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It's July 2020, site, script, code, 'software-hardware' known, bugs, glitches, eccentricities.



  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    With what, is actual, effective breaking news, 'keep em peeled'

    twas, a fella, known as, Shaw Taylor, totally lost, on the majority.. Keep, em, peeled.

    Hardly matters, but, before, front page news, educate yourselves, last pic, eons old, ours.

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    Wow. That pic looks like misterpj crashing & burning every hand he posts....
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,338
    Any advice for me here @misterpj ?

    MISTY4MESmall blind400.00400.003955.00
    mumsieBig blind800.001200.00965.00
    Your hole cards
    • 2
    • 2
    madprofUnmatched bet2470.003930.002470.00
    • 2
    • 2
    • 4
    • 4
    • Q
    • K
    • 2
    • 4
    • 4
    madprofWinFour 4s3930.006400.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    I, doff, my cap, to these, league topping phenom players;
    I now realise, 'they' are, different GRAVY.

    back to back hands, and a Poker Eduction, raa Raa rofl (twice)

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Inspiring.. 😘😘😘

  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    So you called a 25bb jam with K6s. And you called a 51bb jam with A4o.

    And you're surprised that you lost?
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Same 'dealer' same table;

    Won't, cannot, will not, never ever, { WAY, way, too, clued up, with EXTRA, smarts,}

    Chastise, myself, in, a Rofl, twice, Sundeez, type of way, ever get, ruffled (silly me) ever again,

    I, just keep larfing.. Always

    Cant, wont, bother, with the relevant bit.. Context.!

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    With, the fullest, greatest, total, respect, to all.

    Any day now,.. What? Do you think? Will put, "" COVID {19}! "" coronavirus, you know, that, lethal, deadly, VIRUS, that, is so so POTENT, a, so called, test, is required, to conclude, if, you, had, have, him, WAKE UP.

    any day now, the above, go, not, front page, anymore.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    From Russia with Love. "Covid 19 " Poker

    Are you saying the R.N.G. is made in Russia ... brewed to tee you up.... with no sugary bits. Ah! Mr PJ tips Bond ....we know you won't win, we expect you to die....laughing .........cough!
    Keep plugging away PJ you have learnt to fold ...... lose you're rag. !
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    I, refer, the honorable ladies and gentleman, to the origenal Postulation, to the House.

    £5.50 bounty hunter (priceless) and inspiring, that would be AA,

    and then, the short stack, getting a river rinse, against the big stack, in the £11.00 bounty hunter,to be fair, shorty only flopped, the spades flush..

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    At least, as oft stated, keeps me smiling, I might, get a Poker Coach 🤔🤔😉😉😊😊

    Here, are, two more £5.50 bounty hunters,.. GOLD, real gold.

    Flopped Set, of 10 10 10 on a 10 High Board, you guessed it, a river straight, rofl,

    And, straight into, exit hand, deep, reraise all in, best, and, a river A, keep, pulling my chain, its real funny.very very Naughty,.. For some, of 'us poor poker souls' your variance, makes it impossible, to be a winning player...

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    The dealer, loves a bit, of an early hours giggle, same mtt, 'he had, a hilarious minute'
    The second hand, which was, the big Big stack, taking out two players, which, could have included myself, with trips 444,to cute! for that, but, that river 5, well played, dealer, magical; straight, again, as a dye, rofl.

    This is, the 4. 76 % Big stack, taking out two players, with a river Jackpot, remarkable Jeff, and, would have rinsed trip 444,to boot, random Jeff, so random. 😘😘😘

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    And, this concludes, the BOG standard, poker session of hilarity,

    5.50 bounty hunter, FT, 5 left,
    The two short stacks, get it all in, one in one out, to have 'a chance' funnily enough, exactly what happened, several times as posted, earlier, happens again,! some of you, must, be playing a very different game,.. Lol.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Shout, Out.. Too;

    The Man.. Quote, flush, chasing, So yesterday..

    Indeed, it is, So yesterday,..

    Worst, very worst, Two, in poker..
    Course,.. Naturally,.. Script says.. Lmao,every,single time, Goldie, chased,FLUSH, once,..
    Against, hit, hit, hit hit, hit, Metronomic.. randomly, kmaoff

    Insta, deep, deep,.. Scripted.. Lmao

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373

    I,do actually know,.. and, find, hilarity, in that very fact.

    Good, job, it, does not, in, any reality, actually, affect me,in any way.

    Sorry, for, those, who it really hurts, more so, the Head in Sand,.. Its, impossible, phseudodeniers..

    Criminal,actually,but,thats,1st class, gravy trains, 4,ya..proud,be,very proud.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    And a very good, Sunday afternoon, to one and all.

    Just imagine, I was, an enthusiastic, brand new Skypoker player, and asked, this question.

    Just joined, your poker site, ladies and gents, I played three multi table tournaments today, over six hours, started with a £5.50 bounty hunter, followed by another, then another tournament, my exit hands, two I was a big mathematical favorite, and, it seemed, I was watching, players, hit the one card? they could hit. Is, it? always, like this.

    And, would it be,? very unlucky, just bad luck, running bad, and 'get used to variance'
    Well, my dear friends, been, a lot lot longer, than one day.

    Random, a funny thing, here is a hand, exit hand (not favorite) but, featured, in a £5.50 BH, final table bubble, two big stacks, and shortie, we all had an ace, as did, the board, interesting,

    After this, next exit hand, 93% good, to the river, then AA, County mile ahead,.. the usual,

    In, the real World, if no limit, six handed poker, was exactly like this, there would be, very few players. Which is why, both sides, not just one, argue the finate detail, besides, I can now reference, an employed (subby) script, code, engineer, who has, opened one's mince pies. Xxx

  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2020
    Why on earth are you completing 72 in the SB? You shouldn't be completing anywhere close to 100% of hands from the SB in limped pots but you clearly are and that is burning money.

    The T6o defend from the BB is another very clear fold and the lack of a raise with the AK from the BB in the three way limped pot is also very poor indeed.

    It's a shame to see you continuing to make lots of fundamental errors to compound the run bad @misterpj, these are basic mistakes which winning players don't make. Even at the micro/low stakes you can't have all these fundamental leaks in your game these days and expect to be beating the games.

    You consider yourself to be "a very good player" but there is increasing evidence to the contrary even just in some of these 'bad beat' posts.

    I only say this because you referenced @Ironpump1 and his march to 10k profit on Sky in double quick time and declared your intention to do the same - so, what poker study are you doing and how are you trying to improve your game with regards to realising this ambition? The game has evolved so much in recent times, probably more than it ever has before, it is harder than ever before to be a profitable player and it trickles down to even the lowest stakes.

    I'll preface this by saying I am aware that I am getting a bit preachy again now and obviously I still have an abundance of leaks in my own game or else I probably wouldn't still be playing micro/low stakes. Players with lots of fundamental leaks in their games might still have been able to win money in the past because everyone had lots of fundamental leaks and the standard of play was far inferior to what it is today but the harsh reality is if those winning players from yesteryear retain those fundamental leaks in their games today (either through ignorance or stubbornness) it's absolutely possible for them to be losing players at those stakes now but put it all down to run bad or, worse still, question the integrity of the site and its software.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    See, Myna, here, is the thing,

    Yours truly, not, Forum banned, that, not, make, my harshest critics, not, so much as, wonder why?

    He, cannot, for obvious reasons (very) comment.
    And, beauty, of not, shirking, the Scope that's a shark, is thus,.. eliminates, BS, defacto,

    Do, pray tell, how many mtts, misterpj, played, last 7 (seven hours?) answer, ONE

    Next answer, in said, mtt, how many times, misterpj, put tourney life, on line?

    Factual answer, ONCE, this once.. See, myna, through, all the madness, you, mate, don't actually know,... Top, top, top, tourney player,.. never, ever, revealed, and, it ain't so easy, to find,substantiate.. Do you? Really, in cold light of day,.. really think, I am, a lemon player...

    One, day,, soonish proper, proper, full Reveal...

    Myna, and forum, just, for you to ponder, 4 mtts, not, 401,402,..kin four, 7 a.m. Till now..

    Wake up, might not be you, or you, bravo.. But, its, plenty.. Pj. Xxx

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    not, about me, and, the random rng, of a Poker room, zero my concern, 'world events'

    But, laughing, I will telk you all, summit

    Best, waY best, relentlessly, continuously, getting sucked out, like, Daily, every day, on the hour,

    That mates, is not, no limit six handed, hold em poker..

    Tourney, life, on line, insta best, sucked out.. Not clever.., larfin.. All the way.. Xxx

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    The, evidence, IN SPADES,..

    Just, on, the, day.. When, one, of my fiercest, harshest, (features) on, in this very thread, finds, way, too contact me, saying, stating, this, can't BE REAL!!

    what? So, I, am making this up!!!..
    No, I am not, Verbatim evidence, hands, as posted, Your reference, THE SCOPE..

    ALL, as, real, as, real..?

    Not banned, so, Am I getting, banned? not for Speculating, but, for, telling, Showing, Actuality,..?

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