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My story



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Life goes on,here's a little story I would like to share.i am not a great fan of ladies having tattoos as I think the female form is beautiful as it is,now my lovely daughter,(who was the cool kid at school with a wicked sense of humour and very very pretty, I know I am her dad but it is true.) has had a few tattoos which I have expressed my opinion on, yeah I know it's her body,life etc etc,but we have a very good relationship and we can talk to each other about pretty much anything,except them mother daughter things of course. I took her in town yesterday to buy my good lady wife a birthday present and the conversation turned to tattoos and she told me about her new one which I expressed my disdain,it is a playing card,the king of hearts with a banner running through it which is empty. She said dad it's about you cos you are the king of my heart,you play poker and when you finish your treatment I am putting the date in the banner...I almost had a tear in my eye. We got our replacement suite Friday as the first one was a bit falling to pieces ish, there is a media unit in the centre of it which baffles me but luckily enough my wife is intelligent enough to work it, today we are doing the house cleaning with the iPad playing 70,s and 80,s music through the suite. Stand by me by ben e king came on and the wife and I had a smoothie dance to it,life doesn't get any better than this! Poker wise I fin 2nd in £2 bounty hunter,happy days.
    Posted by tomgoodun

    Crikey Tom, I nearly had a tear in my eye just reading that.
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited January 2017
    Lovely story about your daughter Tom!
    GL with everything xx
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited January 2017
    Some nice posts Tom.  Hope all goes well with treatment & GL @ tables.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017

    You are most kind thank you, I am playing the mini bounty huner at present, chip leader with 11 left. its midnight and I get up at 4.30 am. Either I move allin every hand or sit out and go to bed....

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited January 2017

    5TH out of 478! Congrats & WP.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited January 2017

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    5TH out of 478! Congrats & WP.
    Posted by MAXALLY

    I'm guess you went to bed then Tom?   ;-))) VWP
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    Thank you all for the congrats, I am so chuffed at the timing of the cash,not the late hour but today is my good lady wife's birthday. I have withdrawn most of the cash and it will go towards the meal I am taking her and the kids tonight. Thanks to Alan for the rail,glenelg for being such a gent at my table, Dave solar caro likewise,essexphil,so sorry I knocked you out when you were on for a slice of the jackpot,hope you did well in the main.

    Good luck at the tables all you fine folk.

    Last word has to go to Mr Kendall, how you find the time to post on my little blog is beyond me,but very much
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Lovely story about your daughter Tom! GL with everything xx
    Posted by mrsduck
    Thank you very much for your best wishe s, good luck, I do have a read of your delightful blog and it cheers me up to see someone as nice as you in this pokeramo. Hope your fortunes change for the better soon.x
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    Played a bit of poker this evening, was doing ok in the deep stack..until the chap on the button decided my 3x raise in BB was an attempted steal to his limp on the button. Unfortunately for him I had AA :) unfortunately for me the board ran out with a 7 and a 2 giving him 2 pair :( 
    My AQ shove was snapped off by the same chap with K 10, you know the rest lol.

    My dear wife has started crocheting a blanket for dear daughters impending baby, she hasn't done any knitting or the like for quite some time.
    She kept stopping, unwinding? And starting again. She seemed a little short on confidence so I tried to give her some of my famous confidence boosting words of wisdom - " Let's have a look love, oh your doing really well..and managing to put different patterns on it too" wife - " Not by design"  b.ugger.
    Really appreciate folk voting for me in the forum thingy, remember though, I'm one of the lucky ones so far and the people who suffer most are close family., I cannot begin to imagine how my dear wife and children are feeling deep inside.

    Some people don't post their on-going crises, and for those ( whose name/s I won't mention here) I send my best wishes and hope all turns out well. 
    Peace all x
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    Just can't get the hang of this poker malarkey, I was on the verge of being able to withdraw a little ( I have a certain bankroll I'm comfortable with and if I go £100 over that then I make a withdrawal )
    I haven't been able as yet to counter the crazy betting patterns of certain players, I will succeed though :)
    I have a flurry of hospital and doctors appointments coming up, be prepared for 'woe is me' in the coming week or 2 ;)

    Having said that ^ , my good lady suggested that on one of the appointment days we should both book the day off, and when the appointment is over look to book a holiday in May - ish, Vegas no less :) I'm running pretty well huh.

    A good friend and really decent chap suffered some horrible beats on the tables recently, I wanted to say quit for a month or so, overall he is a winning player and knows what's best for himself so I kept it to myself, ( apart from now ...idiot) really hope things turn the corner.

    Another really nice good friend is trying to do the right thing by me, I can't explain what but I appreciate the sentiment, my fault though.

    Mother in-law starts chemotherapy next week, Sarah is going to another meeting with her pre treatment, how she copes with everything thrown at her amazes me, I love her so much, wish I could be as strong.
    Wife bought me a kilo tin of chocolate toffee things, I may have eaten half in one sitting, 
    My tablets are playing havoc with my waistline.
    Peace all x
  • ajmiltonajmilton Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Just can't get the hang of this poker malarkey, I was on the verge of being able to withdraw a little ( I have a certain bankroll I'm comfortable with and if I go £100 over that then I make a withdrawal ) I haven't been able as yet to counter the crazy betting patterns of certain players, I will succeed though :) I have a flurry of hospital and doctors appointments coming up, be prepared for 'woe is me' in the coming week or 2 ;) Having said that ^ , my good lady suggested that on one of the appointment days we should both book the day off, and when the appointment is over look to book a holiday in May - ish, Vegas no less :) I'm running pretty well huh. A good friend and really decent chap suffered some horrible beats on the tables recently, I wanted to say quit for a month or so, overall he is a winning player and knows what's best for himself so I kept it to myself, ( apart from now ...idiot) really hope things turn the corner. Another really nice good friend is trying to do the right thing by me, I can't explain what but I appreciate the sentiment, my fault though. Mother in-law starts chemotherapy next week, Sarah is going to another meeting with her pre treatment, how she copes with everything thrown at her amazes me, I love her so much, wish I could be as strong. Wife bought me a kilo tin of chocolate toffee things, I may have eaten half in one sitting,  My tablets are playing havoc with my waistline. Peace all x
    Posted by tomgoodun
    Hi Tom, great thread btw, I do enjoy reading your story.
    Even if at times it's, a little sad, you alway's seem to somehow, 
    add a little humor to lighten the load. I have to confess, that I am guilty,
    of reading all the threads on the forum, and not posting on them enough.
    Keep writing Tom, you never know I may post more :-)

    I must congratulate you on your win,
    in the 7.45 plo8 tourney Last night. you absolutely owned it.
    I had the tourney lobby open during the game,
    and you were 1st or 2nd in chips most of the way.
    by the time we were on the final table, you already had the lead, 
    and didn't lose it from what i can remember.

    You did seem in total control,
    you kept the pressure on all the time 
    it really was superb to watch you dominate
    the tourney and a well deserved win.
    suffice to say, I was most impressed with the way you played.
    GL in health and GL at the tables.

    **you must be shattered after last night, don't play the Thursday league tourneys.
    sit down with your good lady, watch a film, and finish off those chocolate toffee things.

    Regards Alan (plo8 I let you win champ)

  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    Thanks AJ, I do run pretty well sometimes ;) sorry couldn't chat much last night, I had a few tables on the go and was trying to eat the rest of the chocolates before they go off.
    My good lady went to the Chemo planning meeting with her mother, they originally had the first chemo planned for this Friday, Sarah asked if it was possible to change it as my appointment is Friday., they very kindly changed it to today.
    Sarah was really sad when she told me how it went, there were half a dozen people there having the same/similar treatment, most of them were alone.

    As mentioned above, I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon to discuss the results of my CT scan, as per usual I get all kinds of thoughts running through my irrational brain, what's the worse that can happen ey.

    The next appointment is on the 24th Jan, that is the one with the oncology consultant who tells me the scores on the doors, I may ask him how long I need to be on this particular treatment, I'm getting old and grumpy and need to return to my awesome self, oldish and grumpyish.
    Sky are putting on some fab promos, I'm a bit rubbish at trying to get the points for the cracking freerolls though, I'm a bit set in my ways of regging my usual Tournies and can't seem to find a way to try to get 10 points on the same day, I only get in from work at 6pm, sort it out sky :)
    Be safe all, have fun x
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Thanks AJ, I do run pretty well sometimes ;) sorry couldn't chat much last night, I had a few tables on the go and was trying to eat the rest of the chocolates before they go off. My good lady went to the Chemo planning meeting with her mother, they originally had the first chemo planned for this Friday, Sarah asked if it was possible to change it as my appointment is Friday., they very kindly changed it to today. Sarah was really sad when she told me how it went, there were half a dozen people there having the same/similar treatment, most of them were alone. As mentioned above, I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon to discuss the results of my CT scan, as per usual I get all kinds of thoughts running through my irrational brain, what's the worse that can happen ey. The next appointment is on the 24th Jan, that is the one with the oncology consultant who tells me the scores on the doors, I may ask him how long I need to be on this particular treatment, I'm getting old and grumpy and need to return to my awesome self, oldish and grumpyish. Sky are putting on some fab promos, I'm a bit rubbish at trying to get the points for the cracking freerolls though, I'm a bit set in my ways of regging my usual Tournies and can't seem to find a way to try to get 10 points on the same day, I only get in from work at 6pm, sort it out sky :) Be safe all, have fun x
    Posted by tomgoodun
    3x £3 turbo dyms and 1x30p turbo dym plenty of time to get those played, or x1 £11 dym if you are feeling flush

    GL with the appointments.
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Thanks AJ, I do run pretty well sometimes ;) sorry couldn't chat much last night, I had a few tables on the go and was trying to eat the rest of the chocolates before they go off. My good lady went to the Chemo planning meeting with her mother, they originally had the first chemo planned for this Friday, Sarah asked if it was possible to change it as my appointment is Friday., they very kindly changed it to today. Sarah was really sad when she told me how it went, there were half a dozen people there having the same/similar treatment, most of them were alone. As mentioned above, I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon to discuss the results of my CT scan, as per usual I get all kinds of thoughts running through my irrational brain, what's the worse that can happen ey. The next appointment is on the 24th Jan, that is the one with the oncology consultant who tells me the scores on the doors, I may ask him how long I need to be on this particular treatment, I'm getting old and grumpy and need to return to my awesome self, oldish and grumpyish. Sky are putting on some fab promos, I'm a bit rubbish at trying to get the points for the cracking freerolls though, I'm a bit set in my ways of regging my usual Tournies and can't seem to find a way to try to get 10 points on the same day, I only get in from work at 6pm, sort it out sky :) Be safe all, have fun x
    Posted by tomgoodun

    All the best for your results Tom . Fingers crossed for all good news.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited January 2017

    Good luck today, Tom.
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited January 2017
    Run well Tom
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited January 2017
    good luck Tom
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2017
    all the best Tom
  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    edited January 2017
    Best of lucky today Tom - hoping for a positive update for you x
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