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Every Don has its day



  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Quite a jump in bank roll, nice 1
    Posted by LARSON7
    Thanks :) 

    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Well done on the grind Don, you going to be playing 20nl again now?
    Posted by benc

    thanks mate, not 100% sure as of yet. 

    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    I may have missed it, do you have a final result from the cash promo? Like you you £100 from the promo, do you know how much up or down you were cash wise over the weekend?
    Posted by Lambert180

    +£23 for cash. Yeah i finnished 9th for £100. Felt i ran horrid over the weekend, but still wont grumble at profit. I also did run like god on Friday so you know it balances. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2013

    So i dived back to mtts again. Cant denie i welcome the break. 

    Tueday was pretty boring 0 cashes. About 5/6 mtts standard stuff

    Yesterday was a bit more hectic. Cant remember everything exactly but from what i know, 3 stone cold bubbles. One in the most insane spot. Sat 3 people left, i make a bad call lose a flip. Still second in chips, i Shove Shorty with 2BB folds, big stack calls. Sigh. That light my AT was flipping. I lost the second flip in 2 orbits v him. Sigh. 

    The second was JJ v A7 agan i was shorty. The third was a 60/40 when someone decided QT was ahead of my 10BB shoving range. Sigh. 

    However i did somehow manage to get into the main semi sat for 3 of the £1 sats, i then grinded all the way throo it. Thus i made the main.

    I also jumped into the 8.05 all in sat for the main, and won it. Thus £33 of my losses, which at this point was over £110 from the last diary update was recovered. 

    I also bought into the mini. Neither started well I ran a house into a straight flush in the mini but stayed alive, and a weird pot in the main again i stayed alive. 

    The main turned after the first breeak, winning a flip quicky, then taking the guys head, he didnt have me covered by much so he got it in the following hand. He also had a head so worth slightly more. 

    I trebled in the mini with AQ v 89 v 66 - head hunting ftw. 

    I then took my second head in the main 8BB v 7.5BB AJ v AT the loser was crppled or out. My AJ held. Unfortunetly i bust not long after shoving K6 BvB into AJ. I did flop good but our oppo got there again. 

    The mini also lasted a wee while longer until a sick exit. dspite turning up at this table as shorty id actually been able to control most of the action, id doubled my stack without having to really do much aswell. Anyways this hand UTG shoves, we have KK in +1 and reshovee, mammoth stack re-re-shoves. My KK v UTGs JJ v Bigs stacks AQ. A in the door, J on the river. couldnt hold v either opponent lol. gg. 

    Bankroll: £396.03

    Points: 1797
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2013
    This brings me onto another question. 

    Satellite Grinding. 

    If we already have a seat in the tournament is it immorale to play another sat in the hope of getting the money.

    Now people will know this is something i have done from time to  time. Its something that i have done profitably. But i would really like an honest and calm discussion on this. 
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited May 2013
    Sat grinding - deffo something I would do if I played during the day

    poker is about winning money - finding the value in the games

    wouldn't think twice about it being immorale
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited May 2013
    in general no problem
    but if for something that you cannot buy in for such as an SPT, or a VLV ticket
    then I will not do it
    as the guy you bubble might not be able to play other sats
    and therefore you have stopped him attending
    I wouldn't like someone doing that to me
    so I won't do it to them
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    in general no problem but if for something that you cannot buy in for such as an SPT, or a VLV ticket then I will not do it as the guy you bubble might not be able to play other sats and therefore you have stopped him attending unnecessarily I wouldn't like someone doing that to me so I won't do it to them
    Posted by GELDY
    +1. Exactly this.  Depends on the tournament you're satting for.  Id never try and sat into a tournament I cant attend (live) and deny someone else the opportunity.  Otherwise i think its fine.  Treat it as another online tournament.  If theres value... why not?
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013
    Minimising losses.

    I won't lie, the last few days have been tough on the bankroll. However other than a couple of errors, I'm delighted with how I'm playing. 

    I have switched to MTTs until the SPT, this is something i always do before a live tournament just to rejig the feel of MTTs. MTTs are very different from cash and i find it takes me a little while to re-adjust. 

    I am getting to critcial stages of MTTs/- satted into the main both Saturday and Sunday, got nowhere really though. 

    However sats have been the only results ive had. I have played a couple of SPT Quaters, i know that wont be popular but I'm helping these events run, often they have 2 runners and I've seen it being cancelled despitr a seat being Guarenteed. Ontop of that I'm happy to take £24 thus I'm not playing and winning the semi again. As of the weekend, I've played 3 with an outlay of around £16 came 2nd twice, late reg gets the numbers in so i got £10 each time. thus a small profit. 

    I also came second in a speed bh for £20. However except for the main sats - which haven't gone into my BR, and obviously not cashing doesn't help. 

    This all leads for a huge knock on the head of my BR however i feel if i keep playing like this a result will take care of itself. 

    Bankroll: £346.44

    Points: 157
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013

    A quick update.

    Haven't played much tbh. Tueday night was main, mini and MC was another losing day. Hit £309. C4P will boost this updates BR. 

    I decided to take Wednessday away from poker and Thursday we had plans. That allowed me 2 normal life days and a third day of travelling to completely de-tilt thus allowing me to have maximum amount of fun at the SPT. 

    We left home at 7.30am on the Friaday. We had gone for the budget bus option. I will not name the bus company as i will moan slightly and i feel its unfair to name, when not always things can be helped. We got on at St. Andrews bus station in Edinburgh. Given i don't drive this in an area i do know pretty well. We left Edinburgh at 9.15. The Bus was pretty quiet till Glasgow where i swear down it changed. There was a huge smell of pee. Sigh. 

    Despite the smell, it wasn't too bad until we got to Wolverhampton, however then traffic was a mare, it wold seem everyone wanted to go to Birmingham. Thus we didn't arrive in Birmingham till 7pm. Which wouldn't be a problem if we didn't have a table booked for 7.30, and we hadn't worn our evening clothes. So quickly off to the hotel, quickest change ever and dive up the road (the restraunt wasn't far from our hotel) where we met the first batch of Sky regs, a couple for the first time. 

    We then went to a pub, which was fun, although rather cold for whatever reason, the lack of roof probably didn't help.  

    After that we got lost, but ended up in the casino for a few more drinks then back to the hotel. 

    Saturday we woke early to get Mel ontothe alternates. Wer stopped off first for breakfast at Frankie and Bennys Cant say i have complaints apart from mels Ice Cream pancakes, her ice cream looked, smelt and tasted rather like bacon. We then met some more regs there before heading to get mel into the event. 

    Then having our usual banter. 

    My table was a mix tbh. James Hartigan 3 seats to my right (2 technically as one guy never showed up), with a player who I've played alot of fun games with Roguecell two seats to my left. There was Joe - aliase was Joe and some numbers and Leftyy on my table as 2 other sky players i knew. The rest i think where locals. 

    I was actually card dead for most of this event. I didn't want to fold away my stack so the first hand i played its folded to me in the button. I open 3x, with Qs4d. It does seem light but at this stage i don't think Clare would play back and the local i felt i had a huge edge on. The local peeled, and the flop lands Qh 3s 5s local check called my cbet. Turn Ks. I think i made a mistake here but i decided to check back for pot contol, I wasn;t really sure where i was if i was honest. The FD got there, although we do have the 2nd to nut re-draw, The K got there and how many 3's and 5's does he have in range? So we don't relly beat much, i was kind of in shutdwon mode. The river lands the 4s though. Our local then leads for pot. I took time to think this decision over. Most of that was between raising and calling. The reason for that is, if we raise does the T or J call. I felt there was a chance of this specific player making that call, even after about 6 or 7 hands. In the end i just called he showed air. 

    I made a few mistakes, i defended from the BB with a wide decent post flop kinda hand which I know i shouldn't do, and I'm putting it down to the bordom of looking at sigh hands so often. Anyways then the first bust on our table, I did have a part to play in this. I opened from the c/o with 65dd, BTN called and Leftyy in the BB 3b. I decided to peel as again i felt i had an edge post flop. Flop lads Qs 8d 5c Leftyy cbet for about pot, i folded and the local shoved, leftyy checks his cards and snaps, Local has KQ leftyy has AQ which held. 

    I think i went quiet for a while after, Leftyy then bust someone else and the table dynamic started to change slightly. At this stage i went even more card dead, then a heater for about 4 or 5 hands. I lost the first one meh standard cant mind how it played, didnt lose much though. I took the blinds in the next few then one where i think Clare (Roguecell) done something awesome. I hope she won't mind me saying, Clare and me have spoken alot about strat, with eachother and others. I open from the c/o button folds and clare 3bets. Now 3b sizing from these stacks is something which over the past few weeks we'd discussed alot of. Thus this hand was maybe slightly leveled. I have since explained why i thought it was awesome, basically because of these recent strat talks, she knew i was stuck between a 4b jam and a fold. It was probably pretty close anyways given our history, and she probably knew i would likely want to 4b jam on her alot in that kind of spot. Thus she sized accordingly to make me think, i ended up folding, and clare went onto come second - glad my chips went to use. :) 

    A while after this i raised A9 of spades from the HJ (think it was a round later to be honest) Joe peeled from the BB. The flop landed K high with 2 spades. I made a terrible mistake with a live tell in this hand. Basically i knew because of my stack if i cbet i was calling off, thus i counted out my cbet then second guessed my cards. Even if i was second guessing in future i dont double check and go with my initial instict, by looking i make it obvious i have a flush draw. I then made my cbet, and Joe obviously clicked to the annoying tell i gave off.  He shoves with QT, i snapped as i followed through with what i was doing, and i got there. 

    I then managed to raise fold and hold aound a 13k stack. Then a brutal spot came up, i raised from MP. BTN called, SB called, BB has 5bb which i was obviously calling HU. He shoves, i have 88 and 30BB. Calling seems weak, shoving seems overplaying, folding feels horrible. In the end i folded and BTN re-shoved with 4's. I would have held. Not to matter i hate every option i have in that spot, and may discuss in more detail with others later.

    A while later i opened UTG with 66, +1 shoved, again i made a mistake, it looked like 4k, my raise was to 1.2k (min raise) and i snapped as a result, turns out it was nearly double 4k at around 7.6k sigh. If igot a count as i should have i would have folded. 

    That left me crippled with 5BB going over the dinner break. Its hard going into a break with that kind of stack, because you just want your chips in the middle. I also didnt like what was on offer, but 30mins is too short for frankie and bennys and Sub way isnt filling enough. In the end me and Mel arranged a compramise, Sub way for now, proper meal later. 

    I got a pint, nothing is worse than not having the confidence not to take a spot, so i decided to have my first pint of the day, which would in theory help me get those 5bb into the middle. Second hand back i was BB (I had folded J2o UTG) 3 limpers, sigh. I look down, Kh, meh stuff it, it'll do, shove, i had seen it was accompanied by a 6 but meh, K high is K high. Some how, and I will not ever know how, i got it through. I had 10BB just from that. 

    2 Hands later 1 limp UTG i shove on the BTN with 55, UTG snaps with TT and holds, gg me. I hadn't even drunk a quater of that pint. 

    In the end i decided to socialise more and have a proper drink. I did play the side mel outlasted me due to a mistake. Basically i shoved fro re-entry(doublee chips or bust and get double chips kind of thing), got put on an alternates list. I swear my name never got shouted, but apparently it did so sigh. Matt Bates was in the same boat so sigh on that part too. 

    So we just got very, very drunk. 

    Which lead to returning home on the bus with a stinking hangover. 

    Bankroll: £327.73
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2013
    I sent you a wee pm but it was nice meeting you and mel at weekend buddy i`m sure i was helping you get drunk lol.

    hope see ya at next one
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013
    Return Online

    Liam I've just seen this, was great to meet you will check pm's - since messenger stopped i never see emails unless i have to and normally its fos so i just delete all lol. 

    Anyways Sunday night i was too gone to play really. So Monday was my return. Pretty daft day from my point of view really, played DTD1 & 2 bust both before DTD3 started so just de-regd. Somehow ended up playing 5 or 6 all in sats, lost them all. 

    Tuesday was similar, Played the 6.30 rebuy - which is becomming a regular in my schedule, main and mini, then some all in sats. Got nowhere reallly. I also jumped onto NL10 for Mastercash. Early on doubled then got 2 pots v dohhhh to get to a £60 stack on one table -£5 on the other. In the end i lost £15 of that £60 and £5 more on the other so made a small profit. But loss for the day.

    So today, I added in some PS tournaments today. Got nowhere on them, lost flips and AQ v AJ and AQ v A2 done huge damage. Anyways, sky the rebuy went horrible again, cant complain thought. The 6pm Guarenteed tournament was added to my grind, along with a 6.05pm SPT sat and 6pm bh. The bh went horrible. 

    The SPT sat had 3 seats to the QF, i made final 5 second in chips, and came 5th. AA v A2 lost, and then KT into KK BvB standard stuff. 

    The 6pm thought was ok, i ground away for a long time, won my high variance spots and was able to apply alot of pressure on the bubble depsite being a shorty. That allowed me to get it in not just ahead but with chips behind. I held, then held again, then held again HU 2/1 chip leader. 

    In the end i came 2nd, Im really annoyed i didnt see it out to be honest, but i dont think i done much wrong either. Ill have a proper review later. 

    Bankroll: £303.74

    Points:  412
  • _ARAZI__ARAZI_ Member Posts: 549
    edited June 2013
    Great read about your spt exploits don mate

    Loving the sound of that bacon flavour icecream lol
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013

    Horrible day really. Played lots, couldn't do anything. Mostly it was sats but at 8pm tonight i was sitting with a horrible -£60 loss. 

    Anyways I was deep in the rebuy, ran pretty strong in rebuy period, couldn't do anything after, first time it went in i ran into KK. Sigh gg. 

    Anyways at 5 past 8 i won an all in sat for the main - somehow. So quickly reged for mini. 

    The main went well, probably should have cashed but went ftw, as a result took a high variance spot that went wrong. However the mini went well. I grinded away for ages, found myself on a  FT. 

    In the end in the mini i came 5th. Feeling really down about it as i feel i had a pretty big edge, but my spots went against me. Nothing you can do really. Dont really want to think about it atm so not going into detail 

    Bankroll: £327.26

    Point: 505
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013
    Sat day

    To be honest, I really couldn't be bothered playing today. 

    Thus i decided to balance, i wouldn't play but i would play some SPT sats. 

    £2 ones went bad, reg'd the QF that went bad, played a direct that went... well you see the patern.

    I've made a decision regards to this diary. It seems to be going no where really at the moment. A huge reason for that i think is the lack of a goal. When i started this i had a few goals, mostly which all got blitzed in the first little while. The tilting has got better, Long term im breaking about even atm, but this year i've made a nice profit. And i got my first ME cash. 

    I asked a friend for my sharkscope graph for 2013 only and he sent that. I have lost some at cash, and sold some stake for a couple of wins, and the SPT Birmingham sat shows but the fact i didnt cash doesn't. Thus that effects my bankroll. 

    So I've decided to add some new goals to help this.

    1. Win my first hendon mob flag

    2. Cash in an SPT

    3. Win a Sky Poker Main Event

    4. Continuing developing as a player.

    Current Bankroll: £300.16

    Points: 528
  • longman912longman912 Member Posts: 89
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Sat day To be honest, I really couldn't be bothered playing today.  Thus i decided to balance, i wouldn't play but i would play some SPT sats.  £2 ones went bad, reg'd the QF that went bad, played a direct that went... well you see the patern. I've made a decision regards to this diary. It seems to be going no where really at the moment. A huge reason for that i think is the lack of a goal. When i started this i had a few goals, mostly which all got blitzed in the first little while. The tilting has got better, Long term im breaking about even atm, but this year i've made a nice profit. And i got my first ME cash.  I asked a friend for my sharkscope graph for 2013 only and he sent that. I have lost some at cash, and sold some stake for a couple of wins, and the SPT Birmingham sat shows but the fact i didnt cash doesn't. Thus that effects my bankroll.  So I've decided to add some new goals to help this. 1. Win my first hendon mob flag 2. Cash in an SPT 3. Win a Sky Poker Main Event 4. Continuing developing as a player. Current Bankroll: £300.16 Points: 528
    Posted by The_Don90
       good luck with the goals Don, was good meeting you at brum, hopefully ill see you again at Nottingham.
       dam sats are causing me grief at the moment too.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2013
    Good luck with your gaols!

    You have the determination to suceed and dedication 2 do it.

    You have been playing a lot longer than me, but from what i can see it's going well, you are doing the right things and constantly developing.

    Good luck bud
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013

    Played some stars and some sky. 

    Focus on sky here on stars im staked does anyone here actually care? lol. - altho shld have done better sick spot AK v KK :( 

    Anyways, here played mostly SPT sats, feel im going to get abuse to stuff it. Regged every £2 sat from 4pm on. Played the 6.30 rebu y too. 

    Qualified for semi twice. Failed in rebuy. 

    Qualified from semi, semi didnt run, wont comment much on that atm.

    Bankroll: £294.86

    Points: 551
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited June 2013
    Hello mate.  Wassallthis that the Semi didn't run??

    Both times I've qualified for it we've entered in Late Reg, it would make sense for them to start it a bit later so it definitely kicks off if there aren't enough entrants through directs and buy-ins at the time it launches.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. - some new goals:
    Hello mate.  Wassallthis that the Semi didn't run?? Both times I've qualified for it we've entered in Late Reg, it would make sense for them to start it a bit later so it definitely kicks off if there aren't enough entrants through directs and buy-ins at the time it launches.
    Posted by bbMike
    From what ive seen 1 person reg'd nd the quarter over ran thus the actual semi didn't run. I've brought this up in the SPT section. I know this effects 9 other players from the semi, not including anyone who would late reg, 
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited June 2013
    Cool. Posted my thoughts there. FWIW, the Customer Care don't really seem to know poker. Unless it's urgent I would always email a Sky Poker care address.

    Congrats on making it though, hope it gets sorted.
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