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  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Nothing works if you don't invest in it's future, get ur chips in..........

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    No Guards on the " Rail " Anarchy will ensue

    Mr T could lose his job

    James O'Brien clashes with caller over scrapping train guards

    James O'Brien clashed with a caller who thinks unions shouldn't get involved in the dispute of scrapping guards on trains
    "It's an issue between the passengers and the train companies. It's not for the trade unions to get involved."
    James asked what would happen if he wanted to get on a train with a guard yet the train companies have got rid of guards - who would he go to?
    After Peter avoided the question James pressed him repeatedly.
    "The same as you do in every other part of life when someone isn't specifically there to look after your interests," he said eventually.
    Peter continued that it "quite clear people don't want to pay for the level of service you're asking for."
    Hundreds of thousands of passengers face misery in the Christmas period
    "How much money did Richard Branson make out of running trains?" James asked the caller.
    "You're telling me we can't afford a guard? We can't afford guards because Richard Branson needs a new yacht! He needs a new island!"
    The caller insisted that there are no train guards in London and Londoners survive.
    New trains allow driver-only control which means the driver can operate the doors, but unions want to ensure guards keep a safety-critical role.
    "How much money did Richard Branson make out of running trains?" James asked the caller.

    "You're telling me we can't afford a guard? We can't afford guards because Richard Branson needs a new yacht! He needs a new island!"
    The caller insisted that there are no train guards in London and Londoners survive.
    James called the caller attitude "depressing" because his view was "I've been punched in the face so they should be punched in the face as well."
    New trains allow driver-only control which means the driver can operate the doors, but unions want to ensure guards keep a safety-critical role.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    How Big will your Christmas Present be........ will you be disappointed if it small box.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Mona lisa smile.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287

    Stormzy has said Britain is “definitely, 100%” racist and that this has worsened under Boris Johnson because his comments have emboldened people with racist views.

    The grime artist, who has just released his second album, Heavy is the Head, made the comments in an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica. When asked if Britain was still racist, the musician said “definitely, 100%” even if it was “hidden”.

    “It’s like: ‘Oh no, we’re not racist’. But there’s a lot of racism in the country,” he said. “The difficult thing with the UK is, as you said, in Italy it’s a clear problem, whereas trying to explain that Britain is a racist country [to a British person] is the most difficult thing ever. They think: ‘No, it’s not. Stormzy you’re successful. Look at London, there’s loads of black people …’ It’s a more difficult case to fight.”

    Stormzy said the prime minister was a “figurehead” whose actions had made it more acceptable to say racist things in British society. “If the top person can openly say this racist thing – the ‘piccaninnies’ remarks, ‘watermelon smiles’, comparing Muslim women to a letter box – if that is our figurehead, the top man, the leader we have to follow, and he openly says these things, he encourages hate among others.”

    He said since Johnson had been in office the situation had deteriorated, with people who hold racist views feeling emboldened to express them in public.

    “Before, people had to hide their racism. If you felt something bad about about black people, about Muslims, you had to shut up. Now these people have the confidence to come out in public to say everything. This is scary to me, that scares the **** out of me.”
    Sign up for the Sleeve Notes email: music news, bold reviews and unexpected extras

    Stormzy is the latest high-profile black British cultural figure to say they would consider turning down an OBE or MBE. The spoken-word artist and podcaster George the Poet said he rejected an honour earlier this year because of the “pure evil” perpetrated by the British empire. The poet, whose real name is George Mpanga, told the Guardian the honours system needed a dramatic overhaul.

    “If you can get me – a child of Africa, whose grandfather died in exile as a result of British meddling in Uganda, whose great-great-grandfather resisted the British invasion of his country – to accept an MBE, what would my descendants make of that? What would my ancestors make of that?” he asked. “It’s not fair that in order to accept this accolade, in order to accept this recognition, I have to submit to that interpretation of empire.”

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    edited December 2019
    Stormzy said, he was mis-quoted ..... this chap thinks not. !

    rmzy has been branded a "rather boring, patronising, pontificating figure. Who is constantly telling the rest of us what we ought to be thinking," by one columnist.

    Brendan O'Neill, the editor of Spiked Online, wrote a column at the weekend titled "Stormzy is the new Bono," when LBC's Nick Ferrari asked him what he meant by the headline, the journalist struck out at the music star.

    Mr O'Neill said: "I meant that he has become a rather boring, patronising, pontificating figure. Who is constantly telling the rest of us what we ought to be thinking."

    The grime artist has been in the news after an interview he gave to an Italian newspaper made headlines in the UK, when Stormzy accusing the media of "intentionally spinning (his) words" after he said he believed the UK was still a racist country.

    Branding Stormzy "fully part of the cultural elite," Mr O'Neill said "he has bought into this idea that Britain is a racist country," adding "that's what people in the cultural elite tend to think, that's what the rather snobby inhabitants of that world tend to think about the rest of the country."

    "This idea that the country is full of racists, it's not true," the journalist said before adding the UK is a "far less racist country" than other European countries.

    When Nick Ferrari asked about the reports of an increase in racism following Brexit, Mr O'Neill branded a surge in hate crimes "a complete fantasy."

    Addressing the way hate crimes are reported, Mr O'Neill said it was "completely and utterly subjective."

    The columnist added Stormzy was an "incredibly talented man" who is "doing wonders for grime music."

    But, he warned the "chattering left" could do him harm.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    edited December 2019

    13 December 2019, 14:24 | Updated: 13 December 2019, 17:16

    Thousands of 10-inch "peni s fish" have mysteriously washed up on a beach in California following winter storms.

    The wriggling animals are a species of marine spoon worm commonly known as the "fat innkeeper worm" or sometimes the "pe nis fish".

    The critters were spotted flopped across the sands of Drakes Beach in California, about 50km (31m) north from San Francisco.
    However because the animals normally live in U-shaped burrows under the sand, people visiting the beach are rarely aware of their existence.

    Winter storms which battered northern California recently exposed a number of these worms after the powerful waves washed away several feet of sand.

    Officially known as Urechis caupo, the animals are "perfectly shaped" for their lives underground according to biologist Ivan Parr, even if they appear hideous to us.

    They can live for up to 25 years and are even eaten as food in countries such as Korea and China.

    I know you all want one..........
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    With the Dwindling numbers of cod in the North Sea we could all be going to the Chippy asking for Peni s & Chips please . I know the Chinese (will) eat anything that moves but they must be edible, so plenty HP S&V down the hatch. yummy!
    Could use one to stuff the Turkey. Ho! Ho!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    To all Poker Adicts on Sky .

    Will Father Christmas bring Snow Tomorrow, nope only Reindeer.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Hope you all had Great Christmas and "Santa" didn't disappoint ...... for me it was
    "Just another Dog Walking Day." Woof pick up the poo Woof give him a treat Woof
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Worth 15 years in Prison for the copy cat using one of his lives to entertain social media.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Did you Goose Donald Duck. ! Quack "

    ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Walt Disney World employees who portray Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Donald Duck each filed police reports this month claiming they were inappropriately touched by tourists.

    The woman inside the Mickey Mouse costume went to the hospital with neck injuries caused by a grandmother patting the character's head, while the employees wearing the Minnie Mouse and Donald Duck costumes were groped by tourists, according to Orange County Sheriff's Office reports.ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) —

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Would you complain if inappropriately touched ......Mm now let me think. !
  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    I was once in a pub on Tarts and Vicars night.
    There was this lady in just her underwear, and my mate took a rose from a vase off the fireplace.
    He tucked it into her b um crack, she turned around and smacked him in the chops.
    Does that count?
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Double Assault with deadly weapons.......... cough!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    These young Ladies get groped all the time blokes on Lads weekend think its part of the in flight entertainment.

    Our local News Paper ran article about elderly man pushing himself against women in the Tesco checkout isle making out he slipped, but the women said, he was aroused.
    I really must stop doing it. cough!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    This Picture is a bit haysie

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Spooky ! Queens, Kings, Aces, guess which I got to finish TARA £1.00
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,325
    Dont mention it :wink:
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