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xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
edited February 2010 in Poker Chat




  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    edited December 2009
    think i,ll  stick to me own game and let the chancers stick to there game, pay off in the end
  • xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!!:
    think i,ll  stick to me own game and let the chancers stick to there game, pay off in the end
    Posted by stokefc
    I have spent weeks telling my friends exactly the same thing and trying to ignore all the chancing muppets but it gets 2 the stage when u think is this really worth it.............
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2009

    I realllllyyyyyyy don't understand messages like this. Whats up wi ya???Wheres the problem? Are u just frustrated and cursing your luck?
  • xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!!:
    I realllllyyyyyyy don't understand messages like this. Whats up wi ya???Wheres the problem? Are u just frustrated and cursing your luck?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    My problem is that fed up 2 back teeth of saying 2 ppl u were very unlucky when they had best hand and have been called by total chancing muppet and surprise suprise the muppet wins (AGAIN).

    Have bitten my tongue 4 weeks nows hoping it would get better, but it hasnt !!!!

    I am a fairly decent, solid player but it feels like if I want 2 get further on sky then I have to join the chancing muppets.
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!!:
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!! : I have spent weeks telling my friends exactly the same thing and trying to ignore all the chancing muppets but it gets 2 the stage when u think is this really worth it.............
    Posted by xFALLENx
    hi xfallenx,im dav1964s mrs,i know poor old me lol.but im afraid ure correct.i agree with stokey though stick to ure game and it will pay off.ive been playing of late as like you dav is sick of the donk players keep hittin there he is resting.i dare say he will be back but in the meantime im showing him how its all the best debs xx
  • xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!!:
    I realllllyyyyyyy don't understand messages like this. Whats up wi ya???Wheres the problem? Are u just frustrated and cursing your luck?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!!:
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!! : My problem is that fed up 2 back teeth of saying 2 ppl u were very unlucky when they had best hand and have been called by total chancing muppet and surprise suprise the muppet wins (AGAIN). Have bitten my tongue 4 weeks nows hoping it would get better, but it hasnt !!!! I am a fairly decent, solid player but it feels like if I want 2 get further on sky then I have to join the chancing muppets.
    Posted by xFALLENx
    Well wether u sit there n take it in silence, or shout n scream, it's not gonna make any difference, and it's never ever gonna stop happening!

    I read it on here time n time again but it remains true, that u shud want to be playing against these type of players, find em n sit with em rather than avoiding em. When u sit down at a poker table ur signing up to the possibility of this happening.

    Happens more in tournys, tournys are alot about playing the odds, so alot of the time, these chancers with 6/7 suited r actually playing well/'properly'

    Play cash ull get less of em.

    Tie ya tongue back up! -Moaning int guna help, If ya want a game where the best player on the day is garentted to win, take up golf or

    GL, DOHH
  • sara36dd08sara36dd08 Member Posts: 826
    edited December 2009

    i agree muppets do call with rubbish

    i think sky have to look at the way the cards are delt as it does seem to favour muppet calls and punish good cards

    how ace ace can be beat time and time again by a muppet getting a 4 card flush on the turn and river takes some bealiving

    then the same muppet calls with rubbish and his cards drop in

    so thats my point the owners who want our hard earned money need to look at the way the site favours muppets not good players

    moan over
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2009

    Yeh the owners shud make sure the flops favour the good players, and not the donks! haha are uze serious?

    It is a game of skill but obviously theres luck involved, as with most games/sports.

    I can only think of games like chess, where theres absolutelty no luck involved.

    Ask any Irish football fan about luck! - How many Qualifying games? then 2 games against france, go to france and outplay them in their own back yard, then one bit of bad luck and its all over! Im sure ull agree with me that football remains a game of skill!


  • sara36dd08sara36dd08 Member Posts: 826
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!!:
    Yeh the owners shud make sure the flops favour the good players, and not the donks! haha are uze serious? It is a game of skill but obviously theres luck involved, as with most games/sports. I can only think of games like chess, where theres absolutelty no luck involved. Ask any Irish football fan about luck! - How many Qualifying games? then 2 games against france, go to france and outplay them in their own back yard, then one bit of bad luck and its all over! Im sure ull agree with me that football remains a game of skill! DOHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    just saying that it seems unfair that everytime a muppet calls you they win

    i agree a game of skill with luck

    but the luck should be 50/50 not 90/10 in favour off muppet calls

    im sure youve suffered bad beats as we all have

    it just seems to be happening more and more on sky at the moment

  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2009
    i will defend dohhhhhhh in at least 1 very good point and my dav agrees as do not get so many chancers in cash especially higher up the levels.most good players throw rubbish away.debs
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2009

    They may be happening more on sky 'to you' lately....

    Its known as running bad, But theyre definately happening as frequently on sky as they r in any other poker game, or on any other poker site.

    Its a game of odds, if you get a fella all in on the turn with 5 outs, the 'luck' will be 90-10 in your favour!You make ya own luck.

    If ur running bad its frustrating yeh but limiting the damage by playing well inbetween the bad beats and keeping ur cool when things seem to be going wrong is key.

    Hope it turns round for ya!


    By the way, is your poker alias really a reflection of ur erm...well.....what every1 wud automatically assume it is?

  • jimifloydjimifloyd Member Posts: 148
    edited December 2009

    The fact of the matter is are u a winning player.They say if u play 500 games at any given game u specialize in if ur up u are a wiinning player and if ur down then ur not.After that the only thing that comes into play is variance.I make a steady profit week in week out but last month had the worst run of bad beats ever a full month of it.I was doubting my game and everything but new in my head all u can do is get ur money in, in front and in time it will turn.I had everything against me at that time runner runner straight,runner runner flush,aces pre beat by 4s,aces pre beat by queens i hit a set they hit quads read LML's thread "oops i did it again".Its bad i agree.All u can do is get ur money in in front and in the long term u will win.

    Good luck.

  • xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!!:
    The fact of the matter is are u a winning player.They say if u play 500 games at any given game u specialize in if ur up u are a wiinning player and if ur down then ur not.After that the only thing that comes into play is variance.I make a steady profit week in week out but last month had the worst run of bad beats ever a full month of it.I was doubting my game and everything but new in my head all u can do is get ur money in, in front and in time it will turn.I had everything against me at that time runner runner straight,runner runner flush,aces pre beat by 4s,aces pre beat by queens i hit a set they hit quads read LML's thread "oops i did it again".Its bad i agree.All u can do is get ur money in in front and in the long term u will win. Good luck.
    Posted by jimifloyd

    I kno ur right and ty x
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2009

    What Jimi says is true.

    Always keep trying to improve your own game, because variance and luck will always have a say, but in the long term whether you're a winning, losing or break even player is totaly up2u.
  • xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
    edited December 2009

    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!!:

    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!! : Well wether u sit there n take it in silence, or shout n scream, it's not gonna make any difference, and it's never ever gonna stop happening! I read it on here time n time again but it remains true, that u shud want to be playing against these type of players, find em n sit with em rather than avoiding em. When u sit down at a poker table ur signing up to the possibility of this happening. Happens more in tournys, tournys are alot about playing the odds, so alot of the time, these chancers with 6/7 suited r actually playing well/'properly' Play cash ull get less of em. Tie ya tongue back up! -Moaning int guna help, If ya want a game where the best player on the day is garentted to win, take up golf or GL, DOHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH


  • jimifloydjimifloyd Member Posts: 148
    edited December 2009

    Your welcome, just keep getting ur money in,in front.I replied because i have had all that usually in a day but never has it lasted for a month,thought it would never end.But i promise u it will.You still get a few bad beats thats poker but more often than not ur cards wil hold up again.Chin up u want these donk calls all day long,and im not perfect in that department, im chat banned lol.

  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!!:
    Your welcome, just keep getting ur money in,in front.I replied because i have had all that usually in a day but never has it lasted for a month,thought it would never end.But i promise u it will.You still get a few bad beats thats poker but more often than not ur cards wil hold up again.Chin up u want these donk calls all day long,and im not perfect in that department, im chat banned lol.
    Posted by jimifloyd
    how long for jimi?debs xx
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: STANDARD OF PLAY GONE UP....YEAH RIGHT!!!!:
    Posted by xFALLENx
    She's also got a pretty mean gun and some killer boots too, so you have been warned!
  • charlyb8charlyb8 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2009
    i must agree with both fallen and jim on ths point.It does get frustrating keep getting beat time after time by these donks.Was on a table today,and thats all you had,never know what there going to do next and call you with anything they can throw at you.I can fully understand how fallen feels because i feel the same.I just hope that the standard of play rises not go down the drain as it is doing at the moment,Gl when playing with these.
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