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  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343


    Good. Let us know what you think, please.
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    edited May 2019
    Thought I would post this hand as villain is who I am playing in the first round of Las Man Standing. The limp on the button completely threw me, but then I started thinking that some players at these stakes limp behind with small pockets as a cheap way to see if they can hit a set. 55 also a possibility for the straight. The pot size river bet is quite polarizing as it's either max value or big enough size bluff to get you off the type of hand that I had. Would like to hear some thoughts here please...

    EDIT: Just realised river bet was only 75% pot, in game I thought it was a pot size bet, so think he is value betting there more than he is bluffing ?
    ALAN_18Small blind£0.05£0.05£22.87
    RitchieASBig blind£0.10£0.15£35.99
    Your hole cards
    • J
    • A
    • 6
    • 7
    • A
    • 4
    • 8
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    edited May 2019
    Tried posting hand on tablet, didn't go well !!! Will repost later :smile:
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308

    I purchased BlackRain79's first book called "Crushing the Micros" and big credit to BlackRain79 as I can honestly say that book made me a winning player more or less overnight. It is a simple book and easy to follow and just goes over all the basic concepts and strategies required to beat 4nl and 10nl.

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    Hi - not sure i,ve posted correctly (its been a while) but just wondering where this book was available - (Couldn,t find it on amazon)

    Thx and GL with diary

  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    MP33 said:

    Hi - not sure i,ve posted correctly (its been a while) but just wondering where this book was available - (Couldn,t find it on amazon)

    Thx and GL with diary


    Pretty sure it's only available direct through his website (link below). It's perfectly safe to buy his stuff there (I've bought 2 of his books in the past) and found the best format for reading them was the kindle app on my ipad - there's lots of colour-coded stuff so it's not so great on a standard kindle.
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    edited May 2019
    ALAN_18Small blind15.0015.003115.00
    ALLEYKITTYBig blind30.0045.002840.00
    Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 9
    • 7
    • 6
    • 5
    ALAN_18Unmatched bet260.005740.00260.00
    • 7
    • 9
    • 7
    • 10
    • 3
    • 7
    ALLEYKITTYWinThree 7s5740.005740.00
    Just lost 90% of my stack in Las Man Standing :( Just ran the hand through Poker Stove and at least I got my hand in a 60% Fav. Well played @ALLEYKITTY GL in the next round :smile:
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    edited May 2019
    Snap call ? Villain is a pretty ABC TAG reg. When he calls a 3-bet here OOP what hands are in his range ? QQ, QJs, AQs, KQs, KJs, AJs, TT, 99 something like that. Because I 3-bet a lot I think villain is always 4-betting AA, KK, AK looking to get it in. Villain has got to know that I could have AA or KK here and he knows that I know this. I don't think villain is bad enough to shove Qx here thinking he is good. I just think it is weighted much more to him having Jx or QQ ? Looking at the hand now I think I should of bet the flop looking to get value from Qx hands also. I would say 90% of the time river shoves like this at lower stakes are the nuts.

    Would love to hear other people's opinions here. Looking over the hand again I don't think I could of played it much worse :blush:
    rikcluttsSmall blind£0.05£0.05£25.27
    BENDOG40Big blind£0.10£0.15£28.84
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    • J
    • Q
    • J
    • J
    • 4
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    Anyway since I started 10NL I have dropped around 7 buy-ins then tilt betted £40 on sports to try get back even, mixed in with a few spins = Depleted Bankroll

    On a positive note I already have £40 odd in rakeback to come on Monday. Think I am going to drop down to 4NL to build the roll back up. This is definitely not how I wanted this dairy to play out but you can only get better if you are honest with yourself.

    So a little embarrassing maybe but at least I will live to fight another day. Going to play a few low stakes MTT's today with the aim of a quick bankroll boost whilst reading that book @Tikay10 posted earlier in this thread.

    Plan is to get bankroll back up to £200 then give it another shot. By then I will also of have finished reading this book (Jared Tindler - The Mental Game of Poker) and have a better understanding of why I am constantly ending up on tilt.
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    QQ, AQs-AJs, KJs+, QJs, JTs, AQo-AJo, KQo - These are the hands that he could possibly play like he did in the AA hand and against that range I have 69% equity.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343

    "Anyway since I started 10NL I have dropped around 7 buy-ins"

    I would not read too much into that, you have not suddenly become a bad player. A few days is way too short a time to attach any relevance to.

    "then tilt betted £40 on sports to try get back even,"

    This is very bad.

  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    Not really MTT player but fancied a change so just entered: 1) £5.00 + £0.50 £1000 Bounty Hunter 2) £7.00 + £0.70 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter 3) £6.60 + £0.60 £8000 Sharpshooter Late Reg Semi

    Will post updates as and when, wish me luck :smile:
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    edited May 2019
    Tikay10 said:

    "Anyway since I started 10NL I have dropped around 7 buy-ins"

    I would not read too much into that, you have not suddenly become a bad player. A few days is way too short a time to attach any relevance to.

    "then tilt betted £40 on sports to try get back even,"

    This is very bad.


    After reading the first quarter of that book I have come to realise that I am a mental game fish :blush:

    To be honest @Tikay10 I don't think mentally that I am ready for 10NL. Need to finish reading this book and also there are a few good videos on YouTube by the same author that I will benefit from watching.
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    7 at 7 Bounty Hunter - Bust

    £1000 Bounty Hunter - Bust

    £8000 Sharpshooter Late Reg Semi - 3/55
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    Try not to tilt. Poker is not a short term game. Its about the long game. Maybe dont mention tilt bet £40 (chashing your loss) responsible gambling and that....
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    K0BAYASHl said:

    Try not to tilt. Poker is not a short term game. Its about the long game. Maybe dont mention tilt bet £40 (chashing your loss) responsible gambling and that....

    I know mate, that is what I need to keep reminding myself. I see you have regged the £8000 Sharpshooter. I am 2/15 in the semi and top 14 get a seat so might end up seeing you at some point.

    GL :smiley:
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    K0BAYASHl said:

    Try not to tilt. Poker is not a short term game. Its about the long game. Maybe dont mention tilt bet £40 (chashing your loss) responsible gambling and that....

    I assume you must have grinded 10NL 6-max at some point, what is the biggest downswing you had and longest break even stretch ?
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    Im only saying it because if Sky see you are not a responsible gambler then they will just close account.

    I started 4nl like you. Then I moved up to play 10nl. I used to 8 - 12 table 10nl, then I moved to 20/30nl. I enjoy it but I also love HU. Theres so much money to be won at 10/20/30nl.

    I cant remember my biggest Downswing tbh. Thats only because I haven't played 10nl for a year atleast I think. I only started recording my daily +- last year and most of my time has been HU with a few spins and 6max 100bb games.
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    K0BAYASHl said:

    Im only saying it because if Sky see you are not a responsible gambler then they will just close account.

    I started 4nl like you. Then I moved up to play 10nl. I used to 8 - 12 table 10nl, then I moved to 20/30nl. I enjoy it but I also love HU. Theres so much money to be won at 10/20/30nl.

    I cant remember my biggest Downswing tbh. Thats only because I haven't played 10nl for a year atleast I think. I only started recording my daily +- last year and most of my time has been HU with a few spins and 6max 100bb games.

    For some reason I wouldn't of thought you regs would get much action at HU. Is it more recreational players just wanting a bit of fun or regs wanting to battle it out ?
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    Im only saying it because if Sky see you are not a responsible gambler then they will just close account.

    Thanks for pointing that out mate but I am sure since opening my account a few month ago combining poker with sports betting/casino I will still be up overall.

    However I will be more careful what I post in the future. Gl in the Sharpshooter anyway, i'm still hovering around 5k. How are you getting on ?
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