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The Edges £100 to £1000 challenge.



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    Great post Mark. As others have already said, you write really well and every diary update is a pleasure to read.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Well finally got a min cash in the 2am. freezy.

    Actually shudda been more than 5th but hey ho you cant always stipulate for questionable plays getting lucky can you @perceptive ? Cue mini rant in the chatbox

    However that's fine now I know just how eager you are to commit ICM suicide I earnestly look forward to padding my bankroll.

    Apart from that its been pretty uneventful really, donated to a couple of deepstacks then got it back on a spin up and a dym.

    Not playing a lot at the moment. If I'm honest it's all a bit too much trouble to play so I'd rather just post in the forum and wait til I get the bug again. I think trying to play just for the sake of it is never conducive to a winning game and certainly doesnt allow me to have fun.

    Going to play the late freezeouts at 1 and 2 but probably nothing else until Monday.

    Re-booked the canal cruise for the 22nd so hopefully this time it'll happen. If not I'm sure there will be a tale or two to tell.

    Have fun, rungood, love each other.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Hi all.
    Don't know how much longer this thread is going to be active as the balance is now down to £50.

    Yes that's right Sky poker have thrown the doom switch on me and there's no getting away from it. Honestly I'm running worse than Oscar without his blades, Stephen Hawking in a 200m sprint and Douglas Bader at the scramble siren.

    If I fell out of a boat I wouldn't hit water, I mean wow, down £70 in a fortnight its been brutal.

    Anyhow its been a blast playing with the likes of @stokefc, @sidv79 and @Bradman54. Seriously guys go and smash the granny out of it.

    Still gonna keep on doing what I do but Im not sure whether Im having fun or playing out of habit.

    Had the rearranged canal cruise and to be honest it was a bit of an anti climax after the original day. Saw a Kingfisher, 2 herons and an otter, which was kind of omg did you see that moment. Sorry there's no missing boats or animal whisperers to regale you with on this occasion. In fact normality reigned which is a bit of a first for the family.

    Currently down at the van with Mother as its her 80th today. Cake and champers for breakfast. Ok it's not my usual fare but I'll take it lol.

    Ok the usual sign off, have fun run good, love each other, smash it.

    Til Whenever,

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,415


    Seeing a Heron or an otter "in the flesh" is as good as it gets. I now see Heron's most days (I live very close to a river), but it still gives me a thrill every time. As to otters, ignoring zoos, I've seen one "in the flesh" in my entire life, it was 30 years ago & I still get a tingle thinking about it.

    That bankroll. You were nearly busto a few months back, but you recovered. Fingers crossed mate, you'd be a huge loss to this forum, you write real interesting stuff, deffo not run of the mill.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    I'm sure you will turn it around mate, just keep plugging away.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,389
    Hi Mark,

    As I always say.....'For every Downswing/Bad Beat, you're one step closer to the next Upswing ;)

    ...... SO LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL, they will be with you shortly, just hopefully not against meeeeeee :)

    I might see you in the Early Hours Freezy very soon
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Whay hey is that a cash I see. It certainly is and a 2nd place in the £1.10 £100 gntd deepy for £19. congrats to @gilch60 for the win, really J 7 off against my A Q wp dude.

    Ok at the risk of sounding a little well yeah fragile, can I just say that the kindness that you guys show via posts and P.Ms really does reduce me to tears sometimes. I really wish that this thread could be a snapshot for the world because that would be a great place to live in. Thank you all for the kind words, railing etc.

    Ok so on with the programme and I thought you might like to hear about a tale from the doors.

    Picture the scene, its a Friday night at Staffs Uni and were running an Afro Caribbean evening. Now we have been informed that we can expect guests from Wolverhampton, Birmingham etc and that there may be friction so we have the A team on duty. That is with the exception of a newbie who we are breaking in.

    Now if you want to see if a person has the requisite skills for the job you position them on the front door which is exactly what i did. Now as this is a landmark evening There are several "high ups" from the Uni plus my boss in the foyer observing the evenings frivolities. Not that I'm worried, I have a great team at my disposal and we are expecting nothing but a great night for everyone, customers, staff and door people.

    Now lets call the young man in question Tim. Why Tim? you ask. well that's his name and as he's never going to read this who cares.

    So about an hour and a half in we spot 2 huge gentlemen of Afro Caribbean heritage walking up the driveway. Now Staffs Uni (Stafford Site) had a doormans dream. 100 yards of clear view of anybody approaching the venue, more than enough to appraise the customers demeanour and state of intoxication. So Tim watches the 2 guys, who are both about 6 foot 3 and are no strangers to a gym, all the way to the door which he opens with a flourish and says.

    "Hi guys, you here for the Afro night?"

    OMG I can feel the eyes of the high ups and my boss on my back and tbh I want to crawl in a hole and vanish. Stepping into the space I smile and give it a "What can you do" expression whilst saying "Hi fellas, if you could just flash some Id we will get you in as soon as. Thanks and have a great night".

    Ok so thats strike one against the poor lad but within minutes he excels himself as a student approaches the door. Remember hes had 100 yards and maybe a minute to **** the situation. Now even to the most myopic it's obvious that this guy is deaf, i mean it's not exactly GCHQ behind his ears but the hearing enhancement is obvious.

    Step up Tim.

    "Hi mate Uni card please"
    No response.
    "Uni card please"
    "Uni card or you can go back where you came from dude"
    Zilch, nada, nowt, nothing.

    I hiss at Tim " Oi Tim he's deaf, look at him and speak clearly"

    Tim with a "I've got this "look on his face turns to face the student and mouths silently and in slow motion.

    "H a v e y o u g o t y o u r U n i c a r d m a t e"

    FFS. I cant keep a straight face and have to leave the venue followed by my boss who's rolling. The High Ups have given up any pretence of a stiff upper lip and can be heard guffawing in the foyer and poor Tims fate is sealed.

    Only it isn't. The venue manager decides he is comedic value and I'm stuck with him for a whole year. Suffice to say he served the majority of that in the smoking area where he could cause little chaos.

    In fact he was only fired when he decided to take on the Uni rugby team in a fist fight in which he got sparked inside 10 seconds and left 4 of us battling 20 lads.

    Thanks Tim.

    Until whenever, rungood, have fun, love everyone and do smash it.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,415

    Wonderful bit of story telling, I can picture every scene.

    More please.
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,466
    Great stuff...reminds me of that pathetic kids joke..

    How do sell a deaf man a rabbit?
    (SHOUTING) “ Do you wanna buy a rabbit?”
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    Great post...including the poker result.

    I have frequented said establishment back in my 'youth'. Actually saw Right Said Fred there back in the day. Yes. I know. It was a summer ball and the (cheap) bar was open all night. Happy days. B)
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    Good story.
    I did laugh.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Hi guys.

    I haven't as some of you may have hoped, disappeared up my own fundamental orifice but am merely experiencing a problem in that my own laptop whilst allowing me to still play the tourneys, steadfastly refuses to allow me to access the forum etc.

    So whilst Im briefly in charge of the sons laptop i just thought I'd touch base.

    Bal is currently around £90 and the fun factor is back.

    Got a couple of great stories to share when I eventually get back to normality, but until then;-

    Rungood, have fun and love everyone.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,415

    Hi Mark,

    "that my own laptop whilst allowing me to still play the tourneys, steadfastly refuses to allow me to access the forum etc"

    You are not alone there, several others have reported the same thing.

    I can no longer access the Forum on IE, but it's fine on all other Browsers. I can't access it on my i-Pad either.

    All very odd.

    Anyway, look forward to seeing you back here regularly soon.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Hi All.

    Hope you had a great Christmas and all that.

    Currently on a mates laptop for a week as Im at the van for the holidays with my missus.

    I will be posting a couple of tales from the doors as promised over the next few days but anybody wanting violence and mayhem are going to be disappointed as I prefer to talk about the "laugh factor" of the job.

    Just deposited £30 to have a bit of fun so lets see what happens.

    Speak soon, rungood, have fun etc

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126

    Hi All.

    Hope you had a great Christmas and all that.

    Currently on a mates laptop for a week as Im at the van for the holidays with my missus.

    I will be posting a couple of tales from the doors as promised over the next few days but anybody wanting violence and mayhem are going to be disappointed as I prefer to talk about the "laugh factor" of the job.

    Just deposited £30 to have a bit of fun so lets see what happens.

    Speak soon, rungood, have fun etc


    Literally just the other day I wondered where you had gone. Spooky.

    Welcome back Mark
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,415

    Great to see you back Mark, hope the family are well.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Well as the New Year approaches at a gallop I find that now would be a good time to take stock.

    The initial challenge that I began last spring was both unfulfilled, in that I didnt achieve the 1000 target, and a success in that I feel It allowed me to take some profit over the course of the year.

    Like all good things though perhaps the biggest upside was being able to connect with other people and share laughs, tears and the full gamut of wit, banter and introspection whilst all the time being reminded of just how much my game needs improving.

    I also enjoy posting tales from the edge and judging by the response some of you actually enjoy reading them although they are really nothing more than a collection of observations regarding the absurdity of life in the madhouse.

    So what of 2020?

    Well Im setting a target of 500 pounds from a starting balance of 50. If I make an average profit of only 1.50 per day thats 500 by years end. Simples yeah lol. Actually as Im going to be playing very small stakes its more about buying fun than winning money but having a target and an active diary does mean some sense of accountability and for me thats essential to prevent me from loading up a .25 / .50 table and donating the lot in one adrenline fuelled session.

    Also Im going to keep posting the occasional story regarding life in clubland, maybe once a week or so, if I can get to a laptop that lets me onto the forum. Simply because I have so many to tell and I cant be bothered to write a book.

    Thank you to everybody who has taken the time to comment, criticise, praise, admonish, advise and donate both regarding my poker and the stories / diary. I value you all immensely.

    Till next year.

    Rungood, have fun, love each other and may God grant you everything you need.

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,922
    all the best bud hope you have a great night or a quiet one if you,re working
    HNY sean
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,415

    Thanks Mark.

    No idea if you will beat your challenge, but I'm pretty sure we'll all have a bit of fun along the road.
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