The irony on the token front is that the main reason I logged in last night was to earn enough points to get above 100 pts for another token. I ended up only getting the 5 pts from this event. So I failed there but I will add £2.30 cash to the tournament fund which now sits at £9.20.
I was looking for something to reg and thought why not go for a mini UKOPs, overall it is a great festival but I rarely have the roll or the time to give it a whirl. I was intent on just playing the 3x4-card games this time round.
I am not really a fan of bounty hunters (but I suppose I could get used to them) and when I saw a megastack B/H with no rebuys/re-entries I thought it might play more like a regular freezout. It didn't quite, some interesting overshoves with 30 chips BB and 10000 starting stacks but definitely much calmer than other games I have played.
Fairly early on I had my first bounty, I made a gut feel call of a big river overshove. It could have gone badly wrong, my flopped 2 pair looking steadily worse after the turn and river but my gut was correct.
I was enjoying being the big stack on the table and built up to 28k in chips, but never had any opportunities to bust another player and then the table started breaking up and suddenly I have equal and bigger stacks with me to keep me a bit more honest.
I then proceeded to murder a couple of hands and donate much of my chips to the same player over 2 hands quite close together. My stack was now circa 7k and the blinds were 500/1000.
Then the lucky streak started. Some uncontested jams followed by A3s > K9s and A4s > 67s and suddenly I am back in the game with 38k and I stayed above 30BBs for most of the rest of the tournament.
I had a monster pot where my KK held v 99 to put me in the top 10 where I stayed.
Having a big stack is obviously a great advantage in a B/H and I was finding great spots and winning flips where my tournament life was not on the line and even picking up aces in some nice spots and having them hold.
AKs v 99, AQ v KQs, AA v 99, AT v 33,
Picked up a large pot with A3 flopping trip 3s and then again with AA v QQ after a 653 all hearts flop.
Backed down in a couple of biggish pots on the river, but then made it back when another player bluffed into my 2 pair on the river.
Down to the last 4 tables and I was joined by @madprof, we clashed once with AQs v AQ split pot and then a bit later my lucky flip run continued with AJ v TT.
Had been briefly paired with @mumsie who was the only other forum reg left in and had some chat with mumsie and madprof while on different of the final 2 tables. I promised I would thank madprof for his chips if I won the tournament.
@NooGooood then took a big dent out of my chips, never played against them before, but I read enough of Tikay's results thread to know I am up against a very good player. So I call in position and figure they are good enough to force me off with aggression. I was rightly ahead and happy to let them fire 3 bullets at me, trouble was they hit 2 pair on the river.
Woke up with AA v 44 aipf to pick up another bounty and a bunch of chips only to donate them and more back to NooGooood again, this time thoroughly outplayed.
Got lucky with A5s hitting a flush on the river to take another bounty.
A period of card deadness ensued for a few orbits by which time I had made the FT, but when the 1st player left I was the short stack. I felt strangely calm, probably down to the 2nd glass of red.
As shorty I shoved T8 to be looked up by J9s. Hit the T for a very handy double up and a few hands later did it again v same player with Aj v A5. Then I took out the same player when had those lovely AA again v JT.
When down to 3 players I was 2nd and flopped a straight with QJ to knock the 3rd place player out with Kx.
So a heads up battle ensued and I was cheap leader by a little.
A lot of hands followed and I was behind at times. I It was fun splashing millions of chips around, never had that experience before. I Missed my first chance to win aipf but finished it off with 2 consecutive hands, flopping a straight with 43 and then aipf with 44 v A4.
After Sunday night's efforts I haven't played again yet, next event will probably be the PLO8 min-UKOPs B/H tomorrow and may follow up with a couple more mini-UKOPs before they finish.
I have withdrawn my original £40 deposit and also £500 of my winnings which I will be putting straight into the Sam Pegram Humanitarian Fund once cleared.
That leaves with a roll over £200 which I hope to put to good use and make some more money for humanitarian causes.
I am not sure how yet, I can't expect to luckbox just under 1000 entrant MTTs too often.
I might go back to playing my tried and tested (but low volume) 6 max SNGs and the occasional MTT but no more than £5 entries until I have the tokens for another punt at a main event.
Took another tilt at a mini-ukops yesterday, the mega stack turbo B/H. £11 buy in, bit steep for me but I was feeling good about UKOPs, B/H and Megastacks for some reason.
Started off incredibly well, Hit sets with 99 on the flop and KK on the turn only to be shoved on twice by a player on a flush draw. I held both times to take the same player's bounty. Got up to 30k then a bit up and mainly down until taking a big hit with KKc overpair on a Qxx 2 club board. Opponent had hit a set of 5s and shortly after went for an at least 2 way pot with 99 that ended up a 4 way pot gg me.
£11.25 in bounties so 25p in profit. Didnt rebuy as just coming up to a break and figured 10k chips would pretty soon be 10bb so booked the win.
Very short sample but the 6maxes havent got off to the best of starts 1/4. Didnt help when accidentally regged a hyper, then definitely didnt help when I thought I flopped a set of 3s. Get some chips in on the river and see them go to my opponent, check HH and I had 83 not 33. Sigh.
Got my token in the bag for this week so when it arrives my main tourney fund will be £11.50.
My son Sam was a huge fan. He created a few spotify playlists and his "Best of the Stones" one lasts 8.5 hours. I like the song, hate the fact that I can't talk to Sam about it and it won't be added to that playlist.
In the summer of 2018 we were lucky enough to see the Stones at Old Trafford, Sam had paid for my ticket as a present. We had a sit down Indian meal, a few beers before during and after the show and stayed over in Manchester for the night.
Sam wrote this on facebook afterwards...
"This week I was lucky enough to see my all-time favourite band, the Rolling Stones, for the second time. It was made even better by the fact that I was able to share it with my Dad, whose 40 Licks greatest hits CD I had played on repeat and was really what made me such a fan in the first place".
I really think I need to see an optician as soon as that becomes possible again.
In addition to the 83 misshap, I looked out of my bathroom window to see our dog Lily enthusiastically ripping a pigeon to pieces on the back lawn. The grey body was already limp and white feathers were flying everywhere.
I ran downstairs, grabbed a broom expecting a confrontation to relieve Lily of her catch, and then as I got nearer I realised she had found an old cuddly toy. The white "feathers" were in fact pieces of stuffing.
I really think I need to see an optician as soon as that becomes possible again.
In addition to the 83 misshap, I looked out of my bathroom window to see our dog Lily enthusiastically ripping a pigeon to pieces on the back lawn. The grey body was already limp and white feathers were flying everywhere.
I ran downstairs, grabbed a broom expecting a confrontation to relieve Lily of her catch, and then as I got nearer I realised she had found an old cuddly toy. The white "feathers" were in fact pieces of stuffing.
After Sunday night's efforts I haven't played again yet, next event will probably be the PLO8 min-UKOPs B/H tomorrow and may follow up with a couple more mini-UKOPs before they finish.
I have withdrawn my original £40 deposit and also £500 of my winnings which I will be putting straight into the Sam Pegram Humanitarian Fund once cleared.
That leaves with a roll over £200 which I hope to put to good use and make some more money for humanitarian causes.
I am not sure how yet, I can't expect to luckbox just under 1000 entrant MTTs too often.
I might go back to playing my tried and tested (but low volume) 6 max SNGs and the occasional MTT but no more than £5 entries until I have the tokens for another punt at a main event.
Hi Mark.
Congratulations on your £500 winnings and so fantastic of you to give it to Sam's humanitarian fund!
He'd be so proud of you, as you were of him, I am sure.
He was clearly an amazing person.
I lost my brother to suicide, before his time.
He was the youngest of 5 siblings and it was terribly hard for all of us, especially my parents.
For me, it was initially difficult to try and remember the good times we shared, but as time goes on, more and more of them come to mind, and I can feel his presence in my heart, as I recall him.
I do hope you can find some solace in remembering the good times and the incredible person that Sam clearly was.
If you ever feel that you would like to do some form of charity Poker competition, for his Humanitarian fund, I'd be happy to support/assist.
I really think I need to see an optician as soon as that becomes possible again.
In addition to the 83 misshap, I looked out of my bathroom window to see our dog Lily enthusiastically ripping a pigeon to pieces on the back lawn. The grey body was already limp and white feathers were flying everywhere.
I ran downstairs, grabbed a broom expecting a confrontation to relieve Lily of her catch, and then as I got nearer I realised she had found an old cuddly toy. The white "feathers" were in fact pieces of stuffing.
The irony on the token front is that the main reason I logged in last night was to earn enough points to get above 100 pts for another token. I ended up only getting the 5 pts from this event. So I failed there but I will add £2.30 cash to the tournament fund which now sits at £9.20.
I was looking for something to reg and thought why not go for a mini UKOPs, overall it is a great festival but I rarely have the roll or the time to give it a whirl. I was intent on just playing the 3x4-card games this time round.
I am not really a fan of bounty hunters (but I suppose I could get used to them) and when I saw a megastack B/H with no rebuys/re-entries I thought it might play more like a regular freezout. It didn't quite, some interesting overshoves with 30 chips BB and 10000 starting stacks but definitely much calmer than other games I have played.
Fairly early on I had my first bounty, I made a gut feel call of a big river overshove. It could have gone badly wrong, my flopped 2 pair looking steadily worse after the turn and river but my gut was correct.
I was enjoying being the big stack on the table and built up to 28k in chips, but never had any opportunities to bust another player and then the table started breaking up and suddenly I have equal and bigger stacks with me to keep me a bit more honest.
I then proceeded to murder a couple of hands and donate much of my chips to the same player over 2 hands quite close together. My stack was now circa 7k and the blinds were 500/1000.
Then the lucky streak started. Some uncontested jams followed by A3s > K9s and A4s > 67s and suddenly I am back in the game with 38k and I stayed above 30BBs for most of the rest of the tournament.
I had a monster pot where my KK held v 99 to put me in the top 10 where I stayed.
Having a big stack is obviously a great advantage in a B/H and I was finding great spots and winning flips where my tournament life was not on the line and even picking up aces in some nice spots and having them hold.
AKs v 99, AQ v KQs, AA v 99, AT v 33,
Picked up a large pot with A3 flopping trip 3s and then again with AA v QQ after a 653 all hearts flop.
Backed down in a couple of biggish pots on the river, but then made it back when another player bluffed into my 2 pair on the river.
Down to the last 4 tables and I was joined by @madprof, we clashed once with AQs v AQ split pot and then a bit later my lucky flip run continued with AJ v TT.
Had been briefly paired with @mumsie who was the only other forum reg left in and had some chat with mumsie and madprof while on different of the final 2 tables. I promised I would thank madprof for his chips if I won the tournament.
@NooGooood then took a big dent out of my chips, never played against them before, but I read enough of Tikay's results thread to know I am up against a very good player. So I call in position and figure they are good enough to force me off with aggression. I was rightly ahead and happy to let them fire 3 bullets at me, trouble was they hit 2 pair on the river.
Woke up with AA v 44 aipf to pick up another bounty and a bunch of chips only to donate them and more back to NooGooood again, this time thoroughly outplayed.
Got lucky with A5s hitting a flush on the river to take another bounty.
A period of card deadness ensued for a few orbits by which time I had made the FT, but when the 1st player left I was the short stack. I felt strangely calm, probably down to the 2nd glass of red.
As shorty I shoved T8 to be looked up by J9s. Hit the T for a very handy double up and a few hands later did it again v same player with Aj v A5. Then I took out the same player when had those lovely AA again v JT.
When down to 3 players I was 2nd and flopped a straight with QJ to knock the 3rd place player out with Kx.
So a heads up battle ensued and I was cheap leader by a little.
A lot of hands followed and I was behind at times. I It was fun splashing millions of chips around, never had that experience before. I Missed my first chance to win aipf but finished it off with 2 consecutive hands, flopping a straight with 43 and then aipf with 44 v A4.
Got lucky, had a blast.
Any profit I make this year will be going to help refugees in Sam's name so that was a very welcome boost.
I have withdrawn my original £40 deposit and also £500 of my winnings which I will be putting straight into the Sam Pegram Humanitarian Fund once cleared.
That leaves with a roll over £200 which I hope to put to good use and make some more money for humanitarian causes.
I am not sure how yet, I can't expect to luckbox just under 1000 entrant MTTs too often.
I might go back to playing my tried and tested (but low volume) 6 max SNGs and the occasional MTT but no more than £5 entries until I have the tokens for another punt at a main event.
Started off incredibly well, Hit sets with 99 on the flop and KK on the turn only to be shoved on twice by a player on a flush draw. I held both times to take the same player's bounty. Got up to 30k then a bit up and mainly down until taking a big hit with KKc overpair on a Qxx 2 club board. Opponent had hit a set of 5s and shortly after went for an at least 2 way pot with 99 that ended up a 4 way pot gg me.
£11.25 in bounties so 25p in profit. Didnt rebuy as just coming up to a break and figured 10k chips would pretty soon be 10bb so booked the win.
Very short sample but the 6maxes havent got off to the best of starts 1/4. Didnt help when accidentally regged a hyper, then definitely didnt help when I thought I flopped a set of 3s. Get some chips in on the river and see them go to my opponent, check HH and I had 83 not 33. Sigh.
Got my token in the bag for this week so when it arrives my main tourney fund will be £11.50.
My son Sam was a huge fan. He created a few spotify playlists and his "Best of the Stones" one lasts 8.5 hours. I like the song, hate the fact that I can't talk to Sam about it and it won't be added to that playlist.
In the summer of 2018 we were lucky enough to see the Stones at Old Trafford, Sam had paid for my ticket as a present. We had a sit down Indian meal, a few beers before during and after the show and stayed over in Manchester for the night.
Sam wrote this on facebook afterwards...
"This week I was lucky enough to see my all-time favourite band, the Rolling Stones, for the second time. It was made even better by the fact that I was able to share it with my Dad, whose 40 Licks greatest hits CD I had played on repeat and was really what made me such a fan in the first place".
If KT had held v J9 I would have made the semi final but overall I think Danny deserved the win.
In addition to the 83 misshap, I looked out of my bathroom window to see our dog Lily enthusiastically ripping a pigeon to pieces on the back lawn. The grey body was already limp and white feathers were flying everywhere.
I ran downstairs, grabbed a broom expecting a confrontation to relieve Lily of her catch, and then as I got nearer I realised she had found an old cuddly toy. The white "feathers" were in fact pieces of stuffing.
For reference this is a pigeon...
This is not a pigeon....
If anyone would like to know more all the information is (and will be) here...
Sam Pegram Humanitarian Fund/
Congratulations on your £500 winnings and so fantastic of you to give it to Sam's humanitarian fund!
He'd be so proud of you, as you were of him, I am sure.
He was clearly an amazing person.
I lost my brother to suicide, before his time.
He was the youngest of 5 siblings and it was terribly hard for all of us, especially my parents.
For me, it was initially difficult to try and remember the good times we shared, but as time goes on, more and more of them come to mind, and I can feel his presence in my heart, as I recall him.
I do hope you can find some solace in remembering the good times and the incredible person that Sam clearly was.
If you ever feel that you would like to do some form of charity Poker competition, for his Humanitarian fund, I'd be happy to support/assist.
Take care,