Great stream once again Dues. I feel (and you probably feel) as though it was derailed a little bit towards the end and I would like to apologise for the part I played in that.
As for the 'chat pro' thing in general; it is massively annoying and especially when it's unsolicited and/or done in a snide way. You repeatedly make the point (and we're all well aware) THAT THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT. Streaming is -EV, you are not fully concentrated on the games and those games are still new to you in the scheme of things and you are going to be making errors from time to time on stack sizes and in spots that are tricky and still unfamiliar to you given your cash game background/upbringing (your results in MTT's are stellar despite this of course )
Obviously your primary goal/desire/focus for your streams is to be having fun and interacting with the chat - which you do brilliantly and it's why I keep tuning in along with your 40 or so other regular viewers (stream is legitimately growing, which is great too) - however, there are occasions when you clearly hem and haw over a decision and admit on stream to not quite being sure what to do... I know this isn't the same as openly asking what you should do but I do think this is a cue for some people (myself included at times) who might think they do know what to do in that spot to offer their advice to help you out for when the spot arises in future...
I tried to word it better but at the end of the day chat pro'ing is chat pro'ing is chat pro'ing - it's not big, it's not clever, it's oftentimes wrong anyway and it's always annoying
For my own part, going forward, I promise to not give any more MTT strategy advice (which is most likely questionable at best anyway) unless you look directly at the camera and ask for it.
@Duesenberg, really enjoyed the stream again last night. I see you had at least ONE more fan😆 i love the way you dont (seem) to take it too seriously & dont get too tilted. No lag here.....
Great stream once again Dues. I feel (and you probably feel) as though it was derailed a little bit towards the end and I would like to apologise for the part I played in that.
As for the 'chat pro' thing in general; it is massively annoying and especially when it's unsolicited and/or done in a snide way. You repeatedly make the point (and we're all well aware) THAT THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT. Streaming is -EV, you are not fully concentrated on the games and those games are still new to you in the scheme of things and you are going to be making errors from time to time on stack sizes and in spots that are tricky and still unfamiliar to you given your cash game background/upbringing (your results in MTT's are stellar despite this of course )
Obviously your primary goal/desire/focus for your streams is to be having fun and interacting with the chat - which you do brilliantly and it's why I keep tuning in along with your 40 or so other regular viewers (stream is legitimately growing, which is great too) - however, there are occasions when you clearly hem and haw over a decision and admit on stream to not quite being sure what to do... I know this isn't the same as openly asking what you should do but I do think this is a cue for some people (myself included at times) who might think they do know what to do in that spot to offer their advice to help you out for when the spot arises in future...
I tried to word it better but at the end of the day chat pro'ing is chat pro'ing is chat pro'ing - it's not big, it's not clever, it's oftentimes wrong anyway and it's always annoying
For my own part, going forward, I promise to not give any more MTT strategy advice (which is most likely questionable at best anyway) unless you look directly at the camera and ask for it.
Looking forward to the next one
First off, it's great to see you posting on the forum regularly again. I believe if you ask the powers that be, they may also be happy to lift your self-imposed table chat ban .
Secondly, you have absolutely nothing to apologise for. I welcome all forms of chat in my stream whether it's about how a hand was played, world affairs or general good-natured banter (I especially enjoy the last of those!). I don't really consider it possible to 'derail' the stream as I think of the whole thing as an interactive social experience which, like any regular conversation, will frequently go off on random tangents. The only thing I won't stand for is outright spite or bigotry, but that has thankfully never been a problem.
As for 'chat pro'ing', I really do enjoy and welcome that too - especially as it can often be a cue for some more fun banter in my eyes! I'm more than happy for people to completely rip my play to shreds on the stream as streaming is just a bit of fun for me and how people see me play on stream in no way defines me as a player. I make numerous plays (and folds haha!) on stream that I wouldn't otherwise make away from public view, and for all manner of reasons - sometimes it's to prolong the action in a certain MTT and, very occasionally, it's sometimes just to completely discombobulate the chat pros. Having a strong Sharkscope graph to refer back to helps as I can always ask the chat pros something like "How's your ROI looking these days then?" in response to any needling .
So yeah, no need to apologise or change anything about how you interact with the stream or the other viewers in the chat. As for chat pros, I'd ultimately like to think it plays out something like this...
@Duesenberg, really enjoyed the stream again last night. I see you had at least ONE more fan😆 i love the way you dont (seem) to take it too seriously & dont get too tilted. No lag here.....
Thanks @Glenelg, appreciate the continued support and yes, I did actually confess to buying fans last night .
As for getting tilted and taking things too seriously, life really is just too short for that sort of thing as far as I'm concerned .
Now I feel like I should apologise for apologising. I didn't mean to be a condescending prat. Clearly you are smart enough to know what streaming poker (of all things) can entail and big enough and ugly rugged enough to handle it as well as being witty enough to give as good as you get.
ps. If I have a good week at the tables I shall be making that (frankly long overdue) subscription when you next stream
Now I feel like I should apologise for apologising. I didn't mean to be a condescending prat. Clearly you are smart enough to know what streaming poker (of all things) can entail and big enough and ugly rugged enough to handle it as well as being witty enough to give as good as you get.
ps. If I have a good week at the tables I shall be making that (frankly long overdue) subscription when you next stream
So now I feel that I should apologise for making you feel like you should apologise for apologising earlier .
You weren't a condescending prat and whilst subs to the stream are nice, they're never expected - I'd hate for anyone to ever feel like they were compelled to subscribe .
I'll be kicking off tonight's stream a little later than usual and will be going live at 19:30.
Also, following the positive feedback from my last outing, I'll be keeping the lower 720p broadcast settings so those who have struggled to watch smoothly in the past may have a better time of things.
Enjoyed the stream last night, those change of settings have made a massive difference, that was the first time I have been able to watch it without it lagging or crashing. Must say star of the show was destinycod at the end at your cash table.
Enjoyed the stream last night, those change of settings have made a massive difference, that was the first time I have been able to watch it without it lagging or crashing. Must say star of the show was destinycod at the end at your cash table.
Hi Greg
Thanks for the feedback - it's hugely appreciated.
I've had nothing but positive reports from people who, like yourself, had previously struggled to watch without having a load of annoying lag ruin the whole thing. So, for the foreseeable future, I'm going to be running all my streams at the slightly lower setting of 720p. I was initially worried that a lower resolution would have a negative impact on the viewing experience, but many of my kinder viewers have been quick to point out how much better I look when I'm not in full crystal-clear high definition .
@destinycod was on particularly good (and generous!) form on Monday. From the look of Tikay's results threads, it seems he's had a rather decent week, so perhaps karma was rewarding him for his generosity to all who happened to be at that 20nl table with him on the stream .
On Monday @Allan23 and @MattBates were kind enough to bring my attention to some recent developments regarding streaming on Twitch and the use of copyrighted music.
Whereas it had previously seemed that the only consequence of playing popular music during a stream would be a likelihood of the streamers video on demand (aka VOD - an on demand re-run of a recent stream) being muted, a large number of high profile streamers had suddenly been hit with formal warnings and a threat of outright bans for their channels. After some further research I discovered that Twitch operates a 3 strikes and you're out system when it comes to copyright infringement warnings - these infringements can come from previous clips taken by viewers, highlights, complete VOD's, as well as the actual live streams themselves. Whilst Twitch had always been relatively passive regarding the use of popular music on the site (with muted VOD's being the only real enforcement), it looks like their hands have been forced by a sudden spate of multiple copyright infringement claims against specific clips coming from two major record labels. The music industry seems to have declared war on Twitch content in a rather significant way.
As a small-scale and still relatively new streamer, this is less of a major deal for me than it is for the long-established big beasts of the platform, but I still need to take some precautions if I want to continue to stream free from the risk of being permanently banned. Whilst I'll still be using background music, it will need to be music that is free of any copyright restrictions. As some of you will remember, this is something that I had been previously doing in my earlier streams, but it soon got quite repetitive which is one of the reasons I switched back to classic hits. However, having cast my net a little further, I have found a much larger library of suitable music, so it'll hopefully be a lot less samey this time round. Beyond that, I'll also be deleting any old clips, VOD's and highlights from my channel that feature copyrighted music (it is older clips that seem to have been the biggest problem area for copyright strikes).
I expect these changes will be adopted by the vast majority of streamers over the coming weeks as awareness spreads, so it's looking like Twitch will soon sound a little different for all of us. I'll continue to be just as dynamic and charming as ever though .
It seems a strange one to me. You are playing music that you have paid for via Spotify or similar, it's not as if you or the viewers are illegally downloading tracks/albums for free. If anything you could say that artists are getting free advertising out if it as viewers might be like "ooh, I like that song" and then go and download the album for themselves.
On the plus side, there will be no more Alison Moyet.
Have you deleted all past broadcasts Dues? Or was that *the man* coming for you
Yeah that was me Allan. I decided to err on the safe side to ensure I don't get any strikes against my channel. I also deleted any previous clips which featured copyrighted music.
Fortunately, my finest on-stream moment (binking the Main) happened on one of the streams I did with copyright free music playing in the background, so I'm safe to leave those bits up for any new visitors to see what a luckbox endboss I truly am .
I have also discovered that live cover versions are fine so I'm currently learning the entire Alison Moyet back catalogue on guitar in readiness for the next stream .
As for the 'chat pro' thing in general; it is massively annoying and especially when it's unsolicited and/or done in a snide way. You repeatedly make the point (and we're all well aware) THAT THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT. Streaming is -EV, you are not fully concentrated on the games and those games are still new to you in the scheme of things and you are going to be making errors from time to time on stack sizes and in spots that are tricky and still unfamiliar to you given your cash game background/upbringing (your results in MTT's are stellar despite this of course
Obviously your primary goal/desire/focus for your streams is to be having fun and interacting with the chat - which you do brilliantly and it's why I keep tuning in along with your 40 or so other regular viewers (stream is legitimately growing, which is great too) - however, there are occasions when you clearly hem and haw over a decision and admit on stream to not quite being sure what to do... I know this isn't the same as openly asking what you should do but I do think this is a cue for some people (myself included at times) who might think they do know what to do in that spot to offer their advice to help you out for when the spot arises in future...
I tried to word it better but at the end of the day chat pro'ing is chat pro'ing is chat pro'ing - it's not big, it's not clever, it's oftentimes wrong anyway and it's always annoying
For my own part, going forward, I promise to not give any more MTT strategy advice (which is most likely questionable at best anyway) unless you look directly at the camera and ask for it.
Looking forward to the next one
Secondly, you have absolutely nothing to apologise for. I welcome all forms of chat in my stream whether it's about how a hand was played, world affairs or general good-natured banter (I especially enjoy the last of those!). I don't really consider it possible to 'derail' the stream as I think of the whole thing as an interactive social experience which, like any regular conversation, will frequently go off on random tangents. The only thing I won't stand for is outright spite or bigotry, but that has thankfully never been a problem.
As for 'chat pro'ing', I really do enjoy and welcome that too - especially as it can often be a cue for some more fun banter in my eyes! I'm more than happy for people to completely rip my play to shreds on the stream as streaming is just a bit of fun for me and how people see me play on stream in no way defines me as a player. I make numerous plays (and folds haha!) on stream that I wouldn't otherwise make away from public view, and for all manner of reasons - sometimes it's to prolong the action in a certain MTT and, very occasionally, it's sometimes just to completely discombobulate the chat pros. Having a strong Sharkscope graph to refer back to helps as I can always ask the chat pros something like "How's your ROI looking these days then?" in response to any needling
So yeah, no need to apologise or change anything about how you interact with the stream or the other viewers in the chat. As for chat pros, I'd ultimately like to think it plays out something like this...
As for getting tilted and taking things too seriously, life really is just too short for that sort of thing as far as I'm concerned
uglyrugged enough to handle it as well as being witty enough to give as good as you If I have a good week at the tables I shall be making that (frankly long overdue) subscription when you next stream
You weren't a condescending prat and whilst subs to the stream are nice, they're never expected - I'd hate for anyone to ever feel like they were compelled to subscribe
I'll be kicking off tonight's stream a little later than usual and will be going live at 19:30.
Also, following the positive feedback from my last outing, I'll be keeping the lower 720p broadcast settings so those who have struggled to watch smoothly in the past may have a better time of things.
See you all in a bit...
Thanks for the feedback - it's hugely appreciated.
I've had nothing but positive reports from people who, like yourself, had previously struggled to watch without having a load of annoying lag ruin the whole thing. So, for the foreseeable future, I'm going to be running all my streams at the slightly lower setting of 720p. I was initially worried that a lower resolution would have a negative impact on the viewing experience, but many of my kinder viewers have been quick to point out how much better I look when I'm not in full crystal-clear high definition
@destinycod was on particularly good (and generous!) form on Monday. From the look of Tikay's results threads, it seems he's had a rather decent week, so perhaps karma was rewarding him for his generosity to all who happened to be at that 20nl table with him on the stream
On Monday @Allan23 and @MattBates were kind enough to bring my attention to some recent developments regarding streaming on Twitch and the use of copyrighted music.
Whereas it had previously seemed that the only consequence of playing popular music during a stream would be a likelihood of the streamers video on demand (aka VOD - an on demand re-run of a recent stream) being muted, a large number of high profile streamers had suddenly been hit with formal warnings and a threat of outright bans for their channels. After some further research I discovered that Twitch operates a 3 strikes and you're out system when it comes to copyright infringement warnings - these infringements can come from previous clips taken by viewers, highlights, complete VOD's, as well as the actual live streams themselves. Whilst Twitch had always been relatively passive regarding the use of popular music on the site (with muted VOD's being the only real enforcement), it looks like their hands have been forced by a sudden spate of multiple copyright infringement claims against specific clips coming from two major record labels. The music industry seems to have declared war on Twitch content in a rather significant way.
As a small-scale and still relatively new streamer, this is less of a major deal for me than it is for the long-established big beasts of the platform, but I still need to take some precautions if I want to continue to stream free from the risk of being permanently banned. Whilst I'll still be using background music, it will need to be music that is free of any copyright restrictions. As some of you will remember, this is something that I had been previously doing in my earlier streams, but it soon got quite repetitive which is one of the reasons I switched back to classic hits. However, having cast my net a little further, I have found a much larger library of suitable music, so it'll hopefully be a lot less samey this time round. Beyond that, I'll also be deleting any old clips, VOD's and highlights from my channel that feature copyrighted music (it is older clips that seem to have been the biggest problem area for copyright strikes).
I expect these changes will be adopted by the vast majority of streamers over the coming weeks as awareness spreads, so it's looking like Twitch will soon sound a little different for all of us. I'll continue to be just as dynamic and charming as ever though
On the plus side, there will be no more Alison Moyet.
Fortunately, my finest on-stream moment (binking the Main) happened on one of the streams I did with copyright free music playing in the background, so I'm safe to leave those bits up for any new visitors to see what a
luckboxendboss I truly amI have also discovered that live cover versions are fine so I'm currently learning the entire Alison Moyet back catalogue on guitar in readiness for the next stream