Noticed I was tagged as a light-blue. May I enquire what that colour connotes? Still haven't fully grasped your colour-code system yet - hope I'm not a "whale".
think its a tight player. :-) not one of his "bad" colours if you like.
Yeah, could've been worse. He's not wrong, though.
Noticed I was tagged as a light-blue. May I enquire what that colour connotes? Still haven't fully grasped your colour-code system yet - hope I'm not a "whale".
think its a tight player. :-) not one of his "bad" colours if you like.
Yeah, could've been worse. He's not wrong, though.
I also have his 'nit' tag, there's not many of us, it's a very exclusive club.
My light blue nit tag used to be the highest honour I could bestow upon a player!
Since streaming I've found it has had a useful reaction amongst those who have taken agin to being nit tagged - they turn into raging spew-monkeys against me in an effort shed there previously respectable status. @waller02 is a prime example. Upon seeing himself nit tagged on stream he's started playing like a right bellend when sharing a table with me .
My light blue nit tag used to be the highest honour I could bestow upon a player!
Since streaming I've found it has had a useful reaction amongst those who have taken agin to being nit tagged - they turn into raging spew-monkeys against me in an effort shed there previously respectable status. @waller02 is a prime example. Upon seeing himself nit tagged on stream he's started playing like a right bellend when sharing a table with me .
For any of you that have managed to miss the other thread, I'll be live from 6:30 tonight with some cash game action before cutting the delay for a podcast RegiTime aka @The--Don.
My light blue nit tag used to be the highest honour I could bestow upon a player!
Since streaming I've found it has had a useful reaction amongst those who have taken agin to being nit tagged - they turn into raging spew-monkeys against me in an effort shed there previously respectable status. @waller02 is a prime example. Upon seeing himself nit tagged on stream he's started playing like a right bellend when sharing a table with me .
meta game goes deeper when people can see your notes
My light blue nit tag used to be the highest honour I could bestow upon a player!
Since streaming I've found it has had a useful reaction amongst those who have taken agin to being nit tagged - they turn into raging spew-monkeys against me in an effort shed there previously respectable status. @waller02 is a prime example. Upon seeing himself nit tagged on stream he's started playing like a right bellend when sharing a table with me .
meta game goes deeper when people can see your notes
True that. Giving @MattBates my 'recreational player' colour tag has been enjoyable for me on a number of levels.
@Duesenberg another good luck. Will be railing. Dont forget....Coffee first 10 levels...(late reg closes) .beer next table..single malt 😆
Ukops may have only just finished but I'll still be resuming normal Monday service tonight. Well, mostly normal, except for going live at the slightly later time of 7pm this evening.
If you're not completely sick of poker and/or Twitch streams, I'll hopefully see some of you there!
Apparently it's already Monday again so I'll be live from 6:30pm with the thrills and spills of the opening night of mini ukops. Hopefully I'll see a few of you there
I'm afraid I won't be doing my usual Monday stream this evening guys. Thanks mainly to the Mini Ukops side bet, I've played MTTs on successive nights for longer than I can remember and I'm dying for a much needed break from all that donkament nonsense.
I'll keep you posted in here and on Twitter when the next one is
Since streaming I've found it has had a useful reaction amongst those who have taken agin to being nit tagged - they turn into raging spew-monkeys against me in an effort shed there previously respectable status. @waller02 is a prime example. Upon seeing himself nit tagged on stream he's started playing like a right bellend when sharing a table with me">
Live at 6:30 folks...
Live from 6:30...
If you're not completely sick of poker and/or Twitch streams, I'll hopefully see some of you there!
I'll keep you posted in here and on Twitter when the next one is
Live at 6:30 folks...
I'll be live from 6:30pm for some festive punting...