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Every Don has its day



  • FINSFINS Member Posts: 1,080
    edited March 2013

    Hey Don,nice to see you back and doing well mate.
    Just had a quick scan through the thread and i believe congrats are in order,nice one mate another gers fan eh,

    Did you go to ibrox then? great second half. My second team is the rangers,all my family in scotland support em and my cousin used to play for em a few years back too.

    Anyway keep up the good work and stay positive ..Fin.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Hey Don,nice to see you back and doing well mate. Just had a quick scan through the thread and i believe congrats are in order,nice one mate another gers fan eh, Did you go to ibrox then? great second half. My second team is the rangers,all my family in scotland support em and my cousin used to play for em a few years back too. Anyway keep up the good work and stay positive  ..Fin.
    Posted by FINS

    Thanks Fins.

    Ibrox was great, great timing to get a ticket with the past week i think, although i planned to go before i realised about the investigation. Sandy Jardine back aswell pretty epic. :) 

    Curious now, who's your cousin. :) 
  • _ARAZI__ARAZI_ Member Posts: 549
    edited March 2013
    PM sent to you mate

  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited March 2013
    Must say mate this diary has a much more positive feel about it than previous productions. Keep playing those morning mtts, they are soo soft especially the £50 and £100 speed bh's. Great way to build your br. 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    PM sent to you mate GL
    Posted by _ARAZI_

    Read and replied mate. Cheers. Glad you mentioned on thread i dont check my emails much since the msn and skype merger. 

    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Must say mate this diary has a much more positive feel about it than previous productions. Keep playing those morning mtts, they are soo soft especially the £50 and £100 speed bh's. Great way to build your br. 
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    I agree on a weekend their good, during the week with a £20 win just isnt worth it, Having to win 1 in 4 just to break even isnt great value imo. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2013
    Day 2

    Another annoying cash session. Started strong, doubling through Arazi with AA v AK. However from then on it was downhill. My AQ which flopped top two pair managed to get 2 streets of value from KK, only to have to c/f the river when pot was set up perfect to get stack in on the river. 

    Then i peeled a player I seen as tight with 9Ts, flopped the OESFD and decided to peel, there was a reason for that cant remember at the moment. Turning my flush turned out to be the hang me card. It gave him the nuts. 

    Ontop of that I lost a huge flip after getting there. On another table hit TPGK+FD v bottom two pair. Somehow didnt lose the lot for not getting there as opponent decided to station. Even after rivering a FH. 

    Bankroll: £309.31

    Points: 94
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2013
    Day 2 part 2

    Decided to play another cash session. Cant keep being on the wrong end of coolers, then again maybe i can. Although i did manage to keep the losses smaller this time still a dent. Dont know why i bother tbh. KJ v KQ KKx flop lovley. KK 3 times i had it, lost all 3. 

    I think the follow statement explains me and cash poker. Win the small pots, lose the big ones. Unfortunetly the bigs ones always are worth more. 

    Bankroll: £293.17

    Points: 139
  • _ARAZI__ARAZI_ Member Posts: 549
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Day 2 part 2 Decided to play another cash session. Cant keep being on the wrong end of coolers, then again maybe i can. Although i did manage to keep the losses smaller this time still a dent. Dont know why i bother tbh. KJ v KQ KKx flop lovley. KK 3 times i had it, lost all 3.  I think the follow statement explains me and cash poker. Win the small pots, lose the big ones. Unfortunetly the bigs ones always are worth more.  Bankroll: £293.17 Points: 139
    Posted by The_Don90

    Keep ya chin up mate and have faith
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : Keep ya chin up mate and have faith
    Posted by _ARAZI_
    Ty dohhhh told me to man up and get back on the tables. decided to drop to NL10 and see how it goes. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2013
    Day 2 Part 3

    The drop to NL10 was probably needed. Not because i wasn't playing well at NL20 but just to re-focus, relax and build confidence. 

    Despite my KK losing - Again, i managed to grind out a profit. Infact, i recovered the last sessions profits and more. One very weird hand which i think im going to post into the clinic, and maybe ask to be shown on the channel. 

    I did also seem to run slightly better bar the KK losing to 53 - LOL. But the more i won the more i felt i was getting into a rythum, shame I'm feeling rather sleepy would be good to keep that momentum going. 

    Bankroll: £315.65

    Points: 176
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Day 2 part 2 Decided to play another cash session. Cant keep being on the wrong end of coolers, then again maybe i can. Although i did manage to keep the losses smaller this time still a dent. Dont know why i bother tbh. KJ v KQ KKx flop lovley. KK 3 times i had it, lost all 3.  I think the follow statement explains me and cash poker. Win the small pots, lose the big ones. Unfortunetly the bigs ones always are worth more.  Bankroll: £293.17 Points: 139
    Posted by The_Don90

    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Day 2 Part 3 The drop to NL10 was probably needed. Not because i wasn't playing well at NL20 but just to re-focus, relax and build confidence.  Despite my KK losing - Again, i managed to grind out a profit. Infact, i recovered the last sessions profits and more. One very weird hand which i think im going to post into the clinic, and maybe ask to be shown on the channel.  I did also seem to run slightly better bar the KK losing to 53 - LOL. But the more i won the more i felt i was getting into a rythum, shame I'm feeling rather sleepy would be good to keep that momentum going.  Bankroll: £315.65 Points: 176
    Posted by The_Don90

    Donald, get this stuff out of your head. Stop thinking about it, and writing about it, and telling people about it. 

    It's KK it's gonna lose all the time, it's standard beyond standard to the point where it's not even worth talking about!

    Nobody cares, and you shouldn't care either. 

    Start writing about the times your top sets lose. At least that's quite rare. 

    Get the sh1111te out of your head and it'll be alot easier to play. Don't even know how you can play when you're constantly counting up outdraws and thinking about them. 

    Well done on the recovery, keep it goin today. 
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited March 2013

    Focus on the fact your getting your money in with the best hand, that's all you can do.

    Other than that, coolers happen.

    Remember cash is a long term game

  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    +1 Focus on the fact your getting your money in with the best hand, that's all you can do. Other than that, coolers happen. Remember cash is a NEVER ENDING game
    Posted by rancid

      PS  FYP
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2013
    March Day 3/4

    I didn't write up yest as i played about an hour of cash NL20 then the DTD. Cash was +£10 DTD nothing. So seemed kinda pointless. 

    Woke up today well late, and decided about 6.30-7ish to do a cash session. Literally just finnished now, so a pretty long session in all. And an enjoyable one two. 

    Started poorly, 2 coolers in quick succession. The first 66 v 99 on a 69x flop. The second, a guy kept opening so i found a 3bet with KTo he peels, KKx flop he had KJ. I then paid off Arazi who flopped a set with second pair (well a pocket pair lower than top pair and bigger than second) not sure why but I coulda swore he was bluffing. 

    However I'm not sure what happened but after that I just felt possessed. I could do no wrong, 2 folds i would never have made normally, and im hoping will post in the clinic. Everytime i was huge i managed to find a payday, 90% of the times i was behind i managed to find a fold. 

    The last hour seen the TV add to the dynamic though, and i got into 2 crazy pots with Arazi, the first I had top pair good kicker and the nut flush draw v his weaker flush draw. The second has to be the most insane spew ive ever done. I open, he 3b from button, i 4b. Flop xxx 2 diamonds and paired i cbet he calls, xd turn i check he checks river diamond. I rep he snaps  with AK and the A of diamonds, my mighty J9s didn't have a hope. 

    However a good session overall. 

    Bankroll: £409.91

    Points: 383
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2013
    Day 5

    A mixed day really. I played NL10 early morning before bed, that went well and i showed a 1.5BI profit. 

    After my nap i played NL20 for about an hour, I knew i was playing terrible though, and showed a loss for just under £50. Most of that was from mistakes aswell. I came off as a result.

    After a prolonged break, I went back onto the tables. Given some of the play on offer, and the hands i won, im astonished to announce a 1/2 buy in win. I lost a buy in in one spot with a fh v quads - tripped board too. Lost a couple of meh spots, bluffed off a buy in, and ran harsh towards the end of session.

    However small profit still counts as profit.

    Bankroll: £393.17

    Point: 533
  • loolololloloololollo Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2013
    nice work don keep it up
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2013
    Day 6

    Thanks loolololololol 

    Today I struggled to sleep as per, however told mel not to let me sleep too long so i woke up at around 5.30-6ish after about 3-4 hours kip.

    Cash for points also arrived, i got around £17. 

    Took a while to get focused but eventually i got onto a table and the session started horrid. One hand basically somes up the early session for me. (i tried to post dont know why it hates me - basically its a quality BBY anyways)

    However i stuck with it, and eventually it changed. 

    Bankroll: £418.81 (+8 exluding C4P)

    Points: 619

    Loooking good for blitzing last months cash for points tally, which was a 25% increase on my previous monthly best. So grind levels have increased i think, although more points at NL20 than in previous times. Also alot will depend on when Mel's body decides the baby is comming out, shes due early April so can probably let go at any time, and this is a huge reason why I've switched from MTTs where i was winning to cash, where I don't have a great history. Don't want to get onto a final table chip leader in a main event for Mel to go into labour, as clearly the priority wouldn't be the MTT. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2013
    Day 7 - Part 1

    Such a tilting morning. One of those ones where nothing goes right. Started badly with JJ v AA 3 handed. To add to that on a diff table guy shoves 30BB - shoving alot, so i iso with 99 only for AK to snap behind. A in the door. 

    It did look like it was going to change. AK v a station, KAx flop 8 on turn, station called flop with 8s. grrr. So later i get QQ. Flop TQx v same station, he calls, turn 8, he has J9. 

    So i nit up for ages. A nit opens UTG station calls, i peel with 67 of spades. Flop 3s 4s 7c get it all in v the UTG raiser, he has 77. 4 on turn leaves me 1 out. 

    I'd never ever leave a table like that normally, but sometimes you just gotta accept you aint gonna win. 

    Recovered £20 on a NL10 table and £5 on another. -£100 for probably the softest table on sky though. ANNOYING!!

    Bankroll: £338.67

    Points: 711
  • loolololloloololollo Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2013
    im actually having the same sort of bad luck, worst cards always hit making every draw and never winning any coinflips, get it in w/ tptk against shortstack and he shows ut with a set... can't catch cards ect... most demotivating thing ever
  • _ARAZI__ARAZI_ Member Posts: 549
    edited March 2013
    PM sent mate
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