I too own a border collie, wouldn't change him for anything but does yours take up all of your time like mine Marky?
God yeah @Ikelly They are SO wired! Mine would catch balls till he passed out. He is literally sat on the path waiting on me to chuck balls right now
Then I have this rogue to deal with on top!
This is Riley. Riley's tongue doesn't fit in his head so he wanders around all day like some sort of deranged real life teddy bear who loves nothing more than trying to catch his own shadow. Riley doesn't really know what is going on - with anything - but he sure does love trying to figure it all out.
Love Harry,We also have a Border Collie.She is starting to go grey now she has reached 13 & we will be devastated when her time is up.Border Collies are so loyaL,
Yeah @eon1961 I cannot imagine when my 2 are no longer of this earth. They drive you nuts but as you say they are so loyal!
Installment 2 of cliffnotes from the last couple of years...
We settled in well to the house on the golf course. Well, apart from one of the dogs scratching a door to bits and literally digging a hole in the carpet the first day we left them alone. I will find out eventually which one of you done that! It better not be you Riley, you still owe me for 2 failed MOTs because you like to chew through the back passenger seatbelts...
All of a sudden I had became acutely aware of the fact we were renting.
The scenery was stunning but - although we had full use of the golf course - we didn't have our own garden. I also realised that because I had now secured the permanent job we could probably get a mortgage.
So - after 3 months living in the golf course house - we bought a barn conversion out in the sticks.
From living next to neighbours who made life rather hellish we now found ourselves - just a few months later - living in and owning a house I would have thought was thoroughly out of reach for us.
The dogs also seemed to be on board with the latest house move...
Things were going great and my daughter graduated with an 'A' in her Fashion Manufacturing HND and my son graduated with 1st class honours in his Psychology and Philosophy degree.
The hard work was all paying off although things seemed to be going a little 'too well'.
Well things were certainly about to take a downward turn. I will save that for the last catch up post covering the last 2 years which I will post tomorrow.
P.S. Rather weirdly, we did get that rental deposit back. Amazing what some well placed sticky tape and varnish can do!
Not sure how many of Sky Poker's fine clientele I have waffled into a comatose like state with installments 1 & 2 of the last 2 years.
I will therefore relent and keep the final installment a tad more brief.
So yeah, it has been a bad couple of weeks...
Severe chest pains 2 weeks ago last Friday turned out to be a completely blocked main artery to the heart.
Luckily I dialed 999 right away. Within minutes of the ambulance arriving I had a massive heart attack. Then the heart stopped working altogether but the paramedics - whom I literally owe everything to - managed to get me back after some chest compressions and a zap of the defibrillator.
At this point I 'came to' feeling like I had been on a 3 day session with some of the Sky regulars on a live poker trip and had awoken in a strange setting with no recollection of what had happened.
After a few seconds I realised there were paramedics in my living room, my partner had a look of someone who had just witnessed an alien invasion and I became aware that my polo shirt had been redesigned into some sort of scruffy cardigan.
The penny dropped as to what had transpired and the chest pains returned as that artery was still blocked. A rather frantic and painful 1 hour blue light drive to the nearest hospital who could put a stent in the artery ensued and they managed to patch me up.
Phoning 999 right away was the best 'call' I have ever made. I later learned that only around 1 in 20 who have an 'out of hospital cardiac arrest' in Scotland live to tell the tale and that isn't even considering the other complications.
Above all I feel incredibly grateful to the paramedics, the NHS, my family and friends. The support from those around me has been amazing, including from the community on here. So thank you!
So I am now left feeling grateful, worried, contemplative, happy, sad, frustrated, relieved and about 100 other emotions while trying to figure out the path forward.
Did they give you Ticagrelor to take ?, In hospital they asked me if I would like to go on a trial taking it, lasting 3,6 or 12 months ( A hospital in Newcastle was doing tests ) I read the pamphlet and I said no, I wasn't sure what to do. They've given me them anyway so I don't know if I'm being used as a guinea pig or not .
Did they give you Ticagrelor to take ?, In hospital they asked me if I would like to go on a trial taking it, lasting 3,6 or 12 months ( A hospital in Newcastle was doing tests ) I read the pamphlet and I said no, I wasn't sure what to do. They've given me them anyway so I don't know if I'm being used as a guinea pig or not .
I was prescribed Brilique Ticagrelor (90mg), to help with blood thinning, which prevents clots forming. so now, when I cut myself shaving, the little "nick" bleeds, quite literally, for several hours. So at least I know it's working.
GG the paramedics. I guess one of the human frailties is that we never believe it will happen to us. Regular exercising, eating a balanced diet, cutting out a lot of things people like, alcohol, smoking, sugary delights etc , all things for people to think about. Just from the brief “waffling “ it seems you have a great deal to live for. I , like many, have enjoyed your company at an SPT or here online. It Would be a shame if others as well as yourself did not to take notice of the wake up call.
Did they give you Ticagrelor to take ?, In hospital they asked me if I would like to go on a trial taking it, lasting 3,6 or 12 months ( A hospital in Newcastle was doing tests ) I read the pamphlet and I said no, I wasn't sure what to do. They've given me them anyway so I don't know if I'm being used as a guinea pig or not .
As Tikay said Ticagrelor is a blood thinner. I am prescribed Prasugrel and aspirin instead to do the same job.
GG the paramedics. I guess one of the human frailties is that we never believe it will happen to us. Regular exercising, eating a balanced diet, cutting out a lot of things people like, alcohol, smoking, sugary delights etc , all things for people to think about. Just from the brief “waffling “ it seems you have a great deal to live for. I , like many, have enjoyed your company at an SPT or here online. It Would be a shame if others as well as yourself did not to take notice of the wake up call.
I have absolutely transformed the diet and almost cut out the smoking. I ran out of stop smoking aids which caused a blip but have replenished the supplies.
Will bore you all more with the rehab journey in the coming days. In summary though, it is going well. Managing to walk the dogs now and tackled a steep hill yesterday with zero issues which I thought was promising at this stage. Nighttime has been the main challenge so far. Not sure if this is due to tiredness, anxiety, heart palpitations or a mix of the 3.
Did they give you Ticagrelor to take ?, In hospital they asked me if I would like to go on a trial taking it, lasting 3,6 or 12 months ( A hospital in Newcastle was doing tests ) I read the pamphlet and I said no, I wasn't sure what to do. They've given me them anyway so I don't know if I'm being used as a guinea pig or not .
I was prescribed Brilique Ticagrelor (90mg), to help with blood thinning, which prevents clots forming. so now, when I cut myself shaving, the little "nick" bleeds, quite literally, for several hours. So at least I know it's working.
TK, can I ask you a question, are still taking the same amount of tablets that they gave you when you left hospital ? do you have to take them all for ever, or do they reduce them through time ?.
Did they give you Ticagrelor to take ?, In hospital they asked me if I would like to go on a trial taking it, lasting 3,6 or 12 months ( A hospital in Newcastle was doing tests ) I read the pamphlet and I said no, I wasn't sure what to do. They've given me them anyway so I don't know if I'm being used as a guinea pig or not .
I was prescribed Brilique Ticagrelor (90mg), to help with blood thinning, which prevents clots forming. so now, when I cut myself shaving, the little "nick" bleeds, quite literally, for several hours. So at least I know it's working.
TK, can I ask you a question, are still taking the same amount of tablets that they gave you when you left hospital ? do you have to take them all for ever, or do they reduce them through time ?.
Yes. I was prescribed 9 or 10 different meds originally, & I still take all except 1, every day, twice a day.
I think it's a permanent thing. The stent needs to be kept in good nick, which some of the tablets help with. It's not a big deal, it's fine as far as I'm concerned, as it seems to be keeping me ticking over quite well.
Did they give you Ticagrelor to take ?, In hospital they asked me if I would like to go on a trial taking it, lasting 3,6 or 12 months ( A hospital in Newcastle was doing tests ) I read the pamphlet and I said no, I wasn't sure what to do. They've given me them anyway so I don't know if I'm being used as a guinea pig or not .
I was prescribed Brilique Ticagrelor (90mg), to help with blood thinning, which prevents clots forming. so now, when I cut myself shaving, the little "nick" bleeds, quite literally, for several hours. So at least I know it's working.
TK, can I ask you a question, are still taking the same amount of tablets that they gave you when you left hospital ? do you have to take them all for ever, or do they reduce them through time ?.
Yes. I was prescribed 9 or 10 different meds originally, & I still take all except 1, every day, twice a day.
I think it's a permanent thing. The stent needs to be kept in good nick, which some of the tablets help with. It's not a big deal, it's fine as far as I'm concerned, as it seems to be keeping me ticking over quite well.
How is your recovery going?
Purring along nicely although I still get out of breath a wee bit whenever I'm ready for a kip, which is a bit weird. I would be Scotlands national champion of farters if there was such a thing with this diet I'm on. One problem I have with these tablets is, I can't take any anti-inflammatory tablets, which I was taking for a trapped nerve in my neck, it has now moved from my right side to my left side as well, which is restricting me from goin on the PC for any length of time, and gives me jip when I'm on the bike. I would like to punch the punter in the coupon who said " life begins at fifty" lol . With all the things that's goin on in the world, I'm lucky to feel quite tickety boo .
Get Tikay playing PLO8 again
Looking forward to reading.
Then I have this rogue to deal with on top!
This is Riley. Riley's tongue doesn't fit in his head so he wanders around all day like some sort of deranged real life teddy bear who loves nothing more than trying to catch his own shadow. Riley doesn't really know what is going on - with anything - but he sure does love trying to figure it all out.
Yeah @eon1961 I cannot imagine when my 2 are no longer of this earth. They drive you nuts but as you say they are so loyal! Cheers @Phantom66 Very much appreciated!
We settled in well to the house on the golf course. Well, apart from one of the dogs scratching a door to bits and literally digging a hole in the carpet the first day we left them alone. I will find out eventually which one of you done that! It better not be you Riley, you still owe me for 2 failed MOTs because you like to chew through the back passenger seatbelts...
All of a sudden I had became acutely aware of the fact we were renting.
The scenery was stunning but - although we had full use of the golf course - we didn't have our own garden. I also realised that because I had now secured the permanent job we could probably get a mortgage.
So - after 3 months living in the golf course house - we bought a barn conversion out in the sticks.
From living next to neighbours who made life rather hellish we now found ourselves - just a few months later - living in and owning a house I would have thought was thoroughly out of reach for us.
The dogs also seemed to be on board with the latest house move...
Things were going great and my daughter graduated with an 'A' in her Fashion Manufacturing HND and my son graduated with 1st class honours in his Psychology and Philosophy degree.
The hard work was all paying off although things seemed to be going a little 'too well'.
Well things were certainly about to take a downward turn. I will save that for the last catch up post covering the last 2 years which I will post tomorrow.
P.S. Rather weirdly, we did get that rental deposit back. Amazing what some well placed sticky tape and varnish can do!
I will therefore relent and keep the final installment a tad more brief.
So yeah, it has been a bad couple of weeks...
Severe chest pains 2 weeks ago last Friday turned out to be a completely blocked main artery to the heart.
Luckily I dialed 999 right away. Within minutes of the ambulance arriving I had a massive heart attack. Then the heart stopped working altogether but the paramedics - whom I literally owe everything to - managed to get me back after some chest compressions and a zap of the defibrillator.
At this point I 'came to' feeling like I had been on a 3 day session with some of the Sky regulars on a live poker trip and had awoken in a strange setting with no recollection of what had happened.
After a few seconds I realised there were paramedics in my living room, my partner had a look of someone who had just witnessed an alien invasion and I became aware that my polo shirt had been redesigned into some sort of scruffy cardigan.
The penny dropped as to what had transpired and the chest pains returned as that artery was still blocked. A rather frantic and painful 1 hour blue light drive to the nearest hospital who could put a stent in the artery ensued and they managed to patch me up.
Phoning 999 right away was the best 'call' I have ever made. I later learned that only around 1 in 20 who have an 'out of hospital cardiac arrest' in Scotland live to tell the tale and that isn't even considering the other complications.
Above all I feel incredibly grateful to the paramedics, the NHS, my family and friends. The support from those around me has been amazing, including from the community on here. So thank you!
So I am now left feeling grateful, worried, contemplative, happy, sad, frustrated, relieved and about 100 other emotions while trying to figure out the path forward.
God bless the NHS, eh?
Am greatly relieved to know you are still with us, that was a close run thing.
I guess one of the human frailties is that we never believe it will happen to us. Regular exercising, eating a balanced diet, cutting out a lot of things people like, alcohol, smoking, sugary delights etc , all things for people to think about.
Just from the brief “waffling “ it seems you have a great deal to live for. I , like many, have enjoyed your company at an SPT or here online.
It Would be a shame if others as well as yourself did not to take notice of the wake up call.
This site gives a bit more info on Ticagrelor.
You are obviously spot on about the risk factors.
I have absolutely transformed the diet and almost cut out the smoking. I ran out of stop smoking aids which caused a blip but have replenished the supplies.
Will bore you all more with the rehab journey in the coming days. In summary though, it is going well. Managing to walk the dogs now and tackled a steep hill yesterday with zero issues which I thought was promising at this stage. Nighttime has been the main challenge so far. Not sure if this is due to tiredness, anxiety, heart palpitations or a mix of the 3.
Yes. I was prescribed 9 or 10 different meds originally, & I still take all except 1, every day, twice a day.
I think it's a permanent thing. The stent needs to be kept in good nick, which some of the tablets help with. It's not a big deal, it's fine as far as I'm concerned, as it seems to be keeping me ticking over quite well.
How is your recovery going?
I would be Scotlands national champion of farters if there was such a thing with this diet I'm on.
One problem I have with these tablets is, I can't take any anti-inflammatory tablets, which I was taking for a trapped nerve in my neck, it has now moved from my right side to my left side as well, which is restricting me from goin on the PC for any length of time, and gives me jip when I'm on the bike.
I would like to punch the punter in the coupon who said " life begins at fifty" lol . With all the things that's goin on in the world, I'm lucky to feel quite tickety boo
Good man @rabdeniro
I know its tough sometimes, but we only get one go, so make the best of it mate.
I won't give any spoilers away for the moment as to the result...
This is from the Gold Rush main event 2 nights ago.
So, what would you do...
Blinds 2k/4k. There is a shorty all in with less than 1 BB. I am in the SB with ATs and I think average stacks were around 70k.
I didn't have any real notes on the player raising.
I really need to figure a better way of posting/editing hand histories to the forum. Can't remember what method I used before...