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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £371.38:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £371.38 : hi m8 ive played roughly 4hrs in total on 10nl today 4-6 tabling and i got around 250pts but you know i`m a bit on the tight side. also good going on the bankroll going up and up.
    Posted by liamboi11
    Whoa that's 5 times as many points in twice the time!! That can't be right lol. And I aint even a nit!

    Ah well, now I'm back to just cash this month, and points are so low at micro stakes, I'm not even paying any attention to what I earn really, anything I get at the end of the month will just be a bonus, I'm more focussed on beating the game.

  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited December 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £371.38:
    Just played my first cash session of the month, and first in a while. Played 6tables for 2 hours, sigh @ getting owned by Mr Loose Shaun09 for a BI but still finished the session +£14.77 so can't complain too much. Taking a bit of a break now, cos I felt like I was losing momentum and I've noticed a leak recently is that I lose concentration after a couple of hours and start spewing. Might just take 15 mins and go back, not sure yet. If anyone is interested, I earned 51 points for 6tabling for 2 hours under the new system, but dunno if that's more or less than what I used to get. Anyone played a session of 10NL abuot that length? If so, what did you get? Hands Played:     49,476 Bankroll:              £411.31 (+£44.10 C4P to come) Profit/Loss:       -£167.89 Poker Points:      54
    Posted by Lambert180
    regarding your points im pretty sure its less than you would have got. old system i'd be expecting 7 or 8 points per table per hour. so 6 tabling 2 hours would be around the 85 mark if thats any use for your comparison.

    i havent logged any hours at nl10 to see what difference it would make to me. ive been playing nl4 today and will be for the short term and i can tell you im down on what i would expect to get under old system for the hours ive played today. i havent been overly tight either, just at nl4 you really have to get your stack in n called to even earn 1 point now.

    good to see your back battling the cash. best of luck mate
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Cheers TinTin. Yeah after LiamBoi posted, I had a look at how many hands I played in the session and estimated about 70% of them to be raked, and on that basis I'm down a bit. Obviously with this new system it's gonna be really up and down with the nature of poker, some sessions you'll be having spots to get it all in every 5 mins, and some sessions you'll be grinding slow and steady picking up small pots. Sometimes yuo'll have strings of hands worth playing and sometimes you'll have long periods with just nothing playable, so will vary alot from session to session imo.

    As I said though, not too fussed abuot points, just focussed on beating the games.

    Good luck at the tables.
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited December 2012
    Doesnt really matter about poker points @ micros , but i just done an hour 2 tabling for most of it 1 other table for about 40 mins got around 30 points. Dont think i ever looked on the old system whether thats better then norm or not, dont really care either :)

    Try not to pwn me later ROFL
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited December 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £371.38:
    Just played my first cash session of the month, and first in a while. Played 6tables for 2 hours, sigh @ getting owned by Mr Loose Shaun09 for a BI but still finished the session +£14.77 so can't complain too much. Taking a bit of a break now, cos I felt like I was losing momentum and I've noticed a leak recently is that I lose concentration after a couple of hours and start spewing. Might just take 15 mins and go back, not sure yet. If anyone is interested, I earned 51 points for 6tabling for 2 hours under the new system, but dunno if that's more or less than what I used to get. Anyone played a session of 10NL abuot that length? If so, what did you get? Hands Played:     49,476 Bankroll:              £411.31 (+£44.10 C4P to come) Profit/Loss:       -£167.89 Poker Points:      54
    Posted by Lambert180
    Mr Loose lol :D gg 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012

    I'm getting REALLY sick of running AWFUL at cash session after session, it's getting pretty ridic now.  I just dunno what to do anymore, I'm not playing perfect but I'm playing pretty straight forward and doing the right things and the poker gods are just refusing to let me win.

    Lost a full BI with TT v JJ on.. wait for it.... lol.... JT4 :)

    Lost another one over 3 streets with JJ on 26678... obv had 56

    Lost another BI on 479dd with AA... obv he couldn't have smaller overpairs, FDs, straight draws, or even 2 prs so I at least have outs... no it's 44.

    And the best of all...
    Scolari77 Small blind   £0.05 £0.05 £11.74
    Lambert180 Big blind   £0.10 £0.15 £21.48
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    SMOKEABIGY Raise   £0.30 £0.45 £15.50
    rich-a-64 Call   £0.30 £0.75 £8.70
    Tommo07 Call   £0.30 £1.05 £10.14
    dub1 Fold        
    Scolari77 Call   £0.25 £1.30 £11.49
    Lambert180 Raise   £1.40 £2.70 £20.08
    SMOKEABIGY Call   £1.20 £3.90 £14.30
    rich-a-64 Fold        
    Tommo07 Call   £1.20 £5.10 £8.94
    Scolari77 Call   £1.20 £6.30 £10.29
    • 10
    • J
    • 2
    Scolari77 Check        
    Lambert180 Bet   £3.90 £10.20 £16.18
    SMOKEABIGY Call   £3.90 £14.10 £10.40
    Tommo07 Call   £3.90 £18.00 £5.04
    Scolari77 Fold        
    • Q
    Lambert180 Bet   £5.10 £23.10 £11.08
    SMOKEABIGY All-in   £10.40 £33.50 £0.00
    Tommo07 All-in   £5.04 £38.54 £0.00
    Lambert180 Raise   £10.60 £49.14 £0.48
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   £5.30 £43.84 £5.78
    Lambert180 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • Q
    • A
    Tommo07 Show
    • 9
    • 8
    • K
    SMOKEABIGY Win Straight to the Ace £42.44   £42.44
    Somehow by some kinda miracle only managed to lose £22.38

    Also played the £3.30 speed and bubbled, and played the £2.20 all in sat for Luton for the cash... still not managed to win the first hand of an all-in sat yet lol. £402.51

    Hands Played:     50,436
    Bankroll:              £380.13 (+£44.10 C4P to come)
    Poker Points:      141

  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited December 2012
    i was running like you described for a long time, took the decision to step back as my head was wasted with it and it had drained my confidence. i took a lot of money out for xmas and decided to play some nl4 for the short term to rebuild not just my roll but my confidence. it seems to be working, 25 buyins up in 2 days and the confidence is returning.

    if you feel days like today are happening too often then theres no harm dropping a level to restore confidence. its amazing how banking some wins in a row changes how you perceive things. keep at it mate but if you feel your on the slippery slope then get off before too much damage occurs. run good mate
  • bassripperbassripper Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2012
    why do you even bother. if i was making money plating those hyper things then i would never play cash cause hyou're obviously not very good at it
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited December 2012
    Stop moaning, your going to lose sometimes - nature of the beast
    Don't step back, plough on - play volume, keep it ABC

    Your going to have a few bad sessions
    Don't go back to nl4, it' too easy - learn move forward


  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    You win on the under JJ, only got 2 ;)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Don't worry, I'm not dropping down to 4NL, I didn't build up this big a roll just so I could move down to 4NL after a few bad sessions lol. I'll be continuing to play 10NL for as long as my BR holds (doubt it'll ever get to a point where it doesn't) and as long as I know I'm playing well.

    December is gonna be a big cash grind for me and I know I'm good enough to beat the level, so let's hope 15-20k hands is enough to prove it :)

    It's funny, I can't exactly complain, I've ran pretty sick (good) in Hypers over the past month, won a seat into Luton (and made a profit in the sats) and doing ok in MTTs recently. Just wish I could run in cash like I am in everything else but themz da beats.

    Cheers TinTin and Rancid, see you at the tables this month probably. Seems I was right about the new points system being very swingy obv cos sometimes you'll have lots of opportunities to get it in and lots of tiems you won't. First night earned 50ish points, last night earned 100 for virtually the exact same volume... shame every time I got it in was V the nuts lol.

    Gl Guys
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited December 2012
    gl with ur grind lambo. See you at the tables
  • bassripperbassripper Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2012
    dint u want 500 before going to 10 pound buy in?

    I'll be continuing to play 10NL for as long as my BR holds (doubt it'll ever get to a point where it doesn't)

    didnt u lose like 190 playing nl8? i dont see why so masny people do good at nl4 but then when they go to £10 run like awful
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Didn't play any real poker tonight cos we were putting up the Christmas tree :)

    I did however reg for the 3 all-in sats to Luton. I've already won my seat (as I'm mentioned a million times) but can't turn down the sick overlay these all in sats are getting. They need to meet the 55 runner cap to pay for the seat and they all get 25-30 :p

    Long story short, busted first and 2nd, was moaning about how I've never got past the first hand of an all in sat. Then I played the 3rd and final one of the night... 45o against tons of dominating hands, river a straight.... 39o and I make trips... 2To and flop 2pair and that's game over :P I thought they lasted longer than 3 hands.

    So that's a nice £110 cash, actually my biggest ever online cash lol. That's means when I get my C4P I'll be on like £530 which is already more than half way to my goal of having 50 BIs @ 20NL :)

    Hands Played:     50,436
    Bankroll:              £483.53 (+£44.10 C4P to come)
    Poker Points:      147

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited December 2012

    But was your post on last night's show thread actually against players who had already qualified playing again in these all in sats?

    Well done owe Scouse Red a pint though as he bubbled.
  • clubhammerclubhammer Member Posts: 109
    edited December 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £380.13:
    it seems to be working, 25 buyins up in 2 days and the confidence is returning.Posted by TINTIN
    This would help - nh Tintin !

    PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceclubhammer Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.94 TonyGuy Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £1.03  Your hole cards 7 7    TINTIN Raise  £0.20 £0.26 £3.68 Thombeck Call  £0.20 £0.46 £3.12 clubhammer Call  £0.18 £0.64 £4.76 TonyGuy Fold     Flop  7 9 6    clubhammer Check     TINTIN Bet  £0.48 £1.12 £3.20 Thombeck Raise  £0.96 £2.08 £2.16 clubhammer Call  £0.96 £3.04 £3.80 TINTIN All-in  £3.20 £6.24 £0.00 Thombeck All-in  £2.16 £8.40 £0.00 clubhammer All-in  £3.80 £12.20 £0.00 clubhammer Unmatched bet  £1.08 £11.12 £1.08 clubhammer Show 7 7    TINTIN Show J J    Thombeck Show 9 7    Turn  J    River  10    TINTIN Win Three Jacks £10.28

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £380.13:
    But was your post on last night's show thread actually against players who had already qualified playing again in these all in sats? Well done owe Scouse Red a pint though as he bubbled.
    Posted by MAXALLY
    It really wasn't to say I disagreed with it, it was to spark a debate and see what Ryan/others thought. I'd already played an all-in sat prior to posting on the show anyway, I just can't turn down like a 1in30 chance of multiplying your BI by 50, just wouldn't make any sense.

    It is interesting though, do you think (or anyone else that wants to reply) think playing SPT all in sats for cash is bad but playing proper SPT sats is fine, or vice versa? Is it better if there's skill involved or does it make no difference?

    But yeah I didn't even see til afterwards cos they're so fast that it was Chris that bubbled, I definitely owe him a pint at Luton.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited December 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £380.13:
    So that's a nice £110 cash, actually my biggest ever online cash lol. 
    Posted by Lambert180
    How sick is that Paul,

    Now you will have to admit that online poker is gambling - and that your best result is one that was purely by luck. That should prompt you to win something bigger - gl.

    PS can you remove the profit/loss line in your updates, or update it.

    edit: having seen your latest post - as the allin sats are pure roulette, i see no reason not to play them for cash when there is overlay, as that will help fill the guarantee. Otherwise they are only worth playing for a laugh, or if you want to win a seat into a tournament that you haven't got the buyin for, and can't win normal sats.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £380.13:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £380.13 : How sick is that Paul, Now you will have to admit that online poker is gambling - and that your best result is one that was purely by luck. That should prompt you to win something bigger - gl. PS can you remove the profit/loss line in your updates, or update it. edit: having seen your latest post - as the allin sats are pure roulette, i see no reason not to play them for cash when there is overlay, as that will help fill the guarantee. Otherwise they are only worth playing for a laugh, or if you want to win a seat into a tournament that you haven't got the buyin for, and can't win normal sats.
    Posted by GELDY
    Yeah definitely agree about the overlay thing Geldy, in fact it's a must. I guess I'll have to admit I'm a gambler of fashions but only ever a gambler with an edge, if I don't believe I have an edge I won't play. If ther SPT sats were filling up and getting the 55 runners, it 100% would not even cross my mind to play them, whether I had the BI for an event or not, I would never play an all in sat for the pure gamblez... I only play them cos there's £110 in the prizepool and they get about 30 runners so only about £60 in the pot, so £50 overlay. Normally if I wanted to play a satellite I'd just play a proper one because I think I have an edge over a lot of players.

    Was thinking about it last night in bed actually and I think it might JUST have missed out my cash biggest online cash lol... When I first got started online I played on Full Tilt and played a $0.10 MTT which had 3500 runners and I came 2nd for $200. God knows how I did it because compared to now I was a completely terrible player than had no idea about position, hand selection, aggression, nothing.

    I am actually updating my profit/loss but it only relates to my cash, so I'm alot down on cash and massively up on everything else. Might change that to just a total profit/loss of everything though cos it's a bit confusing... I have my cash profit/loss in my spreadsheet anyway if I wanna keep trackof how I'm getting on.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Wow, just wow.

    I played the £5.50 velo tonight, started really well, then got took out by quad 2s when I had KQ on K2T2 against a fish which was pretty annoying.

    Then I decided to play the final SPT all-in sat of the night (I didn't play the other 2), first hand 36s and I flop the flush with no1 having even a single spade in their hand. Next hand 37o I make trips, next hand is HU 37o v A6 and I make a FH.... siiiiiiick

    Another £110 banked. Wow, just wow, will have over £600 when I get my C4P which for me is just amazing. It's weird cos in real life, I wouldn't see that much money as a big deal, but in the poker world it's just amazing :D

    So happy!

    Hands Played:     50,436
    Bankroll:              £585.83 (+£44.10 C4P to come)
    Poker Points:      154

    That 50BIs @ 20NL is getting pretty close considering I aint managed to turn a profit at cash yet lol.
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