I asked Dues about this the other day and he said his audience was "too big at the moment" and wasn't sure if he "wanted to stoop back down to the gutter twitch levels I'm currently operating in". I'll work on it though.
Obviously recorded when @Duesenberg was younger and had hair.
What on earth did you put in the Youtube search box that led you to find Hillbilly Beat Boxing?!
If I close my eyes and just listen to that, it sounds rather like Rolf Harris has been locked in a room with nothing but a helium balloon and a big bag of speed to keep him amused.
I asked Dues about this the other day and he said his audience was "too big at the moment" and wasn't sure if he "wanted to stoop back down to the gutter twitch levels I'm currently operating in". I'll work on it though.
I can confirm that @Allan23 is 100% correct here and both my Twitch viewers would be happy to corroborate if need be.
Obviously recorded when @Duesenberg was younger and had hair.
What on earth did you put in the Youtube search box that led you to find Hillbilly Beat Boxing?!
If I close my eyes and just listen to that, it sounds rather like Rolf Harris has been locked in a room with nothing but a helium balloon and a big bag of speed to keep him amused.
I searched for 'strange singing styles' or something like that. I was looking for Mongolian Throat Warbling as I used to be a member of the East Sussex branch of the Mongolian Throat Warbling Appreciation Society but it got too big and had to be disbanded due to the constant shouting matches. It says a lot about modern society when throat warblers resort to shouting doesn't it?
Obviously recorded when @Duesenberg was younger and had hair.
If I close my eyes and just listen to that, it sounds rather like Rolf Harris has been locked in a room with nothing but a helium balloon and a big bag of speed to keep him amused.
So I'll be live from 6:30pm as per usual
Thanks for the continued support guys
butt plugmicrophone for a friend..."