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It's July 2020, site, script, code, 'software-hardware' known, bugs, glitches, eccentricities.



  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    edited August 2020
    Do you think the doom switch is real....... and it's switched on for you.
    The R.N.G. is old boy passed it's sell-by date, bit confused these days get's numbers jumbled, stutters and spits out entertainment to keep you awake.


  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    So, random.. 😂🤣😅

    2 hours in, only mtt, in 17 hours, supreme 👍👍👍💋💋💋💔💔💔

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,338
    Just shut up already.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Well, I know, for certain sure, not just, little ole me, that finds this, 'so randomly funny'

    That's 'funny' in an abstract way.

    Only mtt today, over an hour deep, biggest pot, of the entire mtt.

    Better, spell it out, for clarity.

    3 way, all in, all action, on the flop.

    2 all ins, in front, lay em down? or, be bold and brave? let's see,

    So, chunks, in the pot, who had what?

    More, poker random, comedy gold.

    By the way, player calling the shoves, me, pot odds, math, lol.

    50 % jolly, yours truly, flopped 2 pair, 35% second best, chasing nut flush draw, the rag hand? 15%, naturally, the random deal, gets the15% from zero to hero in one turn card, yet, everything fine and Dandy, you really are, having, a larf.

    So many of 'us' can't get, our limited grey matter, round miss variance, pull that chain. 😂🔗😉😍🙏👍👍👍

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    The world's unluckiest poker player........ or
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    I'm sorry to say @misterpj but this latest hand on the back of the 72 complete in the SB, the T6o defend from the BB and the check behind with AK in the BB in the multiway pot confirms to me that you are not playing good poker at all.

    Flatting 96s from HJ vs LJ open is woeful. It has never been a call and never will be a call, no caveats, no exceptions.

    I really don't know what to say anymore to try and help you, much better players than me have tried and you basically ignored them all. Maybe they have been too polite and failed to get your attention so I'll try being brutally honest instead - you have convinced yourself for whatever reason that you are a good player but I just don't see it. You aren't a winning player because you aren't playing winning poker (not because you have run bad forever). Your preflop ranges are all over the place, they are a mess. You honestly need to forget what you think you know about the game and start from scratch with some basic ranges.

    I think you're a good bloke. You're an interesting, colourful sort and I honestly enjoy reading your diary - the bits between all the bad beats. I would love to see you turn it round and succeed with your profit goals but it won't happen until you forget about the 'bad beats', stop wasting your time and energy on that and start addressing some of these fundamental flaws in your game.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2020
    Terrific post by @MynaFrett & I agree with every word.

    We all want to see MisterPJ do better, & we've all tried to help. He refuses to engage with us though, so it's hard to help.

    These appalling limps with stuff like 9-6 recur again & again & again. How many times do we need to say we burn money when we keep limping with junk? It's always going to get us put in a coffin when we limp in with hands like that. It's not bad luck, it's bad play.

    The biggest clue we have to his naivety is that he posts hands where he limps in. No poker player above complete novice level would EVER post a hand where they limped in with junk, as it's so embarrassingly bad, but Paul does not seem to recognise that & keeps posting them. That says it all.

    As long as he keeps limping with junk & ignoring positional play, he'll keep experiencing what he thinks are bad beats.

    All very sad, especially as so many of us have tried so hard & frequently to help.

    The suspicion lurks that we are being trolled. I hope that's not the case as if so it will end badly.

    TL;DR - stop limping with junk & the results will improve significantly & immediately.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    You're wasting your time lads he won't listen
    i use this thread for index exercise you want to see the muscles on my index finger
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Tell you all what, every one of you;

    Seeing, as its a closed shop, I will now do something about it.

    Will leave you all, with this.

    If, and I know very very difficult, because, it is VARIANCE, my diomatic answer,to that, Jim Royale.

    You wonder why? players, like myself, question, what I and others question, it is because, of 3 solid years, of nonsense, like exactly below.

    For context, 3 hours deep, the two shortest stacks, get it all in,

    Guess who has, a pocket pair 77,guess who flops a set, guess who went at that, with pocket 7 9,and guess, who won the hand, I had, 77,i flopped a set, poker maths, means zero.

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    It's not variance, you are playing awful poker making fundamental mistakes and will always lose long term playing like you do. You can blame the software if it makes you feel better but you are the one making consistent fundamental errors!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    Sky Screamer Roller Coaster Ride ......... Enjoy the Poker Ride....
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Bought into, TWO not, 102,502,mutli table tournaments, all day long.

    Exit hand, above as shown, being best, getting it in best, futile,
    Exit hand, below, identical, 3 half hours deep, 5 left, call the all in shove,
    Guess the rest, ti's amusing, quality, Gold. Want the math? the 10-1 against chance, takes it down, remarkable, Jeff.

    You, already know, the turn card. Lmao

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    Before the flop .... allin ...... with Ace rag.... calling an allin....... jesssssss

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    The 'can't play jibes, which I took for ages' got blown out of the water, eons ago.

    Now, my 'debate' with the little gang, is, you wish the forum, World, to blindly accept, just Variance.

    Guees what, my different opinion, is based on my personal experience, my personal evidence, of something rather different.

    Why? Best, huge best, monumental best, every time, huge spot, 90% plus good, gets rinsed, my dear friends, that, is simply not, relentlessly, variance.

    Been on, a globally renowned, respected poker 'place' for years, funny how, a rather different opinion, gets expressed their, than this variance nonsense.

    Six handed no limit hold em poker, does not run, so remarkably Consistently, with worst hand, relentlessly getting there, every key spot, defining pot, and the funny thing, against me, daily, monotonous regularity, me, doing it, against, the opposite way, bout once, every six months.

    Two bounty hunters, last, last night of just three bought in, paid mtts, all day, and first today, £5.50 every exit hand posted, as EVIDENCE. My not be your experience, my dear friends, bravo you, but, those like me, with the bottle, instinctively know, right from wrong.

    £5.50 bounty hunter, of course, all in, all in 94% good, not a remote chance of holding.

    And, how about, 3 half hours deep, 21 runners left, table has, shortie, second shortie, now, what sort of a deal, flop, turn, could get those players, at it.

    How about, 98 suited bb, the turn,makes, 99 88 two pair, 99 55 two pair, take an educated guess, what both, of those, ran it into, big stak, randomly wonderful, pull my poker chain.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2020

    You LIMPED from an 11 BB stack from early position with 9-8.

    I don't know where to begin with that.

    Stop doing that stuff & your results will improve instantly. In every respect, it's car crash stuff. Try re-assessing how & what you play, & from what position, when you have 11 Bigs.

    Try reading this please, it's an article on Upswing Poker explaining short stack play in MTT's.

    Short Stack Play in MTT's

    Here's a piece from Poker News. 5 tips to help with Short Stack play in MTT's. Tip number 1 addresses limping in to see flops.

    5 Short Stack Poker Mistakes in Poker Tournaments

    Here's a very useful piece from Cardschat. This one breaks short stack play into 3 categories.

    Big stack envy (between 20-30 BBs)

    Vertically challenged stack (between 10-20 BBs)

    Short stack complex (fewer than 10 BBs)

    How to Play with a Short Stack in Tournaments

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2020
    And if you cba to read all that, here's a good summary from one of them which will help immensely;

    Big Stack Envy 20-30BB Tighten up, play big hands and position, eliminate set mining with small pairs (<77), stop bluffing, forget about defending your big blind.

    Vertically Challenged 10-20BB Only play monsters, be willing to go all-in on a pre-flop re-raise, increase pre-flop bet sizing, no limping or blind stealing, stop set mining with middle or small pocket pairs (below J-J)

    Small stack complex (sub 10BB) Shove first playable hand.</i>

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    The 'can't play jibes, which I took for ages' got blown out of the water, eons ago.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    All have tried and all have failed ...... you take the tramp of the street clean him up, feed him, give him advice, send him on his way ....... next day back on the street. WHY its all he knows. Unless you're saying the site is bias against you personally then it's the same for everyone playing poker on here. Rail some top players and watch them avoid the " Don't go there hands" Or play the Idiot version like I do..... Call any two. ?
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    Lighten up PJ The Community posters are trying ..... cough! .... to help.

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