Don m8 nl4 is like this. the swings/runs can be horrendous. i ran great for a while last year but since December time lost about a third of my roll and been treading water for a bit. even the tweaks to my game i've done with the help of dohhhhh, scotty and others have not helped in the bankroll sense. i just seem to sit down with those who play any 2 and unfortunately hit. it gets you down, yes, but (hopefully) it will change soon.
BUT, even though i've lost a third i am still at a level of buy ins that means that if i lose one i will be annoyed,etc but once i've calmed down i sit down again with a fresh outlook.
have you been pushing too hard in trying to beat the challenge? I have a goal in £ terms to reach before i move up but i've set no time limit. then again sometimes i can put the volume in and other times i can hardly get the time to play a dym! this means for me variance can be a b**** because the volume isn't there to ride it out.
mate... I actually think you're quite a good player. Technically you're fairly sound, you know how to size bets, play premium hands, etc etc- all the ingredients are there for you to be good, and make money.
But there's more to being a successful poker player than the technical side of it.
Honestly- be serious with yourself. Are you going to blame going busto over and over on bad luck? Because if you are, you're kidding yourself. I bust my roll a few months back, and thought it was bad luck- but because I'm not a great believer in that, I decided to have a re-evaluation of my game instead. Look at hand histories, take advice on board, make sure you actually ARE making all the correct decisions. Make sure your game is absolutely tight before blaming bad luck.
Next, manage your discipline- namely BRM and tilt. If you have a short bankroll, you're gonna bust. So stop sitting with 100bbs at all tables! Your BR can't handle it!
When you lose a few big pots, step away from the table. Don't start open shoving with AQos- that's a donk play, you're better than that! Tilting isn't just mega things like that either, it can be a subtle change. When you're confident and playing your a game, for example, you fold 78s. When you begin to tilt, you open with them. When you're tilting a little more, you 3bet them. These are serious leaks (I'm not saying you actually do this, I'm just saying your hand selection will widen as you tilt). Be aware, be disciplined, and don't fall into that trap.
I'm going to second what JJ said- get a job before concerning about poker. It seems to me like everything is revolving around putting down too small an amount of money, and it being virtually life or death that you build it into a roll. That kind of pressure is an instant recipe for failure, no matter who you are or how good you are. Take a step away from poker and make sure you're a little more secure financially before attempting again, because this isn't the answer mate, seriously.
Some may disagree with this as your gettting the full value but if you Bankroll is... £10 then only buy-in with £2 and stand when you hit £4 Continue until £20 then only buy-in with £3 and stand when you hit £6 Continul until £30 then buy-in in for £4 and stand when you hit £8 This is what i try to do, and it does help, just got to keep disciplined. Posted by D_Chivers
this makes a lot of sense, coz most players who stack off frequently sit with £1.60 at a time
my pennies worth is, if you go again, watch ur table selction.
ive seen you sat at tables that i just wouldnt go near, i will sit with 1 maybe at a push 2 regs but there is no value there. stop looking for the big average pots as to me that usually means the fish has swum away. i like a nice ave pot of about a quid, lets me sit down n play my game, not to really get drawn into something i dont want to do, it also tells me its loose enough for big hands to get paid and if i bide my time it will happen
dont get me wrong im always looking for the catch and if they are around i will go hunting
Hi Don Met you at Leeds you have a good attitude and could do well in the game you obviously are enthusiatic and willing to learn but it takes a lot of time and effort I have been playing for 7 years now and am fortunate to be ahead in most games mostly due to good game selection and slowly moving up the dym levels as bankroll allowed and having stabs at higher levels am now playing a bit more cash due to my downswing in dyms.I have a roll of about 3k and am mainly playing 10/20p and 15/30p with the odd stab at 25/50 but bad swings do happen see my sit n go stats on sharkscope fortunately I had a few good mtt results which cancelled out the downswing but it was still soul destroying to see 1k of my roll disappear without seemingly doing much different.But on reflection I was slowly but surely becoming tentative and losing aggression by not being willing to get the chips in with good hands preflop when blinds high and too often finishing 4th due to being short stacked.The same happens in cash if you are running bad you play scared wasting chips in hands due to not value betting when ahead fearing areraise and folding too bets when you know you might be ahead you then end up getting low and push too often lose a few flips and tilt been there done it and no doubt will do it again lol. My advice is stop putting pressure on yourself to win maybe forget about cash for a while as you do not have the roll.Play low dyms only say 4 at a time and grind it up from there you have the game to beat those play low and after a while as your rol increases have one of the four dyms to a slightly higher buy in then 2 then 3 then move up a level completely this can be mind numbingly boring at times but if you want to build a roll and progress its the best way to do it imo. If you are having a bad day stop completely never chase just stop chill out and make a fresh start the next day most of all have fun !!!!!!!! hope that helps mate
Hi Don Met you at Leeds you have a good attitude and could do well in the game you obviously are enthusiatic and willing to learn but it takes a lot of time and effort I have been playing for 7 years now and am fortunate to be ahead in most games mostly due to good game selection and slowly moving up the dym levels as bankroll allowed and having stabs at higher levels am now playing a bit more cash due to my downswing in dyms.I have a roll of about 3k and am mainly playing 10/20p and 15/30p with the odd stab at 25/50 but bad swings do happen see my sit n go stats on sharkscope fortunately I had a few good mtt results which cancelled out the downswing but it was still soul destroying to see 1k of my roll disappear without seemingly doing much different.But on reflection I was slowly but surely becoming tentative and losing aggression by not being willing to get the chips in with good hands preflop when blinds high and too often finishing 4th due to being short stacked.The same happens in cash if you are running bad you play scared wasting chips in hands due to not value betting when ahead fearing areraise and folding too bets when you know you might be ahead you then end up getting low and push too often lose a few flips and tilt been there done it and no doubt will do it again lol. My advice is stop putting pressure on yourself to win maybe forget about cash for a while as you do not have the roll.Play low dyms only say 4 at a time and grind it up from there you have the game to beat those play low and after a while as your rol increases have one of the four dyms to a slightly higher buy in then 2 then 3 then move up a level completely this can be mind numbingly boring at times but if you want to build a roll and progress its the best way to do it imo. If you are having a bad day stop completely never chase just stop chill out and make a fresh start the next day most of all have fun !!!!!!!! hope that helps mate Posted by gixxerk4
Jez Alan, for a Suzuki Rider you don't half talk sense at times ;o)
lol jock by the way looks like you will have your wish probably gonna be on primo on 12th june with you guessed it TK and orford lol im gonna get ripped to shreds
lol jock by the way looks like you will have your wish probably gonna be on primo on 12th june with you guessed it TK and orford lol im gonna get ripped to shreds Posted by gixxerk4
Oh I am SOOOOOOO looking forward to that. Daft questions at the Ready ;o)
Hi don youl carck nl4 in no tiome mate dont worry, it doesnt take long!
One thing i will say, i see alot of people ( doh etc) giving you advice on how to play your hands. Now this is all very good, sound advice, but your not a similar player to doh so why would playing it his way necessarily work for you? All im saying is, you need to find out for yourself and learn from what you do! Experiment with your game at nl4, try aggression, passive, tight, try bluffs in certain situations. On thing i did when i was learning was not listen to any advice. Now i do, but back then i was trying to find out what style i preferred, what style was best for certain situations, i didnt want to be like someone else i wanted to play my game. I was grinding nl 4 for a few weeks and made nice money, if i can do it you can do it mate not that im best qualified to help, but send me a pm if you need some advice on anything at all mate hope you bounce back well, iv seen you play and you really do have a good solid game, just add some flare to it and make it unique
IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools: If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!' If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, ' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch, if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
I find these words more fitting...............................
When I wake up, well I know i'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next you When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you If I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you And if I haver up, Yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you
But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door
When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you And when the money, comes in for the work I do I'll pass almost every penny on to you When I come home(When I come home), well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you And if I grow-old,(When I grow-old) well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you
But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you And when I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream I'm gonna Dream about the time when I'm with you When I go out(When I go out), well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you And when I come home(When I come home), yes I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home with you I'm gonna be the man who's coming home with you
But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da) da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
And I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles To fall down at your door
This may not be at all helpfull but I thought I'd let you know how I grew a bankroll from the same sort of situation that you currently find yourself in. Last April (I think) Orford issued his bankroll challenge. I had had my own problems with tilt and had gone bust maybe three times and decided that I would give poker one last shot. I deposited one pound and tried grinding DYMs, moving up in levels when I had 20 buy-ins. I had aimed to reach £100 in a month but only managed £30, which I wasn't altogether unhappy about. At the end of the month I got a job as an arts organiser so I didn't have as much time for poker, but I continued to grind DYMs and it took me another 4 months to reach the £100 mark. At this point I was finding it harder to beat the games and could sense a downswing coming, so I employed a 100 buy-in rule which I have adhered to since and have ground out a solid profit. I have since found STTs and cash really boring/frustrating so I'm only playing MTTs now as that is what I find the most enjoyable and where I have the best results. Although my bankroll isn't as big as I might have envisinged a year ago, I haven't been bust in well over a year. I hope you can take something from my scrawlings, and I hope you recover from this setback, if you chose to.
In Response to Re: New BR challenge - Failed. : its nt my game its the way i run. you all call me a card rack. Seriously who tilt shoves 101BB into AA, KK and JJ behind with 4 people to act. . Last night i played 11.30-4.30ish with just a 10 minute break. I have 6 hands above £1 pots. I got stacked in two of them. Sorry but does that not tell you something. I was 2 tabling so thats 10 hours of poker (5 per table) and i can remember 6 hands i played. Seriously i cant deal with downswings, and if i cant deal with a downswing then i cant play poker. SIMPLES. Posted by The_Don90
tbf I think last night it was generally pretty tight - You needed a lot of patience on those tables
like ppl have suggested I would probably mix it up with some DYM,s, but wait till your rolled for it I like wacko,s suggestion of experimenting at that level and as someone else said table selection was key last night. after about 2am there were a few regs on the Nl4 and the ave pot sizes were pretty low. There was just no value on some of them i found it hard myself last night but as i said in previous post it teaches you to be disciplined
I,m sure once you,ve slept on it you,ll be in a different mindset and my lsat bit of advice would be not to fall into the trap of letting it get to serious and spendng all your time thinking about it. You need other things in life to take your mind of poker when your playing so many hours or you,ll just crack up
ps - After sharing tables with you for several hours and watching your game , you can bt this level over time imo
In Response to Re: New BR challenge - Failed. : tbf I think last night it was generally pretty tight - You needed a lot of patience on those tables like ppl have suggested I would probably mix it up with some DYM,s, but wait till your rolled for it I like wacko,s suggestion of experimenting at that level and as someone else said table selection was key last night. after about 2am there were a few regs on the Nl4 and the ave pot sizes were pretty low. There was just no value on some of them i found it hard myself last night but as i said in previous post it teaches you to be disciplined I,m sure once you,ve slept on it you,ll be in a different mindset and my lsat bit of advice would be not to fall into the trap of letting it get to serious and spendng all your time thinking about it. You need other things in life to take your mind of poker when your playing so many hours or you,ll just crack up ps - After sharing tables with you for several hours and watching your game , you can bt this level over time imo Posted by MP33
Yea, i know i can beat it was on some crazy downer this morning. Didnt even really wanna play but some guy (no names mentioned) said INCREASE VOLUME, so i did.
In Response to Re: New BR challenge - Failed. : Yea, i know i can beat it was on some crazy downer this morning. Didnt even really wanna play but some guy (no names mentioned) said INCREASE VOLUME , so i did. Posted by The_Don90
LOL i know who this is Don dw mate just think you got your cardiff seat booked for 23rd July Happy thoughts Don...... you can easily beat 4nl you should be playing at least 10/20nl with the amount of work you put into your game but downswings have affected this just keep at it mate or even try and buld a roll away from cash games then on mtts sngs etc then when you feel you have the right amount to skip 4 and 8nl go for it GL mate and will see you at Cardiff just in time to tell you how sheeet Rangers are
i ran great for a while last year but since December time lost about a third of my roll and been treading water for a bit.
even the tweaks to my game i've done with the help of dohhhhh, scotty and others have not helped in the bankroll sense. i just seem to sit down with those who play any 2 and unfortunately hit.
it gets you down, yes, but (hopefully) it will change soon.
BUT, even though i've lost a third i am still at a level of buy ins that means that if i lose one i will be annoyed,etc but once i've calmed down i sit down again with a fresh outlook.
have you been pushing too hard in trying to beat the challenge? I have a goal in £ terms to reach before i move up but i've set no time limit. then again sometimes i can put the volume in and other times i can hardly get the time to play a dym! this means for me variance can be a b**** because the volume isn't there to ride it out.
But there's more to being a successful poker player than the technical side of it.
Honestly- be serious with yourself. Are you going to blame going busto over and over on bad luck? Because if you are, you're kidding yourself. I bust my roll a few months back, and thought it was bad luck- but because I'm not a great believer in that, I decided to have a re-evaluation of my game instead. Look at hand histories, take advice on board, make sure you actually ARE making all the correct decisions. Make sure your game is absolutely tight before blaming bad luck.
Next, manage your discipline- namely BRM and tilt. If you have a short bankroll, you're gonna bust. So stop sitting with 100bbs at all tables! Your BR can't handle it!
When you lose a few big pots, step away from the table. Don't start open shoving with AQos- that's a donk play, you're better than that! Tilting isn't just mega things like that either, it can be a subtle change. When you're confident and playing your a game, for example, you fold 78s. When you begin to tilt, you open with them. When you're tilting a little more, you 3bet them. These are serious leaks (I'm not saying you actually do this, I'm just saying your hand selection will widen as you tilt). Be aware, be disciplined, and don't fall into that trap.
I'm going to second what JJ said- get a job before concerning about poker. It seems to me like everything is revolving around putting down too small an amount of money, and it being virtually life or death that you build it into a roll. That kind of pressure is an instant recipe for failure, no matter who you are or how good you are. Take a step away from poker and make sure you're a little more secure financially before attempting again, because this isn't the answer mate, seriously.
ive seen you sat at tables that i just wouldnt go near, i will sit with 1 maybe at a push 2 regs but there is no value there. stop looking for the big average pots as to me that usually means the fish has swum away. i like a nice ave pot of about a quid, lets me sit down n play my game, not to really get drawn into something i dont want to do, it also tells me its loose enough for big hands to get paid and if i bide my time it will happen
dont get me wrong im always looking for the catch and if they are around i will go hunting
Met you at Leeds you have a good attitude and could do well in the game you obviously are enthusiatic and willing to learn but it takes a lot of time and effort I have been playing for 7 years now and am fortunate to be ahead in most games mostly due to good game selection and slowly moving up the dym levels as bankroll allowed and having stabs at higher levels am now playing a bit more cash due to my downswing in dyms.I have a roll of about 3k and am mainly playing 10/20p and 15/30p with the odd stab at 25/50 but bad swings do happen see my sit n go stats on sharkscope fortunately I had a few good mtt results which cancelled out the downswing but it was still soul destroying to see 1k of my roll disappear without seemingly doing much different.But on reflection I was slowly but surely becoming tentative and losing aggression by not being willing to get the chips in with good hands preflop when blinds high and too often finishing 4th due to being short stacked.The same happens in cash if you are running bad you play scared wasting chips in hands due to not value betting when ahead fearing areraise and folding too bets when you know you might be ahead you then end up getting low and push too often lose a few flips and tilt been there done it and no doubt will do it again lol.
My advice is stop putting pressure on yourself to win maybe forget about cash for a while as you do not have the roll.Play low dyms only say 4 at a time and grind it up from there you have the game to beat those play low and after a while as your rol increases have one of the four dyms to a slightly higher buy in then 2 then 3 then move up a level completely this can be mind numbingly boring at times but if you want to build a roll and progress its the best way to do it imo.
If you are having a bad day stop completely never chase just stop chill out and make a fresh start the next day
most of all have fun !!!!!!!! hope that helps mate
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools: If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!' If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
When I wake up, well I know i'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next you
When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you
If I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you
And if I haver up, Yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you
But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you
And when the money, comes in for the work I do
I'll pass almost every penny on to you
When I come home(When I come home), well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you
And if I grow-old,(When I grow-old) well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you
But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
da da da (da da da)
da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da)
da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you
And when I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream
I'm gonna Dream about the time when I'm with you
When I go out(When I go out), well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you
And when I come home(When I come home), yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who comes back home with you
I'm gonna be the man who's coming home with you
But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
da da da (da da da)
da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da)
da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da)
da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
da da da (da da da)
da da da (da da da)
Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da
And I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
This may not be at all helpfull but I thought I'd let you know how I grew a bankroll from the same sort of situation that you currently find yourself in. Last April (I think) Orford issued his bankroll challenge. I had had my own problems with tilt and had gone bust maybe three times and decided that I would give poker one last shot. I deposited one pound and tried grinding DYMs, moving up in levels when I had 20 buy-ins. I had aimed to reach £100 in a month but only managed £30, which I wasn't altogether unhappy about. At the end of the month I got a job as an arts organiser so I didn't have as much time for poker, but I continued to grind DYMs and it took me another 4 months to reach the £100 mark. At this point I was finding it harder to beat the games and could sense a downswing coming, so I employed a 100 buy-in rule which I have adhered to since and have ground out a solid profit. I have since found STTs and cash really boring/frustrating so I'm only playing MTTs now as that is what I find the most enjoyable and where I have the best results. Although my bankroll isn't as big as I might have envisinged a year ago, I haven't been bust in well over a year. I hope you can take something from my scrawlings, and I hope you recover from this setback, if you chose to.
Best of luck
Was a little bit crazy this morning. Will sort something out later.
like ppl have suggested I would probably mix it up with some DYM,s, but wait till your rolled for it
I like wacko,s suggestion of experimenting at that level and as someone else said table selection was key last night. after about 2am there were a few regs on the Nl4 and the ave pot sizes were pretty low. There was just no value on some of them
i found it hard myself last night but as i said in previous post it teaches you to be disciplined
I,m sure once you,ve slept on it you,ll be in a different mindset and my lsat bit of advice would be not to fall into the trap of letting it get to serious and spendng all your time thinking about it.
You need other things in life to take your mind of poker when your playing so many hours or you,ll just crack up
ps - After sharing tables with you for several hours and watching your game , you can bt this level over time imo