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craigcu12 diary.



  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    the orford league didn't seem to like me this week, i was constantly waiting for a hand worthy of play, i did miss one QQ but overally my stack rarely got above the starting stack, having gained free entry into the main event i was thinking myself that i would be unlikely to even win 1 HP as the start of it saw me loose nearly half my chip stack to a fish that was extremely loose. after half an hour my stack was down to 1000 chips but it was that point which things changed and now hands were coming my way starting with a double up and head prize against another player with 940 chips, overall i didn't get a bubble prize but won £64 from 5 heads alone.

    i also got into a 3K deep stack BH via a sat the total cost for that MTT was £9 so the 18.75 i won was a winnings total. the 1K BH 2K BH and the mini were not so good but overall my MTTs totals a win of £52.15

    when i was down to my final MTT i went on some cash too and they finish with a total win of £16.77

    overall i won £68.92 and saturday i can enter a £55 MTT of my own choice due to the issue in todays UKPC freeroll not getting myself registered
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    saturday i choose to have a break and my return didn't go as planned. i myself lost loads when 3 people took huge gambles and were more aggro that i expected each had unual hands and won them by the river AK vs A10s all in pre hits 10 meaning i lost £32, BB 3bet J4o i call with A8s Ch/R on flop 356 (2clubs then cbet called his jam when 7 came on turn sadly i lost £40, thirdly AA on k 10 2 (2spades) see a jam done by 5s3s and he hit 5 on turn and 3 on river so i lost £21.

    thankfully i did see one player with 76s Ch/R on flop Q 3 2 (2 hearts) and shipped the turn there was also an Aq which called and then i made him ship the rest in and good news was i stayed ahead.

    but in other cases i was left frustrated at myself because for some reason there are people holding top two pair but checking the river so i thought i'd ask.
    whilst i'm sitting out of position in the blinds, what would be the best point to take action with sets to obtain myself the best of value
    craigcu12 Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £43.53
    STR1BS Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £48.11
      Your hole cards
    • 3
    • 3
    Donttelmum Fold        
    DN34689 Fold        
    qq Raise   £0.60 £0.90 £34.68
    nitty Call   £0.60 £1.50 £37.97
    craigcu12 Call   £0.50 £2.00 £43.03
    STR1BS Fold        
    • 3
    • 6
    • J
    craigcu12 Check        
    qq Bet   £1.50 £3.50 £33.18
    nitty Call   £1.50 £5.00 £36.47
    craigcu12 Call   £1.50 £6.50 £41.53
    • 7
    craigcu12 Check        
    qq Bet   £3.25 £9.75 £29.93
    nitty Raise   £6.50 £16.25 £29.97
    craigcu12 Call   £6.50 £22.75 £35.03
    qq Call   £3.25 £26.00 £26.68
    • 2
    craigcu12 Check        
    qq Check        
    nitty Check        
    craigcu12 Show
    • 3
    • 3
    qq Muck
    • Q
    • Q
    nitty Muck
    • 7
    • J
    craigcu12 Win Three 3s £24.70   £59.73
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    overall it has ended tonight as a loss of £92.71
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited July 2014
    Hi Craig. I am a carer myself for young people and also one of your poker peers as we started playing about the same time I think. You need to resolve your BRM/Deposit issues as soon as possible so that you will be free to enjoy the game.

    If possible,  you should write down your brm strategy and sign it alongside your carer. I can't help but think you might be better agreeing a poker budget with your carer and then there will be no pressure to deposit or withdraw from your balance. See if you can agree say £40 a month/£10 a week deposited in your account and that will help your carer's to understand the limits of your financial exposure. Then the rest of the responsibility for managing your bankroll is up to you. Good luck!
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    All i can say about today is i was set up for a top finish in DTD 1, it all started with a very early double up when i took the chance with KdJd on a 3rd diamond river i bet 240 and he raised to 1500, as i had semi bluffed prior to the river i was more confidient of remaining ahead and thankfully i was and he showed Qd5d. Now i was miles ahead with 10K and as the blinds were still 30/60 i started to slow down and be more careful although i did still play hands like 86s in decent position.

    The next big risk came when i had a stack of 21K and the blinds were 150/300, UTG+1 raised to 600 i 3bet to make 1500 the SB shipped his 5K and UTG+1 called. So i had the choice do i see if there is an A on the flop or do i risk all of my stack with KK knowing that he's almost certain to now fold AK leaving me either way ahead of QQ or way behind to AA, my final decision was to choose to ship my own, when he did call, it was the nasty one i got as he showed AA leaving me now hoping for the K to get set and that is just what i got as there on the river came my lovely king,
    having got so lucky with KK i was now it for some big suprises as every single time a set was to happen i was the one expecting to hit it starting with my very next two hands which wer 1010 with a flop 10 6 3 and then 55 with a flop Q 5 3
    The truth is from the moment i got doubled up with KKK sets were coming non stop, overall i had managed to hit a set  on 8 of the 14 occasions i went fortward onto the flop since that KKK, i did on two occasions fold hands preflop that would have seen a set post flop and of course i did see 2 other pairs won before the flop.

    my finish today was 2nd and i won £52.74 (54.94-2.20)

    overall i got a profit total of £30.95 as i did have a few all in sats +the other DTDs and 2 BH.

    thanks to everyone for the support in DTD1
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014

    Nl30 don’t forget B.R.M bad boy.


    No this was a cash table not an MTT, i like to multi table and at 15:31 there are not as many people online so i decided to have a try at 1 nl30 and 3 nl20, being a nl30 table I choose to be more careful with my play to begin with as the table did have only 1 player known from nl20 but it wasn’t long before i got more and that enabled me to play like i would on a nl20.

    My cash wasn’t off to the best of starts; i had to do a few full rebuys on nl20 and a few small refills on the others. About half an hour, 3 of the 4 tables  my wins started coming, as for the 4th well that one never got going and the fact it was very early was the only reason I didn’t leave earlier.


    My next session was an MTT session, overall I spent £25.25 (£11+£5.50+£5.75+£3) I did win 7.63 and 6.10 in mini but overall I lost £11.52 in MTTs and also £5.50 lost in 1 STT.


    10pm I had an hour of master cash, I had 5 tables up all l20 and the outcome was a profit of £54.06 (£44.39+£16.10+£5-£1.07-£10.38). I’ve been getting disappointed about losing value with hands out of position but now it’s time to put this to bed because in the long run I know that value I missed with those monsters played out of position is certainly going to be made up with my monsters in position.

    it's when i see a hand such as this one that it's so clear to see how much of a benifit it is to be in position and how much harder it will bed for him to guess.
    i decide to lead out on the river he 3bets me then when i go all in, he pridicted quads in the chat box before making the final call and TBH i think he only calls knowing a fold would make bluffs just too easy.
    craigcu12 Small blind   £0.15 £0.15 £38.86
    AVITTT Big blind   £0.30 £0.45 £17.53
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    Mizroe Fold        
    loololollo Fold        
    weedgi Raise   £0.90 £1.35 £31.99
    RitchieAS Fold        
    craigcu12 Call   £0.75 £2.10 £38.11
    AVITTT Call   £0.60 £2.70 £16.93
    • 2
    • 9
    • 9
    craigcu12 Check        
    AVITTT Check        
    weedgi Bet   £1.35 £4.05 £30.64
    craigcu12 Call   £1.35 £5.40 £36.76
    AVITTT Call   £1.35 £6.75 £15.58
    • K
    craigcu12 Check        
    AVITTT Check        
    weedgi Bet   £3.38 £10.13 £27.26
    craigcu12 Call   £3.38 £13.51 £33.38
    AVITTT Call   £3.38 £16.89 £12.20
    • 3
    craigcu12 Bet   £5.40 £22.29 £27.98
    AVITTT Fold        
    weedgi Raise   £19.25 £41.54 £8.01
    craigcu12 All-in   £27.98 £69.52 £0.00
    weedgi All-in   £8.01 £77.53 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet   £6.12 £71.41 £6.12
    craigcu12 Show
    • 9
    • 9
    weedgi Show
    • K
    • K
    craigcu12 Win Four 9s £69.61   £75.73
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    overall £52.71 profit+ an entry into next tuesdays turbo for free.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    playing lots of MTTs, getting furious when my monsters were not getting the value i wanted and hoped for, playing for 6 hours+ without having a break and chasing all my losses. That tells me the biggest change needed now is to be more patient and start respecting others better.

    i played on a nl30 yesterday afternoon but that had a valid reason, today i should have remained away and just waited for the other nl20 to spare a chair or load up some 888 poker, you've guessed it i was on a nl30 table at a time i shouldn't have been on, it's true because i was watching athletics and had 3 nl20 table then when the athletics finished i had a total of 5 nl20 and 1 nl30.
    If i'm ever going to be on a nl30 it should be only when i'm playing my A game and have absolutely no things to distract me.

    wanting big pots is greed, i don't want to look greedy so it's time to accept the small pots and the folds made on flop or on turn.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2014
    today i got a loss of -£60.66
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited July 2014
    Hey Craig

    What do you prefer cash or tournies?
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited July 2014
    I bet you were pleased to see my quad 7's on tv.  Must have been bugging you :)
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary slow and steady:
    Hey Craig What do you prefer cash or tournies?
    Posted by LARSON7
    larson mate these days it's cash tables that i like best, my favourite thing of all mind is the DTD and orford league because them MTTs have got so much greatness about them from great chat to a huge mixture of players. as for other MTTs well the ones i enjoy are the main events but they are expensive so i'm left with the mini.
     i don't mind the 2K BH (9:30), if i can have a late night i may play the £1k Bh (10:40) and providing there is good overlay or if won't have time for minis then i'll play the £750 BH (6:45).
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2014
    tonight was a very good night for cash, the first master cash session was a one with 4 decent wins and just 1 tiny loss. the second cash session is where i had the two biggest cash wins but it did get 2 heavy losses too. i did play one hand very loose in the second session as well, i called a 97o preflop and then i see a flop J8x i'm in the SB and call a cbet of 78p when i would have nothing but a gutshot to help me really, but the gutshot was a hand i got and so i won a very good prize, the story doesn't end there because this person who lost out was a certain anna fowler who upset borin loner badly last week.
    overall my total prize today was £48.67 (58.07 MS 1+17 MTT -26.40MS 2)

    the hand i would like to question is this,
    Q does the call preflop and then a raise followed by a cbet on turn still get overpairs callling enough of the time to allow me another attempt to bluff or should i have now stopped altogether?
    GELDY Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £37.80
    Donttelmum Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £43.54
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • J
    Slipwater Raise   £0.60 £0.90 £58.88
    Mizroe Fold        
    wudibluff Fold        
    craigcu12 Call   £0.60 £1.50 £40.78
    GELDY Fold        
    Donttelmum Call   £0.40 £1.90 £43.14
    • 3
    • 9
    • 5
    Donttelmum Check        
    Slipwater Bet   £1.43 £3.33 £57.45
    craigcu12 Raise   £3.86 £7.19 £36.92
    Donttelmum Fold        
    Slipwater Call   £2.43 £9.62 £55.02
    • 7
    Slipwater Check        
    craigcu12 Bet   £9.62 £19.24 £27.30
    Slipwater Call   £9.62 £28.86 £45.40
    • 6
    Slipwater Check        
    craigcu12 All-in   £27.30 £56.16 £0.00
    Slipwater Call   £27.30 £83.46 £18.10
    Slipwater Show
    • 3
    • 3
    craigcu12 Show
    • 9
    • J
    Slipwater Win Three 3s £81.66   £99.76
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2014
    the majority of hands that your river bet is likely to drive away are other missed flushes, where your tp is prob good anyway
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited August 2014
    why are you raising the flop
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary slow and steady:
    why are you raising the flop
    Posted by grantorino
    my aim was to get rid of overpairs as raise on this flop would easily leave him in a spot where he will be either way ahead or way behind as my raise would sualy have sets or suited connectors draws written all over it.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited August 2014
    Don't know how much you want to get ino it in a diary thread but:

    How much of his range is overpairs?
    How often will he fold an overpair to a flop raise? And if he doesn't fold flop I'm not so sure they are great barrel cards
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,587
    edited August 2014
    It's doubtful whether or not I would have been confident with an overpair once you have raised the flop, but I was confident I had the best hand all the way down the line. It never even crossed my mind that you had an 8 in your hand (for the straight), hence my quick call on the river. I thought there was a chance you had 10s as well, but ultimately it did smell like a flush draw that missed... something exactly along the lines of what you had.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2014
    i don't have much time so i'll just be brief tonight. Basically the only good bit tonight was the £750 BH which i  made it past the bubble. the real trouble i think started the minute i lost dear to a calling station in the main.

    was my flop bet too weak, did i play the turn correct or was he just a extremely loose fish that i can charge heavy.
    craigcu12 Small blind   50.00 50.00 4260.00
    FPrinzJR Big blind   100.00 150.00 1535.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • A
    tilt Call   100.00 250.00 3715.00
    lyonsbob06 Fold        
    PokerLemon Fold        
    SAZZ83 Fold        
    craigcu12 Raise   350.00 600.00 3910.00
    FPrinzJR Fold        
    tilt Call   300.00 900.00 3415.00
    • 5
    • J
    • 3
    craigcu12 Bet   450.00 1350.00 3460.00
    tilt Call   450.00 1800.00 2965.00
    • 10
    craigcu12 Check        
    tilt Bet   900.00 2700.00 2065.00
    craigcu12 Call   900.00 3600.00 2560.00
    • 7
    craigcu12 Check        
    tilt Check        
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • A
    tilt Show
    • 8
    • 7
    tilt Win Pair of 7s 3600.00   5665.00
    from then on it's a question of weather or not i needed a break as i had this issue in the mini
    when it's Ax i can easily to do the call and see the flop and fold if i miss, the nightmare comes from hands like KQ KJ K10s Q10s.
    Q. does my position make it too big a risk calling these or should i take the risk myself and jam it preflop knowing there are lots of raggy suited hand in this players range?
    craigcu12 Small blind   75.00 75.00 9600.00
    RossMc Big blind   150.00 225.00 5445.00
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • K
    poker69 Fold        
    talisker Fold        
    fish Call   150.00 375.00 24368.75
    mackarel21 All-in   1345.00 1720.00 0.00
    craigcu12 Call   1270.00 2990.00 8330.00
    RossMc Fold        
    fish Call   1195.00 4185.00 23173.75
    • 3
    • J
    • A
    craigcu12 Bet   1950.00 6135.00 6380.00
    fish All-in   23173.75 29308.75 0.00
    craigcu12 Fold        
    fish Unmatched bet   21223.75 8085.00 21223.75
    fish Show
    • 6
    • A
    mackarel21 Show
    • 5
    • 5
    • Q
    • 4
    fish Win Pair of Aces 8085.00   29308.75
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2014
    having qualified for the main i didn't get far in that before going out, the mini didn't go well either and i soon went out of that but then thing took a swing, first came TOTP and that was an enjoyable one not for the fact i finished 1 but the fact the chat was great. i made a direct into the 2K (9::30) BH and start off with a very lucky hand, i 3bet A10o preflop to isolate the min raise and the on the flop came an A, when i cbet my hand 98o calls and hits a 8 on the turn so now had two pair, i double barrelled and he shipped, when i called i was now behind but got very lucky and hit my river A.  i did put a few words of relief into the chat but soon calmed down and remained calm for the rest of the night. I finished the MTT past the bubble, won £33.14, i just want to say a thank you to larson07 for the rail he give. it goes to show why i like the orford and DTD so much although i'll have to miss this monday DTD.

    as for the cash, like most days really another day with small wins that toalled an overall win of £24.08.

    so my total for saturday was
    cash £24.08
    MTT £42.73
    SnG -2.80
    total £64.01
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