So, I am not allowed, to so much as question? when, several times, every single day, I have been, on the wrong end, of exactly the below, for the last few weeks solid, many of those, exact hands, posted, maths, seems, to matter, Not.
Try, to use, context, context of, the tournament situation, my cards, my own play, opponents play, and, the hand run out.
Today, one mtt, not (41,51,62,..ONE) happened to be, a £5.50 bounty hunter, happened to be, final table, happened to be, five players left, micro stack, shoves K 5 off (pre) myself, pocket AK, I raise that, 3bb, poket A Q off, shoves 5k,I snap call, this hand, to gaurentee a cash, take a bounty, 'naturally best hand pre, naturally best, after all the action'! Standard, for me to do the difficult bit, getting my chips in best, and plenty of oppos chips, then, the magic happens, here's, the run out.
P. S, I have, zero clue, what it is like, to do, what my opponents do, with metronomic regularity, hit, the required cards, from a mile behind. I will, just keep, putting up, factual details.For factual detail, that's 71% good, on the flop, then, the turn card, lol.
If, Sid James, was still about, he would, play the lead role, in,; 'Carry On, UP the RNG' 😁
Still here,still chuckling, still shaking my head, detractors, can't, because, only true, test, would be, pocket cards, shown on delay, all play, available for analysis.
Genuinely, I would like, to reproduce, the 'eye opener' well, for at least myself, directly from, a currently employed software engineer, not my observations, or thoughts, someone, who actually, actively, works, in the 'engine room' would dearly love, to, throw that open, and let's see, the replies.
Anyway, any detractor, in fact, anyone, here, is a bounty hunter, on the bubble, hands in the air, who is snap folding,? I will start, (because I did, snap fold, who? is not, snap folding, with my pocket cards, and that flop) in deference to Delia Smith, let's be having you.
You know, what's coming, don't you, lol, Paul, you are not, getting it in, rancid bad, rancid awful poker, enough, to dish out, the beats, and suck outs, back,... come on, really... 👍😂🙏
a single 3,left in the deck, I had two, Oppo had one, we've got, pocket 33,77,A3,on,that bubble.
People are either snap folding or shoving. raise folding is the worst possible play with limping a close second. Good luck finding a winning player who thinks limping from your stack is a good play.
Molah, more, than more than happy, to produce, word for word, what a current, employed, ( sub contracted) you, know, who,you know what, has, blessed me with;
Bless, your God, bless your Allah, bless, your Dieties, and, more importantly, our little friends. big, huge, actual, world breaking news, you better believe it, happened, happening, today,no longer, disclosure, DISCLOSED,.. World to wrapped up, with `coronavirus', so deadly, a test required, to ascertain, if you have it, had it, and masks? really, equivalent of, a lightening rod attractent, in a thunder storm;
can't, abide, the idiot, actually, with very good reason, but, the former, ministry of defence (UK) spokesman, Mr N Pope, services today, in high demand, why,? lol, off world, confirmed, not by that, Toby,.. to be fair, he did, actually, reiterate, today, live, yep, off world, not ours, and, the live radio audience, and, very well known, presenters, melted, live on air, wait, for overnight, World, a very very different place.
So, I, declare, Mr Dealer, can, gladly, Tournament exit me, any which a way, you like, never ever be irked, in the slightest, deal up, turn river runner runner, next 50 mtts, dont worry, just variance, wont complain, wouldn't, couldnt, miss it, for the world ( even, we ain't, alone confirmation); the 'live' reaction, of head in the sand, media types, is hilarity personified.
good, all coolio,
I'll, just, keep, chuckling. Ps, gladly, post, a real, engineers, heads up.
ti's, actually, 75% to split,.. on the flop,.. but, lol
So, I am not allowed, to so much as question? when, several times, every single day, I have been, on the wrong end, of exactly the below, for the last few weeks solid, many of those, exact hands, posted, maths, seems, to matter, Not.
Don't insult a Woman without expecting consequences ....... squeaky brakes flat tyre's.
Try, to use, context, context of, the tournament situation, my cards, my own play, opponents play, and, the hand run out.
Today, one mtt, not (41,51,62,..ONE) happened to be, a £5.50 bounty hunter, happened to be, final table, happened to be, five players left, micro stack, shoves K 5 off (pre) myself, pocket AK, I raise that, 3bb, poket A Q off, shoves 5k,I snap call, this hand, to gaurentee a cash, take a bounty, 'naturally best hand pre, naturally best, after all the action'! Standard, for me to do the difficult bit, getting my chips in best, and plenty of oppos chips, then, the magic happens, here's, the run out.
P. S, I have, zero clue, what it is like, to do, what my opponents do, with metronomic regularity, hit, the required cards, from a mile behind. I will, just keep, putting up, factual details.For factual detail, that's 71% good, on the flop, then, the turn card, lol.
If, Sid James, was still about, he would, play the lead role, in,;
'Carry On, UP the RNG' 😁
Genuinely, I would like, to reproduce, the 'eye opener' well, for at least myself, directly from, a currently employed software engineer, not my observations, or thoughts, someone, who actually, actively, works, in the 'engine room' would dearly love, to, throw that open, and let's see, the replies.
Anyway, any detractor, in fact, anyone, here, is a bounty hunter, on the bubble, hands in the air, who is snap folding,? I will start, (because I did, snap fold, who? is not, snap folding, with my pocket cards, and that flop) in deference to Delia Smith, let's be having you.
You know, what's coming, don't you, lol, Paul, you are not, getting it in, rancid bad, rancid awful poker, enough, to dish out, the beats, and suck outs, back,... come on, really... 👍😂🙏
a single 3,left in the deck, I had two, Oppo had one, we've got, pocket 33,77,A3,on,that bubble.
Molah, more, than more than happy, to produce, word for word, what a current, employed, ( sub contracted) you, know, who,you know what, has, blessed me with;
Bless, your God, bless your Allah, bless, your Dieties, and, more importantly, our little friends.
big, huge, actual, world breaking news, you better believe it, happened, happening, today,no longer, disclosure, DISCLOSED,..
World to wrapped up, with `coronavirus', so deadly, a test required, to ascertain, if you have it, had it, and masks? really, equivalent of, a lightening rod attractent, in a thunder storm;
can't, abide, the idiot, actually, with very good reason, but, the former, ministry of defence (UK) spokesman, Mr N Pope, services today, in high demand, why,? lol, off world, confirmed, not by that, Toby,.. to be fair, he did, actually, reiterate, today, live, yep, off world, not ours, and, the live radio audience, and, very well known, presenters, melted, live on air, wait, for overnight, World, a very very different place.
He talks to Ghosts.
Sky Poker has a Virus.
He needs the help of God if he's to win on here.?
The bullet that is the R.N.G. has his name on it.
Finally he so desperately wan't to be you. cough!
hope the helps. fwiw
the 'live' reaction, of head in the sand, media types, is hilarity personified.
good, all coolio,
I'll, just, keep, chuckling. Ps, gladly, post, a real, engineers, heads up.