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Every Don has its day



  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013
    Trials, Jubilation and a touch of heart break

    Well what a mixed day it has been. 

    I started the day talking to customer care, I won't go into detail, but was about last nights sat. In the end i got to play tonight :)

    The desision of weather to play or not fully rested on that desision from Sky. 

    So once Sky said ok, off i went, regged up for most primo semi sats. Won 2 in the end was about break even with a semi seat to play. That didn't go well, in good though. 

    I then regged up more sats, ul around the bubble in a number of spots but meh. 

    So no main. Sigh. 

    At that point i was feeling pretty down. I felt i hadn't done much wrong, but variance isn't a friendly creature. I decided to deposit on .fr - basically i wanted a change a welcome break. So i put in 40E regged up for 3 tournaments all which where recommeded by Sky Poker's very own Dohhhhhhhhh. 

    The SPT semi also started around this time. I cant denie that it wasn't hard. I literally felt like i had a nightmare seat draw. However in the end all worked out and i managed to squeeze into a seat for the 6max. Need to sort out travel/accom now which i will do over the next few days. 

    The tournaments on the other hand were all around the bubble now too. One by one they all crossed the bubble. 

    In the first one across the bubble i trebled my stack quickly after. Some insanely good spots, where people just went nuts. Then AA v JJ i open he 3bs i 4b i have just over pot back, he calls. Flop J high - pot for chip lead goes his way. gg. 

    The next one i shove JJ into KK for around 12BB. 

    The last one was crazy. 2/31, 25/28, 2/18, 9/10, 2/10, 10/10. In the end i came 6th for my first ever final table in that place. The exit hand im slightly annoyed at. I basically read a hand perfectly, and the lad turned his 3 outer, gg. But thats the nature of the beest. 

    All in all a mixed night, but delighted with how i played. 

    Bankroll:  £272.46

    Points: 627
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited June 2013
    Nice one getting to Notts, especially after all the hoo-ha! Maybe I'll avoid spewing off in one of the sats ans see you there.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013
    MTT Variance

    Over the last fews days I've been playing on 3 other sites. Roll Building was the plan however it started well but the last few days i hit a really strong slap of reality. 

    MTT variance is cruel. Sometimes nothing goes right, I really feel i blew a few big scores, 2 mtt fianl tables and ne where i had 2 sick pots taken away from me for the chip lead - i ended up comming 23rd. 

    However this is all standard stuff.

    I think I will play some micro stakes cash over the weekend even f its just to remind myself of the basics. I am also going out on the town with some friends tonight, Mel and the little one are away visiting family this weekend so might aswell take advantage. 

    Bankroll and points are same as last post. 
  • longman912longman912 Member Posts: 89
    edited June 2013
    well done qualifying for notts Don c u there.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    Well done on getting through the sat for the 6max, hope all goes well.

    Whats your thinking around having a B/r on 3 sites, just so you can have abit of change when you play ?
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013

    Firstly thank Longman and Robbie. In responce to Robbie before i go into my update. The bankroll over 3 sites is basically giving me more option to play. I think its impossible for a site to have a mtt schedule which suits me. By having entry fees on 3 different sites (4 as 2 of them are br transferable) i allow myself the best oportunity to hunt down that big mtt score that mtt players look for.

    Appoligies for a lack of updates. I've been sleeping horrible. Recently I've not played enough, its about that simple. MTT variance is crushing me, i had to top up on .fr and again I've lost a chunk of that. I can't blame just variance though. I haven't put the hours in. 

    Thats the issue with pokers, when your winning you want to play more, your playing well, your running well, and making money. Why wouldn't you. Unfortunetly when you lose it feels the opposite and sometimes worse. Ontop of that I haven't been sleeping well. Thus I'm either too tired anyways, or I struggle to motovate myself. 

    The last few days I've also played some NL4 sessions. These where supposed to be cheap ways or going back to basics and having a look at what we're doing wrong. Went through Hand Histories with a friend after and clearly most of it was lack of concentration more than anything. 

    Bankroll: £277.53

    Points: 716

    Edit: I have also sorted out a schedule for the French micromillions and still have 30% to be sold(at time of writing). If people are interested they can pm me for details.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2013
    Coolers !

    So the MM(MS) started on Sunday. I've had a pretty rough start. Event 1 went really well to begin with trebled my starting stack, had a very soft table and was playing well. One table move, and 3 good spots gone wrong later we're out. 

    Event 3(my second) was similar in a sense, we did pick up our first technical cash (1 euro for a knockout), we could have had more AK v A8 v 88 v TT all in pre - i had everyone covered at that stage, ontop of that, that was a 40k pot at 100/200. Again a table move and a cooler ended this mtt. The new table seen the only player who I've used my LAG note on. Opening a chunk of hands, more than mattbates and tommyd combined from memory. Anyways he opened, i had 99, i shoved for 18 bigs, he called with TT. 

    Event 5(my third), this was a 4 max. It startedc badly, and ended on a mistake. The inbetween was good though. 

    Even 6 was a weird structure. Something I'd heard of, but im not sure on the optimal strategy. Basically it starts off with 3 mnute blind levels, and works its way upto 10 minute blind levels. Was atually rather fun. However it was very tough, i was card dead too. In the end i manage to hover around starting stack till it was worth 20BB then ran TT into JJ. Standard. 

    Event 9 (my 5th event) was rush/zoom poker. I've played a few events like this and in mtts they are fun. Although its tough, because some of the field know how to play zoom, the rest see suited cards and are like GET IT IN. Readless, you have to assign which category in to who. Although i managed to get my HH and note function working. Which helped in some spots. In the end i busted, defening the BB with A3 of clubs, the flop landed 356 with 2 clubs. I c/r and snapped the shove, he had 56 and held. I expected to see alot of pverpairs in that spot, didn't really consider 56 as part of their range, but it plays the same. 

    As for Sky I have played some NL4 on the side. Not a huge amount and havent been running great there either. Although theres a couple of spots where i could/should lose less. 

  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited July 2013
    Cheers for the update. gl in the rest of the events. I might play some at the weekend if my docs get verified in time.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2013

    Today was worse than yesterday. Played NL4 to begin made a total loss of 11p felt i played brill too. 

    I played the £1 trident thing, 14 with 11 cashing. 

    Played the main, roguecell coolered me. Bust within 10 mins.

    Multi series was brutal today. 

    Event 14 - got AQ v A4 in for 50BB pre, he got there that was my exit. 

    Event 15 - Hyper HU shootout. Round 1 i got a bye. :). Round 2 was a yo-yo a reasonable TAG opponent. I got there in one spot was a cooler, then got KK v QQ AIP flop him dead to one out. Guess the river. Yeap the Q of f****** diamonds. Recovered to go throo. Round 3, i couldn't hit a barn down, with a fish, if i was touching the barn door with the fish. Ontop of that every bluff got picked off. 

    Event 15 - Triple chance 6 max turbo, we did save a rebuy wasn't bothing with rebvuying for 4BB. Although feel annoyed got into a 100K pot, All in pre At shoved UTG, we re-shove KK and BB calls with JJ. Ace on flop so UTG gets there, J on river so BB also gets there. Sighhhh. Rebought, lost a flip, down to 1 ante + 20 chips, UTG shove 2 calllers hit a FH. BB hand im in with just under 1BB, T6s hit a flusg. bust in SB with KTs but standard that. 

    Feel kind of sick at the moment 
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013
    Hey Don

    Tomorrow is a new day, and it will be yours.

    Favourite Donnism " couldn't hit a barn down, with a fish, if i was touching the barn door with the fish". A classic!

    You were playing really well at cash the other day BTW when i was on a couple of your tables. I was raising with air most of the time, and you played back brilliant. That takes some going, given the amount of tables you were playing.

    Good luck with the promo mate.
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited July 2013
    Morning Don. Unlucky yesterday.

    Just relax and enjoy the rest of the series, no pressure.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2013
    Horrible, but light at the end of the tunnel

    Today i completey dodged cash. I finnishd off setting up my account with another well known French site and instead of playing the MS High roller decided to give it a crack instead. 

    The day started badly on said new site, we played 3 mtts, 1 standard exit, the others with AA. Meh. 

    Sky i trialed both the new events. The turbo one went well till KK lost to 56 on 5996 board. We lost the min. We then busted later v the same opponent/. The steal the button one went much better, our spots went well. In the end i finnished 4th for a tenner, and my first mtt cash in god nose how long. 

    The momentum kept up for the MS. I only had one event today. It was the 7 euro 4 max. One event i was looking forward too aswell. A few suggested taking today off, but this single mtt was the reason why i didn't. We did also manage our first proper cash for the series. We started well, making good moves, correct calls, etc etc. We got upto and hovered around 30k for a long time. We did drop back to starting stack, then a few standard spots, and a bink later we had 117k and got a table move. This was an insane table, very soft but one guy was running insane. He just couldn't stop busting people, and he usually didn't have the best hand. I dwindleddown to around 80k then i open QQ UTG. He 3b from the BB, i 4b to 26k, i had 61k back, he calls. We have about 2BB over pot. 457 2 diamond flop, i cbet jam. He snaps having peeled the 4b with 55. Wp sir. Holding there would have put us into the top 10% of stacks again and with position on a weak player with chips i feel i have a huge chance of a deep run. 

    Cash for series so far -  14.32 euros (inc a 1 euro head) and we have 5 euros saved from not rebuying yesterday. 

  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited July 2013
    Hi mate would you mind educating me on this series of events? What's the craic? I only play on Sky so no idea what you're on about, but multi-eventing sounds fun. Howdz it work then?
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. - some new goals:
    Hi mate would you mind educating me on this series of events? What's the craic? I only play on Sky so no idea what you're on about, but multi-eventing sounds fun. Howdz it work then?
    Posted by bbMike
    The easiest way for me to describe it is low stakes UKOPs 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2013
    The light gets brighter, and the half way stage

    So today would see me finnish off the first 50% of the schedule of MS. I only scheduled to play 24/50 events and 10, 11 and 12 where tonight. The series so far has been disappointing but improvements are being seen. 

    Last night after updating the diary i couldn't sleep. It resulted in me loading the new site. I'm going to call it Loseamax for the purposes of the future of this diary. I loaded up 2 mtts on Loseamax and contacted a friend about setting up a HUD. At the moment I'm on the trial but will be looking to buy it once that runs out. 

    One mtt which name translates direct to "I'm not working tomorrow" thus i expected a long mtt, the other was a turbo. I'm not working tomorrow turned out to be a 9 seated, basically a standard full ring sit and go. I was playing both of these while setting up this hud. Which was rather fun. :) 

    Anyways i won the glorified 9 seater sit and go deepie, for a total of 8 euros. Wooo. Still first win on loseamax. Then the hud was set up and i remembered i had some tokens for S&Gs and thought free testing. The winner of that sit and go got 5cents. so sigh. But it worked.

    I re-tested it this morning on a bigger site multitabling 4 sit and go's we made a $3 profit. 

    Then i returned to loseamax for the rest of the warm up. We got mega deep in our first tournament with was a deepstack, 150k with 100 or so left, 69 cashed, and we didn't cash. A guy who was playing 67% of pots, hit the nuts v my 2 pair twice. gg me. 

    Anyways i got on with things, and in a turbo i crushed. Made the FT and then lost a mammoth pot. I came 6th despite starting the 6 handed final table 2/6 sigh. 10 euros tho. We also got ul in other mtts with standard spots. 

    So onto tonight and the MS. 

    Event 1 today was a zoom with a big game format. For those not familiar with that its pot limit pre, no limit post. Anyways this started well, but slowed, eventually busting KK v AQ. Not all in pre. He opened UTG i 3b from SB. I cbet a Qxx flop, turn blank i bet again. 6k in middle, my stack is 4k. River A. Have no option to shove, he doesn't have any A hands in range bar AQ. Sigh. 

    Event 2 was a 6 max bounty hunter. A deepstack version of alot of the ones here on sky. But with a much more turbo based structure. In the end I 3b shoved over a 2.2BB raise and call. The opener folded but the caller snapped with AQ. Sigh. 

    Event 3. I have to admit i was licking my lips at this one. Its the cheapest of the series but 1 euro entry, 4 max, HYPER turbo. 4 max can be high variance at this buy in limit, purely because people aren't always aware of the correct range. Adding in hyper turbo makes it even more high variance. But both of these factors also increase our edge on the field. We balanced well for a while, lost a flip, won a flip. 332 left. 320 cash. We have 19 bigs. We are presently 3 handed. We don't want a min cash in this mtt, who wants a min cash in a 1 euro buy in. We're going for the deep run. The BTN who has us covered by a tiny amount min raises. Add in dynamic of bubble approching, QJ feels like the nuts. I rejam. He snaps quicker than a snappy thing. His A3o holds.


    A disappointing first 50% of events of the MS but i think its only a matter of time. We've had our variance and I've still ran slightly -EV (Hud backed) today and managed to show only a small loss, adding a FT ontop of that. 

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2013
    Hi Don

    Nothing to say really.
    Hope you're well and all that.

    Jus wanted to be post 300 in your diary :)

    (By the way, if you want to be post 250 in mine that would be lovely)
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2013
    A major result, mixed with more disappointment

    Today was a weird day. Yet more disappointment in the MS. 

    I'll start with the positives. Loseamax, renaming, Lose the max. :P.

    Anyways i played 5 or 6 mtts, lost some brutal pots early. However in the most expensive tournament we entered (a 5 euro deepstack) we folded away for a long long time. Although we did have an early double with AK v KK AIP. In the end we went onto come second for just shy of 220 euros. 

    The microseries started brilliant. Event 1 was a 6 max mega deepstack, early on and i mean still level one we got into probably the largest pot in terms of bb ive ever been involved in.  Definately in a tournament A full 750BB. UTG opened, 2 callers and we're in BB with KK. We 3b, get  3 callers. Kxx flop with 2 hearts, we have Kh. We cbet 2 callers, turn heart. I continue, 1 call and a shove. We re-shove, other guy calls. Peeler has AhXs for a backdoor nut flush draw no pair, the other guy has 63 of hearts. River case King. There is an arguement for folding here in an mtt, but i think its flawed, we have the Kh as a re-draw card ontop of that we have all our board pairing outs. 

    However that event went pair shaped, we managed to add one more starting stack to our stack before AQ v AA for around 28BB AIP, very next hand i 3b jam A9o and get snapped by QJ for around 35BB, he got there. Sigh.

    The rebuy event was event too. We took a triple stack, and folded for pretty much the full rebuy period, a couple of raises and folding nut worst flops. Took the add on. We did double, with QQ v KQ in a 3b pot BvB and flop landed Q high. However AK v KQ AIP later we had 8 bigs. We shove over 2 limpers and one limper snaps with 66. gg. 

    The Speed up, i have to admit i loved this one. We where slow for a while but managed to build a stack through various pots. We then lost a flip v a guy who was nuts. He had also won a flip the previous hand. Greedy ******* lol. 

    However we now have a nice result under our belt and we're playing well. Again i have looked at the EV graph for /fr and its seriously -EV this only applies to all in situations. We're also slightly -EV on winamax but nowhere near as close. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2013
    So the runbad retuns, but the MS has its second cash

    So today was pretty brutal I won't say otherwise, you will see reading this. However I don't think i played enough either. 

    The day started with a 5 euro deepstack on lose the max. Never got going can't even remember my exit. 

    Anyways it turns out Lose the Max also has a series of mtts at the moment with some low stakes buy ins. Turn out tomorrow is the last day but i regg'd up today. Managed to get a good start in the 5pm one. Until we got into a 100K pot pre with KK v JJ. He 4 card straighted on the turn and to rub it in hit the 4 card flush on river. At the exact same time i exited event 2 with QQ on a Q high board. Was for a 40k pot which would put us in good shape for the rest of the mtt with a very soft table. 

    The other 2 started after the microseries. In one i busted with QQ v KK. Standard. The other we open TJs in the c/o 2 callers both from the blinds. flop 689. SB donk pots BB calls, i shove. SB calls with A7. Everything bricks. Sigh. 

    Onto the MS. This has been a disappointing series so far, Today had 2 events. A standard 6 max, and a full ring big game format mtt. 

    The big game format was up first. For those that don't know thats pot limit pre, no limit post. It was also a double chance, we didn't need our second chance. We plucked away for ages. Eventually we got KK v QQ all in pre for a 100K pot. We held. very next hand, literally we are dealt the same to Kings. We get it in v KT for another 30k (60k pot) A on flop Q on turn, ill let you pick out ur river. We later got moved table, opened 3 hands, in 2 of them we get 3 bet by the same opponent. On the third he peels and get there. Later we have 8BB, we cant open jam so open the max we can to take the first spot we got. Same opponent 3bet jams, we have tiny amount behind so call off. he has Jacks. Sigh gg. This was just inside the money though. We have almost doubled out full series cash with rebuy saved and cashing for this one mtt. 

    The 6max we had a soft table. Eventually we plucked away and went spot dead. We took what spots we did have but got 3bet. In the end we had 12BB and shoved 66 UTG, re-shove from +1 you know is never good. It was KK. gg. 

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. - some new goals:
    So the runbad retuns, but the MS has its second cash So today was pretty brutal I won't say otherwise, you will see reading this. However I don't think i played enough either.  The day started with a 5 euro deepstack on lose the max. Never got going can't even remember my exit.  Anyways it turns out Lose the Max also has a series of mtts at the moment with some low stakes buy ins. Turn out tomorrow is the last day but i regg'd up today. Managed to get a good start in the 5pm one. Until we got into a 100K pot pre with KK v JJ. He 4 card straighted on the turn and to rub it in hit the 4 card flush on river. At the exact same time i exited event 2 with QQ on a Q high board. Was for a 40k pot which would put us in good shape for the rest of the mtt with a very soft table.  The other 2 started after the microseries. In one i busted with QQ v KK. Standard. The other we open TJs in the c/o 2 callers both from the blinds. flop 689. SB donk pots BB calls, i shove. SB calls with A7. Everything bricks. Sigh.  Onto the MS. This has been a disappointing series so far, Today had 2 events. A standard 6 max, and a full ring big game format mtt.  The big game format was up first. For those that don't know thats pot limit pre, no limit post. It was also a double chance, we didn't need our second chance. We plucked away for ages. Eventually we got KK v QQ all in pre for a 100K pot. We held. very next hand, literally we are dealt the same to Kings. We get it in v KT for another 30k (60k pot) A on flop Q on turn, ill let you pick out ur river. We later got moved table, opened 3 hands, in 2 of them we get 3 bet by the same opponent. On the third he peels and get there. Later we have 8BB, we cant open jam so open the max we can to take the first spot we got. Same opponent 3bet jams, we have tiny amount behind so call off. he has Jacks. Sigh gg. This was just inside the money though. We have almost doubled out full series cash with rebuy saved and cashing for this one mtt.  The 6max we had a soft table. Eventually we plucked away and went spot dead. We took what spots we did have but got 3bet. In the end we had 12BB and shoved 66 UTG, re-shove from +1 you know is never good. It was KK. gg. 
    Posted by The_Don90
    Plucking good effort Donald! ;)

    Tomorrow's the day for a big 1!
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2013
    Sigh jj just sigh. 

    Anyways, on another side note, the guy who bust me in the "big game format" mtt went onto win the mtt. I was kind of annoyed at the time. However it turns out this guy is a pretty decent mtt player. 
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