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Every Don has its day



  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013

    Good profit for the day.

    The fact you got HU in so many sats, speaks volumes!

    Good luck for tomorrow and getting your big score.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited August 2013
    Satellite Grinding

    I've decided to do a mid day report. mostly because i think this half day deserves a post to itself, and partly down to my memory. lol. 

    Firstly I'd like to say to some people (i dont know weather they read this or not) its good to see sat grinders on Sky. I know this isn't their normal soarce of income but over the UKOPs theres a huge opportunity, and without some of them, some sats wudn't run. I would say, including myself there was at least 3 other people playing virually every sat. This guarentees they run. 

    Anyways, as you will know i played mostly UKOPs sats today. I also played 2 £5 bounty hunters and 3 mtts on Winamax. 

    Firstly Winamax, i done pants. Ul in a number of standard spots, a couple of mistakes too. Usual kinda stuff. 

    UKOPs sats, The main and Side event sats where literally the mare for me. I got to HU in one, unlike yesterday there wa sa fiver back for second. My opponent was Greghogg. I have vast amounts of respect for Greg, unfortunetly hu Greg has a insane record v me. In the end greg beat me and i got the fiver. 

    The bh semi ones though went slightly better, I won 3 of these. The first i took the seat and the others i obviously took the cash. 

    The bhs one went poor, never got going. The other i got to final 10 2nd in chips, tore up on the bubble, but got ul in 2 spots, was shorty going over it. Then recovered and was chip leader on FT. Got into a huge pot v 2nd in chips with JJ v AJ which went all in pre. xxxxA sigh - that would have gave me a 3-1 chip lead 3 handed. Instead i had 15BB. Anyways i did manage to double, before he bust the other 2. I got it in with AK v his K9 hu and sometimes people are destined to win. 

    Just to put how many sats i failed in today into perspective. On Sky only, i won £50 from that bh and £24 from the sats (not inc the £12 sat to be played) and i have broke even. I think thats a pretty insane record. 

    Anyways onto the next, and i will update after another session tonight. I still have the bh semi which starts in 3 mins. 
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited August 2013
    Gl luck with the sats Don.In the early ones there wasn't many people entering and was sat with mostly the same people in all 3 sats.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited August 2013
    At a loss to explain this

    Firstly thanks Day4Eire don't think you actually lost a pot v me in a sat today, which sucks, lol. 

    So earlier on i broke even. I have now came to an end of my session. I will ask someone for a graph tomorrow to add to this post, as that will be accurate. I ended up finnishing £65 down. How i have no f'ing idea. 

    I lost every pot where i was at risk to in tonight, i literally cant think of a single one i won. 

    I've decided to post some hands so people can get an idea of what im up against.
    Madrarua Small blind  200.00 200.00 15340.00
    dobalina Big blind  400.00 600.00 3830.00
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    Audi81 Fold     
    garner909 All-in  3590.00 4190.00 0.00
    SwineFlu Fold     
    The_Don90 All-in  5705.00 9895.00 0.00
    Madrarua Fold     
    dobalina All-in  3830.00 13725.00 0.00
    The_Don90 Unmatched bet  1475.00 12250.00 1475.00
    dobalina Show
    • Q
    • A
    garner909 Show
    • J
    • J
    The_Don90 Show
    • K
    • K
    • 6
    • 8
    • 10
    • Q
    • 6
    dobalina Win Flush to the Ace 12250.00  12250.00
    trevor1948 Small blind  80.00 80.00 4760.00
    TAM Big blind  160.00 240.00 3035.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    00mb00 Fold     
    The_Don90 Raise  480.00 720.00 3418.75
    LEEDSHX Fold     
    SR23 Fold     
    trevor1948 Call  400.00 1120.00 4360.00
    TAM Call  320.00 1440.00 2715.00
    • 6
    • 8
    • Q
    trevor1948 Bet  1440.00 2880.00 2920.00
    TAM Fold     
    The_Don90 Call  1440.00 4320.00 1978.75
    • 9
    trevor1948 All-in  2920.00 7240.00 0.00
    The_Don90 All-in  1978.75 9218.75 0.00
    trevor1948 Unmatched bet  941.25 8277.50 941.25
    trevor1948 Show
    • 9
    • Q
    The_Don90 Show
    • A
    • A
    • 4
    trevor1948 Win Two Pairs, Queens and 9s 8277.50  9218.75
    The_Don90 Small blind  200.00 200.00 6387.50
    lok123 Big blind  400.00 600.00 3620.00
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    CraigSG1 Raise  1600.00 2200.00 10835.00
    jet1144111 Fold     
    HOLLYWHIT Fold     
    tracey1969 Fold     
    The_Don90 All-in  6387.50 8587.50 0.00
    lok123 Fold     
    CraigSG1 Call  4987.50 13575.00 5847.50
    The_Don90 Show
    • J
    • J
    CraigSG1 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • 4
    • 3
    • 10
    • K
    • 7
    CraigSG1 Win Pair of Queens 13575.00  19422.50
    Bear_Proof Small blind  300.00 300.00 5535.00
    hazzer Big blind  600.00 900.00 4447.50
      Your hole cards
    • 2
    • 2
    deucebig18 Fold     
    The_Don90 All-in  6805.00 7705.00 0.00
    PEGGY92 Fold     
    Tsaaaar All-in  6085.00 13790.00 0.00
    Bear_Proof Fold     
    hazzer Fold     
    The_Don90 Unmatched bet  720.00 13070.00 720.00
    The_Don90 Show
    • 2
    • 2
    Tsaaaar Show
    • K
    • A
    • Q
    • K
    • 7
    • 8
    • 4
    Tsaaaar Win Pair of Kings 13070.00  13070.00
    homersmpsn Sit out     
    Bear_Proof Small blind  150.00 150.00 4818.75
    SR23 Big blind  300.00 450.00 4948.75
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 7
    dee1983 Fold     
    stfc_1953 Raise  600.00 1050.00 10360.00
    The_Don90 All-in  2420.00 3470.00 0.00
    Bear_Proof Fold     
    SR23 Fold     
    stfc_1953 Call  1820.00 5290.00 8540.00
    stfc_1953 Show
    • Q
    • A
    The_Don90 Show
    • 7
    • 7
    • 4
    • 8
    • A
    • 10
    • 4
    stfc_1953 Win Two Pairs, Aces and 4s 5290.00  13830.00
    durie Small blind  75.00 75.00 1765.00
    mastahead Big blind  150.00 225.00 2020.00
      Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 8
    Jackpot88 All-in  275.00 500.00 0.00
    The_Don90 Call  275.00 775.00 1480.00
    kgee Fold     
    durie Call  200.00 975.00 1565.00
    mastahead Fold     
    • 4
    • 6
    • 7
    durie All-in  1565.00 2540.00 0.00
    The_Don90 All-in  1480.00 4020.00 0.00
    durie Unmatched bet  85.00 3935.00 85.00
    durie Show
    • A
    • 5
    Jackpot88 Show
    • 8
    • 10
    The_Don90 Show
    • 8
    • 8
    • 3
    • 9
    Jackpot88 Win Straight to the 10 975.00  975.00
    durie Win Straight to the 7 2960.00  3045.00
    POKEY2011 Small blind  10.00 10.00 1730.00
    The_Don90 Big blind  20.00 30.00 2560.00
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    ACEGOONER Raise  60.00 90.00 1620.00
    POKEY2011 Call  50.00 140.00 1680.00
    The_Don90 Raise  160.00 300.00 2400.00
    ACEGOONER Raise  480.00 780.00 1140.00
    POKEY2011 Fold     
    The_Don90 All-in  2400.00 3180.00 0.00
    ACEGOONER All-in  1140.00 4320.00 0.00
    The_Don90 Unmatched bet  900.00 3420.00 900.00
    The_Don90 Show
    • K
    • A
    • 10
    • 10
    • 7
    • Q
    • 9
    • 2
    • 4
    ACEGOONER Win Pair of 10s 3420.00  3420.00
    I did manage to find the single flip I won

    All these hands are from 6pm as was last 500 hands limit
    findy Small blind  30.00 30.00 5915.00
    DEANDOG Big blind  60.00 90.00 2372.50
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    lpotts Raise  240.00 330.00 1020.00
    quagmire69 Fold     
    1-DAY Fold     
    The_Don90 All-in  1550.00 1880.00 0.00
    findy Call  1520.00 3400.00 4395.00
    DEANDOG Fold     
    lpotts All-in  1020.00 4420.00 0.00
    findy Show
    • K
    • Q
    lpotts Show
    • 10
    • Q
    The_Don90 Show
    • 9
    • 9
    • A
    • 2
    • 6
    • 6
    • 7
    The_Don90 Win Flush to the Ace 4420.00  4420.00
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited August 2013
    Some really bad ones there pal.I seen alot of this today and sats can be very profitable if you play the correct way  (which you did) just very unlucky.I did ok in the early ones and was able to get in to all the semis but was only able to finish one of them off.So my UKOPS won't start till 10 unless I buy in to the others.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited August 2013
    A little something to take you're frustration out on

    Firstly thanks to Dohhhhh here is the graph for yesterday as promised. 

    As you can see its pretty painful. Other than a £12 sat i qualified for the highest buy in was £6. 

    I'm now going to addess something else. yesterday after that session i was feeling extremely down when i finnished. I'm still at a loss to explain those results. I felt i played pretty well. I remember a few months back watching an old American TV programme called, Two Months Two Million. On that they had a Tilt room, where they smashed alot of things up. 

    I have found a much cheaper way of letting alot of frustration out. Gaming has always been a passion of mine. Although some games make me rage just as much. However one game, Dynasty Warriors is pretty good for letting all you're troubles out. Is a slash em up type game based on the Three Kingdoms Era of ancient china. But basically when im annoyed i set it to easy and do some of the larger battles, killing 10000 different pixelmen in a short time is a good way to relax and feel better.

    I think i will play again today, i wasn't sure if i would or not, but meh stuff it.. LETS GO!!!!!
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited August 2013
    That feeling again

    I'm going to sound moany, and down beat in this update. I've taken a number of hours before updating the diary so its not quiet as bad, but i dont think i can update much better than i will now. 

    Today started postitive, almost instantly into the Main Semi. £10 from a bh sat. Sweet, looking good. 

    From there on in, yesterday was back. The bubble re-awoke. The pain of it all. 

    I defo didn't bubble as many today as i did yesterday, i didn't make it throo as many either. 

    All my mtts went wrong bar one on winamax ill address after. 

    Sats, as i said i made the main semi, think i bubbled 3 standard ones. The main semi had 5 seats. I made it to 7 left in great shape. Nothing for 6ht or 7th fwiw. 7 people left, i had both tables open, about 9 times, two players got it all in, every time the at risk stack had to worst hand, and got there. Meanwhile I'm spot dead. Someone eventually bust but i was joint shorty. Guy to my left time banks every F'ing hand, thus the blinds go up on my BB. Ontop of that, Sky have no 500/1000 level so not only was it a blind raise n my BB instead of having the 5BB i did have i now had 3.3. If the 500/1000 level was in play i wud have 4BB so not much better but wud allow me to fold and be able to shove the following hand, or the one after. Anyways i got Aj someone raised and i have no choice. The flip over KT and this was literally the only point from 7 people left that i had my chips in the middle with a caller. TTxxx board. Thank you very much, everyone else gets a double up but me. Thank you for that, and yet another stone bubble. 

    At that point i decided i was done for the day. Unfortunetly i was crushing a winamax mtt. I did manage to stay focused and ended up comming 14th. Again i feel i should have done so much better. 14th just feels so spewy. My exit there was AK v KK AIP for like 30BB so nothing i can do, expessially 5 handed. 

    I  have decided after two extremely painful days, that i need to once again take some time out. I know i have hardly played this month, and over the coarse of the weekend ive ran grim as anything, made £50 profit on sky, about break even on .fr, and a small loss on winamax. There are lots of positives to take away from this. I havent spewed off my roll like i would have in the past, i managed to maintain my composure and run deep in and mtt while id given up all hope. 

    Unfortunetly i still don't think my mindset is in the correct place to continue playing over the next few days. I will of coarse judge by how I'm feeling when i wake up. However i think Its best to chill for a day or two and refresh. I will focus on my youtube videos, as i enjoy doing that, its a good sort of Don time.

    All the best to all at the tables, and peace!
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    That feeling again I'm going to sound moany, and down beat in this update. I've taken a number of hours before updating the diary so its not quiet as bad, but i dont think i can update much better than i will now.  Today started postitive, almost instantly into the Main Semi. £10 from a bh sat. Sweet, looking good.  From there on in, yesterday was back. The bubble re-awoke. The pain of it all.  I defo didn't bubble as many today as i did yesterday, i didn't make it throo as many either.  All my mtts went wrong bar one on winamax ill address after.  Sats, as i said i made the main semi, think i bubbled 3 standard ones. The main semi had 5 seats. I made it to 7 left in great shape. Nothing for 6ht or 7th fwiw. 7 people left, i had both tables open, about 9 times, two players got it all in, every time the at risk stack had to worst hand, and got there. Meanwhile I'm spot dead. Someone eventually bust but i was joint shorty. Guy to my left time banks every F'ing hand, thus the blinds go up on my BB. Ontop of that, Sky have no 500/1000 level so not only was it a blind raise n my BB instead of having the 5BB i did have i now had 3.3. If the 500/1000 level was in play i wud have 4BB so not much better but wud allow me to fold and be able to shove the following hand, or the one after. Anyways i got Aj someone raised and i have no choice. The flip over KT and this was literally the only point from 7 people left that i had my chips in the middle with a caller. TTxxx board. Thank you very much, everyone else gets a double up but me. Thank you for that, and yet another stone bubble.  At that point i decided i was done for the day. Unfortunetly i was crushing a winamax mtt. I did manage to stay focused and ended up comming 14th. Again i feel i should have done so much better. 14th just feels so spewy. My exit there was AK v KK AIP for like 30BB so nothing i can do, expessially 5 handed.  I  have decided after two extremely painful days, that i need to once again take some time out. I know i have hardly played this month, and over the coarse of the weekend ive ran grim as anything, made £50 profit on sky, about break even on .fr, and a small loss on winamax. There are lots of positives to take away from this. I havent spewed off my roll like i would have in the past, i managed to maintain my composure and run deep in and mtt while id given up all hope.  Unfortunetly i still don't think my mindset is in the correct place to continue playing over the next few days. I will of coarse judge by how I'm feeling when i wake up. However i think Its best to chill for a day or two and refresh. I will focus on my youtube videos, as i enjoy doing that, its a good sort of Don time. All the best to all at the tables, and peace!
    Posted by The_Don90

    So if a profitable weekend is "extremley painful", what is a losing weekend?

    I really don't understand your mentality sometimes, but wish you all the best genuinley. 

    Enjoy your chill out time. 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : So if a profitable weekend is "extremley painful", what is a losing weekend? I really don't understand your mentality sometimes, but wish you all the best genuinley.  Enjoy your chill out time. 
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    So because i made money at poker, and then had a bad spell im not allowed to feel slightly frustrated and annoyed. Baring in mind, you know why i was a little bit frustrated. 

    Im sure far more winning players than me have a rant when they have a downswing. And basically this weekend thats what it was. I played well i think, maybe took some high variance spots but i was always in ahead. Now even on a downswing if u get it in enough surely u will make money. You know urself it only takes one mtt. And thats basically what i got. 

    Now im sorry if my rant and feelings feel wrong to you. 
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013

    You appear to be rather good at gaming. (I'm rubbish) how much time do you put into it?
    Next console of choice and why?
    Will they be hugely better than what we have now and why?
    Will rangers return to the level they were at a few years ago?
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited August 2013
    if your running deep in sats and mtt's then your not running bad

    your just getting ul at a crutial time

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited August 2013
    Questions You appear to be rather good at gaming. (I'm rubbish) how much time do you put into it? Next console of choice and why? Will they be hugely better than what we have now and why? Will rangers return to the level they were at a few years ago?
    Posted by Jac35

    I wouldn't say im good, i just enjoy it, on a non-poker day easily 8-9 hours per day. On a poker day bout 1 or 2. 

    I took alot of time to consider my options for the next gen console. I was swaying towards the PS4, but the Xbox One has managed to convice me to change my mind. I sorted out my pre-order on Monday. Xbox origionally had alot of redic policies which they have now changed, and i love Fifa, with the pre-order Fifa 14 comes free. I also feel the free kinect will be good for the weeone in a couple of years. 

    I think theres going to be some improvement, the current consoles (xbox certainly) are now 8 years old. However because of the ressession development of technology hasn't came on as much as the 8 years before that, i would expect a similar kind of jump from the last gen to this gen. I know Gareth Bale was doing some motion censor stuff, which was used in the current gen but its now in much better detail for the new gen. 

    Rangers this season excite me big time. Last year we had a team assembled in just 6 days, i don't think any manager would have had it easy. We still can't sign players (although we have abused the trailist rule) for another week. Theres 2 players who have signed for us who where linked with us when we where "good". The progress of the club will continue. We are still 95% capacity of a 50k stadium so i see no, to very little reason to why we cannot win the Scottish Premiership. 

    What really worries me though, is Celtic look very weak now. Selling Wanyama and Hooper, which i think where good business decisions but haven't replaced them. Without Celtic doing well in Europe the co-efficent things will hurt us. And the rest of Scottish football. However i think Celtic will win the league for about 6 in a row before they are challenged again, but the challenge will come from Rangers.  

    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    if your running deep in sats and mtt's then your not running bad your just getting ul at a crutial time
    Posted by rancid
    This is probably a fair point
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited August 2013
    More BS in critcal stages

    So i decided to play the reds v yellow game. I done ok, got ul in a flip then got KK in v QJ flopped a K and still lost. Standard. 

    I also played main and mini. Lost a flip in mini by a guy who decided to limp call 7s. I hit a straight and still lost ffs. 

    Main i didnt bubble. But i bubbled the bubble. Same guy picked up KK and QQ two consecutive hands, and obviously i had hand to shove BB v SB and SB v BTN over a limp and he held both times. 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    A little bit of fun, beers and more

    So i took a break from poker. Only for a week or two to straighen out my head, but lets be honest, what would a Don diary be without a rant at somepoint. 

    This weekend seen not just me but a few other local players including my dad and uncle heading for Newcastle. Strangely not for the SPT. There was a team event at the G casino down the road to which we decided to play. We did also decide to stay in Newcastle instead of travelling down on the day which my Dad would normally prefer. 

    On the Friday we got down slightly later than planned however still we got into Aspers early enough to late reg the mtt. Because there was 6 of us late regging they opened a new table. As you can imagine 5 of us where on it, and we might as well have played in the local pub. 

    I got off to a horrible start losing a big pot with AK v TT, managed to double back up but ended up exiting after 3b shoving over a UTG raise with KQo. He snapped with A6 and held. That was after a table move and was literally at the end of the re-entry period. 

    I re-entered and won a flip, then a 70/30. I got moved table again, this time both Uncle Willie and another local where on it again. Giant, Pokey and supersnedd was also on this table. A really good friendly table. I can't really remember what happened on this table, things went against me abit, and i ended up making a number of mistakes, i came off this table, onto final table though, with 1.5bb. Not where i wanted to be. 2 hands in i look at Kc, in UTG +2 i decide its enough and shove. 2 calls, standard obviously. Kx7 flop. One caller pots i flick over, turns out the other card was Ac, so thought id be in decent shape the other guy flicks over 77. umm gg. 

    So i cashed for £30, not bad for a mtt which cost £46 to play, i have to admit i think myself and others all agreed the payout structure was pretty poor, and had i known that i think i would have been unlikely to re-enter. 

    Saturday was the day of the team event, 6 man team our team was all made up of players from our town. A team had to nominate a team captian and a star player. Captains I'm not 100% sure on what their role was on the actual game, i think it was just a nominated player to attend the player briefing. A friend who ran deep (i think they split the prize) in the Friday night game was the least hungover/drunk so got that nomination. Another role was the star player, origionally we had Dad down for this. Although he had literally had less than 1 hours sleep and was drinking all night. Thus he lost his role. Uncle Willie was asked to replace him, mostly because knocking out a star player is worth 5 points to the other team. Willie was the least likely person within the team who would get it in light. 

    The event for me didn't go aswell as i would have liked. In level 1 the table seen me as super aggressive. What they didn't know though was i was being dealt KK and AK almost every other hand. Unfortunetly for me nobody wants to get their chips in, in level one of an mtt and the deck cooled for me towards the end of it. 

    I lost 2 or 3 huge pots, most which i was unlucky, and one admitted mistake when i tried a river hero call with KJ high, which to be fair was ahead of most of the opponents range. Annoyingly he had 4th pair, he was bluffing with the best hand and had a sucker who couldn't be bluffed holding worse lol. 

    After the break i had a 22bb stack, UTG limped as did half the table, i was in the SB and woke up with AQ. Taking the pot down now wouldn't be terrible a good number of BBs added to my stack, and if called im probably not in terrible shape, so i shove. UTG snaps, thats the one time you know you're in terrible shape. Thankfully he flips over KK so i have ways out of it, board runs out KxQxA. So despit the two pair i was out. The board did have 4 diamonds on it on the turn so i could have split but the Ah was the river teaser. 

    The desision was made to go to Aspers for the side event, and we got there about 6.30, annoyingly that was late reg territory. Again a table got opened as soon as possible and 3 local lads ended up on my table, as was mewillows. Early on mewillows took charge of the table, and i had some annoying spots, although i had position on him which made my life easier than most. He got really unlucky and shortly after his exit the table broke. From there i won two flips and went from strenth to strenth. I think i spent abit of time as chip leader, and made final table as a top 3 chip stack. Final table was soft after from 2 or 3 players. However some more than standard spots went in the wrong direction. This left me crippled after losing a 60/40 v bearproof, i ended up on the BB with 4BB (inc the one invested) UTG limped. UTG was a really, really passive player and a limp could easily have been a hand as strong as Jacks. Only raise i'd previously seen i reluctantly called with TT just to give you an idea. I said to Giant afterwards despite winning that hand (he had AK) i made a huge mistake by not just folding pre. Anyways i look down at 23o. Great. I check 2xx flop, at that stage i decided he folds all his overcards and maybe some of his smaller pairs, and i shove, getting it throo is a full double. He snaps with top set. gg. 

    Overall the weekend was a good one, and was good to see new and old faces. 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    Close but no bones

    So yesterday seen my return to online poker. I played over a number of sites again focusing purely on mtts. 

    The day started horrible, early on nothing was really going right, eventually i was left with my last 2 scheduled mtts. However i did manage to build a stack in both. 

    I'm not convinced i was playing well though. 

    After i finnished I done a hand review focusing purely on one mtt with a few friends and sky regs. We ended up recording it although ended half way through as it was taking a while. Some of the guys where wanting to grind and Rougecell was busy setting fire to her house. For those interested ill add the link below.

    Edit: had to delete missed abit in editing will re-upload tomo
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    Mixed feelings

    I'll start by putting a new link to the slightly shortened version of the hand discussion video. There was a slightly contraversial comment in the last 5 minutes of the video. No harm intended but best to be removed. 

    Anyways back to the actual poker. I played a few events yesterday, one on got unlucky in a 200BB pot with a set of 2's v TT on 235, guy hit backdoor spades to stay alive sigh :( left me crippled and i never recovered.

    Winamax was my second busiest site, i had a few near cashes, but near cashes just ain't cashes, i won't complain as simply it is what it is.

    Sky for once was my busiest site. And the other one i managed to do much on. The 6pm Guarenteed mtt seen me come 5th for around £18. Lost a huge flip on the bubble (5 cashed) and then ran into QQ when i shoved from the button with 5 bigs. Don't think i do anything different. 

    I managed to win an all in sat for the rush mtt, for which i took the money. £22 put me in small profit for the day on sky only. 

    The main i was really unlucky. I was spot dead for a chunk then got AQ in for 10 bigs, hit TJKxx v AT and still lost so yeah gg that. Obviously standard. The mini i had a sick heat in the first half hour, 5 heads including 3 in a single hand. That meant i was chip leader at the end of the first break. Things then got ugly, first hand, one guy opens, one call, shorty shoves (which was less than the open) i re-shove from BB with AK. Caller tanks and is covered by me, and calls with Q2s. Shorty has AQ. 2xxxx yeah well played sir, but trully proves why the overjam is of great use in this spot. 

    We then moved table lost a flip and a 60/40 which where also both for heads, i did manage one more double, before losing a flip on the stone bubble (AK v QQ) thankfully someone else bust and i scraped a min cash.

    I must admit to being very disappointed with yesterdays results, but lots of positives to take away from it.

    I would also like some thoughts, typing isn't one of my strong points, and i would be interested in turning this into a VLOG rather than typing up. This would make my life slightly easier, and might appeal to readers/listeners as you would be able to put it on in the background while you live your lifes. 

    I am now giving that as an option for others though, and I'm happy to maintain writing if that is the prefered method.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Mixed feelings I'll start by putting a new link to the slightly shortened version of the hand discussion video. There was a slightly contraversial comment in the last 5 minutes of the video. No harm intended but best to be removed. Anyways back to the actual poker. I played a few events yesterday, one on got unlucky in a 200BB pot with a set of 2's v TT on 235, guy hit backdoor spades to stay alive sigh :( left me crippled and i never recovered. Winamax was my second busiest site, i had a few near cashes, but near cashes just ain't cashes, i won't complain as simply it is what it is. Sky for once was my busiest site. And the other one i managed to do much on. The 6pm Guarenteed mtt seen me come 5th for around £18. Lost a huge flip on the bubble (5 cashed) and then ran into QQ when i shoved from the button with 5 bigs. Don't think i do anything different.  I managed to win an all in sat for the rush mtt, for which i took the money. £22 put me in small profit for the day on sky only.  The main i was really unlucky. I was spot dead for a chunk then got AQ in for 10 bigs, hit TJKxx v AT and still lost so yeah gg that. Obviously standard. The mini i had a sick heat in the first half hour, 5 heads including 3 in a single hand. That meant i was chip leader at the end of the first break. Things then got ugly, first hand, one guy opens, one call, shorty shoves (which was less than the open) i re-shove from BB with AK. Caller tanks and is covered by me, and calls with Q2s. Shorty has AQ. 2xxxx yeah well played sir, but trully proves why the overjam is of great use in this spot.  We then moved table lost a flip and a 60/40 which where also both for heads, i did manage one more double, before losing a flip on the stone bubble (AK v QQ) thankfully someone else bust and i scraped a min cash. I must admit to being very disappointed with yesterdays results, but lots of positives to take away from it. I would also like some thoughts, typing isn't one of my strong points, and i would be interested in turning this into a VLOG rather than typing up. This would make my life slightly easier, and might appeal to readers/listeners as you would be able to put it on in the background while you live your lifes.  I am now giving that as an option for others though, and I'm happy to maintain writing if that is the prefered method.
    Posted by The_Don90
    Pingu is already banned, I wouldn't have worried about it! ;)

    Will miss the written Donisms if you turn it into a vlog, but having spoken to u a lot they do actually happen when you talk too!

    +1 to the vlog. u gna webcam it smitalos style? :D

  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited September 2013
    Started to watch your vid, is it the first time you've used the software?

    Hopefully once you've found your way around it you'll be able to turn Clare's volume down :)

    Good to see you at the weekend, albeit briefly.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited September 2013
    Hey Mate good to meet you at the weekend,

    Just watched your video, cracking stuff, got any plans for doing some more?

    If you do, make sure Clare has her oven off lol
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited September 2013
    Ah, it was the night I tried 3-max! Shame the recording didn't last til the bit that Greg open jammed Q4o into me heads up and lucked out! Obviously didn't want to play :(   Hope you cashed sir.
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