Cheers Stoke and Tikay, much appreciated. Especially the creative effort to reverse bok me
I was just happy at the weekend that I had got through that interview and put a strong performance in. Now it is nearing crunch time when a yes/no will be delivered I am at the driving myself rather insane stage.
I mean what does "before Tuesday" mean? Is that Monday? Or before Tuesday is out?
Will they email or will they call me? What if they call and I am driving? Did it really go as well as I thought? Even if it did, what if they had someone come in and do even better? What if they seen me doing doghnuts in my car in the carpark after the interview out of sheer relief? Was it inappropriate to high five them after the interview? Was the attempt at bribery morally wrong? Should I be wearing my lucky socks?
Okay I have wandered a bit there, but arrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh, put me out of my misery!
Haven't heard directly from that job yet although it was with the local council and there is an 'applications page' for all such jobs. I checked on there just now (as I did around 100 times yesterday) and it has been updated to 'unsuccessful'.
A bit of a kick in the nuts I have to admit as the interview seemed to go so well.
Haven't heard directly from that job yet although it was with the local council and there is an 'applications page' for all such jobs. I checked on there just now (as I did around 100 times yesterday) and it has been updated to 'unsuccessful'. A bit of a kick in the nuts I have to admit as the interview seemed to go so well. Back to the drawing board and all that... Posted by markycash
Unlucky mark as my old man used to say what's for you won't go by you. You will just need to crush the poker while you wait gl
Haven't heard directly from that job yet although it was with the local council and there is an 'applications page' for all such jobs. I checked on there just now (as I did around 100 times yesterday) and it has been updated to 'unsuccessful'. A bit of a kick in the nuts I have to admit as the interview seemed to go so well. Back to the drawing board and all that... Posted by markycash
Pretty meh that.
I remember the job hunt stuff I went through. Took me about 3 months to even get an interview and another 2 months (after a fair few interviews) to get a job - and even that was just technically work experience.
However after a month it became paid... then led to a full time thing and from that I got a better job in another company a year or so later.
I know it seems like it'll take a while - maybe it will, but it sounds like youre doing the right things.
I will prepare a lot for another interview I have on Friday. The one on Friday isn't as appealing as the one I was hoping for but is the same pay and even closer. However, it is with the same 3 interviewers who I had on the first job interview, the one that didn't go so well...
This whole process is quite a test of ones mental fortitude!
Haven't heard directly from that job yet although it was with the local council and there is an 'applications page' for all such jobs. I checked on there just now (as I did around 100 times yesterday) and it has been updated to 'unsuccessful'. A bit of a kick in the nuts I have to admit as the interview seemed to go so well. Back to the drawing board and all that... Posted by markycash
Sometimes I think you can interview too well, people may see you as a threat rather than an asset.
Marky don't beat your self up if you don't get a job after a good interview not all job vacancies are vacant. At work it's company policy to advertise jobs both internal (notice board) and external (internet) and everybody who meets the criteria gets a interview but most of the time the job has already been allocated to somebody. Just got to stick in there until the right one turns up good luck on Friday Marky
Thank you for the words of encouragement folks. They do help and are very much appreciated! Have regrouped, studied for the interview and now off to get ready. Here we go again... Que sera sera. Posted by markycash
Hope all goes well m8. Best of British, Scottish and Norwegianish.
Well that was eventful! I was up since 7am preparing for today's interview so I could hopefully be relatively cool calm and collected. About 25 minutes before the interview start time my partner says "are you not cutting it a bit fine?".
No, no! I told her... The interview is with the same women I done my first interview with a fortnight ago, with the same company, for a very similar role, so it will be in the same building (probably the same room too), which is just around the corner from our house. Seems a reasonable assumption right? I thought I best double check though, you know just to be super sure.
Oh no! No, No, No! This one was in a different place, it wasn't even in my town. So I had to jump in the car to make the 8 mile journey and hit a traffic jam but somehow made it bang on time.
A little flustered to say the least I get to the waiting area and they are still waiting on one of the interview panel so my 'neat timekeeping' goes relatively unnoticed. It did seem a tad ironic that... flustered at having to flirt with the speed of light to get there on time, and with my shirt and tie strangling me somewhat (my neck is about 1 inch wider than what most shops cater to), I use 'calm' as one of the 3 words which describes me My blood pressure reading would probably be somewhere in the stratosphere but yeah, calm!
The interview went pretty well. I said most of what I wanted, they gave me some positive feedback which they had not done on the first interview with them a fortnight ago etc etc. They said they will let me know today which is good but they are 'interviewing all day' and judging by the time alloted for each slot I reckon they will be seeing in the region of 20 people.
I reckon this one will be a case of close but no cigar, maybe a 20% chance which is above average but probably just short of a yes.
Just had a call from them. As I though it was a no but there were some crumbs of comfort. The interviewer said she thought that "I had so much to offer" and has asked if I would come in and chat to her about the possibility of taking up other positions with the company. She also said I done much better than the first interview a fortnight ago.
GL in your search-try and keep the "rambling drivel" to a minimum Posted by Essexphil
Cheers Phil
Cannot sleep properly as has been the case for the last 3 nights so thought I would do a wee update. Maybe I can bore myself to sleep or at least help a few others who may be having difficulty sleeping to get some shut eye.
The not sleeping thing is so unusual for me. I once slept through the roof being blown off our house when I was a youngster and I generally get to sleep in a similar fashion to Dougal from Father Ted... you know, try and empty the thoughts from your head and be sleeping in roughly 1 second.
Lately though I am having trouble sleeping for more than a few hours. Not surprisingly I am feeling absolutely knackered and have maigraines, severe anxiety kicking in, heartburn and lethargy thrown on top. Really not feeling at my best.
It think the job stuff must be getting on top of me a bit. Just so frustrated at the moment... Any job I have done in the past I have knocked it completely 'out of the park' as I tend to give my all to the cause. I am more qualified and experienced than I ever have been too and really just want to get started on the next phase in life so the slow process of job hunting is wearing the confidence and patience down a touch.
I haven't given up though, not even considered that idea, I am unbelievabley stubborn so when things are not panning out as I would like I just keep trying harder. The trying harder stuff is leading to a bit of burnout at the moment though.
Have 3 interviews lined up for this week although I can only attend 2 of them as 2 of them on Thursday clash.
Today's affair is delivering a PowerPoint presentation on how I can develop the interests of the African and Carribean community in Scotland (and Africa/the Carribean) via community engagement and capacity building. Then a 30 minute interview after this.
Tomorrow I have to chose between a Residential Childcare Worker position and a position managing a community gardening project. Good that I am being selected for interviews I guess although for the sake of my sanity I could do with one of them panning out.
Would like to play some poker but time management is challenging at the moment.
Well apologies for the downbeat tone and being a bit of a 'Debbie Downer'. I am not usually like this, I usually try to find the silver linings and hopefully, whether in a day or a month, the updates can take a more positive turn.
Well, thanks for reading the drivel. Hope you are all doing well in the challenge that is life. I appreciate plenty of you will have far bigger problems than I do!
I was just happy at the weekend that I had got through that interview and put a strong performance in. Now it is nearing crunch time when a yes/no will be delivered I am at the driving myself rather insane stage.
I mean what does "before Tuesday" mean? Is that Monday? Or before Tuesday is out?
Will they email or will they call me? What if they call and I am driving? Did it really go as well as I thought? Even if it did, what if they had someone come in and do even better? What if they seen me doing doghnuts in my car in the carpark after the interview out of sheer relief? Was it inappropriate to high five them after the interview? Was the attempt at bribery morally wrong? Should I be wearing my lucky socks?
Okay I have wandered a bit there, but arrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh, put me out of my misery!
A bit of a kick in the nuts I have to admit as the interview seemed to go so well.
Back to the drawing board and all that...
Pretty meh that.
I remember the job hunt stuff I went through. Took me about 3 months to even get an interview and another 2 months (after a fair few interviews) to get a job - and even that was just technically work experience.
However after a month it became paid... then led to a full time thing and from that I got a better job in another company a year or so later.
I know it seems like it'll take a while - maybe it will, but it sounds like youre doing the right things.
One of them will stick. Don't worry about it
I will prepare a lot for another interview I have on Friday. The one on Friday isn't as appealing as the one I was hoping for but is the same pay and even closer. However, it is with the same 3 interviewers who I had on the first job interview, the one that didn't go so well...
This whole process is quite a test of ones mental fortitude!
Good luck today Mr BoxLuck.
Have regrouped, studied for the interview and now off to get ready. Here we go again...
Que sera sera.
Well that was eventful! I was up since 7am preparing for today's interview so I could hopefully be relatively cool calm and collected. About 25 minutes before the interview start time my partner says "are you not cutting it a bit fine?".
No, no! I told her... The interview is with the same women I done my first interview with a fortnight ago, with the same company, for a very similar role, so it will be in the same building (probably the same room too), which is just around the corner from our house. Seems a reasonable assumption right? I thought I best double check though, you know just to be super sure.
Oh no! No, No, No! This one was in a different place, it wasn't even in my town. So I had to jump in the car to make the 8 mile journey and hit a traffic jam but somehow made it bang on time.
A little flustered to say the least I get to the waiting area and they are still waiting on one of the interview panel so my 'neat timekeeping' goes relatively unnoticed. It did seem a tad ironic that... flustered at having to flirt with the speed of light to get there on time, and with my shirt and tie strangling me somewhat (my neck is about 1 inch wider than what most shops cater to), I use 'calm' as one of the 3 words which describes me
The interview went pretty well. I said most of what I wanted, they gave me some positive feedback which they had not done on the first interview with them a fortnight ago etc etc. They said they will let me know today which is good but they are 'interviewing all day' and judging by the time alloted for each slot I reckon they will be seeing in the region of 20 people.
I reckon this one will be a case of close but no cigar, maybe a 20% chance which is above average but probably just short of a yes.
Thanks again for the words of encouragement.
Just had a call from them. As I though it was a no but there were some crumbs of comfort. The interviewer said she thought that "I had so much to offer" and has asked if I would come in and chat to her about the possibility of taking up other positions with the company. She also said I done much better than the first interview a fortnight ago.
Gradual improvement I guess.
Not an offer of employment but the chance to discuss things further at least
Thanks Harry, Stoke and mumsie!
Cannot sleep properly as has been the case for the last 3 nights so thought I would do a wee update. Maybe I can bore myself to sleep or at least help a few others who may be having difficulty sleeping to get some shut eye.
The not sleeping thing is so unusual for me. I once slept through the roof being blown off our house when I was a youngster and I generally get to sleep in a similar fashion to Dougal from Father Ted... you know, try and empty the thoughts from your head and be sleeping in roughly 1 second.
Lately though I am having trouble sleeping for more than a few hours. Not surprisingly I am feeling absolutely knackered and have maigraines, severe anxiety kicking in, heartburn and lethargy thrown on top. Really not feeling at my best.
It think the job stuff must be getting on top of me a bit. Just so frustrated at the moment... Any job I have done in the past I have knocked it completely 'out of the park' as I tend to give my all to the cause. I am more qualified and experienced than I ever have been too and really just want to get started on the next phase in life so the slow process of job hunting is wearing the confidence and patience down a touch.
I haven't given up though, not even considered that idea, I am unbelievabley stubborn so when things are not panning out as I would like I just keep trying harder. The trying harder stuff is leading to a bit of burnout at the moment though.
Have 3 interviews lined up for this week although I can only attend 2 of them as 2 of them on Thursday clash.
Today's affair is delivering a PowerPoint presentation on how I can develop the interests of the African and Carribean community in Scotland (and Africa/the Carribean) via community engagement and capacity building. Then a 30 minute interview after this.
Tomorrow I have to chose between a Residential Childcare Worker position and a position managing a community gardening project. Good that I am being selected for interviews I guess although for the sake of my sanity I could do with one of them panning out.
Would like to play some poker but time management is challenging at the moment.
Well apologies for the downbeat tone and being a bit of a 'Debbie Downer'. I am not usually like this, I usually try to find the silver linings and hopefully, whether in a day or a month, the updates can take a more positive turn.
Well, thanks for reading the drivel. Hope you are all doing well in the challenge that is life. I appreciate plenty of you will have far bigger problems than I do!