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craigcu12 diary.



  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    edited August 2017
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 My first ever SPT tour:
    thanks all, Looking forward to it. If I get past bubble or even to FT great if not still great because I've got what I wanted most and that is meeting the community.
    Posted by craigcu12

    Good luck Craig and hope to see you there (I'll be wearing a Ramones t-shirt lol) SidV79 (Andy)
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2017
    I may have made a great chip stack on day 1 of SPT tour but it didn't last long on day 2 First I'm caught out by a deceptively played set, I go HU angainst a player by having called 65s. The flop itself was 742 giving me double gutshot and because he Ch the flop i'm thinking got something weak, sets were a possibility but these boards are the sort I thought most sets would cbet  Ch/R therefore I did an AI bluff on the turnhoping he would fold for sure. The amount of chips lost from that hand now left me in a spot where I'd be going AI the first 3 trys to double up all resulted in folds then came a 4th attempt this time it was 3bet AI with KJs , the open raiser called and showed 66 giving me flip, when the first card was revealed I thought great I've doubled up but the 3rd card turned things round because the 66 itself made a set and I exited the tournament in 66th.

    It's gonna be hard not to talk about this SPt without mentioning the word set. My first bit of serious action day 1 involved me getting a stack doubled up thanks to set over set, my next big pot was thanks to a set this time the set was against a premium pair which had 3bet pre. I did get a nice chip stack through hero calling  mid pair when villian bets a river K and then I busted 2 short stacks neither of which involved set but 1 of them did see me hit trips therefore 3 of a kind again. Day 1b couldn't go on without set playing a major factor this time it was when I rivered set which enabled AK to hit strate 1-5. Day 2 of tournaments sees me on the bad side coming up against set twice.
    This SPT has been set up in other words my hands had to have a set somewhere.

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2017
    The SPT as a whole was excellent, I finally got to meet the likes of TK and the other sky team face to face as well as the community itself and aim to do many more in the future. 

    My target now is to make £70-£100 a week via cash and sats. I play 4 cash tables in a row so should be able to make more than this much per week but the target I give myself should still allow me the cash needed to do SPT tours and what's best about this is it will allow me to stay relaxed knowing that I could leave nl10p cash tables just a few pound up and still reach my target.

    I won't go to SPT tours down south but those in the north and central england I do intend to do.

  • conorshay1conorshay1 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2017
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 My first ever SPT tour:
    day 1 of the SPT was a good one. I've made it all the way through to day 2 the chip stack currently stands at 50bb deep. My game before the first break was poor. I got abit too loose at times attempting to defend my blind and cbetting  when I should have folded. My game after the break improved a lot more, I put more thought into my game and waited patiently for the good hands to come. The hand which really changed my stack was KK. I raised pre and got one caller the flop itself was AK4r I myself ch the flop and the opponent bet 4000. I make the call with my set intending to ch/AI turn the turn card itself was an A making me a bit more cautious of my hand. The board itself was ch round on the turn and river card was A, I myself be 5000 and was raised to 18000 putting me in a difficult spot. I had a thought about my hand thinking whether or not my FH was gonna be beaten by FH Aces before sigh calling aand it was a winning call because his hand was 444AA. My stack was now doubled up and things continued to grow. I stole a number of pots from semi bluffing and made a lot of chips from a flopped set in a 3bet pot, one thing which did surprise me in this situation was the player Cbet folds the flop based on the recent semi bluffs which I showed  I was thinking he's call my raise on flop I made a switch onto a new table at the late stage of D1 and that switch was good. I started off on this table pulling a double barrel bluff when I turned state draw. I then won a short stack by flopping trips I won another nice pot doing a help call on river with mid pair before knocking out another player thanks to my lower ace hitting a straight. Overall day one I enjoyed meeting the sky community and my chip stack itself was great
    Posted by craigcu12
    hi craig, ithink this pot was against me, was it table ten ? with sky kirsty, i got a spot prize for losing with f/h over f/h, the river was a nine btw
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2017
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 My first ever SPT tour:
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 My first ever SPT tour : hi craig, ithink this pot was against me, was it table ten ? with sky kirsty, i got a spot prize for losing with f/h over f/h, the river was a nine btw
    Posted by conorshay1
    it was you yeh, UL mate thankfully kirsty was there to give you a spot prize. GL in the tournament you use it for 
  • conorshay1conorshay1 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2017
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 My first ever SPT tour:
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 My first ever SPT tour : it was you yeh, UL mate thankfully kirsty was there to give you a spot prize. GL in the tournament you use it for 
    Posted by craigcu12

    thankyou craig, glad you enjoyed your first live event and wp on that hand gl at the tables

  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,173
    edited August 2017
    Was good to meet you Craig, sorry you didn't cash but good luck at the tables and see you in Brighton (hotel is booked lol)
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2017
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 target build up for SPTs of the future.:
    Was good to meet you Craig, sorry you didn't cash but good luck at the tables and see you in Brighton (hotel is booked lol)
    Posted by SidV79
    thanks same to you.

    I won't be attending brighton because it's too far south and my aunty could be too worried for now i'm gonna do ones in central and northern england or southern scotland. as time goes on I will start aiming to get to some of them in the south.
    The other thing about the one in brighton is it occurs at the same time as both myself and mam have a birthday together.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2017
    I got of to a very good start last week but things then turned ugly and left me in a spot where I was having to recover the damage. The weekend started off well and had me in with a shot of gaining the lower end of my weekly target but finished poor. 

    Monday was a very relaxing day, I ha tables up at once rarely needd to switch tables and had very litle trouble making decisions. I did have a go in both the semi and late semi but failed to cash out in one and was unable to reach the main event in the other therefore I finished monday £13.55 up.

    Tuesday started off incredible but ended horrible. I had a session in the afternoon which was like a one off to anyone most days. I won myself 3 buy ins worth of cash in just 30 minutes, thanks to a mass of premium hands. I had won 6 big pots thanks to a JJ QQ KK and 4xAA the JJ and QQ themselvers were only won thanks to hitting a set although JJ was ahead of AK when AI pre. I did win aother 3 small pots under £1 from QQ and 2 AKo and lost a pot with KK. 

    I get 3 buy ins worth of cash in just 30 mins and 9 premium hands from a toal of 249 hands dealt, should be a great day but wrong that day was ruined in the evening. The tables were now very loose donks and overbets were being done non stop, my hands were struggling to stay ahead ended up losing lots of money due to the huge bets I was making and  awkward spots which had me either doing the fold or risk making a huge call with what I did have in the hope this was another loose overbet. I lost 4.6 buy ins worth of cash that night along side another £7.20 from the semi.
    My overall loss that day was £20.27

    Wednesday is a day I do volenteer work for durham wildlife trust and on my return I'm usually very relaxed and have no problem playing poker, this Wednesday was like an exception the table dynamics were like tuesday evening and I was in very simular spots either charging what I could to protect my hand from loose calls and get maximum value or risk calling over bets or givin up. 
    The semi itself had no luck either and overall I lost £38.52

    Thursday saw my bad run turn back to the good side again. The race for points to get myself as high as I could get in league 2 made me go onto 6 tables at first I thought 6 tables would be too much, after playing them for a while I took my words back knowing i've got a good understanding of how the good ones play and those who are recs have a very random game generally and I ave a good idea of who's the LAG and who's the passive.
    £21.84 was made today and that's after taking the 7.20 I lost from another semi.

    Friay didn't get much in the way of cash but I would call that the best day of the week. This day started off very badly because the cash I won thursday was beginning to disappear and had me in a spot where I would be increasing my total loss over the whole week. This is not what you'd expect for it to be called the best day of the week, what was so great about that day was I started to question my own game right away rather than purely blaming the loss on bad luck , I did some ajustments to my game and made the big loss turn into a small loss of -£5.66 including £4.80 I used for the semi.

    Saturday was the greatest day of the week as far as cash prizes goes, it was the only day of the week I managed to cash out in a semi, i was also looking like a good potential for entry into the main event via LR semi but that didn't come leaving me with cash gaming for the night. The table itself aseemed to be filled with drunks and gamblers. My overall total winnings that day was £71.10 but it could have been alot more or alot less due to so much luck and varience

    Saturday's total win made me get back in line with a chance of reaching my weekly target I have set but it was like a seesaw all through the day and ends the week in a way which described my entire week. I get some nice winnings at the start before going into a brief poor run and then recoving all that cash back then finishing the day off with a few big losses. £19.97 was lost that day all of it coming from cash because I didn't play the semis themselves

    cash £59.66
    MTTs -£21.2
    Overall £38.46

    Not a goot start to my weekly targets but thankfully the SPT brighton is way down south and that weekend is also the weekend I and my mam have a birthday together.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2017
    Last week I had what can only be described as a sickening week. Monday itself was fine I cashed out in the semi and didn't do too badly on the cash tables. Tuesday  had begun in a good way as well but then things turned ugly that evening, my cash game was now filled with bad luck, my mentl game became weak, decision making was now based on losing the minimum rather than winning the maximum and I was just guessing whether or not to call raise or fold donks, i must have lost over £100 that day. 

    I was hoping wednesday's volenteering would get me into a good mood and put that bad day to one side, wrong my game wednesday evening was poor, I still fealt more concerned over making a loss that obtaining a win and give up before things got too serious. I was still left in a bad state thursday and didn't bother playing anything at all.

    Friday I have a support worker who helps me keep up with general things, this support worker is more like a friend than a support worker, I'm always in a very happy mood when he comes and sometimes we have a chat about how my poker game is. I was hoping this would allow me to turn my game around but no my game was still quite poor although I wasn't in such a bad mood about it and was more intent on making the right decisions. The thing which really changed things was the freeroll because that night I went all the way to heads up before being knocked out. I fealt as though I was going into a down swing up to that point but now it was more of a long period of bad luck.

    Saturday and sunday were both yoyo days good one minute bad the next but overall they were both breakeven overall.

    Overall I've finished ~£50 down.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2017
    I'm no longer going to bother updating my diary. The stories are generally the same repeated things over and over, I'm also paying much closer attention to my total BR becoming more shocked having realized I lost more than expect.

    My ambition for the machester SPT was to make enough cash for direct entry and it was achieved no problem, my ambition now is to make the cash for future SPTs but it feels like a nightmare i'm consistantly reminded of bad runs which makes it all the more harder for me to get out of one.

    Poker is a hobby more than anything, my intention is to play in for fun.

    I won't finish it altogether, I'll still add posts during big events such as UKOPS SPTS and if I did excellent in a major MMT.

    Another thing my english grammer is not that good generally I have a hard time wording my posts.
  • darrentinodarrentino Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2017
    Craig, try not to judge the success of your sessions on how much you win or lose. Instead try to judge the success of your sessions on your decision making alone.

    Remember you can play great and lose as well as play poorly and win but ultimately if you're making the right decisions that is all that matters as luck evens itself out over time. If you make a poor decision and stack off then come away from the tables for a little while, think about how you played the hand and then return with a clearer mindset.

    Also, your posts are well written, don't be so hard on yourself.

  • edrichedrich Member Posts: 1,918
    edited August 2017
    Hi Craig,

    First of all, your posts are absolutely fine. Credit to you for posting when you admit to struggling with it.

    Taking a break, dropping down a level, playing something else, or watching some strategy videos can all help when things aren't going great. Only you will know what works for you.

    All I'll say is that when you think things are going really well, or really bad, they are rarely as good, or as bad as you think they are at the time. Your posts seem quite raw, and spur of the moment. Maybe not posting so soon after your bad sessions would be better. Maybe not.

    As you say, poker is your hobby so keep it fun.
    Good luck with whatever you decide to do on and off the tables,

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2017

    I'd like to echo the previous 2 messages

    I enjoy reading your posts. You do yourself a disservice. They are good to read and you should never beat yourself up over little things like grammar.

    You said you play for fun. This is perfect. You used poker winnings to finance SPT Manchester. You're doing something right.

    At the risk of sounding patronising, I was hugely impressed by you attending the last SPT.  I realise that this was a big thing for you and I have nothing but the highest respect for you that you were there.

    Keep posting and see you at Brighton :)

  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    edited August 2017
    Hi Craig sorry you feel the need to stop your diary you come across as a geniune person and i have enjoyed reading your posts for there honesty but at the end of the day you must do what feels right for you. Whatever you decide i hope your luck changes soon on the tables and i wish you well.
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited August 2017

    I also want to echo the previous posts, as Jac will readily attest I have been a nightmare the last few weeks, complaining and moaning about run bad etc. 

    Its the nature of the game, we all know that. 

    I am very guilty of reading things and not always posting, which is of course no help to the writer as he/she gets no barometer of who reads.

    Grammar is never an issue if content is good, just look at TKs threads.... 

    Please keep updating us buddy.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2017
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary stopped:
    Craig, I also want to echo the previous posts, as Jac will readily attest I have been a nightmare the last few weeks, complaining and moaning about run bad etc.  Its the nature of the game, we all know that.  I am very guilty of reading things and not always posting, which is of course no help to the writer as he/she gets no barometer of who reads. Grammar is never an issue if content is good, just look at TKs threads....  Please keep updating us buddy.
    Posted by HENDRIK62
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited August 2017
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary stopped:
    Craig, I also want to echo the previous posts, as Jac will readily attest I have been a nightmare the last few weeks, complaining and moaning about run bad etc.  Its the nature of the game, we all know that.  I am very guilty of reading things and not always posting, which is of course no help to the writer as he/she gets no barometer of who reads. Grammar is never an issue if content is good, just look at TKs threads....  Please keep updating us buddy.
    Posted by HENDRIK62

    That's rich, coming from a Scot who took appears to have taken lessons in English from Markycash.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited August 2017
    Hi Craig.

    I hope you do keep posting but maybe don't much pressure on yourself to get good results each day. That is impossible, but I do know that a bad run of results can feel alot worse when you have committed to posting about them.

    Maybe take some time to go over some of those hands where you have had to try and adjust your bet sizing or make tough river call decisions and post for advice if you are still not sure about your decision.

    Whatever you do with the thread I hope you keep enjoying poker and also build some profits, improve and make it to another SPT.

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    edited August 2017
    Keep the diary craig,

    Maybe look at your playing style and table attitude / manners. 

    In the eary afternoon you 4 bet shove with AKo in a 3way pot.  then moan when it  dont catch up with JJ. 

    You were shoving for stacks with A8o, this is 10nl or 20nl. If the outcomes are going to upset you, avoid them.
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