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    splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    More Llama pics on Fred plz, human & animal form. 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH


    Looks like you had a better Sunday session than Stephen Lee did, JJ!!
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    Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited March 2012
    Lolz epic thread
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    GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited March 2012

    I had 14 days off from sky, and i played some HU hypers on pokerstars

    Estonians are annoyingly difficult to play. I got a profit of 400 dollar and then lost the lot in a day

    swingaments, but if i play better, and learn from you, i know i can beat them

    Great diary sir

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    BigBlusterBigBluster Member Posts: 1,075
    edited March 2012
    "DOHHHHHHH" ...never heard of him.
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    pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2012
    is it a character thing jj? 4 x times now i build up a half decent roll, plying well a running well, then i just capitulate. this last time i cant even put it down to coolers, after going through hh for the last 2 days i feel like shooting myself, i resort back to newbie,  playing loose and wide . yes i took a couple of shots at nl100 and got spanked, but it was my play at my usual level of nl20 nl30 that was embarrassing. is it me or does anyone else find when they play with 25-30 bins there game goes to pot? why is it i can play my best poker with 10-20? WHY ARNT I NORMAL!!!!!!.any advice jj.
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    Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Pod are you playing more cautiously then when you have 10-20 BIs cos you don't wanna go bust? Cos most people say you should play with a nice healthy bankroll so you don't have to play scared but it seems playing scared (to a point) is what's keeping you going.
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    pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2012
    i think you are absolutely right paul, i play real tight when i play with 10/12 bins (not dude tight ob, but still ubber tight, last week in first4 days playing 4 tables i didnt have all my chips in the middle once without having the cold stone nutz. then thurs friday and sat i have a blinder, 200 up on nl20, 400 quid up on nl30, 150 up on nl50 .
    sat afternoon i sit down and play 4/6 tables of nl30 like a complete peni, sunday lunch time i do it again. sunday night im thinking maybe its down to too many tables and play 1 nl100 to tighten my game back up and again idiot play isnt the word!! yest another 2 bins down at nl30.
    decided to not go for my c4pts target now as i think it wasnt helping and laying off poker till the weekend. dont know what else to do bud.
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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    is it a character thing jj? 4 x times now i build up a half decent roll, plying well a running well, then i just capitulate. this last time i cant even put it down to coolers, after going through hh for the last 2 days i feel like shooting myself, i resort back to newbie,  playing loose and wide . yes i took a couple of shots at nl100 and got spanked, but it was my play at my usual level of nl20 nl30 that was embarrassing. is it me or does anyone else find when they play with 25-30 bins there game goes to pot? why is it i can play my best poker with 10-20? WHY ARNT I NORMAL!!!!!!.any advice jj.
    Posted by pod1
    Yo Pod-o-laaaaa.

    Blimey, a serious question? :S

    It's a good job that you're better at building bridges than you are bankrolls innit ;)

    Maybe this question would be better asked on Tommys or TK's threads, I'm tempted to just rub u down & ridicule you with poor gags and insults for 500 words. lololol.

    I'll have a go.....

    Whenever I've played you in the past (at cash), or seen the many hand histories you've posted I've always thought "wtf". You don't play "by the book", you seem to have your own style which is very deceptive and difficult to read. You also smash so many flops with so many strange hands in spots where 'the book' says you should never have those hands in the first place.....

    That's a good skill to have.....  :P

    I'm not saying you play bad in general, you just play alot different to most standard winning players at your/(my) old cash level. 

    I'm unsure how you should expect this 'style' of play to effect your swings.....

    I'd say you are quite risk averse, so I'd probably expect your swings to be lower than some of the more aggressive winning regs @ my old stakes, people like lnarinOO & pokerkinga will probably expect to have more severe short term downswings, but also a higher long term winrate......

    All the above has done really is rule out your playing style as a reason for having big swings. It must be something else.....

    Can you blame your bankroll management?? :S

    Well I dunno that either. 10-20 buy ins? I know you're probably prepared to reload if you drop in to the danger zone of <5 buy ins, but this is still too low imo, even with your playing style.

    It could be complacency when you build up your account balance to 20-30 buy ins maybe?

    1 thing I do, and I know alot of people do, is I only keep a set amount of money in my SP account at the start of every session.

    Currently it is £500, it used to be £600 when I was grinding nl30 for god knows how long.

    Anything above that gets withdrawn straight after a winning session, directly in to a poker bank account......

    This is your 'bankroll'.

    I think it's important not to merge your 'poker money' with any other money you have coming in, it just gets lost/mixed up, you lose direction, and you don't really know where you're at with it....

    So I'd suggest opening a seperate poker bank account, otherwise the only way to do this really is to keep it all in your SP account?

    Imo, building bankrolls is all about mindset, morale and momentum.

    This is why Donald struggles so much. His mindset is all wrong, his morale is always low, and therefore he cannot build any momentum. Doesn't matter how big an edge he has in his games if he cannot keep the 3 m's up!

    Anyway as you see your poker bank account grow, you'll get the feeling of being successful and building something good for yourself. Something that isn't a bridge ......

    It also allows you to keep maybe only 10 buy ins in your sky account at once? rather than your whole roll.....

    Even 8 might be better for you? or as low as 5? Knowing that you have 80% of your bankroll behind and can be loaded on to the site within a couple of clicks if need be.

    And coming back to your initial point about performing better when your roll is smaller, this might help.

    Each session will feel like a new start and you wont be allowed to become complacent. If you did, there'd be a real danger of busting your account (without busting your roll). 

    It might just sharpen your mind and make sure you're on 100% 'on it' each time you sit down to play a session.

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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012

    Morning HU sng'ers!

    For anyone who hasn't already, don't bother reading the above post (unless you're Pod). Tiz all a load of nonsense specific to ppl/plonkers who play better when they got smaller bankrolls :P 

    .....So just Pod then ........ ;)


    Poker day today !!!!  :)

    On my couple of days away from the tables, I haven't done much poker related stuff.

    I did go through my HH's from last session, and honestly couldn't find that many interesting spots at all. Just all standard stuff.

    Yesterday I had a stroke of luck. I was scanning through a poker site, and found some guy had posted a HU tutorial video, had a watch and it was really good. 

    I read the bio/blog of the guy who had uploaded it, he's a $300 HU hyperturbo pro, who's made over $150k at them.

    I posted speculatively, asking a couple of questions, and he replied offering to take a look at some of my videos and even maybe use them for future tutorial videos he might make.

    ^^^ 4 free :)

    I'm quite excited about it, & nervous! He might slate me  ( :s )

    So 2 main objectives today are to

    a) record 7/8 HU hyperturbos against different opponents, which I can look through tomorrow and pick a couple out to send.

    b) Creep back on to the bottom of the sng leaderboard for the first time since Jan 3rd! Think I'm $150ish off atm, $1k landslide mid Jan hasn't helped, but it will be good to be back!

    Fail & IDCU (n any1 else) I'm around for the comedy HU's from 1pm, although 3pm onwards more realistic :P

    glgl to any1 grinding today!.

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    simonnatursimonnatur Member Posts: 330
    edited March 2012
    HU  SNG  not really my thing but came across this video and blog, which might interest you,,

    thought the video was interesting and looking at his stats the guy should be worth a listen.

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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    Hey Simonatur, appreciate your post.

    In the post above yours, you'll see I mentioned some HU genuis offering to look @ my play.

    On the thread linked below his video on Ptube, you'll see my post and his response :) lol.


    Good start to the day, skys first Velo tourny, managed to stop my run of bubbles and get the top spot.

    DOHHHHHHH720001£36 + 10 League PointsKerrnal02£21.60 + 8 League Pointsweeks4203£14.40 + 6 League PointsWAM044 League Points

    Only a £3 buy in, but maybe a sign of things to come. 1 tabling ftw.
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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    Lol, discussing skys daytime MTT options with Young Gun on MSN.

    The convo went as follows....

    (the '2pm') is a £3 buy in MTT that gets 30-40 runners.

    John Bevan says
    doing ok 
    u in 2pm?

    JJ JJ says

    John Bevan says
    i am well soft
    usually win it

    JJ JJ says
    lol u dont usually win it moobs

    John Bevan says
    i do wen i play it

    JJ JJ says
    what %age of the time do u win it when u play it?

    John Bevan says
    prob like 15% or something high
    dont play it enough
    sounds ridic but i have won it alot

    JJ JJ says
    think 15% is optimistic

    John Bevan says

    JJ JJ says
    but even if u win it 15% of the time, wudnt say u usually win it
    suggests u usually dont win it

    John Bevan says


    I take back everything I said last week about him being honest.

    He's obv a deluded lying b****** !!!!


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    simonnatursimonnatur Member Posts: 330
    edited March 2012
    ooops, genuinely a coincidence. Had been lurking here before looking for something worth watching on Ptube.

    have to challenge you to a match sometime for a laugh
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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    ooops, genuinely a coincidence. Had been lurking here before looking for something worth watching on Ptube. have to challenge you to a match sometime for a laugh
    Posted by simonnatur
    Yeh really appreciate the post though, I'm always on the look out for good stuff. I'd much rather sit down and watch/discuss poker for 3 hours than sit and play it!

    If you find anything else, plz let me know :)

    Up for playing a few turbos/hyper turbos later today, 5pm is if u like? £1.05, or whatever lowest buy in is.

    If not, just post when you wanna play.

    thnx again, looking forward to more of that guys vids! 
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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    Moobs being an idiot, (cont) .....

    Is he Don in disguise?????????????????


    JJ JJ says

    John Bevan says
    i got in AQ v AK AIP
    they open shoved @ level 3
    i thought they were a donk so called

    JJ JJ says
    so this wasn't 1 of the 15% of times u win it then?

    John Bevan says

    JJ JJ says
    Prob nocked overally percentage down to about 14%?

    John Bevan says
    i reckon i prob have won like 10-15% of times ive played it honest

    JJ JJ says
    over how many 2pms?

    John Bevan says
    dunno prob like 20 ish
    maybe less

    JJ JJ says
    lol so uve won it twice?

    John Bevan says
    nah ive won it like 5 times

    JJ JJ says
    so u must have played it at least 50 times to have a 10% win ratio?

    John Bevan says
    nah not that many 
    prob better win ratio then

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    Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    So I'd suggest opening a seperate poker bank account, otherwise the only way to do this really is to keep it all in your SP account?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Doesn't doing something like this mean you never actually see your winnings?

    When I withdraw I juist forget about it being poker money and spend it on alcohol...

    Trololol @ YG what a fool ;)
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    DarntootinDarntootin Member Posts: 1,515
    edited March 2012

    More MSN Moobs convo's please.
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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    Some of the stuff ppl come out with on msn is unreal.

    No wonder I spend all afto talking instead of playing.


    My fave TV show of all time is obviously 'the office'....

    There's a scene in ep.4 of series 1, where the employees of the office are asked to describe their "ultimate fantasy" in life, in front of their collegues, so obviously it's not gonna be anything 'outragious'...

    Unless you're Gareth, who answers, "2 lesbians probably, sisters. I'm just watching"

    Whilst I can't argue with Gareths choice, other than the 'just watching' bit, If I were to give an answer that wouldn't be snap deleted from the forum.....

    I'd prob chose to be placed in the mind of other people for xxx period of time.....

    It amazes me sometimes how some people think, not just when it comes to poker, but other things...

    Like the poker players who post in A51....

    Not just the attention seeking ones, but the (normally) intelligent people who are absolutely 100% convinced in their own mind that online poker sites are fixed....

    I'd love to be in their minds for like an hour, after a bad session.

    Then there's ppl like moobs.

    His mind really does fascinate me.


    What a plonker.........

    Wonder what goes on in that head!!!!!

    I wonder if there's moment's during a day where it just goes totally blank, and he just like 'spaces out' for 5 seconds, then comes back in to the real world, confused about what he was just thinking about....


    What a legend.

    The human minddddddddddddddd eh?

    IDCU/FAIL/SIMONATEUR, hu @ 4-45, find me ;)
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    YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited March 2012
    lol rubbz in this thread, i dont help myself :) 

    im jus bit stupid, all fun and games
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    GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    LOL! More MSN Moobs convo's please.
    Posted by Darntootin

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