Yes there is a marked downturn in PL08 traffic, but I only played a very small part in trying to generate any myself. I have named some of the main people below but I suspect I have missed some.
As far as I remember it was @Macacgirl1 who got the ball rolling on the challenge front, but then unfortunately for us she moved to Greece. She had a health scare a while back, anyone heard from her lately? Sometimes she is back in the UK, be good to hear from her if she is around over Christmas.
@Markycash was also very active and championed the PLO8 Bounty hunters and he too has gone quite, he had spare time while studying but now qualified and employed he seems rather busy these days. Good for him of course.
Probably the biggest single cause of traffic downturn is the fact that @Tikay10 is not playing as he now plays to NL to meet his volume requirements.
I have been off the virtual baize myself quite a bit but back having a dabble and will definitely be looking up the PL08 tables and playing the odd DYM/MTT as I find it a fascinating format and a fantastic crowd.
Not sure if I am up for a challenge yet (especially if volume based) but if anyone has an ideas, fire away!
Well nearly time to stop for Christmas. Looking forward to the break. Not been on much not really had the money to deposit, saying that I did treat myself to a new desktop as my other was gubbed… and a new phone don't like playing poker on the laptop so glad to get a new one.
So sky was first thing on followed by stars then to find out I had $20 in that account so that's done me for a while. I thought start would have had more PLO8 traffic and it certainly does, well for cash and MTTS anyway. but not S&G. So mainly been playing 2/5c 6max.
So stuck a fiver in this for some DYM's or and MTT which the £1.10 had started so regged that, went quite short, then was 5/5 at final table. managed to come back and win though so nice wee bonus. only a tenner but better than a kick in the Chuckie's.
Anyway off to watch spiderman and wait for ma pizza, then bk for the 5.30 PLO8 game.
Over the past week or so been playing some PLO8 and been having some fun. Few sit and Go's few MTT's... Still as bad as ever but had some ok results I suppose, no wins in the MTT's but a few final tables in some yesterday, so Last 4 I've entered had 3 final tables which I'm happy with I know the player pool isn't massive but still happy to get there
3/21 2/51 5/49 good for me any way
Came across one yesterday though and not sure what I should've done. My head was telling me to call...blah blah.... ill post under and see what peoples thought's are.
On that flop, with that hand, v that Villain, against that stack size relative to us, I'm getting it in all day & twice on Sunday, it's a dream flop, surely?
Hi @Tikay10 , yeah been enjoying being back, come and go but my £15 has increased to nearly £70 from the MTTS's and final tables the £5.50 BH again last night. Although thought you would maybe be back playing as TK but still seem to be away from this but still very much active on the forum,
@Enut I thought that was going to be a hand I played u in the other night and was waiting to be roasted lol, glad it wasn't although reading back on the diary I noticed I have to get you back from last time I was on from a hand on the previous page. was looking back at @mumsie 's video of how to post hand histories.
@HENDRIK62 I seem to be on a table with this person who never misses, every MTT pretty much, would like a break from @841LEY TBH anyway no doubt see yous in the 17.30 game and the ones after.
as said another FT last night which I'm happy with and missed out another just
4/56 5.50 bh 8/23 1.10 7/48 2.20
again happy with results and just missed the cash on the £1.10
19:21Sky Poker: The £1,000 Bounty Hunter tournament is about to start click here now to register for £22 › aylabayla has won the high hand (4,609.35 chips) with Straight to the Ace TsJdQhKhAc › macg has won the low hand (207.5 chips) with 8-low Ac8h6d3h2h › blackace23 has won the high hand (105 chips) with Two Pairs, Aces and 2s AsAc2s2hJd › blackace23 has won the low hand (6,646.87 chips) with 7-low Ac7d6d3d2h › aub has won the high hand (207.5 chips) with Two Pairs, 6s and 2s 6c6d2c2hAc › Richiegone has won the high hand (1,932.52 chips) with Three Aces AdAhAcJdTs
really enjoying the MTT plo8 at the minute, only because of a few deep runs, out the 5.50BH Early though, but managed 2 wins in the last 2 MTT's previous.
Just waiting for the Celtic game to start and my dinner to arrive and watching minions with the youngest.
the above post was the first hand I arrived at in the 5.50. as I joined late it did not have a hand ID. but the result was 5 players all in, and 5 players remained was hoping to have the hand id but cant get it. anyway off for a quick DYM..
Hi Chris welcome back. You have to think about that A457 hand a little more. Can be difficult to assign ranges sometimes in PLO8 but not in this instance - the good cards for you are very unlikely to be in the opponents range once he’s potted (effectively shoved) pre and on flop. Problem is here there’s too much in the middle to be folding this hand in a tournament. You don’t have a made hand and it’s likely you’re also behind to the low, but I think your hand is way too strong to fold your equity. Doesn’t feel great with KK peels off and you exit the tournament but there’s another tournament with a similar spot up next. We need chips!
The 7 is a great card to hold because when he’s all over the low board with something like AA25 it’s really hard for him to beat or chop with your high hands when you hit. He’s not got many 7s or 9s himself and crucially no hands with them both, very very unlikely to have 75 or sets too so you’re always alive on the turn with this draw.
You also have a chance to chop or counterfeit his low too.
Any 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 is good plus back door spades and maybe hearts are good too.
If we give him a 2, you’ve got 16 cards to hit, and 2 is likely to help you scoop.
The key is that your hand doesn’t interact with his range of hands so you’re never dominated. Fist pump get this in and weep if at least some chips don’t get passed back.
Yes there is a marked downturn in PL08 traffic, but I only played a very small part in trying to generate any myself. I have named some of the main people below but I suspect I have missed some.
As far as I remember it was @Macacgirl1 who got the ball rolling on the challenge front, but then unfortunately for us she moved to Greece. She had a health scare a while back, anyone heard from her lately? Sometimes she is back in the UK, be good to hear from her if she is around over Christmas.
A few names have been involved in the MTTs especially @churchy18 and @scouse_red.
@Markycash was also very active and championed the PLO8 Bounty hunters and he too has gone quite, he had spare time while studying but now qualified and employed he seems rather busy these days. Good for him of course.
Probably the biggest single cause of traffic downturn is the fact that @Tikay10 is not playing as he now plays to NL to meet his volume requirements.
I have been off the virtual baize myself quite a bit but back having a dabble and will definitely be looking up the PL08 tables and playing the odd DYM/MTT as I find it a fascinating format and a fantastic crowd.
Not sure if I am up for a challenge yet (especially if volume based) but if anyone has an ideas, fire away!
Well nearly time to stop for Christmas. Looking forward to the break. Not been on much not really had the money to deposit, saying that I did treat myself to a new desktop as my other was gubbed… and a new phone
So sky was first thing on followed by stars then to find out I had $20 in that account so that's done me for a while. I thought start would have had more PLO8 traffic and it certainly does, well for cash and MTTS anyway. but not S&G. So mainly been playing 2/5c 6max.
So stuck a fiver in this for some DYM's or and MTT which the £1.10 had started so regged that, went quite short, then was 5/5 at final table. managed to come back and win though so nice wee bonus. only a tenner but better than a kick in the Chuckie's.
Anyway off to watch spiderman and wait for ma pizza, then bk for the 5.30 PLO8 game.
how is everyone?
Over the past week or so been playing some PLO8 and been having some fun. Few sit and Go's few MTT's... Still as bad as ever but had some ok results I suppose, no wins in the MTT's but a few final tables in some yesterday, so Last 4 I've entered had 3 final tables which I'm happy with I know the player pool isn't massive but still happy to get there
5/49 good for me any way
Came across one yesterday though and not sure what I should've done. My head was telling me to call...blah blah.... ill post under and see what peoples thought's are.
Hi @Chris_Mc
Good to see you back & doing OK so far Chris.
On that flop, with that hand, v that Villain, against that stack size relative to us, I'm getting it in all day & twice on Sunday, it's a dream flop, surely?
I can't ever find a fold there.
@Enut I thought that was going to be a hand I played u in the other night and was waiting to be roasted lol, glad it wasn't although reading back on the diary I noticed I have to get you back from last time I was on from a hand on the previous page. was looking back at @mumsie 's video of how to post hand histories.
@HENDRIK62 I seem to be on a table with this person who never misses, every MTT pretty much, would like a break from @841LEY TBH
as said another FT last night which I'm happy with and missed out another just
4/56 5.50 bh
8/23 1.10
7/48 2.20
again happy with results and just missed the cash on the £1.10
gl all
› aylabayla has won the high hand (4,609.35 chips) with Straight to the Ace TsJdQhKhAc
› macg has won the low hand (207.5 chips) with 8-low Ac8h6d3h2h
› blackace23 has won the high hand (105 chips) with Two Pairs, Aces and 2s AsAc2s2hJd
› blackace23 has won the low hand (6,646.87 chips) with 7-low Ac7d6d3d2h
› aub has won the high hand (207.5 chips) with Two Pairs, 6s and 2s 6c6d2c2hAc
› Richiegone has won the high hand (1,932.52 chips) with Three Aces AdAhAcJdTs
really enjoying the MTT plo8 at the minute, only because of a few deep runs, out the 5.50BH Early though, but managed 2 wins in the last 2 MTT's previous.
Just waiting for the Celtic game to start and my dinner to arrive and watching minions with the youngest.
the above post was the first hand I arrived at in the 5.50. as I joined late it did not have a hand ID. but the result was 5 players all in, and 5 players remained was hoping to have the hand id but cant get it. anyway off for a quick DYM..
The 7 is a great card to hold because when he’s all over the low board with something like AA25 it’s really hard for him to beat or chop with your high hands when you hit. He’s not got many 7s or 9s himself and crucially no hands with them both, very very unlikely to have 75 or sets too so you’re always alive on the turn with this draw.
You also have a chance to chop or counterfeit his low too.
Any 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 is good plus back door spades and maybe hearts are good too.
If we give him a 2, you’ve got 16 cards to hit, and 2 is likely to help you scoop.
The key is that your hand doesn’t interact with his range of hands so you’re never dominated. Fist pump get this in and weep if at least some chips don’t get passed back.