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craigcu12 diary.



  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2016
     I've had a mixture of poker formats today. It begun with some cash table poker on pokerstars and gained $8.67. i was intending to do some cash poker on sky during the afternoon but this had to be cancelled because I had a meeting with a complaints person about an old carer who I believe caused me difficulties.

    Following on from this meeting I thought it would be best if I now keep away from cash because this meeting would leave my mind less relaxed. I still did have some poker play in me and decided to play the DTDs and some poker stars knock out sit and gos. The DTDs themselves didn't go well, DTD 1 had an early exit on a table that I normally see on freerolls even my current freeroll table didn't get as much all in as this table had. DTD 3 was the next to go as a 3bet AI with my flip hand wouldn't strike leaving me with just DTD2 which was going well but then  turned card dead and was soon finished.

    The poker stars knock outs were a different story all together, A combination of it's speed  and the fact it's got knock out prizes meant players were getting exits right away meaning I could remain patient until that decent hand comes then get my stack doubled up with an AI. 14 were played in total and of those 6 had seen cash. The great thing about these were that you could get 3 times as big a prize for finishig in 1st meaning the number of early exits can be larger than wins.  $8.03 was made from these putting my overall poker stars total at $16.70. I did  get £2 in the sky freeroll and one DTD was a token entry meaning I'm just £1 down on sky

    Overall $16.70-£1

    pokerstars cAH $8.67
    KNOCKOUT stt $8.03

    SKY mtt -£1
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2016
    Today's poker game has been a story of knock out sit and gos and lots of them Overall I played 54 in total 51x$1+ 3X$1.50. The majority of these were hyper speed, we begun with 10BB and need that double up, this was going to make them be costly because I remained tight and waited for a good hand but my stack was already getting too short and I'd have been best to go all in right away because not only could I double up but I also received a head prize. During the evening I did begin to get my hand shoved right away and was cashing out more frequently.

    I did have some cash table poker on poker stars and this cash period had allowed me to cash out $13.11.

    My evening was spent on sky cash tables. These tables didn't really begin well and I decided to take a shower.  I made a return to sky cash after having a shower and the return saw things improve. I thought it was mainly directed at myself but something tells me that these tables have  actually got a lot of people playing like a maniac generally. One player had screamed yeh when the river card give him a flush but he was in for a suprise when the showdown revealed his nut flush was going to be beaten by straight flush.

    I did have another master cash period with the TV guest but today the hands were junk I did get the occassional hand against another sky player and made £2.44

    Overall :£8.70 -$13.37

    sky cash £8.70
    pokerstars cash $13.11
    Pokerstar sit and go -$26.48

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2016
    Over the past two days I've been away from the tables because of tiredness and sport. Wednesday was a very tiring volunteering task, I was putting some posts in using a mel and the vibration from each hit left my hands a bit cramped I still felt a bit of cramp when moving things around my house today. As for Thursday well I was still a bit tired from Wednesday's work so just played a few knock out sit and gos before watching premier league darts.

    Today the poker begun on poker stars with a cash session making $9.86, I also had a selection of knock out sit and gos and made about $5 from these. Once the challenges were out the way I turned across to sky poker where it would be a case of 2 nl4 and 2 nl8p. The nl8p went very well I made £12.44 from these two tables which is more than my total win thanks to a loss of nl4. LAG is very common at the minute and the problem is broadway cards can get more costly when they miss. I did make a switch from my original nl4 tables during the session and had a turn around on the new tables meaning I still did leave with a decent profit of £8.96

    poker stars $9.86+ around $5 of knock out cash

    skypoker £8.96
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2016
    The signs are coming in that I'll have to call an end to my game tonight befor things get out of hand. The tables themselves are very LAg at the minute meaning more varience comes in to play and tonight the varience just doesn't seem to be on my side. A bad beat on pokerstars didn't make things any easier when a runner runner strate cost me $10  from an overbet all in he made on flop.

    I've lost $25.18 most of which came from a  selection of bad luck. I lost another £9.35 on sky poker cash and that too was a case of LAGs.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2016
    After what has happened sunday I will take a break from sky poker cash tables and spend some time on DYMS because I'm starting to feel a bit tilted over sky poker cash, poker stars cash tables are still ok but with sky poker cash my regular stakes seem too confusing now because of the amount of loose calling and donking going on. If it's over cards I seem to be consistantly getting callers but premium pairs I'm left annoyed wonder why didn't they call this time. When things look to be changing it soon turns bad, KK was up against 55 had a flop K52 but then came runner runner clubs to give 55 his flush.  I gets all in with AA v KJ but lost to the KJ right away. To finish the night off I'm left questioning weather or not I should have folding this full house, whilst A or 9 KJ, QJ J10 JJ QQ and KK are all beating me.
    craigcu12 Small blind   £0.05 £0.05 £9.85
    MATTY03 Big blind   £0.10 £0.15 £6.02
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    UncTupelo Raise   £0.30 £0.45 £19.10
    cgull68 Call   £0.30 £0.75 £8.22
    thebabe Fold        
    craigcu12 Call   £0.25 £1.00 £9.60
    MATTY03 Fold        
    • 10
    • K
    • J
    craigcu12 Bet   £0.75 £1.75 £8.85
    UncTupelo Call   £0.75 £2.50 £18.35
    cgull68 Call   £0.75 £3.25 £7.47
    • J
    craigcu12 Bet   £1.60 £4.85 £7.25
    UncTupelo Call   £1.60 £6.45 £16.75
    cgull68 Call   £1.60 £8.05 £5.87
    • Q
    craigcu12 Check        
    UncTupelo Bet   £4.03 £12.08 £12.72
    cgull68 Call   £4.03 £16.11 £1.84
    craigcu12 All-in   £7.25 £23.36 £0.00
    UncTupelo Call   £3.22 £26.58 £9.50
    cgull68 All-in   £1.84 £28.42 £0.00
    craigcu12 Show
    • 10
    • 10
    UncTupelo Show
    • Q
    • J
    cgull68 Show
    • A
    • A
    UncTupelo Win Full House, Jacks and Queens £27.02   £36.52
    Overall loss is about £37
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2016
    This month is going to be a month of tournament play on sky poker. first i'll be playing DYMs to gain the  daily points requirement needed for the mayhem freeroll then it will be a case of mostly freeroll poker starting with the super roller qualifier followed by 1K freeroll and a mayhem freeroll to finish it all off.  I'm not totally dedicating the month to tournaments because the tuesday evening sky live master cash table will be played as will poker stars cash tables along the way.

    My diary itself shall get a weekly update rather than a daily update as very little will be said daily.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2016
    My first week of tournament play has been a very good one indeed. The amount of money made this week is more than a week's worth of Nl4 cash aving me at my best.

    Monday- I did was a very active tournament day, I had a selection of cash outs in sats for the early semi and went on to use them towards each moday main event semi and mini. I also had a selection of DYMs that day and cashed out in 6/10 £5.50+2/4 £3.30. The DTDs themselves were also played and overall I came out £1.75 down.

    Tuesday- A day about live master cash more than anything with a selection of big hands including one against the live TV pro. I begun with rivered trip kings I did a value bet with top pair on the turn and was called by QQ he was confident enough to call the turn meaning a second king probably made him more confident enough to call the river I got £29 with trips. The big story came when I called ryan spittles double or nothing all in at the very end. I wouldn't normally consider calling but in this spot I could see ryan doing it with almost any pair or ace, he needed the double up knowing if he dousn't he'll fail the challenge. £53.98 was made on the master cash. Another 24p was made on a different table prior to me sitting out plus £2 was won in the mayhem freeroll and £9 was won from DYM making a total cash prize of £65.22

    Wednesday was all freeroll, the tuesday night master cash allow me the points therefore just the 1K and mayhem freerolls were played and this night was my best freeroll night of the week with a total cash prize of £44.

    Thursday- very simple day really it  begun points collecting with 5 £5.50 DYMs, I cashed out in 3 of the 5 making me a cash prize of £2.50. That day's freerolls were all early exits so that £2.50 DYM cash was my only cash.

    Friday- This begun in the same way as thursday had done with 5 £5.50 DYMs I cashed out in 4 of these 5 awarding me a cash prize of £12.50. Freerolls themselves were not going to see the same story, I managed to get past the bubble of both the £1K and mayhem freeroll with cash prizes of £1 and £20. Overall that day finished £33.50

    Saturday- Afternoon of turbo DYM I had been watching football during the day meaningt I had little time left to get into the mayhem freeroll and my current table position would say I couldn't afford to miss one. £2.70 was lost from that evenings DYMs and the early mayhem freeroll exit would say I might as well have skipped it.

    To finish the week off I had 2 DYMs and noticed that just 2 £5.50 DYMs was enough to give me the points needed for the mayhem freeroll so called an end cashing out in both making £9. In the mayhem freeroll I was looking to get as many heads as I could but the early table had it's away players and the early all in wasn't due for a while. Around the bubble and just after the bubble I did make 3 heads and was sitting on a table dominated by short stacks. Having these short stacks around me I was thinking more heads were coming and got the decent cards needed but one thing stood in my way and that was laddering. The short stacks were under 5BB deeps but that extra cash prize stopped them going for the all in. £10 was made in this freeroll giving me £19 for the overall day.

    This weeks overall total is £159.77
    MTT+freerolls £71.45
    DYMs £34.10
    Master cash £54.22
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2016
    This week will be a week i'll remember forever not because of poker but because it was my first ever visit to a wedding party ( see saturday) The poker game itself was mostly revolving around DYMS.

    Monday- The hope of 1st place in the weekly mayhem freeroll was looking better that last week having made5 heads but this wasn't going to help as I didn't get a single head or cash prize throughout the rest of the mayhem freerolls. I might have been a bit unlucky to miss out for the prize given to those at the bottom of the table, I missed out on one additional head by being made to fold crd that would have turned TP, worst ting about it was the player with a short stack now managed to survive with A high, i also had a possible chance to get up to 3 more had I been able to get up against one of the tables short stacks with my trio of premium hands.
    This Monday I had quck exits in DTD 1 and 3 whilst winning £2.45 in DTD2, I did use the token in one of them but consider it a mistake as I've lost 30p worth of value from the token having used it in a £2 DTD rather than part of my price for the semi. Surviving 2/3 £5.50 DYMs along side £1 in the 1K freeroll has given me another £4.50 but overall it was a loss -£1.25

    Tuesday- Today all the action came in mastercash. The rec celeb on sky poker live was a very loose aggressive one. He showed an early sign of it 3betting K5o I myself played on 98o and called a double spade flop with intention to bluff a flush believing the very early stage will really put him off wanting to go all in. The turn card was a spade but my original bluff hope now turned into a call hope because this spade wa one of my double gut straight cards so I went all in but it proved a spade might havve worked.At the very end My image of his LAG convinced me that A4o could be 4bet. he decides to make a call with his 88 and didn' give up on flop Q102, I now thought to myself te only thing that will work is an all in and as he trun card was 3 I now saw more outs so i goes all in and it worked forcing him to fold 88. £21.56 was made in master cash along side another £1 from freeroll. Overall £22.56

    Wednesday- Expecting to have already got most the points from master cash I decided to keep away from the game until the time of registration but that wasn't going to be the case forcing me to go turbo. Even with under 2 hours I thought 2 £5.50 DYMs would be enough but no it wasn't the case meanig I now went into turbo mode and registered as many of he 30p as I could and did quick exits but even 3/4 quick exits I still struggled for registration meaning I took myself to the very limit and did 1 £5.50 AI sat. I cashed out in 1 of the two origional £5.50 DYMs but apart from that nothing else leaving me with an overall total -£7.70

    Thursday, Friday- nothing much to say about these other than two sets of 4 DYMs. Thursday I survived 3/4 gaining a winnings of £8 whilst friday was a case of rake loss through cashing out on 2/4.

    Saturday- No poker to mention about at all today but this saturday will be a one I'll always remember because it was my first ever wedding party invitation. The marriage itself was between two of my well known cycling friends transport difficulty meant I was unable to arrive for the wedding itself but on the night nother friend offered to take me by car to the party. The wedding party was a very decent one and the story about the who day tells me it it was certainly expensive. The party itself had a disco going and we could also get photos of ourselves wearing various things on our head ie wig. I myself had a few pints that evening and didn't get back until 11:45pm.

    Sunday- Fhe majority of the day I was still tired following the wedding party, I did have belief that I could get into the bottom of weekly mayhem heads table if I got a few today. i was still feeling very tired after yesterdays party and was sure to be at my c level, the cheapest and least risky option for the 25 points would have been 25 30p DYMs but it's sheer multi tabling or length of time to get them all done looked too long so I went with a 2 tabling £5.50 DYM followed later by 3 £5.50 DYMs. 5 £5.50 DYMs might have been a bigger risk but I did survive4 and without any mayhem freeroll cash i've got an overall total of £12.50

    weekly total 32.11
    MTT -£3.75
    DYM £14.30
    cash £21.56

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2016
    This week has been has been a simple and quiet week.  Rather than give each day a paragraph I can describe the who lot in 2 because it had so little.

    The week begun in MTT fasion with a selection of sats for semi. The early semi sats re easier than norml bcause they were incorrectly set up allowing 5 guarenteed seats. I was able to get into the smi via one the two I had played but that was as far as i would go. I had played an extra 3 DYMs to make the points cashing out in 1.

    This week there was no sky live meaning tuesday through to friday was a case of £5.50 DYMs. I wasno so lucky in them this week making  loss of -£15 in these days alone. My only two freeroll cash prizes came this week one of which was more than expected having got £20 rather than the expected £10 the other cash prize was £4 and this too was from mayhem. 

    Saurday i had a go in the semi for that nights main event and manage to make it through, The main event itself started off in a bright way but that wasn't going to last, I was switched tables during it's second hour and only lasted on that second table for minute before being moved again and this table was a 3rd time unluky table as it just took seconds for me to go all in with QQ against AK and get defeated. The points made from this MTT means I didn't do any poker sunday apart from the mayhem freeroll which was quickly exited.

    Overall -£19.70
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2016
    Family problems means I've not yet been able to update my diary from last weeks game.

    Monday-It begun in a good way with a nice MTT prize of £34.46 in the main event having made it through via the semi.  also made £10 in that day's mayhem along side £8.30 worth of cash from DYMs. the 1k freeroll allowed me another £2 but the DTDs got nothing.
    MTT-£36.56 DYM £8.30 Overall £44.86

    Tuesday- Today was a fairly basic day with a nice cash prize of £47.63 the majority of which came through an AAv AK all in on flop.

    Wednesday- Only really a case of DYMs to gain the points needed for that days mayhem. I did make £4 in the mayhem freeroll alongside £13.20 from DYMs giving me a overall total of £17.20

    Thursday, Friday. The rest of the week can all be combined into one story starting on thursday when I make it into the semi via a sat then get into the main event itself and pass the bubble with a cash prize of £46.68. I had made 34 in the mayhem itself that day and £19.40 in DYMs. My biggest story from thursday was taking down the 1K freeroll winning myself £100 and getting entry into the vegas semi. The amount of amazement I had that day made the theroy of finding a penny really ring you good luck as I did fid myself a penny that day. Friday was a fairly basic case of attempting entry into the main event via a semi before doing the direct entry having made so much MTT cash that week. 3145.36+19.40- £38.20 overall £126.56

    Saturday-i had got myself too over hyped with that vegas semi and got the punishment from an early exit  from frustation of a foced sickener against the SB limper. I got so frustrated with my exit that Ilearned my mum was feeling ill when I wallked up to her whilst calming down. The early exit from that semi got me thinking of doing that day's main event semi but that was quickly exited leaving ne in£3820 thanks to £2 cash in a freeroll.

    I didn't have much chance to play on sunday or monday and only actullay played master cash gameoda which was faily quiet until the final few hands hen I was all in aand stated ahead winning £29.63
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited June 2016
    I made alot of cash from freerolling DYMs and those live master cash sessions in the last month making my Br more suited to nl10p again.
    My first real session of nl10p was on sunday when I managed to make £15.62. I was able to get an early double up on one table meaning the session itself lasted less time than planned plus the tables themselves begun to lose a number of other players.

    Today has been a mixture of both MTTs and cash. It begun with a cash session mid noon time. There wasn't many nl10p tables available at time so I included nl8p tables and it was these nl8p tables which made all the cash. My most serious nl10p damage was a case of hit and hope when I called an all in with 77 against a player who was on tilt. I lost my all in against this guy and was £11.82 down on that table itself and was -1.82 overall.

    Tonight saw another main event entry through the semi. My main event chipstack itself never really got much growth but I did win myself 1 HP meaning I still come out in profit. I did have an attempt at the mini but most my focus was set on that main event meaning it was more like a wasted £5.50 than an attempt to try for jackpot.

    Overall I'd be £3.27 down but that tournament token reducement my cost for semi mean I am 97p down
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited June 2016
    An early problem had caused me to miss out on the volenteering I do on wednesday and a bent and buckled rear bike gear has stopped me from doing a cycle therefore I sprent the day in and did   selection of cash sessions.

    The cash begun in an upsetting way and this was very bad on one perticular table I had twice  go all in ahead my opponent on a flop and came out unlucky. these bad spots had put me in a less thoughtful state and I did a loos all in. The minute I saw this hand lost I left that table alone and swapped for a new table.The overall majority of that session was a nasty one and left me £35 down.

    finishing behind when all in on the flop was a common thing today or atleast it looked common i had a selection of other all in spots in my second and third session which would follow on with sickening turn or river cards putting me behind. My second and third session did come ot in profit one being done through time the other coming at the very last minute. I might have made profit in these session but as a whole I've finished the day behind and when Including yesterdays live master cash it totals -£60.10
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited June 2016
    I've played some nl20p today when I had an early session, nl10p were in very short supply at the time so I added a selection of nl20p along side nl10. Taking a step up in cash didn't put me off my game play at all, I managed to double my chip atack on one table without an all in pre. Overall my morning session had £25.07 won

    My noon session was a nl10p session alone and would last 2 hours before taking a break and playing semi. The cash session itself was like a seasaw from a selection middle pots won and consistant blind drainage. One table did get a decent cash prize won but that was only going to make up a big cash table loss on one of my other ones. I finish -99p

    I played tonights semi and got into te main event again. That had begun in a decent way but soon took a turn for the worse and had a nasty head prize miss when 64 rivered my QQ. £12.70 was lost from MTT play  but overall i'm still £11.38
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited June 2016
    The day of MTT began by making entry into the main event from the semi. The main event itself was going to be my main focus but I still played in DTDs and freerolls for fun as well as giving the mini a try for that leicester city style hope of jackpot pot.
    DTD3 had a very early exit and DTD 1 was a mid stage exit but DTD 2 was looking to be a cash prize when a bad beat came, 107s had called pre then min bet called 3/4 pot on flop AQ10 then min bet called pot size AI on turn 4. The only way to go ahead on the river was trips or 2 pair and 2 pair was just what he got.
    The majority of my attention was set on the main event and doing this allowed me to make a few disaplined folds. I finished the MTT 40th place with a £14.06 head prize.
    The mini event was a early exit but got 1 head prize of £2.34 and when added along side the £2 made in freeroll my overall total is 70p profit

    tuesday I was intending to have a number of cash games but other things got in my way. I did get the master cash live game and made £6.84.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited June 2016

    hi craig,

    i think you have taken over from tommyd as tv tart.

    and i dont think you played a hand.


  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary new month new game:
    hi craig, i think you have taken over from tommyd as tv tart. and i dont think you played a hand. ;-)
    Posted by aussie09
    being the sort of player who might chase a bad start, I can see the sort of pressure the rec and pro are under during that 45 min master cash live. Last week I did play a selection of handsbut not all were shown on TV. At the very start I took down a pot against ian simpson who ch the turn I was holding Kq at the time and saw his ch as a great sign of him being uncofident, if he didn't fold the turn he'd probably fold an AI if the river came blank as it was still very early. I did then have a hand mid way through holding trips against the rec but this hand didn't get shown, then at the very end of the master cash game I held TP mid kicker against the rec, he was doing bets and I just called my way down knowing he's got the leading chip already and is unlikely to be giving much away at such a late stage.

    I wasn't intending to play tonight but have changed my mind because that master cash table will have much easier chance of money than a nl10. I've had a session on them which I found quite poor, The very loose callers were away on spin up tables or watching football. therefore a small pot was the general win, big pots would be coolers which didn't happen instead I was against. i've ended up over £22 down
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited June 2016

    deja vu.  watching you right now.

    gl craig

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary new month new game:
    deja vu.  watching you right now. gl craig
    Posted by aussie09
    The sort of entertainment this table gets, it's hard not to resist playing and what is more fun than a final hand like tonight's. williams announces holding a poor hand live i have confidence in 4betting deeming it more like a general 3bet and see the open raiser go all in. I go on to fold and see the most humorous of boards come. it's hard not to feel sorry for ian simpson.
      Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £47.81
    craigcu12 Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £43.13
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    IanSimpson Fold        
    Boxster Raise   £0.80 £1.10 £38.12
    S_Williams Raise   £1.40 £2.50 £46.97
    dandama162 Fold        
    HOLLYWHIT Fold        
    craigcu12 Raise   £2.80 £5.30 £40.33
    x All-in   £38.12 £43.42 £0.00
    S_Williams All-in   £46.97 £90.39 £0.00
    craigcu12 Fold        
    S_Williams Unmatched bet   £9.45 £80.94 £9.45
    x Show
    • 6
    • 6
    S_Williams Show
    • 10
    • 2
    • 4
    • 8
    • 9
    • 4
    • 10
    S_Williams Win Two Pairs, 10s and 4s £79.14   £88.59
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited June 2016
    August is the start of rio Olympics and the events are likely to be in the evening so I won't be on the table that month and come the start of next season newcastle could be having a few tuesday night games so I might not be on table those games
  • BoxsterBoxster Member Posts: 4,462
    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary new month new game:
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary new month new game : The sort of entertainment this table gets, it's hard not to resist playing and what is more fun than a final hand like tonight's. williams announces holding a poor hand live i have confidence in 4betting deeming it more like a general 3bet and see the open raiser go all in. I go on to fold and see the most humorous of boards come. it's hard not to feel sorry for ian simpson. HOLLYWHIT       

    Yes I am x ,,, but quite easy to see as you forgot to give me an 'x' label on my initial raise

    Nice fold of your nines #notuwudhavewon and he did say he had a bad hand LOL

    Sigh SKY river .,,,, fun hand #givehimthewin
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