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Sets Are Best - CraigSG1 Diary. UPDATE



  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited September 2022
    Well, after over a week of taking time off and working I came back a little refreshed to try a night on poker but so far in ten minutes back I'm running exactly the same as before.

    Fired up the 5:30 £5 BH and lasted ten minutes, a big stack shoving pre AJ and I call AKs and he immediately hits the J to bust me. That after just losing with KK in the £2 after just a couple of minutes - losing to AQs who hit the nut flush on the river. Knew it was coming.

    Try and keep my head and see what happens...


    Had good runs in the £5 and £7 and was doing well until my bad run returned. Was 6ish for a while in the £5 then a maniac guy who had pot bet bluffed twice did it to me against my 2 pr but had the nut flush. Then I lost AK v A10 and busted A8s v QJ. The £7 I had battled for a while not getting much before finally succumbing to A5 when I had 66.

    Tough four weeks.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Well, its been a very tough few weeks and the end is insight. We finally found and got accepted on a house and move next Wednesday which in itself is stressful.

    On the tables tonight I had some good runs but the river has kicked my **** tonight. I got to the bubble in the £5 5:30BH after playing well I chopped THREE hands on the river against the guy that knocked me out in the end after being well ahead fora chip lead pot. I had top pr AK v his lesser A only to runner pair, I turned the nut straight v his lower straight and he hit a 3 outer to chop and then I had a better top pr K only for it to pair on the river. The knock out hand was my AK v 55 and by the river I had 15 outs only to miss which just made it worse.

    After the bubble burst in the £2 I again lost a race - a big stack getting lucky did so again limp calling all in (he limped every hand) with A8 v my 77. I did have 11 outs on the river only to again miss.

    The £5 and £7 I got good stacks only to fade away, not getting much and having a few other hands looking good until the river.

    Only once tonight did the river go for me when I won a race v a short stack.

    Ill just try to battle through and hope the end of this terrible run is in sight.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    "We finally found and got accepted on a house and move next Wednesday which in itself is stressful."

    Congrats, never mind the poker, that's excellent news, well done.

    That also means a break from poker whilst you move & settle in, then come back to poker nicely refreshed.

    Good luck with the move.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Thanks, need it. A lot to do. Add to that im having to try and re home my beloved pet cats so im down about that.

    Tried to chill playing poker; lasted less than an hour. Busted £5 when someone called down with a gut shot and backed into a flush on river. Busted £2 when some one called down big bets with a gut shot on a bad board (I had trips) and got it on river calling big turn bet with little behind. Then busted the other £5 again on river to a 2 outer. Not sure why they called down but hey.

    Im just getting cut to pieces.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hey all,

    Time for an update.

    Ive had a very busy time of late and also only just started to get chance to play regular poker again. We are settled into our new house in what was a stressful and very hard move with only me, my partner and a few hours of help from her step dad. I also had a very emotional time having to regime my two cats, had to give them to a shelter which has left me devastated.

    During the move I played a little which was a mistake - I just wasn't in the right frame of mind for the run im in. I was just getting outdrawn for fun and then letting it get to me far too easy and a couple of times I just bluffed off a good stack on another table although in my defence I was just running into the very top ranges.

    Past couple of weeks I have re booted my poker brain and I have not moaned once at the run ive been getting, just trying to do my best each hand. Ive got a couple of 3rds and each time ive been super unlucky not to take it down and just the other night I got 8th in the £5BH at 6:30 after having a big chip lead for a long time and then a very good stack last two tables only to bet just ridiculously unlucky in three spots against the same player when he was down to 2 and three outs and then I ran 99 into AK to lose a race. I had one spot 8 handed with AK v 99 v QQ that had I won would have left me massive chip leader on a FT.

    Im playing very well at the minute im just still getting murdered mostly on the river in some ridiculous manners but like I said - im keeping calm and playing well and it must change soon and level back out and even get some run in my favour.

    Hope its soon.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    Welcome back @CraigSG1

    As you wrote, keep calm, & keep playing well.

    And most of all, if you are not enjoying it, stop.
  • Spike4000Spike4000 Member Posts: 281
    CraigSG1 said:

    Hey all,

    Time for an update.

    Ive had a very busy time of late and also only just started to get chance to play regular poker again. We are settled into our new house in what was a stressful and very hard move with only me, my partner and a few hours of help from her step dad. I also had a very emotional time having to regime my two cats, had to give them to a shelter which has left me devastated.

    During the move I played a little which was a mistake - I just wasn't in the right frame of mind for the run im in. I was just getting outdrawn for fun and then letting it get to me far too easy and a couple of times I just bluffed off a good stack on another table although in my defence I was just running into the very top ranges.

    Past couple of weeks I have re booted my poker brain and I have not moaned once at the run ive been getting, just trying to do my best each hand. Ive got a couple of 3rds and each time ive been super unlucky not to take it down and just the other night I got 8th in the £5BH at 6:30 after having a big chip lead for a long time and then a very good stack last two tables only to bet just ridiculously unlucky in three spots against the same player when he was down to 2 and three outs and then I ran 99 into AK to lose a race. I had one spot 8 handed with AK v 99 v QQ that had I won would have left me massive chip leader on a FT.

    Im playing very well at the minute im just still getting murdered mostly on the river in some ridiculous manners but like I said - im keeping calm and playing well and it must change soon and level back out and even get some run in my favour.

    Hope its soon.

    glad to hear you are back, good luck!
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Thanks Spike.

    And here is a perfect example of my run these past couple of months. Im not exaggerating when I say this is happening very often. I get the money in very good and lose to the miracle rivers...
    bazbSmall blind40.0040.001450.00
    RoywBig blind80.00120.003460.00
    Your hole cards
    • 9
    • A
    • 4
    • 9
    • 10
    • A
    • 9
    • 4
    • 9
    • A
    • 4
    RoywWinFull House, 4s and 9s6150.006835.00
  • Spike4000Spike4000 Member Posts: 281
    CraigSG1 said:

    Thanks Spike.

    And here is a perfect example of my run these past couple of months. Im not exaggerating when I say this is happening very often. I get the money in very good and lose to the miracle rivers...

    bazbSmall blind40.0040.001450.00
    RoywBig blind80.00120.003460.00
    Your hole cards
    • 9
    • A
    • 4
    • 9
    • 10
    • A
    • 9
    • 4
    • 9
    • A
    • 4
    RoywWinFull House, 4s and 9s6150.006835.00
    That is so unlucky, keep trying eventually it will come good
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Well, just a quick one.

    I played super well tonight, I didn't tilt, I read situations very well and I didn't make many mistakes. I got frustrated but didn't let that affect my play.

    I just ran super bad yet again. I kept getting it in good or having to make big folds and being proved right and I missed EVERY draw I had no matter how big it was and I lost to every draw but one all night.

    Yep, very frustrating. It was quite remarkable to be honest.

    Like I keep saying, math says it has to change.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi again.

    No updates because I don't want this to be a moaning thread or anything but it's been much the same.

    Most of the time ive been playing very well, ive made 4 or 5 FTs and had a few more deep runs but its been such hard work. I'm still suffering from a lot of bad beats and strange maniac plays that have gone against me while at the same time I watch another player get the rewards from the maniac plays - sometimes by being a maniac themselves!

    Add to that i don't think ive run worse on FTs either. I have such a good record of at least finishing in the top three but one a £5 MTT I had AA lose to QQ for a huge pot 4 handed, another AA lose to J9 and then QQ lose to JJ. Ive run QQ into KKs and 5/6 the last sets ive had ive lost to runner runners.

    It's just been so so tough for the last few months. Trying not to tilt and stay calm has worked a lot but things are just not going my way. All I can do is keep going with the math because it has to swing my way soon.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    It's not swinging.

    Was doing very well in both the £5 and £7 BH's - approaching the money in the £5 when button raise - I call 55 and flop comes J75 rainbow and big stack quickly ships. I obviously call only for him to have JJ and to rub it in a J comes on the turn.

    Then I miss out knocking out two guys and big bounties very close to the bubble at the £7BH - I then lose two hands in a row with the best of it, lose another to a short stacks AA and then bubble with KQ when 14/14 to button shove of AJ.

  • FORDAKIDZFORDAKIDZ Member Posts: 226
    Hey Craig,

    We have not come up against each other very often and we both FT'd a £5 a couple of weeks ago and i had watched you big stack bully the tourney from about 12 players left, you must have had your A Game going to get to be the bully :) Youv'e got a game mate so just keep the faith in yourself and your game.

    Best to you and the family.

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi FORDAKIDZ, thanks, like I said ive been playing well just not getting the rewards.

    Like tonight, two tourney's busted after just 15 minutes because twice my KK got 3b called by 99 and each time they flopped a set to bust me.

    Deep breath, try and salvage the night already if I do play on.
  • FORDAKIDZFORDAKIDZ Member Posts: 226
    CraigSG1 said:

    Hi FORDAKIDZ, thanks, like I said ive been playing well just not getting the rewards.

    Like tonight, two tourney's busted after just 15 minutes because twice my KK got 3b called by 99 and each time they flopped a set to bust me.

    Deep breath, try and salvage the night already if I do play on.

    LOL its Sky mate, i am all in pre with AA KK even if its 100 blinds, felt your pain a million times, 3X and get iffy calls. keep the faith mate.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Man, this down swing keeps on swinging.

    It's just relentless. Ive been busted set over set three times, I had AA all in oil the flop v KK and the K came on turn. I have made some great hands and getting it in ahead and just getting pummelled or the last couple of nights literally everyone has AA when I have a big hand.

    Im not playing bad, im not tilting but I just cant get out of this.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    Craig whenever i have had rough spells at the tables i've taken a reset (complete switch off from poker for a day or two) studied more and put time into exploring my my mindset. I'd highly reccomend checking this page out from a former high stakes poker pro (ill link it) and working through some of the videos. Continue making good decisions and the results will always come eventually, but its good to to take the more difficult times it as an opportunity to really tear apart your game as well and see where you can improve both technically and mentally so you're better prepared for any difficult periods in future.

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi benc. Thank you, I will check those out. I may have seen that one but a while ago so I'll watch it again. Ive reset days wise with my work and im not letting these beats get to me too much but it does get to me mentally.

    I thought I had broke my duck tonight - was doing great in the £5 BH with a top 3 stack and then three bad beats in a row - all on the river to ppl calling down with bad odds to draws - saw me bust.

    And then I managed to get to the FT of the FR but I just always run so bad on these. I had played very well, held in most spots for a change but as soon as I got to the FT 2/6 (was a big stack with half the chips) I then run into AA sb v bb (again running into AA - its just insane!) and then I get AQ v the chip leaders 22. Flop an A and I watch knowing the 2 will come on the river and sure enough up it pops!

    Big sigh.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    And yet again this is what im battling against. Not a once in a while but once every ten minutes...
    GLOREF09Small blind30.0030.002202.50
    CraigSG1Big blind60.0090.001620.00
    Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    • 8
    • 3
    • 7
    • J
    • J
    • 7
    • Q
    • Q
    • K
    bermaxWinTwo Pairs, Queens and 7s3510.004605.00
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    One day, things will go well for me. Just not today. Running bad in life and poker at the moment...
    spinky6108Small blind10.0010.001940.00
    stuartno14Big blind20.0030.001565.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    CraigSG1Unmatched bet5.004030.005.00
    • A
    • A
    • Q
    • Q
    • 10
    • 8
    • 7
    • Q
    • 6
    STEVE5516WinThree Queens4030.004030.00
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