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Tommy Robinson



  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    It is an interesting topic or it would not get so many views or posts.

    If you have something to say just say it as the below doesn't make much sense.

    Very interesting the woodwork is coming alive ..

  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2018

    Very interesting the woodwork is coming alive ..

    You came out the forum woodwork recently.

    You had about 10 posts total since 2009 before jumping in on the Brexit thread (despite not voting and not willing to share your views) and on here (despite not being a TR fan, supposedly)

    So, welcome out of the woodwork.
    Thanks for the warm welcome and can i also point out that I'm married and you should probably be stalking someone your own age .
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793

    It is an interesting topic or it would not get so many views or posts.

    If you have something to say just say it as the below doesn't make much sense.

    Very interesting the woodwork is coming alive ..

    If you've read the thread , then you will know quite well , If I have something to say , then I do . I've seen already what your attitude is towards young children , so have concluded that I don't really have any reason to talk to you further.
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    And there it is only took 3 civil posts to you and you do the typical SYL fanboy response.

    The bolded bit is so far out of order but not a surprise.

    Would you like to clarify the bolded bit "young children" and explain to me what exactly you are insinuating.

    It is an interesting topic or it would not get so many views or posts.

    If you have something to say just say it as the below doesn't make much sense.

    Very interesting the woodwork is coming alive ..

    If you've read the thread , then you will know quite well , If I have something to say , then I do . I've seen already what your attitude is towards young children , so have concluded that I don't really have any reason to talk to you further.
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793
    "Not condoning it but at 16 maybe its a good time to learn actions have consequences."

    I think having his life threatened and his families is probably too extreme a lesson
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793
    "Must have missed the other video which shows two children bullied ?"

    A sarcastic and cynical attempt to suggest theres only 1 victim in this whole sorry story
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793

    And there it is only took 3 civil posts to you and you do the typical SYL fanboy response.

    The bolded bit is so far out of order but not a surprise.

    Would you like to clarify the bolded bit "young children" and explain to me what exactly you are insinuating.

    It is an interesting topic or it would not get so many views or posts.

    If you have something to say just say it as the below doesn't make much sense.

    Very interesting the woodwork is coming alive ..

    If you've read the thread , then you will know quite well , If I have something to say , then I do . I've seen already what your attitude is towards young children , so have concluded that I don't really have any reason to talk to you further.
    If you had taken the time to read the thread , you would have seen me clearly say I'm not a TR fan , and i'm female , not a boy. Have you read @Tikay10 's post on general chat regarding trolling within this thread ?
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912

    So 16 is according to you is a young child ? Pathetic attempt to insinuate much worse.

    "Not condoning it but at 16 maybe its a good time to learn actions have consequences."

    I think having his life threatened and his families is probably too extreme a lesson

  • rainman215rainman215 Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2018

    As to the above " considering taking legal action " a long way from actually doing it .

    You seem happy that TOMMY might be in trouble, rather than the welfare of the 2 Children involved in the bullying incident.
    I'm delighted that the reprehensible TR will hopefully be held accountable for his actions.

    Did Tommeh care about the welfare of one of the children involved when he was spreading lies about him and pathetically attempting to link him to ISIS?
    Ok so you only care about TOMMY being prosecuted and not the welfare of the Children involved.
    Yes Rainman, that's exactly how I feel.

    (obv its not, but it's futile with you cos you'll only put some absurd spin on it)
    Here's a novel thought then , if given the opportunity to express that you are concerned about the welfare of the children , why wouldn;t you do that ? Mystic meg isn't on the forum .
    In the same way that you and Rainman were afforded multiple opportunities to express your disgust at the Grenfell Tower effigy idiots but declined on every occasion?


    Not racist eh Rainman ?

    Social media is a curse

    Thought i would repost day4eire post.
    He or a friend of his thought it was racist to be opposed to the barbaric torture of animals for religious purposes.
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793

    So 16 is according to you is a young child ? Pathetic attempt to insinuate much worse.

    "Not condoning it but at 16 maybe its a good time to learn actions have consequences."

    I think having his life threatened and his families is probably too extreme a lesson

    Please elaborate on what exactly you think i have attempted to insinuate ? and yes I do think that at 16 he is still a young child
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036

    And there it is only took 3 civil posts to you and you do the typical SYL fanboy response.

    The bolded bit is so far out of order but not a surprise.

    Would you like to clarify the bolded bit "young children" and explain to me what exactly you are insinuating.

    It is an interesting topic or it would not get so many views or posts.

    If you have something to say just say it as the below doesn't make much sense.

    Very interesting the woodwork is coming alive ..

    If you've read the thread , then you will know quite well , If I have something to say , then I do . I've seen already what your attitude is towards young children , so have concluded that I don't really have any reason to talk to you further.
    If you had taken the time to read the thread , you would have seen me clearly say I'm not a TR fan , and i'm female , not a boy. Have you read @Tikay10 's post on general chat regarding trolling within this thread ?
    You claim this, but a lot of your language and rhetoric suggests otherwise. All the 'back slapping' posts with Rainman certainly suggest a similar thought process to him.

    2 peas in a pod.
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2018

    And there it is only took 3 civil posts to you and you do the typical SYL fanboy response.

    The bolded bit is so far out of order but not a surprise.

    Would you like to clarify the bolded bit "young children" and explain to me what exactly you are insinuating.

    It is an interesting topic or it would not get so many views or posts.

    If you have something to say just say it as the below doesn't make much sense.

    Very interesting the woodwork is coming alive ..

    If you've read the thread , then you will know quite well , If I have something to say , then I do . I've seen already what your attitude is towards young children , so have concluded that I don't really have any reason to talk to you further.
    If you had taken the time to read the thread , you would have seen me clearly say I'm not a TR fan , and i'm female , not a boy. Have you read @Tikay10 's post on general chat regarding trolling within this thread ?
    You claim this, but a lot of your language and rhetoric suggests otherwise. All the 'back slapping' posts with Rainman certainly suggest a similar thought process to him.

    2 peas in a pod.
    Suggests to you maybe . I can agree with for instance , a tory voter on a lot of things without being a tory ....sound familiar ?
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    Quite defensive aren't we ?

    Sarcastic and cynical maybe I have just responded to you the way you have responded to every post questioning SYL .

    "Must have missed the other video which shows two children bullied ?"

    A sarcastic and cynical attempt to suggest theres only 1 victim in this whole sorry story

    "Must have missed the other video which shows two children bullied ?"

    A sarcastic and cynical attempt to suggest theres only 1 victim in this whole sorry story

  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793
    Like I asked , have you not read @Tikay10 's post regarding trolling on here , or do you not think it applies to you for some bizarre reason ?
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    Can't take you seriously as someone who claims they where at a free SYL march and shows a picture of Liverpools CL league homecoming.

    As to the above " considering taking legal action " a long way from actually doing it .

    You seem happy that TOMMY might be in trouble, rather than the welfare of the 2 Children involved in the bullying incident.
    I'm delighted that the reprehensible TR will hopefully be held accountable for his actions.

    Did Tommeh care about the welfare of one of the children involved when he was spreading lies about him and pathetically attempting to link him to ISIS?
    Ok so you only care about TOMMY being prosecuted and not the welfare of the Children involved.
    Yes Rainman, that's exactly how I feel.

    (obv its not, but it's futile with you cos you'll only put some absurd spin on it)
    Here's a novel thought then , if given the opportunity to express that you are concerned about the welfare of the children , why wouldn;t you do that ? Mystic meg isn't on the forum .
    In the same way that you and Rainman were afforded multiple opportunities to express your disgust at the Grenfell Tower effigy idiots but declined on every occasion?


    Not racist eh Rainman ?

    Social media is a curse

    Thought i would repost day4eire post.
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2018
    Despite trying to get this thread back to being reasoned , there will always be a faction of people who don't want it that way . As the above poster proves .
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    I will give Rainman one thing he is willing to stand by his beliefs.

    You have defended the two SYL fanboys here and attacked every other poster so given the evidence to hand it seems safe to say you are a SYL fanboy/fangirl

    And there it is only took 3 civil posts to you and you do the typical SYL fanboy response.

    The bolded bit is so far out of order but not a surprise.

    Would you like to clarify the bolded bit "young children" and explain to me what exactly you are insinuating.

    It is an interesting topic or it would not get so many views or posts.

    If you have something to say just say it as the below doesn't make much sense.

    Very interesting the woodwork is coming alive ..

    If you've read the thread , then you will know quite well , If I have something to say , then I do . I've seen already what your attitude is towards young children , so have concluded that I don't really have any reason to talk to you further.
    If you had taken the time to read the thread , you would have seen me clearly say I'm not a TR fan , and i'm female , not a boy. Have you read @Tikay10 's post on general chat regarding trolling within this thread ?
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793

    I will give Rainman one thing he is willing to stand by his beliefs.

    You have defended the two SYL fanboys here and attacked every other poster so given the evidence to hand it seems safe to say you are a SYL fanboy/fangirl

    And there it is only took 3 civil posts to you and you do the typical SYL fanboy response.

    The bolded bit is so far out of order but not a surprise.

    Would you like to clarify the bolded bit "young children" and explain to me what exactly you are insinuating.

    It is an interesting topic or it would not get so many views or posts.

    If you have something to say just say it as the below doesn't make much sense.

    Very interesting the woodwork is coming alive ..

    If you've read the thread , then you will know quite well , If I have something to say , then I do . I've seen already what your attitude is towards young children , so have concluded that I don't really have any reason to talk to you further.
    If you had taken the time to read the thread , you would have seen me clearly say I'm not a TR fan , and i'm female , not a boy. Have you read @Tikay10 's post on general chat regarding trolling within this thread ?
    Back that up with proof !
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    Defends every post from Rainman and Goldon attacks every other poster.

    Pretty clear what I am saying

    I will give Rainman one thing he is willing to stand by his beliefs.

    You have defended the two SYL fanboys here and attacked every other poster so given the evidence to hand it seems safe to say you are a SYL fanboy/fangirl

    And there it is only took 3 civil posts to you and you do the typical SYL fanboy response.

    The bolded bit is so far out of order but not a surprise.

    Would you like to clarify the bolded bit "young children" and explain to me what exactly you are insinuating.

    It is an interesting topic or it would not get so many views or posts.

    If you have something to say just say it as the below doesn't make much sense.

    Very interesting the woodwork is coming alive ..

    If you've read the thread , then you will know quite well , If I have something to say , then I do . I've seen already what your attitude is towards young children , so have concluded that I don't really have any reason to talk to you further.
    If you had taken the time to read the thread , you would have seen me clearly say I'm not a TR fan , and i'm female , not a boy. Have you read @Tikay10 's post on general chat regarding trolling within this thread ?
    Back that up with proof !
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    Why have you flagged me for saying you are a SYL fanboy/fangirl ?

    Do you not find him repulsive like me ?
This discussion has been closed.