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Every Don has its day



  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day 2 part 2.

    Firstly thanks Waller :)

    I slept right through well everything today. A huge problem of having sleep issues, is once you do get to sleep you don't want to get up. So i missed soo many tournaments. Not waking up till 9. 

    This meant I added in some games I wouldn't normally play. Including the nightly semi for next Thursdays main. 5 left (3 seats) i was in good shape, 2nd in chips. Shoved with 77s on shortys BB lost to AQ. 2 hands later get AQ in BB. 1 limper i shove lose to 9s. Finnished 5th as a result. Win either i have the seat wrapped up. 

    That pretty much somes up my night. I did play the midnight £11 GTD thing and had the potential to run deep, i accidently misclick 3bet 4's. 853 flop looked safe and i tried to rectify the mistake by repping super strong. T8o still called. From that i never recovered. In the end i got AJ in 3 way. Shorter stack 4 flushed, meaning i doubled on the differance about 1.5BB loss on the hand. That left me 4 bigs, and eventually i shoved A9 into AQ v an opponent who was opening almost every hand. 

    The only tournament that actually seen me cash all night was the 11.30 bounty hunter. The same tournament I won exactly 7 days ago to get me going. Even then it wasn't much better than a min cash, as i shoved KTo from the c/o and chip leader called with A9. Despite hitting my K i couldn't get there. Bounties sealed my profit of that to just £8. 

    No other cashes mean its been a pretty rank day, in terms of playing. However that is the nature of playing MTT's. I'm sure tomorrow will be much better.

    Bankroll: £291.60

    Points: 842
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited February 2013
    Many congrats on the baby news.Make you,re run bads seem trivial.
    All the best
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day Three Part 1

    Firstly again thanks Bignoise. :)

    I went to bed after my last post despite actually only being awake a few hours. Finally the bordom helped me sleep. That and the sofa and tv. Unfortunetly that tv then woke me up again at 6.30.

    With nothing else to do I decided to play some pokers. I reg'd up for 2 sats, and alot of bounty hunters between 7.30 and 11ish. 

    I went on to win the 7.30 speed. I actually late reg'd this by the time I'd got on and done everything that needs doing and deciding to play. First hand 4 limpers on my BB. Turns out i had AQ but decided to shove, its 7.40am on a saturday with 4 limpers in a turbo bounty hunter. I expect i can get calls enough of the time with as many people showing an interest, to make it a profitable play. 1 caller, AT. Strangely a very crewl flop of ATQ giving us both 2 pair. I held. This is where that paid off tho, the next hand I'm delt aces. I'd taken a head, shoved the only hand I've been delt. 2 limpers, i shove. This move will not be loved by most, by I was attempting to make it look like i was just going to shove every hand. 1 caller i hold v QJ. 

    2 hands, 2 heads 1 full double. It slowed for a while, but after half an hour the tournament had paid for itself, and alls my chatbox said was "the_don90 has knocked out xxx and has collected yyy and head value is now zzz" 

    However come final table i was shorty. I did recover 3 cashed. I made final 3. Massive flip on the bubble. I got lucky the hand before. I knew i had to shove soon, so i picked the other short stacks BB. Given i was on his SB this was ideal. there was 30 chips differance between us - in his favour. So i know hes pretty much has to call of his stack. Hes also the tightest player at the table. All pros for me shoving this spot. I shove 9To. He snaps A4. I hit my T, very next hand im delt AK. Hes in SB and all in. UTG limps. I shove. I know my image will be destroyed and people will still head chase. BB reshoves. Yes i thought. He flips over 9's. TJQ flop will do lovley. The shorty has QT for 2 pair but doesnt fill. That puts me from shorty to chip leader in 2 hands. 

    Although that didn't last long. Shorty shoved, i called with A5 from BB. standard 3 handed for his stack size. He has QQ. Ace on flop but Q on river. Next hand i get QQ. raise he peels, Ace on flop. I cbet turn gives me NFD but dont get there he shoves river. (turn was also a K). I have to fold. Eventually he busted to the other guy, who with our bickering had sat back and built a huge chip lead. HU im 3:1 dog. A few hands early seen me win the first 6 hands of HU bringing it back to 2:1 dog. It then nitted up and after a while i got K9 v K7 All in pre. I held. The next hand i had AJ he shoved i called, he flips AT i hold again. £50 ftw completely obliterating yesterdays losses straight away. 

    The rest of the day has been pretty normal. Alot of what im good at with bounty hunters though is minimising loss in the times i dont cash. Pretty sure I picked up one head in every event. I busted the first sat. 3 min levels make it awkward, expessially given the lack of spots on occassions. However on the 2nd time of asking I have made it to the semi. 

    I did also cash in two other bounty hunters. Although  one was 9th place for about £13. The other was 5th for £14 so not huge cashes. 

    Bankroll: £341.41

    Points:  886
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day 3 part 2

    a poor night, not won a hand past the flop for 6 mtts. Kinda sucks, so decided to call it a night early. 

    That obv tells you no cashes and out of the semi for the main too. 

    Bankroll: £319.10

    Points: 918
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited February 2013
    GL Don.  Altho you seem to have your goals in the wrong order m8!   Surely "Don't tilt should be 1st? ;-) Oh and congrats on the bearing! 
    The Goals

    Cash in a Sky Poker ME
    Become a profitable player long term
    Don't Tilt

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day 4 Part 1 

    In repsonce to Glenelg the goals wheren't in a specific order. Given my improved mental state not tilting isn't as important as I can control it better. I now also have a "venting" teqnique which helps it not effect my desisions.

    Well today has to be one of the strangest mornings I've ever had. I've came second in a tournaments, third in another (see exit in BBV pretty much a cooler). I also made the primo semi on the 4th time of asking. Meaning I would have only saved £1.60. However on my 2nd attempt i acually bubbled, getting £2.40 back. So It cost £8 for the semi. Positives where, i saved £4 and had 4 extra games of fun. Positives in failure. 

    I have also stone bubbled 2 other mtts. Both where in weird circumstances. On one i got one of the hardest table draws you can possibly get on a £5 mtt. 3 of my opponent well know players on the site, and all i have a great deal of respect for. I came out of that rather short, couldn't find a spot, resulting in me having to shove Q3 with 2BB. It was a turbo so blinds went up at the wrong time (on my BB) and contant 3x raises every time i had a marginal. In hindsight i probably just gamble with A9s about 3 or 4 hands earlier. 

    The other one i made a mistake with 13ish left. A very strange line by an oppo resulted in me thinking wtf and hitting call. When in honesty i should have went wtf, ok sigh fold. Strange one really cause with the opponents line he should only get called by worse, but in my wtf daze i managed to call with worse. I guess then that made it the correct play, so well played to him. That left me with 10bigs. 13th then busted 9 cashed and again i couldn't find any spots. Eventually i took a gamble knowing i had 3BB left if i folded my BB. I had KJ facing a 3x so i knew i was getting called. But i felt i had to take the risk. Turns out i had 40% so was probably mathematically correct to do so. 

    However I won't complain. I started off the day playing so poorly i think i busted my first 4 tournaments without winning a single hand. And i cant even blame the variance this time. 

    The 2nd was also worth just £8. As a result of all that I have made a small loss on this morning. 

    Bankroll: £298.83

    Points: 997

    I dont really care about points, but my record for a month is 1200. 997 in just over a week is insane for me.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day 4 Part 2

    I wish i could make my form consistant. I took a break and tried and failed to have a nap after the last update. Having failed to sleep I entered the 4.30 £300 GTD bounty hunter. I also entered the 4.35 £5 sat to the semi for the £110 bounty hunter. I always planned to just take the £24 if i got that, purley based on I don't feel up to playing £110 tournaments with my current role. I know that might be a little contraversial. I went on to win, and took the £24. 

    While slowly plucking away in the bounty hunter the primo sat started. The primo is a tournament i still have the evils for. Its the main event I've probably tried the most, and I know i say I've crushed my bogey now, but i probably can't fully until i cash in this bad boy. However despite getting to 6k early i didn't manage to get a seat. I opened a button and got shoved on, then went card dead. SB 3x my BB and i shoved with TT. Was about a 14BB shove. He called with AQ and i lost the resulting flip. That would have gave me 8k with 72 left, 35 seats. Depending on how i use it that flip is probably for the seat. All the same meh. 

    Still plucking away in the bounty hunter i was rather annoyed because with 18 left i'd grinded a good stack but only had one head. That then quickly balanced with 3 heads in 3 hands. First one folded to SB who has 4BB and shoves. I call with 33 and win the flip. Actually flopped the FD too so take some cards off him. Then moved table and pick up kings UTG +1. UTG shoves, i reshove end of hand. I hold v TJ. The final one of the 3 probably the most strange. Folded to SB who limps from a 5BB stack. I shove with A2. Close to the bubble i can pick up the limp alot of the time. Other times ill be ahead and its only 10% of my stack. And if im behind of coarse i can get there. They tanked and called with K4 of hearts. Ace high flop, with 2 hearts gave a sweat. In the end i held. 

    I did pick up another head on FT. However in the end i came 4th. (my 3 final tables today, in order from 1st to 3rd ive finished 2nd, 3rd, 4th - guess i was finnishing 4th or winning lol). However im disappointed with that. Managed to get the short stack to put over half his stack in on a gutshot on the turn. Only for it to land on the river. That left me with 10 bigs. Standard shove on the button with A3s, Sb wakes up with Kings. Nothing i can do about variance.

    However i feel like when i play like this, i can beat so many fields. Obviously i cant do anything about variance and i can accept that. 3 final tables in one day (not inc sats) - won 2 sats, and bubbled a third. Ontop of that ive had 2 further MTT bubbles. If i can maintain going this deep in mtts on a regular basis, This don will have its day. 

    Bankroll: £344.95 

    Points: 1020
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Day 4 Part 2 I wish i could make my form consistant. I took a break and tried and failed to have a nap after the last update. Having failed to sleep I entered the 4.30 £300 GTD bounty hunter. I also entered the 4.35 £5 sat to the semi for the £110 bounty hunter. I always planned to just take the £24 if i got that, purley based on I don't feel up to playing £110 tournaments with my current role. I know that might be a little contraversial. I went on to win, and took the £24.  While slowly plucking away in the bounty hunter the primo sat started. The primo is a tournament i still have the evils for. Its the main event I've probably tried the most, and I know i say I've crushed my bogey now, but i probably can't fully until i cash in this bad boy. However despite getting to 6k early i didn't manage to get a seat. I opened a button and got shoved on, then went card dead. SB 3x my BB and i shoved with TT. Was about a 14BB shove. He called with AQ and i lost the resulting flip. That would have gave me 8k with 72 left, 35 seats. Depending on how i use it that flip is probably for the seat. All the same meh.  Still plucking away in the bounty hunter i was rather annoyed because with 18 left i'd grinded a good stack but only had one head. That then quickly balanced with 3 heads in 3 hands. First one folded to SB who has 4BB and shoves. I call with 33 and win the flip. Actually flopped the FD too so take some cards off him. Then moved table and pick up kings UTG +1. UTG shoves, i reshove end of hand. I hold v TJ. The final one of the 3 probably the most strange. Folded to SB who limps from a 5BB stack. I shove with A2. Close to the bubble i can pick up the limp alot of the time. Other times ill be ahead and its only 10% of my stack. And if im behind of coarse i can get there. They tanked and called with K4 of hearts. Ace high flop, with 2 hearts gave a sweat. In the end i held.  I did pick up another head on FT. However in the end i came 4th. (my 3 final tables today, in order from 1st to 3rd ive finished 2nd, 3rd, 4th - guess i was finnishing 4th or winning lol). However im disappointed with that. Managed to get the short stack to put over half his stack in on a gutshot on the turn. Only for it to land on the river. That left me with 10 bigs. Standard shove on the button with A3s, Sb wakes up with Kings. Nothing i can do about variance. However i feel like when i play like this, i can beat so many fields. Obviously i cant do anything about variance and i can accept that. 3 final tables in one day (not inc sats) - won 2 sats, and bubbled a third. Ontop of that ive had 2 further MTT bubbles. If i can maintain going this deep in mtts on a regular basis, This don will have its day.  Bankroll: £344.95  Points: 1020
    Posted by The_Don90
    Nice progress Donald. 

    How do you think this attempt at a diary/bankroll build is different to your previous attempts? 

    What are the chances of you asking Sky Dave to close the thread within 2 months? 

    Are you a changed man?

    Not seeing much cash reported, have you given up that plan? Not fancy a sng grind in the mornings when MTTs are poor value? HU sngs are where it's at. 

    I've given up persuading you to play hypers, but you're better off grinding £5 turbocharged than £6 BH with £15 ftw. 

    Also re. the highlighted bit in your post. 

    I don't normally have a go at people about their spelling, but I'd have thought you'd know how to spell donk by now. 

    I was at your table the other day and noticed your location has changed to 'a shoe factory'. Can you be more specific about where this shoe factory is Geographically, and why you're living there?


  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : Nice progress Donald.  How do you think this attempt at a diary/bankroll build is different to your previous attempts?  

    What are the chances of you asking Sky Dave to close the thread within 2 months?  

    Are you a changed man?

     Not seeing much cash reported, have you given up that plan?

     Not fancy a sng grind in the mornings when MTTs are poor value? HU sngs are where it's at.  I've given up persuading you to play hypers, but you're better off grinding £5 turbocharged than £6 BH with £15 ftw.  Also re. the highlighted bit in your post.  I don't normally have a go at people about their spelling, but I'd have thought you'd know how to spell donk by now. 

     I was at your table the other day and noticed your location has changed to 'a shoe factory'. Can you be more specific about where this shoe factory is Geographically, and why you're living there? glgl 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    1. Mostly mtts this time around.

    2. Im older and wrinkleyer

    3. Meh when the time is right

    4. I suck at STTs 

    5. No comment
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day 5 Part 1

    I played further into the afternoon than usual. Mostly because I don't see the point in the early morning  MTTs and i actually slept better. I started at 9.45 and played. 

    However despite qualifying for the semi for the main - took 4 attempts. I've had two sat bubbles. One tournament i bubbled the bubble (if that make sense) and other than about 3 heads in various mtts, I literally have 1 cash to my name today. Although in one sat bubble i got double the buy in - but again that doesnt count. 

    However the one MTT cash comes in an event i wouldnt normally play. The 1PM £50 GTD. It was also a win. An epic HU with the opponent in the end i sort of coolered him. I opened 34 flop 3xK he checked and i checked back. Turn comes a 4. We got it all in. He had the K. I rivered another 3 but thats irelevant. 

    Bankroll: £354.33

    Points: 1074
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day 5 Part 2

    This is yesterdays update, slightly late i admit. After my last tournament i just wanted bed so headed off. It was another poor showing from me last night, however one that seen a small profit. 

    I started off with the main semi. It was a strange one. I attempted to play hands but never got a caller. Literally the furthest I got in the hand was the flop. This mean with 41 left 29 seats i still basically had starting stack. I went aggro for what I could. In the end 2 bizzare plays i dont fully understand from opponents cost. I won't judge theres probably a reason for it. 

    However that loss wasn't too bad. I entered two more sat - turns out one was for the wrong event. Although the sat for the £55 I'd entered by mistake (late regd too so couldn't leave) got me nowhere. Although i never got going. However in the actual main sat, I got to Heads up. £26 for second, the seat for first. Running into aces ended that. I took a few minutes to decide on paying the exta but decided against it in the end. 

    So the focus was on the DTD. I had a night where nothing went right. QJ JJxx5 board was no good v J5. Lost the min as i peeled over 2 limpers from the SB. BB had the J5. To be honest i can maybe fold the river i only beat JT/J9 really. That was the damage in DTD3 then busting 55 into TT for bout 10bigs. Standard stuff. 

    DTD1 and 2 was more annoying. DTD2 I lost a hand - i cant even remember the hand. Wouldnt have mattered anyways as i ran QQ into AA for my final 12 bigs. DTD1 I grinded up to 14k. Then ran aces into 54 on a 654 flop. Although i doubled KQ v A5 after that i still busted not long after. I cant remember the full exit. 

    Bankroll: £362.03

    Points: 1096
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day 6

    Ive not put part one on this as im not feeling great. May not play again today. 

    However my internet finally got upgraded to fiber-optic today - yey. So i loaded up regged for about every sat and bh with a GTE in the space of an hour. Purely to test my connection. 

    Annoyingly i kept busting. Meaning i never had more than my old connections limit up. Although much much smoother. No real cashes to speak of, but since im feeling ill, i did win one of the direct sats. Not feeling up to playing the event later so I've taken the cash. 

    I also took 2 heads over the bounty hunters so that recovered some of the damages on them. 

    Bankroll: £372.01

    Points: 1124
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2013
    Nice progress
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day 7

    Again I;ve not put a part in. Not sure if ill get much playing time later on. 

    However i started at 1pm with the GTD never got going really busting KK v AK. I also joined the 1.30 bh. Again i never got going. I tilt called off my stack in that one. Even admited in chat it was a bad call before i made it. 

    However i also did the 2PM GTD comming 2nd for £15, and i did the 1.05 1 min roulette winning that for £3.75 lol. 

    I've also decided to treat myself for grinding, none of my previous super tilting aswell. Also we had to turn down a weekend away in Blackpool due to Mel's due date. As a result she was a little disappointed. 

    So I've bought us tickets for....

    .... Rangers v East Stirling in 2 weeks time. I have a seat which should be the most suitable for a pregnant lass, front row on the isle. 

    Bankroll: £379.69

    Points: 1150
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day 8 

    A mixed day. Break evenish from MTTs. Cant remember many hands. Think i also had 2 bubbles in sats, although got the buy in x2 back for both. Positives. 

    I also qualified for both the main, and won the freeroll sat into the £11 bh. Neither went well in the end. Did get one head in the mini before busting in a flip. 

    However i jumped onto a cash table, and played rather aggro. That didn;'t go well. Wont mention figures, but bascially this is my days losses. 

    Bankroll: £316.19

    Points: 1272
  • loolololloloololollo Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Day 8  A mixed day. Break evenish from MTTs. Cant remember many hands. Think i also had 2 bubbles in sats, although got the buy in x2 back for both. Positives.  I also qualified for both the main, and won the freeroll sat into the £11 bh. Neither went well in the end. Did get one head in the mini before busting in a flip.  However i jumped onto a cash table, and played rather aggro. That didn;'t go well. Wont mention figures, but bascially this is my days losses.  Bankroll: £316.19 Points: 1272
    Posted by The_Don90
    ul keep your head up 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : ul keep your head up 
    Posted by loololollo
    No biggie. I played very aggro to create spots, then got 3 or 4 weird spots where a certain move is +EV and hit the top of their range. 

    2 very interesting hands, on in clinic. 
  • loolololloloololollo Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : No biggie. I played very aggro to create spots, then got 3 or 4 weird spots where a certain move is +EV and hit the top of their range.  2 very interesting hands, on in clinic. 
    Posted by The_Don90
    ill check em out laters mate
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited February 2013
    Question for you Donald...

    Now that Rangers are no longer the 2nd biggest club in Scotland, who is?


    Inverness are doing well, but don't think they can be classed as the 2nd biggest just yet.

    Gl with the pokerz.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Question for you Donald... Now that Rangers are no longer the 2nd biggest club in Scotland, who is? Hearts,Hibs,Motherwell? Inverness are doing well, but don't think they can be classed as the 2nd biggest just yet. Gl with the pokerz.
    Posted by splashies

    Celtic obv. 

    Rangers still the biggest team in Scotland. 
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