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the R. N. G.. in 'super variance Mode'



  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,468
    gpc70 said:

    madprof said:

    Hey Paul....hope all is well...tbf on sharky you are showing a profit, which is better than me so I'm not worthy!

    I don't bother looking at your hands anymore-no point- but as long as you are still enjoying playing(and losing ;) ) that's good enough surely?

    If both of us are still around in May 21, I will happily pay up my side of our bet (£200 to you ) because that will mean 3 things

    You have attained £10k profit by then
    You will also have attained a sharky rating of 80 or above
    You have had lollo/chickenmelt/MattBates etc playing the games for you :p

    lol bit harsh mad1
    gpc70 said:

    madprof said:

    Hey Paul....hope all is well...tbf on sharky you are showing a profit, which is better than me so I'm not worthy!

    I don't bother looking at your hands anymore-no point- but as long as you are still enjoying playing(and losing ;) ) that's good enough surely?

    If both of us are still around in May 21, I will happily pay up my side of our bet (£200 to you ) because that will mean 3 things

    You have attained £10k profit by then
    You will also have attained a sharky rating of 80 or above
    You have had lollo/chickenmelt/MattBates etc playing the games for you :p

    lol bit harsh mad1
    Honest...I've been running like a sack of boiled sick all year, not played a lot( lack of covidcash) and he is genuinely in profit, which I aint!

    Harsh? not really...we have a wager...I'll pay him 200 if he gets 10k/80 rating and he'll donate £100 to my charity if he doesn't....

    I'm happy to take any amount of side bets on this as well!

    PJ seems a nice guy but any amount of advice, he just don't listen!!

    By May 2021 I hope he gets a profit of say...£9 and sharky of 78...muhahahahahaa
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    referenced this, in BotGate, poker chat main, but, as it features pocket KK cracked, in a huge spot, £5.50 bounty hunter, for historic reference purposes only;

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Superb Opportunity
    Fantastic Renumeration Package
    3 year Contract
    Top Poker Coach wanted

    White Flag Raised, misterpj needs a coach
    Harry(obviously) Kane

    Took a while, pennies dropped
    Pointless, getting it in 97% good, in the key hands, with flopped straights

    Coach ¬ needed''' "¬ to 'coach my Heiny Off, thus avoiding Super VariaRinseing

  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    "Pointless, getting it in 97% good, in the key hands"

    Don't let the true facts get in the way of your theories.
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    You posted this in another thread.
    I thought it was more appropriate in this one.

  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Any complaints on this final table hand, sire?
    bernie1968Small blind600.00600.0067150.00
    brock59Big blind1200.001800.002962.50
    Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 2
    • 4
    • J
    • 5
    • 9
    hotchipsUnmatched bet1905.0064242.501905.00
    • Q
    • Q
    • 4
    • 4
    • 8
    • A
    • 2
    misterpjWinFlush to the Ace64242.5064242.50
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    how else would u like him to play it if he calls pre
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited October 2020
    gpc70 said:

    how else would u like him to play it if he calls pre

    I think the issue people have who play with him see him ignore hands like this but it would be posted if the hands were reversed. 2bb hands are posted but this FT hand is ignored.

    I think this hand showcases the way he plays. Limp pre and then play passively post. We are playing A8hh like its a monster hand and we are trying to trap with it. QQ would never fold to a flop jam but there are some hands that would bet fold flop so if we are planning on calling all turns shoving flop would be a lot better.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    MattBates said:

    gpc70 said:

    how else would u like him to play it if he calls pre

    I think the issue people have who play with him see him ignore hands like this but it would be posted if the hands were reversed. 2bb hands are posted but this FT hand is ignored.

    I think this hand showcases the way he plays. Limp pre and then play passively post. We are playing A8hh like its a monster hand and we are trying to trap with it. QQ would never fold to a flop jam but there are some hands that would bet fold flop so if we are planning on calling all turns shoving flop would be a lot better.
    It's exactly this. If it were the other way round this hand would be posted straight away with some redundant odds calculations. My point being that other people get unlucky too and sometimes even MrPJ is allowed to get lucky by the RNG! :)
  • DrudkhDrudkh Member Posts: 113

    Here you go misterpj, i've saved you some time throwing together your mandatory cardplayer calculator screenshot
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    It's just all so dull isn't it. For every hand you post where a 20% shot hits the river you could find 4x as many where they don't, but they are the 'expected outcomes' and therefore aren't posted.

    Just finding hands that are low probability occurrences and posting them up when they happen to hit achieves absolutely nothing. By definition these low probability outcomes have to happen!

    Must spend so much time taking screenshots and writing up 'reports' of hands. Time that perhaps could be spent on other things. We could all go through and find hands where the non-favourite gets there, but what would be the point?

    If people really believed that a 15% shot should never hit, would they ever play a game as ludicrous as roulette?
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,370
    edited October 2020
    The last handful of comments should wrap this whole farce up, but it wont.
  • PKRParPKRPar Member Posts: 2,261
    @misterpj is literally trolling everyone with this thread. Can be the only reason for his posts of absolute nonsense....
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Just look, at the utter NONSENSE above, deflect, deflect, deflect.
    Debate, the Poker.

    In my very best, Queens English.

    £5.50 Bounty Hunter, huge hand tournament relevant.

    He, reiterates, I have not a clue, what it feels like, too hit, even one of these, myself, yet, against, it is relentless, day in, day out.

    Cryptic question, what's 73,86 and 94?
    That, my dear Poker friends and adversaries adds up to, yet another mathematical and probabity defying Super River Varia Rinse

    Hand below, to go heads up, FT.
    72% pre
    86% flop
    94% turn, with a Chunk of bounties, and a playable heads up stack.
    How, with metronomic relentlessness, do they hit, the required card, 6% equity?

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,468
    Clearly the horse has been brought to the water trough by many
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    'trolling' What utter, garbage.

    You wanna discuss 6handed no limit hold em tournament poker?
    A few, long time since sussed, can 'step up' and debate the game large, anytime I choose.
    Two things then, price up this (price up) means 'your' perception of price, but, it actually is an exact Science, mathematical fact.
    Because, we know, the pocket cards (6 handed, different maths for 9 ring)
    Pocket AA Pocket 10 10 Pocket 87 suited connectors, on a flop..! here's the math test! Lmao
    8 7 10..minutes after the tourney started.

    In here, I muse bout misterpjs poker, trials and tribulations, and Cilla Black, rip,
    Surprise Surprise, debate 6 handed no limit hold em poker hands,
    The Rail, if its the gee gees, I put up what I know, funny enough, an absolute 'moral' today.
    Conspiracies, Plandemics, exotic military 'tech' et al;
    I say my two penneth, but, here, poker, beats and VariaRinses.

    Anyways, do come, join in the 'fun' and actually buy in £5.50,and 'play' based on the musings,some of 'these' it outta be like 'shelling peas for them' but, alas, despite not being difficult to find or play, can't recall seeing many sat, playing, if at all.
    Before, some 'bandit' chimes in, self imposed max £11 buy in, till May 2022, as the Prof reiterates, side bet, it would be null n void, if I broke the rules,relieving the Prof a few shillings of his millions, will be joyous.l, naturally for Charadee.
    talking of that, in profs own scribe, above, he is happy to take, lay all side bets, although he go a bit 'shy' when it comes, to actually pricing up.
    Was a two part wager,either or both, to be achieved, latest, May 2022 (just warming up, would have been there, already, save for, the baddest downswing run bad luck bad varia rinses😉) happens, to the best, the very very best.
    A. 80 rated
    B 10,000 green
    (although) if snap calling key all in shoves, in front, and being 94% good,for bounties, cash, chunk O fries, relentlessly getting varia rinsed, does, make progress, a tad challenging, but, as I am 'assured' lol, the variarinsing, will apparently, go in my favor, sometime, be happy to report, if it ever does, lmao.
    I will say it again, not, repeat not, to be controversial, in, just this, very thread alone, forget the prior 2 year ahnialations, exactly like, (huge hand) pocket QQ 94% good, river rinsed, must be a 100 similar of my personal VariaRinses, in this thread alone, evidenced, if you only put all 'the banter aside'..
    Win, a huge defining Pot, 6% equity or less, if that ever happens in my favor, be a smelling Salts job. 'pj' might be, as mad as O box O frog, or, (in part) off the chart intelligent quotient, or both, depending which side O scratcher, he emerge.
    Randomly, yesterday, early afternoon, few of us, found a cracking boozer, tucked away, near Chipstead, beautiful pub,beautiful village, up road from Epsom, but, so sad in these times, Inc us, no more than a bakers dozen punters, to 12 staff, yes, 1-1,mind you, a bottle of New Zealand finest, started, started I tell you, at £35,entry level,plus, as staff explained, skeleton range of draught ales, beers, etc, not tapping off the barrels, because so much wastage, defacto, a small bottle Perroni (the fraction over half a pint sized bottles) £4.80,you've got floor staff, bar staff, attired in borderline Hazmat gear, yet Jo public, 'us' not required to wear a thing.
    Hypocrisy gone insane.
    ended up, doing an impromptu stand up 20 mins, misterpj the poker player (third person situation) brought the house down with self deprecating umor!, segwaying a bit of your TR3B anti grav, into the mix, 25 years, (his anniversary, Nick spooky Pope) stealing a living.

    I, digress, £5.50 bounty hunters, always Steve Davis.
    Interesting, hey, Gpc, met Steve circa 1983,he came to the radio station (was 18, found, clubs, women and song) forget footie! (crackerjack of a fella in real life, he pulled up in a guards red Porsche 928, this was just off Rushey Green,Sarf Landan, Davis did a few hours live on air, on the Johnny Haywood show, Saturday afternoon, Steve loved Motown and punk! Davis then, spent some of his fortune, on a Collosal Record Collection (Vinyl, import 12s,Albums etc)
    Encyclopedic knowledge of music, came on his own, cracking fella (loved a punt as well) told us, him and Bazza Earn! always a multis slip in his skyrocket, his thing, ew Goliaths and Super Heinz, oh, those were the days. I remember that weekend, magazine, think Melody Maker? might have been NME? sent a photographer, AND was is recorded for posterity.

    Interesting, the 06.00 £5.50 bounty hunter, forget that the tourney went ahead! min 4 runners, 3 regged at the cut off, 6 seated a nano second later, but I digress!
    'we' almost insta interestingly, got an interesting hand.
    Remember, only 6, deal inc;

    Pocket 78 suited connectors
    Pocket 10 10
    Pocket AA
    almost wrote, price that up! but I haven't, but, I will now.
    Guess the flop..
    7...8...10...price that up!
    Lol action jackson, my 78 snap fold (pre) baby.
    Now, if AA flats, limps, small raise 🤔🤔🤔

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Yo, Prof, one of my actual prodigys (the boy Pike) deployed KERS, 3k green, in less than 6 months, Gwan Nozzer, no one cheering you on, more than pj, no matter, who uncle is 😁👍💋 resPek. Wp.
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    ''Superb Opportunity
    Fantastic Renumeration Package
    3 year Contract
    Top Poker Coach wanted

    White Flag Raised, misterpj needs a coach
    Harry(obviously) Kane''

    The best coach in the World wouldn't take on anyone that wont listen and is totally unwilling to accept their shortcomings so it is totally pointless.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Re Raise, All In, even empty in the Bitcoin Account
    2 hours + deep, effective back to back hands.

    Dear Prof, (doing Fillet Limon Soles later) hot pan, dusting flower, limon lime, capers, I digress.

    I 'might listen?' if, a reasonable reason? why I should, listen, and or, accuire a Poker coach.

    Mtt, over 2 hours deep, nitty gritty business end.
    Rinsed, 2 hands, nano seconds apart.

    misterpj, looking at pocket 77,an all in in front, raise, flop set 777 98% good.
    Reiterate, all in front, raise, flop it 98% good. Not a prayer, turn river runner runner House over House.
    Next hand
    misterpj Big Blind, worst two in poker, see a free flop, hit 2 pair, all in it go, mile ahead, turn river runner runner flush.
    How some, keep a straight face, beyond me, I, crack up laughing, but for very different reasons.
    Do you, anyone, really wonder, evidence shown daily.

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