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Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!



  • Seagull158Seagull158 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    I would just to like make some clarifications. First of all, I would like to apologise to Tikay, James, "the guy" and anybody else that has or may have been offended by any posts that I have made in this thread. It was not my intention to offend or show lack of respect toward anybody, I was merely expressing my opinion. I would just like to make the following points: * I have huge respect for Tikay both as a poker player and analyst and as a member of the SkyPoker community. I did not in anyway intend for it to come across that Tikay was intentionally behaving in an unethical way or showing favouritism toward a specific player like some people in this thread have claimed. I believe Tikay to be of sound poker conscience and the pinnacle of poker standards, ethics and morals. He often goes above and beyond what is expected of him within the SkyPoker community and strives to help and advise anybody that needs such assistance. * My original posts had nothing to do with the Total Player competition. I feel honoured and privileged to be part of the competition and do not take my place in it for granted. I was not in anyway trying to bring the competition into disrepute by, in anyway, suggesting that Tikay was in someway showing favouritism toward a Total Player nominee in James. I believe Tikay to be of sound judgement and integrity and I simply don't accept for one instant that he would ever do such a thing. I have since spoken privately to James about this and I understand his irritation at mine and others posts on this issue. I have come to the conclusion that it was unwise for me to make the posts that I have and I instead should of kept my thoughts to myself on the matter as the risk of offending somebody, especially Tikay, was too high. I would like to gracefully withdraw the comments that I have previously made and apologise once again for any undue offence that I may have caused. I would urge everybody here to forget about this matter and to continue making the SkyPoker community the best it can be; thankfully with Tikay at the helm that shouldn't be a hard task to achieve. All the best Browndog
    Posted by BrownnDog
    Good post Brownndog. I can appreciate the pros and cons on both sides of the discussion (and the grey areas in between).
  • lJAMESllJAMESl Member Posts: 591
    edited February 2010
    Obv I know you, which surprises me even more of the amount of effort you've put into this thread. It makes me wonder what your real motive is in this thread. I've never had any problem with you. I didn't ask for it to be read out on air nor would I of wanted it to be. I haven't heard what has been said either, but its happened now.. such is life. It obviously wont be happening again. 

    But the way you have come across in this thread is just in here to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Sky recently has been full of childish comments and its becoming over the top more and more each time. I think everyone can see that this thread has some differences in opinion but some people don't know when to stop repeating the same things over and over. We are going round in circles. The simple fact is people can rail which games they want if someone else other than Tikay wants to start these threads than thats fine. If this is what your saying then sure it would be better if someone other than Tikay mentioned it but I don't think he's done anything wrong at all.

    I'm done with this thread now and wont be commenting on it again.

    GL to everyone and happy railing :)
  • LONGPLAYLONGPLAY Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2010
    this is an excellent and responsible thread that is of great use to sky players with regards to good bankroll management and in no way does it encourage "quite the opposite", lets hope that many lower stake players don't get too hyped to "grab a piece" of this type of action that's been trumpeted about with this thread...for every 1 player that does well with this type of play there are 50 who go busto and are never seen again,it's not something that sky should be promoting or highlighting. 
  • 5toneFace5toneFace Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    this is an excellent and responsible thread that is of great use to sky players with regards to good bankroll management and in no way does it encourage "quite the opposite", lets hope that many lower stake players don't get too hyped to "grab a piece" of this type of action that's been trumpeted about with this thread...for every 1 player that does well with this type of play there are 50 who go busto and are never seen again,it's not something that sky should be promoting or highlighting. 
    Posted by LONGPLAY
    Im pretty sure both players have big enough rolls to play these stakes
  • LONGPLAYLONGPLAY Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW! : Im pretty sure both players have big enough rolls to play these stakes
    Posted by 5toneFace
    that doesn't make it a good thing to promote and highlight on a site like this.
  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2010
    I think this thread should be closed, just my opinion, for the sake of all parties involved?
  • 5toneFace5toneFace Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2010
    But it does make 3/4 of ur earlier post irrelevant!
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    Obv I know you, which surprises me even more of the amount of effort you've put into this thread. It makes me wonder what your real motive is in this thread. I've never had any problem with you. I didn't ask for it to be read out on air nor would I of wanted it to be. I haven't heard what has been said either, but its happened now.. such is life. It obviously wont be happening again.  But the way you have come across in this thread is just in here to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Sky recently has been full of childish comments and its becoming over the top more and more each time. I think everyone can see that this thread has some differences in opinion but some people don't know when to stop repeating the same things over and over. We are going round in circles. The simple fact is people can rail which games they want if someone else other than Tikay wants to start these threads than thats fine.

    If this is what your saying then sure it would be better if someone other than Tikay mentioned it but I don't think he's done anything wrong at all.

    So you didn't read my posts and now have stumbled across what I said. 

    This is ALL I said. The childish comments came from other people. I never criticised TK just tried to make clear why it doesn't seem the best idea coming from him.

    Thanks for reading my posts so intently. I am on life tilt atm from some of this stupidity.

  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW! : Im pretty sure both players have big enough rolls to play these stakes
    Posted by 5toneFace

    i'm pretty sure you dont know what is required for a BR to play HUNL !!

    The players bankrolls is completely unrelated to whether it can be discussed, it's their choice to sit at those stakes.
  • LONGPLAYLONGPLAY Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    But it does make 3/4 of ur earlier post irrelevant!
    Posted by 5toneFace
    recommended use of bankroll for good bankroll management..1 or 2 percent,doesn't quite add up here does it.
  • 5toneFace5toneFace Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW! : i'm pretty sure you dont know what is required for a BR to play HUNL !! The players bankrolls is completely unrelated to whether it can be discussed, it's their choice to sit at those stakes.
    Posted by beaneh
    U dont know anything about me, to know what I do and dont know!!!

    My point is that Longplays argument about bankroll management is irrelevant!!
  • maximus66maximus66 Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2010
    I really dont understand what the problem is with this thread!?!?

    I was glad this thread was put on here last night because it gave me the chance to watch at the stakes that are a million miles away from my level and was great to watch.

    Tikay was unfairly 'nailed' by some people in my opinion for no reason what so ever.

  • 5toneFace5toneFace Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW! : recommended use of bankroll for good bankroll management..1 or 2 percent,doesn't quite add up here does it.
    Posted by LONGPLAY
    U have no idea what any players bankroll is!!!!!
  • LONGPLAYLONGPLAY Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW! : U dont know anything about me, to know what I do and dont know!!! My point is that Longplays argument about bankroll management is irrelevant!!
    Posted by 5toneFace
    so you think these guys have 500k poker bankrolls then? because that's the only way the maths works here.
  • 5toneFace5toneFace Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW! : so you think these guys have 500k poker bankrolls then? because that's the only way the maths works here.
    Posted by LONGPLAY

    U dont need 500k pmsl, 
  • LONGPLAYLONGPLAY Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW! : looooooooooooooooooooooooooooool U dont need 500k pmsl, 
    Posted by 5toneFace
    you need to email sky,let the presenters and analysts know that their recommended use of bankroll amount is incorrect,you have discovered alternative figures and you need to put them right.
  • 5toneFace5toneFace Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW! : you need to email sky,let the presenters and analysts know that their recommended use of bankroll amount is incorrect,you have discovered alternative figures and you need to put them right.
    Posted by LONGPLAY
    What do they recommend?
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited February 2010
    This whole thread is typical of what's been happening on this forum of late.

    There is a difference of opinion between people on a subject. Big deal it happens every minute of every day. People should be able to differ without it degrading into a slanging match. A small number of people (including myself) disagreed with what had taken place but whereas some people argued their point in a civilised and well constructed manner some used this as an excuse to hurl abuse. Then the 'we will defend Tikay' group start shouting about Tikay being 'nailed' etc. and comments are made to 'get off Tikay's back', 'leave him alone' etc.

    Then we have another thread started saying we should all show support for Tikay and have a group hug. What is this some sort of dysfunctional family where we all bicker and argue, hurl abuse tell each other to get out then have a group hug to make up and quench our attachment disorders. Whenever a difference of opinion occurs in the forum just lately, it's reminiscent of the shouts of 'fight fight' in the playground just before everyone piles in.

    Tikay's a big lad and can look after himself. He wasn't particularly singled out and wasn't abused by the people who disagreed with what took place. When someone makes a reasoned and well constructed argument against anything, the retort shouldn't be to tell them to leave if they don't agree with your point of view, or they disagree with someone you like.

    Because he works for and represents Sky, Tikay has a difficult job to do to try and keep everyone happy and remain politically correct. I for one will disagree with him occasionally and I will speak up when I do. I don't expect this to lead to insults or derision from either of us and although I disagree with something I will always try to respect the other point of view. 

    Vive la Difference! 

  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited February 2010
    5tone - ignore Longplay.  he appears to be devoid of any sense at all.  whatever he posts is just a ramble of words.  coming in on here thinking this is a discussion about bankroll LOL.

    James/TK - i think its obvious that beaneh doesn't care about the fact that the HU match was highlighted.  What is the issue is that it was mentioned on the TV channel and also brought to the forums attention by TK.  TK is the most recognisable face of sky poker, and it could easily be seen as bias, especially as it is well known that you and TK are good friends outside of the poker table too.

    now everyone who knows TK will also know that this is not the case.  he was simply letting the forum know of a entertaining HU encounter taking place at the nosebleeeds, with one of the players being a well liked and respected forum member.

    if it was started by a random donk like me then there wouldn't be an issue.  however i do think that it could be seen as bias by any outside member/passing lurker/the villain himself.
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Serious H-U Action on Sky Poker - NOW!:
    5tone - ignore Longplay.  he appears to be devoid of any sense at all.  whatever he posts is just a ramble of words.  coming in on here thinking this is a discussion about bankroll LOL. James/TK - i think its obvious that beaneh doesn't care about the fact that the HU match was highlighted.  What is the issue is that it was mentioned on the TV channel and also brought to the forums attention by TK.  TK is the most recognisable face of sky poker, and it could easily be seen as bias, especially as it is well known that you and TK are good friends outside of the poker table too. now everyone who knows TK will also know that this is not the case.  he was simply letting the forum know of a entertaining HU encounter taking place at the nosebleeeds, with one of the players being a well liked and respected forum member. if it was started by a random donk like me then there wouldn't be an issue.  however i do think that it could be seen as bias by any outside member/passing lurker/the villain himself.
    Posted by scotty77

    The most prolific thing you've ever written Scotty ........ oodles of common sense in there.

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