59
      All-in   £75.16 £80.66 £0.00
    craigcu12 All-in   £34.59 £115.25 £0.00
      Unmatched bet   £38.97 £76.28 £38.97
    • A
    • K
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • 9
    • 5
      Win Three Aces £74.48   £113.45
    TMT_TBE Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £42.24
    UP Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £39.80
    nerVzzz Sit out        
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
      Raise   £0.40 £0.70 £40.89
    craigcu12 Raise   £1.40 £2.10 £57.73
    cyberdog Fold        
    TMT_TBE Fold        
    UP Fold        
      Call   £1.00 £3.10 £39.89
    • Q
    • 9
    • 2
    craigcu12 Bet   £1.20 £4.30 £56.53
      Raise   £5.33 £9.63 £34.56
    craigcu12 Call   £4.13 £13.76 £52.40
    • 2
      Bet   £6.88 £20.64 £27.68
    craigcu12 Call   £6.88 £27.52 £45.52
    • 5
    craigcu12 Check        
    • 9
    • Q
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • K
    craigcu12 Win Two Pairs, Kings and 2s £26.14   £71.66
    with that KK i should of folded the flop but what i'm thinking now is had i just checked the flop if he bet on the turn my decision to call would not have been ahalf as difficult i was in on this occasion.

    after what had happened when i cbet the KK i decided to just Ch/C on the turn with my set and got just what i wanted, a person who tried to bluff the turn rather than face what might have been a reraise.
    craigcu12 Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £89.67
    x Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £23.90
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    1267 Fold        
    TMT_TBE Fold        
    BrunoDante Fold        
    matthew259 Call   £0.20 £0.50 £8.39
    craigcu12 Raise   £0.70 £1.20 £88.97
    x Call   £0.60 £1.80 £23.30
    matthew259 Call   £0.60 £2.40 £7.79
    • 6
    • Q
    • 10
    craigcu12 Bet   £1.20 £3.60 £87.77
    x Call   £1.20 £4.80 £22.10
    matthew259 Call   £1.20 £6.00 £6.59
    • 4
    craigcu12 Check        
    x Bet   £3.00 £9.00 £19.10
    matthew259 Call   £3.00 £12.00 £3.59
    craigcu12 Call   £3.00 £15.00 £84.77
    • 7
    craigcu12 Check        
    x Check        
    matthew259 All-in   £3.59 £18.59 £0.00
    craigcu12 Call   £3.59 £22.18 £81.18
    x Fold        
    craigcu12 Show
    • 10
    • 10
    matthew259 Show
    • 9
    • J
    craigcu12 Win Three 10s £21.07   £102.25
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014
    Sounds like your bankroll is growing nicely at the moment Craig, good stuff.

    That QQ v AK hand feels nuts to me, given how huge his shove is in that spot.  Perhaps I'm at too basic a level but I can't see the benefit in his play (and would probably call here as well, thinking there is no way he'd overshove such a strong hand).

    Personally, I think you have to bet the QQ and KK hands here as you are otherwise letting people draw for free.  Ie with the KK someone could easily want to see another card with a hand like JT or a decent spade that might be good - we don't want them to hit that for free.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    when i look at what the size of my cash tables profits were today, it gets me thinking that if monday tuesday and wednesday are all good days on the cash tables then maybe i could aloow myself entry into thursdays bounty hunter, as monday has got the DTDs i won't be so fussed if my attempt in mondays semi fails to get me into that BH, tuesday and wednesday are days i'll only be playing cash as i don't want to be up too late plus they aren't BH mains, friday has the orford MTT so like monday i will just enter 1 semi and if i fail then i just play in the £6:45 £750BH the mini and that orford league.

    the evening started off with a nice winning of about £38 which i decided to use as the buy in for the main i did do two semis but failed in them both and it was the poker channel that has made me think of maybe using the cash tables as my sattellite because i'm thinking myself that now as long as i do 1 main event BH via direct buy in it shouldn't have that big a problem when i've managed to get an average profit of £28.36 with a toal table winnings of £340.35 and the loss was a total of -£189.97.

    the oveally total today was a profit of £78.62

    i might have lost myself value in these hands
    i'm thinking here maybe i did too small a bet on the turn and lost out on the chance of getting the rast of his stack
    TMT_TBE Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £30.33
    IHadTrips7 Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £32.63
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • K
    myhoneyz09 Fold        
    Janphen1 Call   £0.20 £0.50 £21.48
    craigcu12 Raise   £0.80 £1.30 £38.10
    Donttelmum Fold        
    TMT_TBE Call   £0.70 £2.00 £29.63
    IHadTrips7 Call   £0.60 £2.60 £32.03
    Janphen1 Call   £0.60 £3.20 £20.88
    • Q
    • 7
    • 9
    TMT_TBE Check        
    IHadTrips7 Check        
    Janphen1 Check        
    craigcu12 Bet   £2.00 £5.20 £36.10
    TMT_TBE Fold        
    IHadTrips7 Raise   £6.00 £11.20 £26.03
    Janphen1 Call   £6.00 £17.20 £14.88
    craigcu12 Call   £4.00 £21.20 £32.10
    • 8
    IHadTrips7 Check        
    Janphen1 Check        
    craigcu12 Bet   £9.00 £30.20 £23.10
    IHadTrips7 Call   £9.00 £39.20 £17.03
    Janphen1 Call   £9.00 £48.20 £5.88
    • 6
    IHadTrips7 Check        
    Janphen1 Check        
    craigcu12 All-in   £23.10 £71.30 £0.00
    IHadTrips7 Fold        
    Janphen1 All-in   £5.88 £77.18 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet   £17.22 £59.96 £17.22
    Janphen1 Show
    • 4
    • 6
    craigcu12 Show
    • J
    • K
    craigcu12 Win Flush to the King £58.16   £75.38
    i don't know weather or not it's the fact i'm holding one K there are 2 kings on the board so the chance of him having K would be low leaving nothing but AA with potential of calling a shove
    craigcu12 Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £46.10
    Donttelmum Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £46.29
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • 9
    BarMan53 Fold        
    IHadTrips7 Fold        
    citylawyer Raise   £0.60 £0.90 £35.58
    bigboabgee Call   £0.60 £1.50 £7.46
    craigcu12 Call   £0.50 £2.00 £45.60
    Donttelmum Call   £0.40 £2.40 £45.89
    • 6
    • K
    • 9
    craigcu12 Check        
    Donttelmum Check        
    citylawyer Bet   £1.20 £3.60 £34.38
    bigboabgee Fold        
    craigcu12 Raise   £3.00 £6.60 £42.60
    Donttelmum Fold        
    citylawyer Call   £1.80 £8.40 £32.58
    • A
    craigcu12 Bet   £4.00 £12.40 £38.60
    citylawyer Call   £4.00 £16.40 £28.58
    • K
    craigcu12 Bet   £8.00 £24.40 £30.60
    citylawyer Raise   £16.00 £40.40 £12.58
    craigcu12 Call   £8.00 £48.40 £22.60
    citylawyer Show
    • J
    • K
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • 9
    craigcu12 Win Full House, Kings and 9s £46.60   £69.20
  • citylawyercitylawyer Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2014
    I really dislike your play on that last hand Craig.............................only because you won my money :-)

    I'm not good enough to add anything constructive.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    the best way i can describe my game today is an all in preflop with AK against AA which i go on to win in some way.

    the cash tables in session 1 and 2 were very bad indeed, overall i had just 1 winning out of 8 tables and that was a win of £1.54 also i didn't get anything from the 6 max i entered so that lost me £5.50, overall the total outcome from those two sessions was -£47.02m. So what starts of as a bad looking spot preflop (session 1) i then miss the flop (session 2) leaving me with just runner runner hope of getting profit.

    The turn does give me a little hope as i've now managed to get myself the chance of making a profit as that session did get a decent winnings of £46.04 (£22.23 £24.69 -£0.88), so like the K hitting the turn i myself was still behind but now had the chance of gaining profit, the river comes and it was just what i was hoping for a second cash session with a good run. This cash session like the last one had 2 good table wins of £25.71 and £21.88 i did get 2 losses of- £0.22 and -£3.11, overall the total won in that session was £44.26. So thanks to good river too i was now ahead of AA and made a profit in cash and SnG of £56.18 (between 3rd and 4th session i won £12.90[£16.20-£3.30] in a head hunter SnG).

    the MTTs didn't get off to the best of starts either, The 2.20 deep stack and early BH were unable to finish due the the problems, i didn't do too well in the first of my 2 timed MTT. I also spent £2 in the freerolls and as i did win £11.14 in the early semi i used that in 1 sat and the 6pm semi and that one got me into the main event. the main event itself was like a roller coaster, i did loose a few chips from the cbets that got called but they were recoved by me doing a few good bluffs against those who showed signs of passive play. in the second hour i did suffer a dreadful hand which got me down to just 5 chips but i made my way back to 2700 chip through some good luck. having gone out the main event, the £750BH (£5.75) the orford league and the £400Bh (£2.30), my only hope now was the mini and i could not have asked for a torney to play my hands better, the main event lost me chips early when i called a short stack and later on it had a short who insisted on even folding his 5 BB that lost me the chance of chips with AA and KK. the minin event how ever was anything but that and overall i finished that MTT in 20th winning £7.73 plus an excellent HP of £23.51.

    overall i've got a profit of £60.55
    cash £48.78
    MTT £4.37
    SnG £7.40
  • HYPETINGHYPETING Member Posts: 253
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 BR management time:
    when i look at what the size of my cash tables profits were today, it gets me thinking that if monday tuesday and wednesday are all good days on the cash tables then maybe i could aloow myself entry into thursdays bounty hunter, as monday has got the DTDs i won't be so fussed if my attempt in mondays semi fails to get me into that BH, tuesday and wednesday are days i'll only be playing cash as i don't want to be up too late plus they aren't BH mains, friday has the orford MTT so like monday i will just enter 1 semi and if i fail then i just play in the £6:45 £750BH the mini and that orford league. the evening started off with a nice winning of about £38 which i decided to use as the buy in for the main i did do two semis but failed in them both and it was the poker channel that has made me think of maybe using the cash tables as my sattellite because i'm thinking myself that now as long as i do 1 main event BH via direct buy in it shouldn't have that big a problem when i've managed to get an average profit of £28.36 with a toal table winnings of £340.35 and the loss was a total of -£189.97. the oveally total today was a profit of £78.62 i might have lost myself value in these hands i'm thinking here maybe i did too small a bet on the turn and lost out on the chance of getting the rast of his stack TMT_TBE Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £30.33 IHadTrips7 Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £32.63   Your hole cards J K       myhoneyz09 Fold         Janphen1 Call   £0.20 £0.50 £21.48 craigcu12 Raise   £0.80 £1.30 £38.10 Donttelmum Fold         TMT_TBE Call   £0.70 £2.00 £29.63 IHadTrips7 Call   £0.60 £2.60 £32.03 Janphen1 Call   £0.60 £3.20 £20.88 Flop     Q 7 9       TMT_TBE Check         IHadTrips7 Check         Janphen1 Check         craigcu12 Bet   £2.00 £5.20 £36.10 TMT_TBE Fold         IHadTrips7 Raise   £6.00 £11.20 £26.03 Janphen1 Call   £6.00 £17.20 £14.88 craigcu12 Call   £4.00 £21.20 £32.10 Turn     8       IHadTrips7 Check         Janphen1 Check         craigcu12 Bet   £9.00 £30.20 £23.10 IHadTrips7 Call   £9.00 £39.20 £17.03 Janphen1 Call   £9.00 £48.20 £5.88 River     6       IHadTrips7 Check         Janphen1 Check         craigcu12 All-in   £23.10 £71.30 £0.00 IHadTrips7 Fold         Janphen1 All-in   £5.88 £77.18 £0.00 craigcu12 Unmatched bet   £17.22 £59.96 £17.22 Janphen1 Show 4 6       craigcu12 Show J K       craigcu12 Win Flush to the King £58.16   £75.38 i don't know weather or not it's the fact i'm holding one K there are 2 kings on the board so the chance of him having K would be low leaving nothing but AA with potential of calling a shove craigcu12 Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £46.10 Donttelmum Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £46.29   Your hole cards K 9       BarMan53 Fold         IHadTrips7 Fold         citylawyer Raise   £0.60 £0.90 £35.58 bigboabgee Call   £0.60 £1.50 £7.46 craigcu12 Call   £0.50 £2.00 £45.60 Donttelmum Call   £0.40 £2.40 £45.89 Flop     6 K 9       craigcu12 Check         Donttelmum Check         citylawyer Bet   £1.20 £3.60 £34.38 bigboabgee Fold         craigcu12 Raise   £3.00 £6.60 £42.60 Donttelmum Fold         citylawyer Call   £1.80 £8.40 £32.58 Turn     A       craigcu12 Bet   £4.00 £12.40 £38.60 citylawyer Call   £4.00 £16.40 £28.58 River     K       craigcu12 Bet   £8.00 £24.40 £30.60 citylawyer Raise   £16.00 £40.40 £12.58 craigcu12 Call   £8.00 £48.40 £22.60 citylawyer Show J K       craigcu12 Show K 9       craigcu12 Win Full House, Kings and 9s £46.60   £69.20
    Posted by craigcu12
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 BR management time:
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 BR management time : HOW DO YOU FLAT RIVER?????
    Posted by HYPETING
    what puzzled me was why he would have just called the turn and flop with 99 or 66 so i'm thinking he is either chasing a flush held AA or Kx. when he does min raise i'm certain it's either trips or a full house but if i made a shove i'm thinking he would see me holding a full house following all my strength on the flop and turn leaving him with AA and AK that calls.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    if only everyone understood how poker works long term rather than thinking short term, yesterday morning my carer was saying i should withdraw money out for the 3rd time running in less than a week.

    9 times out of 10 i will make a winnings total but it's day like today that i keep saying are the reason i wait until the end of the week, sadly he just comes up with the excuse "withdraw all that money before you loose it". well i decided to just put a cooldown on for 1 day knowing he is now finished until next tuesday so i can play poker without the hassle of him constantly getting worried i'll loose it.

    i might like i did today get a loss of £100 in one day, but as i didn't withdraw any money on wednesday, it allowed me to take this loss as nothing but a bad day at the office.most of that loss was from cash table, i was unfortunate not to get a profit on the main event because i already had 2 HP, a person with 66 shipped, i called QJs hit both Q and J but unfortunately for me he hit a 6 on river, the HP i did get were a case of AQ vs AJ where a flop comes AA10 their was little chance of both having an A, i should have just shipped it preflop really as his stack was 20BB after the raise OTB. the other headprize was when i raised 33 and Ch a flop that came 3 4 4, the hero jammed a pocket pair probably thinking i'll have AK.

    i did face a couple of tricky decisions too.
    this player was an unknown as i was totally new to this table. it a bad idea to bet this flop knowing that if he shoved the flop i'd need to him K or straight and on the turn i'm almost certain only a straight would do me any good?
    unknown Small blind   200.00 200.00 15510.00
    craigcu12 Big blind   400.00 600.00 6140.00
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • 7
    dibleydoo Fold        
    IHaze Fold        
    Stonecrows Fold        
    unknown Call   200.00 800.00 15310.00
    craigcu12 Check        
    • 6
    • 4
    • 5
    unknolwn Check        
    craigcu12 Bet   400.00 1200.00 5740.00
    unknown Call   400.00 1600.00 14910.00
    • 2
    unknown Check        
    craigcu12 Bet   1200.00 2800.00 4540.00
    unknown Call   1200.00 4000.00 13710.00
    • Q
    unknown Check        
    craigcu12 Check        
    unkown Show
    • A
    • A
    craigcu12 Muck
    • K
    • 7
    unknown Win Pair of Aces 4000.00   17710.00
    the villian of this had i did have notes of him being a passive player preflop himself with hands as strong as AA but what i found different was on the two occasions he had limped with AA UTG and in SB he turned into a total aggressive play postflop, so i'm thinking he will give away hands easy postflop.
    as he opted to Ch the flop and turn i was now thinking he could have a flush draw or he might have a Q or J, so do a bet to charge him. when the river gives J i'm now think his stack is small, Vh probably rules out Q. considering the difference their is between mine and his chipstack could i take the chance here and make the bluff?
      Small blind   30.00 30.00 1615.00
    bean32 Big blind   60.00 90.00 2015.00
      Your hole cards
    • 3
    • 3
    robert1958 Fold        
    craigcu12 Raise   180.00 270.00 4622.50
    BRADSHAW34 Fold        
    BarryGuns Fold        
      Call   150.00 420.00 1465.00
    bean32 Fold        
    • A
    • 2
    • K
    craigcu12 Check        
    • 10
    craigcu12 Bet   180.00 600.00 4442.50
      Call   180.00 780.00 1285.00
    • J
    craigcu12 Check        
    craigcu12 Muck
    • 3
    • 3
      Win Pair of 8s 780.00   2065.00
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    sky poker community sorry about the way i've typed this post. i just need to get it out my mind and i know he reads this diary sometimes.

    the poker i had today wasn't a good one but i'm hoping it will help me get my point across to that it will give me a valid enough reason on why i don't want to withdraw money because at the minute i'm having big issues trying to prove to that carer of mine that it's withdrawing money that cause more deposits and makes me spend more time on poker.

    i was finally managing to get a good bankroll management going, today was anything but good bankroll management. overall i spent a total of £81 playing MTTs but if i'm getting told to withdraw money everyday i might as well give the big ones a try because i'll never get myself to the stage where 'll have that BR. lucky enough i got a good position in the main and orford league so got my moneys worth back. Really but i would much rat6her be able to enter a one of these MTTs without the worry of going out.

    The worst part about this withdrawing arguement is that he also moans when i'm spending too long on the tables, well that will be what happens if i'm going to withdraw money as i'll be wanting to make sure i get a profit each day meaning days like today could be more likely to occur due to me chasing money.

    so COLIN THIS IS WHY I DON'T WITHDRAW MONEY EVERY WEEK. poker is gambling but not lottery gambing. why could people tell lies "(called bluffs)" if it was all pure luck

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    my poker tonight has been much more relaxing and not anywhere near the tilt i had yesterday.
    i decided to do the 2K BH at 9:30 the 1K BH at 10:40 and the £750BH at £6:45 and overall it was only the early BH that won me anything with 5 heads prizes totaling £10.38.and again it was a weak passive player that cost me it. rather than get myself so wound up over these limpers and weak passive players i just went into some PLO8 DYMs which is one form of passive poker that will relax me.

    after i went out of the £1K BH i opted to finish the night off with some cash play and this time i was able to keep relaxed and had a PLO8 to help keep me relaxed.

    the overall finish itself was a profit of £37.22 (cash £50.70 MTT-£12.33 and SnGo £-1.15).

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014

    over the last few days I’ve not been in the best of moods, also with it being so early in the morning I didn't have the time to do my days poker.

    My game today tells me that I’ve not had enough sleep recently because there were a lot of hand today which were just as bad a loss as those I’ve had over the last few days, the difference today was I managed to stay relaxed and just continued playing.

    The hands I had in the cash poker today contained a bit of everything, I made what looked to be a very loose call with AQo because although I did have the second nut flush draw with Qc, the fact the villain had 3bet preflop makes it not as good as I first thought i would be on the flop Kc 8c 2c. I also called a Ch/R with a straight draw but knowing he had open bet pre, when he then checks the Q 10 2 rainbow I’m thinking he's holding hands like JJ or AK which it was as he showed A8o, thankfully I hit the straight on the river so won £22.74. My hand of the day was a bluff I did with J9s, the key to helping me pull this bluff was a donk bet/call on the flop Ac 10h 8d which now could get him thinking I’ve possibly got AQ. So having got raised and failed to get rid of the small pairs i now was hoping to hit my straight knowing the AQ has failed. The turn did make thing more interesting as the K did now give AQ some obvious outs too which just happened to be the card that comes on the river, so although i knew there was risk in doing this I decided to take the risk thinking there is still a number of other hands that fold ie AJ A10 A8 A9 maybe even AK and the only raise i see having Q would be AQ.

    overall it was a day I enjoyed and the total outcome was £20.11 (68.63cash-£48.52MTT)

    Friday it's going to be just orford league 1KBH (5.75) 750BH(5.75) and a semi+freerolls.

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    i make it onto the final table in the orford league for the second week running but in the BHs i again threw my chips away and the cause was like any other BH a hand that i had out of position.
    their has got to be a serious difference between bounty hunters and any other form of MTT because of all the MTTs i play BH certainly seem to have the greatest number of calling stations weather it be trappers or fish.

    in the orford league a second 8 comes on the river i do a donk and somehow get the person to fold.
    the probability of me holding an 8 would be slim but somehow it worked
    teeeceee Small blind   100.00 100.00 3065.00
    hhyftrftdr Big blind   200.00 300.00 7230.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • J
    JAW51 Raise   400.00 700.00 27110.00
    stokefc Fold        
    craigcu12 Call   400.00 1100.00 9810.00
    Brrrrrrr Fold        
    safcftm609 Fold        
    Dudeskin8 Call   400.00 1500.00 15075.00
    bluebir708 Fold        
    bugsytwo Fold        
    teeeceee Call   300.00 1800.00 2765.00
    hhyftrftdr Fold        
    • 8
    • Q
    • 9
    teeeceee Check        
    JAW51 Check        
    craigcu12 Bet   800.00 2600.00 9010.00
    Dudeskin8 Call   800.00 3400.00 14275.00
    teeeceee Fold        
    JAW51 Call   800.00 4200.00 26310.00
    • 4
    JAW51 Check        
    craigcu12 Check        
    Dudeskin8 Bet   1800.00 6000.00 12475.00
    JAW51 Fold        
    craigcu12 Call   1800.00 7800.00 7210.00
    • 8
    craigcu12 Bet   3900.00 11700.00 3310.00
    Dudeskin8 Fold        
    craigcu12 Muck        
    craigcu12 Win   7800.00   11110.00
    craigcu12 Return   3900.00 0.00 15010.00
    in a BH my guess is it wouldn't have worked because as this hand shows, not even a 3bet preflop told this person he is likely to be up against AK AQ or premium pairs and the worst bit about it was he said to me look after my chips!
    LBoarder Small blind   30.00 30.00 1525.00
    craigcu12 Big blind   60.00 90.00 5104.00
    jawzindawz Sit out        
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    BOOBOO81 Raise   140.00 230.00 3291.00
    bh0ywndr Fold        
    BENDOG40 Fold        
    LBoarder Fold        
    craigcu12 Raise   280.00 510.00 4824.00
    BOOBOO81 Call   200.00 710.00 3091.00
    • 6
    • 6
    • 7
    craigcu12 Bet   300.00 1010.00 4524.00
    BOOBOO81 Call   300.00 1310.00 2791.00
    • Q
    craigcu12 Bet   900.00 2210.00 3624.00
    BOOBOO81 Call   900.00 3110.00 1891.00
    • Q
    craigcu12 Bet   2280.00 5390.00 1344.00
    BOOBOO81 All-in   1891.00 7281.00 0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet   389.00 6892.00 1733.00
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • A
    BOOBOO81 Show
    • K
    • Q
    BOOBOO81 Win Full House, Queens and 6s 6892.00   6892.00
    it's time now to stop getting so obsessed with knowing there is a head prize and start going for the bubble prize because that looks to be the thing that is loosing me these MTTs.

    i didn't have a good day on cash today, overall i lost £79. tomorrow i should hopefully get that cash loss recovered as i'll be unlikely to enter any MTT unless  get through via the freeroll.
  • BOOBOO81BOOBOO81 Member Posts: 47
    edited July 2014
    I didn't say  "look after my chips"  I said "he will" as I thought you were playing well, 
     it was the player you just knocked out and I did say I made a mistake by calling the flop, I played the hand badly but got lucky! I don't think you should belittle anybody on your thread as your not exactly phil ivey! Do you remember calling off 2k chips in the 2nd level with 66 pre flop to a 5 bet? Leaving yourself with 500chips?
    I thoughtyou werequite aggressive and played well, I  can't fold to your 4bet everytime, especially when in position, if I 3 bet and folded to every 4bet don't you think that i would be exploited? 
    You had 4 bet me several times, so I thought I would jusst peel in position, then got a little stubborn.
    What did you actually put me on? 
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 BR management time:
    I didn't say  "look after my chips"  I said "he will" as I thought you were playing well,   it was the player you just knocked out and I did say I made a mistake by calling the flop, I played the hand badly but got lucky! I don't think you should belittle anybody on your thread as your not exactly phil ivey! Do you remember calling off 2k chips in the 2nd level with 66 pre flop to a 5 bet? Leaving yourself with 500chips? I thoughtyou werequite aggressive and played well, I  can't fold to your 4bet everytime, especially when in position, if I 3 bet and folded to every 4bet don't you think that i would be exploited?  You had 4 bet me several times, so I thought I would jusst peel in position, then got a little stubborn. What did you actually put me on? 
    Posted by BOOBOO81
    sorry about that post.

    the part about the chips i must have got you both mixed up.

    it's not that i'm saying i am a great player, what i'm meaning here is that it's not that easy to convince people to fold and when you say i called the 5 bet with 66 that is what i mean when saying i should stop being so interested in head prizes because their was a short stack at the time and so i thought too much about the head prize then on the turn just went for it.

    although you were in position post flop, the original raise had you UTG so it's highly likely you had a pair AK AQ KQ or QJs. so if i was raising it would be mostly likely premium pairs or AK/AQ. so what i thought was on the flop you would still call pairs but KQ and AQ i'm thinking would fold now as they stand a big chance of loosing to AK QQ KK or AA, so i tried to bluff knowing AQ KQ are highly unlikely. it was a middle pair ie JJ.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    This week will be a week to forget. The week begun with me getting so wound up over the amount of cash that i had and debating that it should be withdrawn. Thursday i seemed to finally get over the issue with how much i had in my account but the chaos now moved towards bad bankroll management and so the next two days i was taking my MTT games too far and that was probably why i was so results orientating.

    When i've acted in the manner i did from monday through to friday it's quite obvious i spoilt what could have been a great saturday evening because instead of just accepting the MTT knockouts i which i got and the losses i suffered that evening, i instead remain up the whole night chasing all the losses through the whole week, even when i was actually feeling fully relaxed and not moaning about my MTT knockouts!

    They might not be exactly the same but they all have one thing in common, this weeks problems showed that i need to be a more disaplined person when i'm playing poker and that is just how i was today.

    I lost lots of cash on the table this week but what do i expect to happen when i'm going extra high with monsters and extra weak with the rest. It's time for me to stop that and start doing the value betting because others will be just as aware with hands like top pairs draws and calls when out of position. So time to do value betting rather than getting greedy because they look small but over the whole day it adds up to large sums of cash.

    the truth is non of this would have happened if i stopped entering as many MTTs and most importly had fewer poker tables up. if it's cash alone then yes i can play as many as 6 tables at once but if i'm in 2 or more non freeroll MTTs then i should be playing a maximum of 2 cash tables.

    So today i just played the £750 BH and the 799 freeroll to begin with and they were great in the end i finished 7th in the freeroll winning £57, the BH was great to start with but the fish soon changed themselves and became nits, sadly i was never getting them shorties shipping when i wanted so it was left with me having to call with things like 85s and hope they have AK, so i finished 19th in that and won £19.20. i then decided to enter some all in sats and i had got myself into the main event itself and suvived until about 11pm them was out the mini i bought myself into that but was not in for too long.

    the overall total today was £169.51 cash and £35.30 MTT.

    the greatest thing about sunday is it shows me that i can't allow myself too much distraction when in MTTs and in cash i need to be more respectful with bets.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014

    today was a day dominated by MTTs alone, that might sound like a bad bankroll management but the MTTs i was in were of course the great DTDs and the mini, i had an attempt in 3 all ins but they were no good.
    DTD 2 and 3 were not going my way at all and soon i was kicked out of them, i did have a very good looking mini but then disaster struck when i had 6c5c saw a flop 842 (2clubs) so with the double gutshot, the gutshot straight flush and the flush draw i saw this as the perfect chance of jamming but what do i see call, no other than KJs and sadly i failed to hit my 5 6 or non club straight so i was out.

    still i won a total profit today of £39.49 thanks to the 2nd place finish in DTD 1 (51.67

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    as the afternoon was about the commonwealth games my poker didn't really kick off until a full buy in into the main event having failed the semi. you could say the big talking points in the main event were mostly about premium pairs, at the start things were looking bad and i lost 420 chips with JJ i could have maybe folding a bet of 200 on the turn, he checked K high flop and an 8 came which he then does a a bet which would show the signs of QQ (he 3bet pre).

    Half an hour into the MTT things changes and premium pairs were now in favour of me, My stack was doubled 1440-3140 KKv1010, the player open raised then shoved, my only guess was he just want a head prize and i might have AK. just two hands later i got AA and when the SB is a shorty i saw a great chance of getting another full stack. i started off calling an UTG raise then when SB shipped UTG called, i now raised and he choose to still call then when the flop came 8 high(2diamonds) he immidiately shipped 63 BBs with top pair 7 kicker and remained behind me. later i had hit a set on a flop which like the AA had a shorty involved this time i didn't quite get what i was hoping for as when i checked the flop the playing IP opted to not jam hist A2 which my guess is because he saw what the other player got and knew he was ahead of the weaker hands anyway.

    things did quieten down for a small period as the blinds were not yet in the 50/100 and callers were still likely to be loose but it wasn't long before i made a bad call myself, a person with 20BB had just came onto my table and took the decision to ship them with his very first hand, i opted to call my QJs which i'm now thinking was a step too far nothing to do with his hand being QQ but just thinking 20 BB had destroyed my chipstack big time.

    when the blinds were 400 i had 6300 and it wasn't long before it was double up when i open raised got jammed and a shorty also put his chips in both hand AJ and they failed to hit. now that it was a massive stack i choose to be extra tight as now the bubble was getting so close and i was certain i would get past it if i stayed tight enough. i was so tight that i even foolded AK
    craigcu12 Small blind   300.00 300.00 13086.25
    biggirl Big blind   600.00 900.00 21920.00
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    Uzi_lover Fold        
    baldysteve Fold        
    CharlieF29 Fold        
    SplitSpade Fold        
    craigcu12 Raise   900.00 1800.00 12186.25
    biggirl All-in   21920.00 23720.00 0.00
    craigcu12 Fold        
    biggirl Muck        
    biggirl Win   2400.00   2400.00
    biggirl Return   21320.00 0.00 23720.00
    now that i past the bubble things were looser again so i jammed with K9 hoping to double my stack, the hands they stood a chance of being ahead of instead saw them make a fold instead it was a min raise with AA (had 12BB) the button calls flop came J98 and he called had K9 and hit the K on the river so i was now out.

    overall a night and i enjoyed the MTT also i had an hour or two of master cash to finish the night off but them totalled a loss of -4.12. still it could have been worse if had my table not had mr orford.
    to finish the day off i won entry into the main event tomorrow.
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