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craigcu12 diary.



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,066
    edited November 2014
    Fantastic result Craig vvwp m8! Enjoy your winnings!
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary time to think:
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary time to think : Pull a few strings Mr TK and get Craig interviewed via phone or skype on one of the shows this week (only if you want to obviously Craig lol), great story. Neil
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    Defo +1 for this
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,059
    edited November 2014
    Great Result Craig!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary time to think:
    Good luck tonight in the MTT's craig, hope you bink mate.
    Posted by LARSON7

    Very well done Craig, delighted for you.

    And to play Chris Head's up Phenomenal stuff.

    Outstanding result.

    Is it going to be the barrier reef or safari?:)

    You can say to your Aunt you won £40 in the "luck" game and take her out for lunch.

  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited November 2014
    Very well played. 
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,598
    edited November 2014
    VWP - you must be buzzing today?
  • dumb_blonddumb_blond Member Posts: 308
    edited November 2014
    as a fellow resident of the  land of the prince bishops and  toon army supporter i'm delighted to add my congratulations

    on your fantastic performance last  night.

    just a suggestion but why not get our local paper the northern echo to run a feature on your epic achievement  who knows  

    it might result in getting some sponsorship in the future or at the worst would make great reading in pride of place in

    your scrap book. 
  • dumb_blonddumb_blond Member Posts: 308
    edited November 2014
    I somehow don't think  I would get the job as the type setter at the echo mind.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited November 2014
    When the HR first came up it came as a surprise really because the minute i saw the all i sat i choose to just minimise the thing keeping myself focused on the main and micro. So not only do i have the main event to contend with but i now also have the HR

    The HR, although it had over a grand for everyone who gets passed the bubble, My main focus was the UKOPS main event because I had directly bought my entry, I could get money for the head prizes and although unlikely i could have got myself the jackpot, all i was doing in the HR is playing a nice and simple game of ABC poker really.

    The turnaround came following the post nutter5932 made having folded his hand on the turn, if they have put me on a range as short as set, they must still see me as the player i am when playing the micro MTTs and considering this is such a high priced MTT it give me much greater confidence going into action post postflop knowing these players will show respect for my cbets and don't play a range including hands like K5o 92s.

    people say it must have been hard to have chris sitting to my left but if i was quite honest i think i would have more concern when he is sitting to the right because although i would have position over him most rounds, by having him to my left it enabled me to easily steal when on the button and power of his aggression plus my everyday style of play allowed Ch/R to be used well.

    overall it was great and my favourite thing about it were getting the chance of playing an MTT like it should be played rather than a one about getting to see cheap flops.

    what has it meant to me well it's given me the belief that with patiences and good planning i could see myself do it poker what has already been achieved in chess and maths.

    for now i'll consider this MTT a one for the hall of fame.

    I've already got belief that in cash games i'm slowly making my way up further and further. Now it's just a question of weather or not the same can be done in MTTs.

    What i might do one day is see if their are many pros which have got aspergers sydrome because that condition is a one which seems to cause most things in life either much easier or much harder to understand than the average person in life and it was in december 2012 that i finally started taking poker serious myself.

    so far i have 3 great skills
    1. maths
    2 chess
    3.planning and thinking ahead (not always useful mind as it also gets me to worried about the negative side of life)
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited November 2014
    also want to say thank you to all for the credit you giving me.
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited November 2014
    Wow. Whats best? Shed loads of money? Or playing THE best online MTT player HU? One of the reasons I love poker is the dream situation where an ordinary guy gets to play a superstar. Its a bit like pulling your boots on for your sunday league team and Ronaldo or Messi showing up for the other side.

    VWP mate. Congrats.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited November 2014
    just so i remember it here are two hands i'll post
    craigcu12 Small blind   3000.00 3000.00 141265.00
    best of onliners Big blind   6000.00 9000.00 569735.00
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 6
    craigcu12 Raise   9000.00 18000.00 132265.00
    CMoorman Fold        
    craigcu12 Muck        
    craigcu12 Win   12000.00   144265.00
    craigcu12 Return   6000.00 0.00 150265.00
    CMoorman Small blind   3000.00 3000.00 602735.00
    craigcu12 Big blind   6000.00 9000.00 108265.00
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 3
    CMoorman Call   3000.00 12000.00 599735.00
    craigcu12 Check        
    • Q
    • Q
    • K
    craigcu12 Check        
    CMoorman Bet   6000.00 18000.00 593735.00
    craigcu12 Raise   12000.00 30000.00 96265.00
    CMoorman Raise   14555.00 44555.00 579180.00
    craigcu12 Call   8555.00 53110.00 87710.00
    • 3
    craigcu12 Check        
    CMoorman Bet   20000.00 73110.00 559180.00
    craigcu12 All-in   87710.00 160820.00 0.00
    CMoorman Raise   135420.00 296240.00 423760.00
    CMoorman Unmatched bet   67710.00 228530.00 491470.00
    CMoorman Show
    • Q
    • A
    craigcu12 Show
    • 10
    • 3
    • 10
    CMoorman Win Three Queens 228530.00   720000.00
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited November 2014
    You went down fighting
    and you still have outs to any non A club
    a masterclass
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,587
    edited November 2014
    My 'well done' is a bit late to the party Craig, but I just saw the result from last night. Fantastic achievement and a great story of David versus Goliath. Onwards and upwards!
  • HaemophileHaemophile Member Posts: 104
    edited November 2014
    congrats as well
  • GREGSTERGREGSTER Member Posts: 384
    edited November 2014
    Hey Craig, Just wanted to say Well Done on the big score last night. I love to see the underdog do well. Out of interest how much sleep did you get? I know I would have got none last night and would need atleast 6 pints before getting any tonight as well!

    All the best.

  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,853
    edited November 2014
    really well done craig great result and just shows put the time and effort in and it will pay off. all the best churchy
  • bromley04bromley04 Member Posts: 416
    edited November 2014
    Well done - great result.  What poker is all about!!

    I shared a table with you for a while and I have to say you played very well.  Well deserved result.

    On to the next one!!
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,750
    edited November 2014
    Very well played Craig, you were due a big score, all credit to you.glk for the next one
  • ajmiltonajmilton Member Posts: 1,458
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary with 1 big aim.:
    today i managed to get into the mini through a freeroll but it didn't go that well and i'm thinking i should have just registered for it before the freeroll ended then cancel the registry and get myself a £5 winninga it was a rebuy and all i would want to play at the minute is the BH or deep stack MTT so i lost 50p from and add on in MTT. i did have a few SnG and they all went well with each getting me past the bubble. 2 were 50p+10p DYM and 1 was a £1+10p six max and i won all three so the profit i got was £3.60 ( 40p x2 and £2.80 ) As for cash well that started off poor and cost me dearly. the first 2 sessions saw mostly losses and those were - £5.81 -£9.77 -£0.82 -£1.77 and - £1.93 them session only got 2 winning tables and they were £3.91 and £2.41 so i suffered a total loss of -£13.78 In my last session i decided to try it with a difference and played with some music and all through that session i fealt so relaxed and it finished with all 4 tables getting good profits of £1.43 £2.02 £5.89 £2.93 . my day as a whole was cash table -£1.51 MTT -50p SnG £3.60 so i have finished with £ 1.59 profit and points were 115 BR £29.15
    Posted by craigcu12
    Hi Craig.
    What you achieved last night was absolutely awesome, to go HU with Chris Moorman in the HR
    It's what us, micro players can only dream about.
    Enjoy the money, and the moment. Very well played.

      I hope you don't mined me replying to the above post, but it just reminds you, and us where we were 
    12 months ago. (from little acorns, grow) Now go start crushing Craig GL

    Regards Alan
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