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  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2016

    Ignore alot of the above, if you weren't already.

    Sunday MTT grind CANCELLED. 

    Or postponed rather.

    It's the perfect out for me.

    It's not due to the weather, even though its looks nice.

    Or my tiredness, even though I'm tired.

    Mr B has made day 2 of a scoop event which resumes @ 4pm today and has many thousands of $ to the winner. Think he's 20/150 left. 

    So his Sunday plans have changed, and therefore mine have to. 

    I'm at the test match next Sunday so we'll renew the competition 2 weeks today when hopefully he's 20k richer.

    GL to him and everyone tackling "the Sundays" today. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re::
    In Response to  Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : Somehow I missed this post, that has happened a few times of late. Sorry to anyone who has asked questions and been rudely ignored by myself, I think I read stuff on my phone and aim to reply later then forget. No cash on sky (or anywhere) yet Hawk. My 'health' or I guess more specifically my general wellbeing isn't really up to it.  It may sound strange, but some of the most talented poker players (relatively speaking, not isildur/polk etc) I've gotten to know over the years have struggled to various degrees and either given up or faded away down the levels (id include myself in that category) whilst less technically correct players continue to thrive and get the money day in day out.  When it comes to cash poker I'll take the disciplined workaholic over the talented potential whizz kid with mental leaks every day of the week. Point is, before I can start taking on cash (or any form of poker to any serious level) I need to get my head, and body right.  It's by far the most difficult of all the challenges I've taken on, fighting anxiety, losing weight, being a veggie, training for a half marathon and quitting booze all included.  But I am determined to try and get there!  POKER IS HARD !!!! ----- Talking of pokerz. It's the night before the scheduled BIG MTT grind, where I take on the same lower buyin comps as Monseiur Bates in an attempt to prove that I'm basically better at poker than he is. If I have a better session than he does it proves it beyond all reasonable doubt.  I've just played 500 hands of 10nl fast fold and won $22. So the first 2x 11 bucker comps are now free and I'm also re-familiarised with the rules of poker.  I am waiting on the great man to provide me with a schedule, but I think we're playing from 2pm until late, and it'll include stuff like the mini roller, 9.30 £11 BH, as well as pokerfests, scoops, sunday storm n stuff.  I've set him a max buyin of £11.01 per comp, however I believe there are a couple of $22 buyin pokerfests on party which I'm reliably informed are "good value".  So if anyone wants to buy half my action in a few of those I'll confirm the schedule and which comps then u can send me some money if u like.  I know I aint sposed to do that on here but meh. Mods dnt read this anyway :P ---- @ Harry, I've just dusted off the ipod this week. Music choices have included.... Dido Stereophonics M People Robbie Williams Abba. These are the best 5 albums I could find in the CD section of the charity shop. If anyone wants to suggest some playlists to help me through tomorrows monster grind I'd love to try them out. Anything goes. Apart from Slipknot and the like.  ---- Had a slice of cake today.  :( ---- Bk w/ the schedule when it arrives. 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    I think they do. I'd also like to think that, of late, they have applied good old common-sense to making their decisions. Of course, some Percy Pedantic always comes along & says "but the rules say this", or the daddy of all tired & thoughtless clichés "one rule for the rich, one for the poor", but we can safely ignore sheep.
    Good luck with your jogging challenges. Once you have completed a 5k Park Run, life will never be the same, & you'll take back that thing you said recently about not liking all the back-slapping & warmth that goes with these things.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665
    edited May 2016

    Good luck to Mr Bates today, too.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2016

    Thanks TK.

    The potential tough spot for the mods has been averted by me getting a grand sum of 0 comebacks on the staking proposal anyway.



    On the positives, 3 bits of pleasant news to report.

    - It's 10 days since I completed my weight loss challenge, and having relaxed my diet alot, by eating a higher quantity of healthier stuff rather than adding in bad stuff (a slice of cake aside), I've not only faded putting weight back on but also lost a further pound.

    Which has shocked me. 

    - Last evening I shaved another 1minute 24 seconds off my 2.5 mile PB, it's now down to 26m2secs. 

    - And today is the 1 year anniversary of me packing in the ale. 


    On the negatives, the pup isn't very well today. 

    It's the first time she's been a little "off" since we got her. 

    I'm surprised at how much it has bothered me. 

    With the old dog I was always very relaxed when she had bad days, she was very old, I expected her to get ill and die anytime and therefore it wasn't that big a deal.

    This time I'm pretty scared though, if anything happened to Bonnie at such a young age it'd be horrible! :/ 


    Poorly dog means no walkies, so I'm using it as a good excuse for a rest day and catching up on some TV.

    Currently in the middle of all of the following series!!!!...

    Better Call Saul 
    Dexter (first rewatch)
    Modern Family
    The Walking Dead (pretty much given up on this rubbish tbh)
    The Blacklist

    Add in Special Correspondants...

    and it's alot to get through.

    Twitch poker offering good content 24/7 isn't helping my productivity with it either.


    No poker to report again, sorry. Too lazy.

    Will start the next entry with 'dear diary'. 

    Netflix & Nap...

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2016

    Amongst the health brags, I forgot to mention the new (now old) smoothie maker went 2-0 up on me yesterday.

    That's the final score. 
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited May 2016
    In Response to x:
    Amongst the health brags, I forgot to mention the new (now old) smoothie maker went 2-0 up on me yesterday. That's the final score. 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Somewhat concerned given the green colour and the fairy liquid being in view, is this the secret to your weightloss?
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited May 2016
    Where are you up to with the walking dead? I got a bit bored of it during season 3 especially when they were introducing new characters who I didn't much care for but decided to get back into it recently and it got really good again.
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: x:
    In Response to x : Somewhat concerned given the green colour and the fairy liquid being in view, is this the secret to your weightloss?
    Posted by MattBates


    Fill up on bubbles

  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: x:
    In Response to Re: x : Hahaha Fill up on bubbles
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Other flavours are available lol
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited May 2016

    Am I the only one to notice the "All Butter Scottish Shortbread" tin?

    bad, jj.  bad.   leave it.  leave.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    Am I the only one to notice the "All Butter Scottish Shortbread" tin? bad, jj.  bad.   leave it.  leave.
    Posted by aussie09

    .....yeah, I am sure you could find some English shortbread if your tried ;)
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    If its an observation test then the laminate has seen better days and the units dont line up as they should. Is this Through The Keyhole?
    Posted by chilling
    more like a martian murder scene.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
    edited May 2016

    I think it was JJ, in the kitchen...with the stanley knife.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    edited May 2016
    i,ll replace yer flooring jj withdraw your roll it should cover costs and fuel :)
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    I think it was JJ, in the kitchen...with the stanley knife.
    Posted by MAXALLY

    no al, he used either a poker or one of his clubs. 

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2016
    One calender year dry, that's mighty impressive. Longest I have ever managed is 100 days. Congratulations, run PB well deserved.

    I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that old tin is used to store healthy recipes :)
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2016


    1 week without a post :/ 

    It's been a cr@ ppy one. 

    I've been feeling really tired, which again isn't anything new but I let it get on top of me and get me down, I just couldn't be bothered to post. Or do anything  Sorryyyyy.

    Nowts happened anyway, ticking over with the exercise, 2.5 mile PB came down to 25m14 seconds yesterday. The weight is about the same, and until last night I hadn't played any poker. 


    Feeling a little better this morning, still nackered but trying to be positive about it. But it's hard to do day in day out and when the mental game slips abit the tiredness is just crushing.

    Got my few days of sulking out of the way, on we grind :)


    Unfortunately day 4 of the test was a non-starter due to the Lankans being donks. 

    Unfortunately again, my Dad had earlier in the week made me order 3 sets of return tickets for the day.

    So I was stuck with em.

    Decided to be Doh the Explorer for the day and checked out Roundhay Park. Very nice place. 

    Walking through the Leeds suburbs was an experience in itself.

    Within the grounds of the park itself I sat and watched an amateur/village cricket match between 22 Asian men.

    By far the most multi-cultural place I've ever been to :)


    @benc/teddy/other HU sngers, where's the best place to play HU now? Rake on party/bwin seems high and therefore action looks terrible. Is it all about pokerstars? 


    Walkies, Din Dinz, House,  then maybe look at getting my money back :)  

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2016
    Sent you a pm dohh.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2016
    10 minutes per mile pace for 2.5 miles? That can hardly be described as 'ticking over'. In fact it's slightly faster than my average pace on Friday. Excellent progress, well done.

    I've got a funny feeling I might know why you were checking out Roundhay Park. Enjoy :)
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2016

    Thanks again Gary. 

    I was intrigued, so I had to google, hopefully you are referring to the Park Run in Roundhay, if not I have no idea what you mean! :)

    The first half mile or so of that 2.5m is always a warm up walk. 

    This Friday I'm going to attempt to run the whole thing for the first time. Once I can do that, I'm within touching distane (if your arms are half a mile long)  of the 3 mile Holy grail. 


    Today was a much better day for me.

    I had the dog out this afternoon in the sun. 

    We've had her 3 months now and she's coming on great. She's still only a pup but she seems to be learning very fast. 

    I decided to take a calculated risk and let her off the lead to run free for the first time in the woods. 

    She was great, I've never seen a dog so happy!  <3

    A couple of times she didn't respond and I got a little worried but I guess every dog owner will feel that way the first time they let their dog run free.

    Bet I looked like an XXXL version of Billy Casper.


    Cracked on with the poker too. 

    Cash in the morning and afternoon, losing money again.

    Then MTTs tonight "doing wins"

    Or at least "a win"

    15th in a $5 6max turbo on Bwin the only other cash. 

    Doubled in't main n't mini but Peter'd out to nowt. 

    I wanted to play all evening but the tiredness got too much, 6 till 10.30 is a solid first effort.


    +£72.08 for tonight, added to other session results of.......

    + £3.68
    - 9.32

    = + £64.45 to go onto the roll 

    Which is now....


    Gawd I had to scroll back ages to find the roll balance. 

    It will be moving up/down alot and often over the next few months. 

    GTD !!!!


    Still no 500/1k level in the turbo mini.

    Not even joking, I pointed this out every single week for about 6 months.

    That was 3 years ago.

    Even worse was the blind jump in the comp I won tonight.

    How can you go from 1,250/2,500 to 2k/4k.

    In a turbo.

    If the comp wasn't the softest £2r in the World I'd refuse to play it. 


    Back tomorrow, hopefully book my first cash in at the 4th attempt. 

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