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Bad Beats & Dark Horses



  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    Firstly, I just want to thank everyone for all comments this thread receives and for all those who read my ramblings. I truly appreciate it and am glad some of you are enjoying the thread.

    I've played only a handful of tournaments since my long self-absorbed post earlier in the week. I sorely needed an easy few days.

    In hindsight, I believe I've been spreading myself too thin. For example, on the morning before the aforementioned life-questioning post, I spent around five hours researching and analysing data for a US General Election betting plan (more on this later). Then, I delved into around a dozen horse racing handicaps before finally studying the full midweek football card.

    Once my work there was complete, I logged on and began my poker session.

    This has been a common tactic this month and I have clearly become tired, mentally at least.

    If one does spread themselves too thin, one becomes average at all those things. A jack of all trades will never excel. Well, decathlons aside, I suppose.

    In the past couple of days I have made a decision, and that is to NOT make a decision.

    My horse racing business during the winter is always sporadic as, I pretty much only bet at Kempton on the all-weather and play just at the big meetings over jumps - and usually only in big handicap chases.

    Therefore, with this in mind, the obvious answer is to play matters by ear. Poker will take a back seat when I am busy elsewhere, but will fill in the gaps on other days - time management, basically.

    Playing poker while simultaneously working on other business OR starting a poker session after an extensive period of work elsewhere, are both something I will be avoiding going forward.

    I must avoid situations were feeling I, incorrectly, have/need to play poker.

    So, I will be playing some UKOPS events, starting this evening, but, as I will stick to my no-more-than-two-tables-at-one-time rule, I won't be playing more than 2-3 a session.

    Tonight, I have penciled in UKOPS 1, 2 and 4.
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    102/193 at the first break in UKOPS #1 with 3,500 chips.

    Dodged a major bullet, here. Granted I lose 510 chips, but, it could've, and perhaps should've, been more expensive.

    My check on the flop wasn't a trap, but more a case of pot control. For whatever reason, my gut was urging me to be cautious.

    Despite a nice river, I just had that feeling.
    BlairReidSmall blind40.0040.006073.75
    Affers61Big blind80.00120.001930.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • 7
    • A
    • 5
    • 3
    • 10
    • 7
    • 5
    • 5
    • A
    • 7
    Affers61WinThree 5s1060.002560.00
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    No joy in UKOPS #1.

    I was pretty card dead on an active table, with my stack yo-yoing between 2600-3400 for most of the tournament.

    With the blinds about to increase to 150/300, this is an auto-shove. I manage to race well clear on the flop before pulling-up lame in the shadows of the post.
    prancingSmall blind100.00100.003645.00
    Kahuna96Big blind200.00300.0010415.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • 9
    • 6
    • 6
    • A
    • 9
    • 9
    • J
    • 8
    • 7
    • 5
    Kahuna96WinStraight to the 95262.5013296.25
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 172,881

    Gotta love the old perfect-perfect.
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    Tikay10 said:

    Gotta love the old perfect-perfect.

    Indeed, mate.

    It's all about the turn, once that lands, the river is a mere formality.

    I lost 40% of my stack in the first hand in UKOPS 03 (AJ < A4), so decided on a period of fast play.

    Result: I re-enter at around 20:39.

    Increased my second stack by 33%, so I may get a way with a £21 total spend, here.
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    Happy at the current break.

    33/347 in the Mini.
    Only 145/209 in the Mega but, having been down to around 4,000, I am back up to 9,300.

  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    Not quite as good news at this break, sadly.

    In the Mega, I crashed out bountyless in 144th place.

    I got my money in good on the turn, where I was a 78% favourite to scoop a pot worth over 45 big blinds.

    Two similar KO's from two so far; massively leader on flop (88%+ twice), only to lose to runner-runner.

    Currently 79/135 in the Mini, with five scalps on the belt.
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2020
    I cashed in the Mini on Friday evening, finishing in 14th place and, including bounties, I collected around £95.

    I was chip-leader when down to four tables but, after losing 50% of my stack (called a min-raise with a baby-Ace in the BB and flopped an Ace with a straight-draw, only to lose to a bigger Ace), I went into my shell a little and played too tightly thereafter.

    As you would expect, the structure caught up with me and I ended up taking a forced gamble with KQ (holding 12-bigs) against a 10-big stack and AJ.

    The AJ held up, and there were no ensuing heroics with my thimble of rice.

    Although disappointed with my play in the latter stages, I was happy with almost all of my decisions prior (in all three tournaments) and 1/3 (profitable) UKOPS is not a start to be sniffed at.

    As usual, Saturday was my night off for films and a take-away. Last night's movies of choice were the French-language Zombie flick; Ravenous, followed by a belated viewing of Birdman (or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance). Being a horrendous film snob, these were both right up my ally. The latter is especially brilliant and I watched it for a second time this morning - probably the best film I've seen in a few years that wasn't directed by Yorgos Lanthimos.

    I've been a little busy with the IPL and further US General Election research, so tonight is barely a session.

    I have late-reg'd for UKOPS 16 (the Mini) and we are a talking a late-late registration, at that, buying-in with only 20-bigs, now 15, so don't expect any fireworks, here.

    I may play one of my "lucky" tournaments; the Reload, but that is likely to be it for tonight. I crunched plenty of numbers earlier and I would rather remain fresh for more intense sessions next week - probably after the election, given how deeply I am now involved. Eeek.
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2020
    In the final level of the rebuy period in the Mini, I shove FIVE times with a QQ, JJ, JJ, JJ and AK while holding a stack between 12 and 16 big blinds - yet could not buy a call.

    Each time, merely picking up the blinds to continue to tread water.

    However, just as I was thinking that, perhaps, my chances had been and gone, I double up (AJ > 77) and then hold with Tens (vs A8) the following hand.

    I am now 60/206 with 40-bigs and a bounty.

    A level is a long time in tournament poker.

    Nothing to report in the Reload, where I purchased £9.30's worth of chips and have £9.02's worth remaining.
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    A double-up (ATs > A9o) on the last hand before the break in the Reload, leaves me 41/91.

    A much needed boost, though still have a sub 20-big stack.

    55/110 with 24-bigs in the Mini.

    I'm just happy to still be in both tournaments, with a view that anything achieved will be a bonus.
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    12th in the Reload, doubling my spend.

    As it often the case in the Reload, most players were shallow and I shoved in my stack worth five big blinds with Q9s (in the small blind). The 22-blind (huge in context) stack in the BB understandably looked me up with JTo.

    With Q9 against JT, one doesn't really want to hit two-pair. But, hit two-pair I did, which gave my opponent a straight on the turn.

    Fair do's.

    9/31 in the Mini, with a guaranteed return of £54 (I'm in for £11).

    This makes me 2/4 with regards to profitable/cashes in the UKOPS (2/2 on the Minis).
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    Plugging away in the Mini, currently 7/10. Nice to have two consecutive deeps runs in this event.

    Have also entered the 00:30.
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    Got down to heads-up in the Mini, and was in good shape to get the lot with this hand...
    BBORU7Small blind15000.0015000.00687074.56
    mushroom1Big blind30000.0045000.001280925.44
    Your hole cards
    • 9
    • A
    mushroom1Unmatched bet608850.881404149.12608850.88
    • 7
    • A
    • 9
    • A
    • 5
    • 4
    • K
    • 8
    • 7
    BBORU7WinPair of 7s1404149.121404149.12
    A pleasing night, obviously, with three profitable cashes from three...


    The third being the 00:30 which, despite finishing in fourth, I can remember little of due to a clash with the latter stages of the Mini.

    November > October.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,757
    Great result, unlucky on fin 2nd though. Wp
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    tomgoodun said:

    Great result, unlucky on fin 2nd though. Wp

    Cheers, @tomgoodun. It is always gutting to get outdrawn on the most important hand in the tournament, but, given I registered so late, I am really pleased with my second place.

    Be lucky, mate.
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    Six months ago, a £100 Freezout would've been my tournament of choice. Things change, however.

    Not only do I feel I have (almost) fully adapted to the Bounty Hunter style of tournaments, I really enjoy the format.

    So, given my two-tabling rule, I have a tough decision to make regarding my choice of tournaments this evening.

    In an attempt to take matters out of my hands, I played a satellite for UKOPS 21 (the freezeout) with a view that, should I win a seat, my hand is now forced.

    Sadly, I could finish only 4th in said satellite, leaving my decision no clearer.

    UKOPS 20, the £20 rebuy, is my first MTT of the evening and I will definitely be playing the Mini. Therefore, whether or not I play the the £100 f/o will rely solely on an early exit in the £20 rebuy.

    I hope I have made the correct choice. If only was 28 again and capable of multi-tabling. **** my picked, old brain.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 172,881

    If only was 28 again and capable of multi-tabling. **** my picked, old brain.

    I'll swap with you...
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,499
    Ah could do a lot of things better when ah was 28, think I will stick Barbara Streisand on.
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    Tikay10 said:

    If only was 28 again and capable of multi-tabling. **** my picked, old brain.

    I'll swap with you...

    Well, mine's had just the one careful owner, though can take a while to warm up in the mornings. And probably take the mileage with a pinch of salt, big possibility that it's been "clocked" at least once.

    I probably speak for us both, there? :D
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    rabdeniro said:

    Ah could do a lot of things better when ah was 28, think I will stick Barbara Streisand on.

    Yes, lighten things up with "You Don't Bring Me Flowers".

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