Full agree with you regarding school reunions, they tend to end up as p1ssing contests. People bragging about their big house or perfect job, perfect kids and you also find out that the people who were pr1cks at school are still a pr1ck as an adult.
Couldn't think of anything worse, have a nice night though.
Congrats on win 2. Get a t-shirt made with I won the mega stack so you can brag at the school reunion.
I think the issue was maybe starting off with an unrealistic target. Be interesting to know what sort of volume say me/lool do per month excluding all in sats. With sats, I don't think there is much value in the 1 seat ones but the multi seat ones are very good value.
Also if your just going for volume you could play lower stakes and have a load of tables and auto pilot and make a profit but I doubt it leads to a better hourly and wont mean your game improves so I think your adjusted plan is the way forward.
Opted for a low volume and low stakes session tonight with just 10 played and nothing above an £11 buy-in. It went rather well and I finally have a 'proper' win to feel smug about - I ran like Bates in the Mega Stack to take it down (and thanks to my small group of cheerleaders too!). I also managed a few more small cashes along the way so pretty chuffed all round .
I was going to wait until I'd reached 250 games but, by popular demand, here's Sharky's take on the challenge so far. Just a reminder, its profit figures are lower than the ones I've posted due to how it calculates rebuys. I tend not to need rebuys .
Not sure if I'll be playing tomorrow. I have a school reunion that I'm supposed to be going to but I don't really know if I can be a*sed - it's a long way to travel just to spend an evening listening to people I haven't seen in years drone on about how wonderful their children are .
Opted for a low volume and low stakes session tonight with just 10 played and nothing above an £11 buy-in. It went rather well and I finally have a 'proper' win to feel smug about - I ran like Bates in the Mega Stack to take it down (and thanks to my small group of cheerleaders too!). I also managed a few more small cashes along the way so pretty chuffed all round .
I was going to wait until I'd reached 250 games but, by popular demand, here's Sharky's take on the challenge so far. Just a reminder, its profit figures are lower than the ones I've posted due to how it calculates rebuys. I tend not to need rebuys .
Not sure if I'll be playing tomorrow. I have a school reunion that I'm supposed to be going to but I don't really know if I can be a*sed - it's a long way to travel just to spend an evening listening to people I haven't seen in years drone on about how wonderful their children are .
Do you have a record of how many FTs you have made?
It's pretty easy to keep track thanks to Sharkscope and since the start of this diary I have made 25 FT's.
2 wins from that is fairly rubbish but when I check over a lifetime sample it appears 1st place is my second most frequent FT finishing position, so hopefully I'll be converting a few more FT's into wins soon!
Congrats on win 2. Get a t-shirt made with I won the mega stack so you can brag at the school reunion.
I think the issue was maybe starting off with an unrealistic target. Be interesting to know what sort of volume say me/lool do per month excluding all in sats. With sats, I don't think there is much value in the 1 seat ones but the multi seat ones are very good value.
Also if your just going for volume you could play lower stakes and have a load of tables and auto pilot and make a profit but I doubt it leads to a better hourly and wont mean your game improves so I think your adjusted plan is the way forward.
Thanks Matt.
I wore the t-shirt but most people assumed "I won the Mega Stack" was something to do with me getting a very large free burger in some fast food promo. Bunch of heathens!
I crunched the numbers for May out of curiosity and it broke down as follows:
Matt: Total played = 1,264, Total Sats = 801, Lottery Sats = 643. Lool: Total played = 656, Total Sats = 203, Lottery Sats = 0.
I think you make a good point about the multi-seat sats so I might have a closer look at those. I do have a 100% success rate in them so far* .
I think my biggest focus now will be on improving as a tourney player so mindlessly mass-tabling nano stakes is probably a fairly pointless exercise now.
Full agree with you regarding school reunions, they tend to end up as p1ssing contests. People bragging about their big house or perfect job, perfect kids and you also find out that the people who were pr1cks at school are still a pr1ck as an adult.
Couldn't think of anything worse, have a nice night though.
It turned out to be a much better night than I was expecting. It was kind of weird feeling really old and really young all at the same time though!
Back down to earth with a bump. Ran a bit rough tonight but I played considerably worse than I ran, so I ended up cutting the session short. A £1 min cash in a freeroll marking the highlight of the evening probably tells you all you need to know.
To be honest, I really had to force myself to play tonight and that probably means it wasn't the best of choices. I'd taken the last couple of nights off so felt I couldn't really justify another but, after an afternoon spent doing some hardcore gardening, I felt wrecked before my first cards had even been dealt. I turned my webcam on during the session to see how I was looking and this is what I saw...
I'll be having an easier day tomorrow which hopefully means more shark and less monkey once it's time to shuffle up and deal .
You had a far worse session earlier in the challenge and came back the next day and smashed it. Poker and Hardcore Gardening don't mix, thought everybody knew that.
As predicted by Waller the Wise following yesterdays dip, things went much better tonight. It turns out that not being dog-tired before starting a session can do wonders for your game!
The clear highlight was securing my third win of the challenge in a £750 gtd £11bh. This was super satisfying for many reasons. For a start, it's the first bounty hunter I've managed to go the distance in since this diary began. It's also the first win above a £5.50 buy-in and I took 12 heads along the way too, which might be a personal best in an £11bh. Finally, it was a really tough line-up on the FT so getting through that particular bunch of sharks is a nice little confidence booster.
There was just one other small cash on the night in a £5.50 freezeout but, even if I'd busted the winning event in the first hand and had ended on another losing night, I without doubt played like a completely different player from Monday - I'm trying not to be too results orientated and I know I can often play like a complete tool but still win sometimes .
Couldn't think of anything worse, have a nice night though.
I think the issue was maybe starting off with an unrealistic target. Be interesting to know what sort of volume say me/lool do per month excluding all in sats. With sats, I don't think there is much value in the 1 seat ones but the multi seat ones are very good value.
Also if your just going for volume you could play lower stakes and have a load of tables and auto pilot and make a profit but I doubt it leads to a better hourly and wont mean your game improves so I think your adjusted plan is the way forward.
There's still plenty of scope for it to all go t*ts up but it's certainly an encouraging start
Have been thoroughly enjoying your updates from Vegas. When do you head back to Blighty?
2 wins from that is fairly rubbish but when I check over a lifetime sample it appears 1st place is my second most frequent FT finishing position, so hopefully I'll be converting a few more FT's into wins soon!
I wore the t-shirt but most people assumed "I won the Mega Stack" was something to do with me getting a very large free burger in some fast food promo. Bunch of heathens!
I crunched the numbers for May out of curiosity and it broke down as follows:
Matt: Total played = 1,264, Total Sats = 801, Lottery Sats = 643.
Lool: Total played = 656, Total Sats = 203, Lottery Sats = 0.
I think you make a good point about the multi-seat sats so I might have a closer look at those. I do have a 100% success rate in them so far*
I think my biggest focus now will be on improving as a tourney player so mindlessly mass-tabling nano stakes is probably a fairly pointless exercise now.
*Sample size of 1
Back down to earth with a bump. Ran a bit rough tonight but I played considerably worse than I ran, so I ended up cutting the session short. A £1 min cash in a freeroll marking the highlight of the evening probably tells you all you need to know.
To be honest, I really had to force myself to play tonight and that probably means it wasn't the best of choices. I'd taken the last couple of nights off so felt I couldn't really justify another but, after an afternoon spent doing some hardcore gardening, I felt wrecked before my first cards had even been dealt. I turned my webcam on during the session to see how I was looking and this is what I saw...
I'll be having an easier day tomorrow which hopefully means more shark and less monkey once it's time to shuffle up and deal
MTT's played: 221
MTT's won: 2
Profit/Loss: +£1,111.45
Spoiler alert - Dues won again. *thumbs up*
As predicted by Waller the Wise following yesterdays dip, things went much better tonight. It turns out that not being dog-tired before starting a session can do wonders for your game!
The clear highlight was securing my third win of the challenge in a £750 gtd £11bh. This was super satisfying for many reasons. For a start, it's the first bounty hunter I've managed to go the distance in since this diary began. It's also the first win above a £5.50 buy-in and I took 12 heads along the way too, which might be a personal best in an £11bh. Finally, it was a really tough line-up on the FT so getting through that particular bunch of sharks is a nice little confidence booster.
There was just one other small cash on the night in a £5.50 freezeout but, even if I'd busted the winning event in the first hand and had ended on another losing night, I without doubt played like a completely different player from Monday - I'm trying not to be too results orientated and I know I can often play like a complete tool but still win sometimes
Hope you're all crushing it out there!
MTT's played: 234
MTT's won: 3
Profit/Loss: +£1,238.22
I'm not sure what the biggest thing I've learned this month is, but the first three that spring to mind are:
1. I find poker much more enjoyable and motivating when I have a specific near-term target to aim for.
2. I hate gardening.
3. Most MTT players are awful.
Isn't it about time your own diary had an update?