Very achievable indeed.
My goal is to turn £10 into £100 by the end of the month. to do this i will only be playing NL4 and the odd dym. To do this it works out at average of £4.70 profit per day. I know ill need to run good for the first couple to get a little breathing room to cope with the inevitable coolers and bad beats.
However at just over 1 buy in per day profit it is an achieveable target.
0 ·
So closing Balance for today: £13.85
Falling slightly below target but going onto night-time grinds for the rest of the month as of tomorrow. Will get someplay in tonight but as i will be pretty tired will likley not get as much in as i would like. Little disappointed as without maybe 2 or 3 hands im well above target. However thats the way the cookie shall crumble. Good news is i didnt tilt once, so theres a positive in every negative.
Will be taking this far more disiplined and its the first time ive set an end goal for any BR challenge ive done.
Remember Einsteins 'Theory of Profitability'
Less Distractions = More Profit [LeD MoP] !! Ya got me ! lol
I did used to nighttime grind on a different site as was up like 15BIs in a week. Then had one terribad session. Wass just coolers should have stopped at 2BIs but ended up blowing 10. I havent played much at night since. But i had a set routine which worked.
11PM - 1.30/2AM then an hour break. Then right throo till 6/7AM depending on how i was running. Will be going back to this routine as this hour break was enough time to feed myself for the night as long as i ate before i started.
And with telle as boring at this time i cant complain TV too good, and the xbox is worthless past 1 unless you want to be playing on annoying american connections. So win win win.
Lost money so far to day. But seriously how the deuce you meant to beat this.
Total Balance: £10.92
that now means im well below target and actually need to nearly double my BR in a day to get back onto target. Not going to be easy expessially when your Kings can't beat 94 pre. People are open shoving consistantly, and slow playing Aces. Really not my day. Seriously feeling quite tilted right now. Think i may break for tea.
BR: £10.32
Thought this was possible, but these early stages really are a grind. Might just play NL4 till around 12AM then a mix of NL4 and dyms, if im lucky will get a load of drunker versions of dohhhh and wont need to play a hand. I though by sticking to £4.70 per day target would be simple. Clearly i need to get up to 10BIs and fast.
I think that comment says everything, its a mammoth challenege and the early stages never sunk in until i started. I think the nitty poker will work at getting me out of trouble but may take longer than i would like. Meaning the last few days will bea rush.
4 big winning hands. Wont post em all, but heres a couple
Bankroll: £16.03
New leash of life was injected to me by the help of a little run good. Gotta keep protecting the roll and start to open up a little more each time i earn a new buy in. With every pot im taking down i gain confidence. The amount im learning by doing this is unreal. Maybe everything will start to sink in. Poker isnt always about odds and percentages there is soo much more to it.
(i suspect i wont be forgiven for showing these)
Been suck a yo yo night. There was one point where i thought it was over. However the grit and determination pulled through. Ive realised i cant treat this as earning a minimum of £4.70 per day yet. But every profit will be good. Im finding it hard as it is to get anything going and the lack of buy ins really is effecting my game. However its improving the self disipline majorly. Although still bluffing dohhh when he has the nuts isnt clever, but who doesnt bluff dohhhhh.
Hopefully i can get a little run good in tomorrows session and start to get this up, i really need to get back onto 2 tables and more eventually. I think this will become a dash for the line at the end but i need to start gaining some more buy ins now!
also game selection is key for a small role mate last night you was in the most aggressive nl4 game ever! which isnt good and on the 10 seater you folded kings when we were doing a flip. you should have just got them in and the other hand because you didnt want take part didnt mean you should fold. your bankroll comes first mate dont matter if people get annoyed if it can boost your bankroll
thats my 2 pennies worth, if i were you i would get on DYM also dont play nl4 with solid(or better then nl4 players) untill you have at least 20 buy ins then your not playing with scared money
i find it confusing. sometimes i get the impression that you play poker for money, then i get the impression you play for fun, then it looks like its some kind of ego thing.
while you are so shallow rolled your only goal should be on the money.
what do you want from poker? do you want a nice side income or do you just want fun?
the 40bb idea isn't that bad actually FWIW.
young gun, another point about folding those kings. Theres already 3 players all in. I know theirs at least 2 going in behind me (actually turned out to be 3) im no longer any sort of favorite to win the hand.