Wow, just wow. I played the £5.50 velo tonight, started really well, then got took out by quad 2s when I had KQ on K2T2 against a fish which was pretty annoying. Then I decided to play the final SPT all-in sat of the night (I didn't play the other 2), first hand 36s and I flop the flush with no1 having even a single spade in their hand. Next hand 37o I make trips, next hand is HU 37o v A6 and I make a FH.... siiiiiiick Another £110 banked. Wow, just wow, will have over £600 when I get my C4P which for me is just amazing. It's weird cos in real life, I wouldn't see that much money as a big deal, but in the poker world it's just amazing So happy! Hands Played: 50,436 Bankroll: £585.83 (+£44.10 C4P to come) Profit/Loss: -£190.27 Poker Points: 154 That 50BIs @ 20NL is getting pretty close considering I aint managed to turn a profit at cash yet lol. Posted by Lambert180
so thats really 3 times you could have qualified for luton nice lol. with your roll goin 2 be over 600 soon you goin to take a stab at 20nl or just stick to 10nl?
In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £483.53 : so thats really 3 times you could have qualified for luton nice lol. with your roll goin 2 be over 600 soon you goin to take a stab at 20nl or just stick to 10nl? Posted by liamboi11
Wow....nice binkage Paul, 2 all in sats......I've never made it past the first hand in the few of those I've played!!!
Surely the roll is now large enough to throw a couple of 20NL tables alongside your normal 10 NL ones....come on mate, take a shot!!!!
Cheers guys. Yeah I can stop moaning about running bad for a bit lol, and yes it does all even out in the end
My BR nittiness is relenting a bit BUT with that said, I'm still gonna be playing almost exclusively 10NL still for a bit. This is less abuot the number of BIs I have and more about the fact, I've had some glaring leaks pointed out recently and think I have to realise that of my losses, a larger amount of it is bad play as appose to bad luck than I originally thought. I still did run fairly bad in a few sessions but could have definitely limited my losses by not making some horrible mistakes.
So I do wanna make sure I'm getting the main things right first before I just go risking twice as much money in every hand where I'm playing quite badly. I'm sure I'll introduce a few tables during December though.
No updates really other than the fact I got my C4P today, and I won't be playing for a few days because I'm leaving for Luton in a few hours and won't be back til Saturday or Sunday if things go well
Hands Played: 50,436 Bankroll: £629.93 Profit/Loss: -£190.27 Poker Points: 154
Siigh, Doh is so right, and grinding less than Doh does is just ridiculous lol. To be fair, I have been quite busy trying to get Xmas pressies sorted and Xmas decorations up and I don't get that much free time each evening with work.
No excuse though, need to get back on the horse after Luton and log some 6 tabling 3 hour sessions and I will! I will be on 65k+ hands before the month is out!
EDIT: A min-cash tomorrow or a decent cash in the sidey tonights puts me on 4 figures and I will deffo start playing 20NL then.
If your running hot then it's a good time to take a shot ) It's still amazes me that when you run bad poker is like so horrible, but when you run good it's all gravy baby ) good luck at Luton, may even pop up and play the side events/cash !! Would be good to put a name to all the ugly faces !! Posted by rancid
Yeah that's my issue though, I'm not lol... at the moment I'm happy if I finish the session break even!
Lol @ my last update here, talk about doing the complete opposite of what I planned. I got back from Luton, and didn't go near FB or Sky til I think the following Sunday and even now I've only played like twice since Luton been on the forum about twice.
Luton didn't go that great. Was doing really well in the side event on the Friday, up to about 42k from a 8k starting stack and think blinds were like 600/1200 I think. Opened AA, 1 caller, cbet on K59 (all spades), turn is a blank like 6c, I jam cos he aint got that much behind now and he takes 2-3 mins then with a smirk turns over KK, so loved that lol. All kinda blew up from there and busted when I was down to like 12xBB, minraised AA, 2 callers, JJ2 ended up getting it in on the turn against J5.
Can't even remember much that happened in the ME, never got started really, think highest I ever got to was like 11k from a 7.5k starting stack, don't even remember my exit hand.
Played a £20 turbo, closest thing I can compare it to online is one of the £2.20 Scaries. 3k starting stack @ 25/50 and blinds going up like every 10 or 15 mins, can't remember but that's my kinda tourney. Only got about 40 odd runners, was doing really well, down to last 12 with 6 paid, I min-raise QQ UTG+1 hoping to induce a jam, the jam comes from AJ, love it, A on the flop against the only guy on the table with more chips than me, sigh.
Played a few Hypers on the Friday morning before leaving for Luton while Emma was getting ready, can't remember the result but finished a little bit down, maybe £10-£15.
The one night I've played since getting back (other than last night) I did some Hypers and made another smallish loss, played that new £16.50 Turbo cos there was just ridic overlay, busted that, played a Velo, no cash.
Played some cash last night, and somehow I managed to finish £9.31 up for the night, god knows how after stacking off to bigger sets twice, and stacking off with a set of Aces agaisnt the nut flush.
Really CBA updating this like crazy with all the wins/losses for Hypers etc anymore, so just gonna post up +/- £££ when I play. Although mostly gonna be playing cash anyway,
Got most of my Xmas pressies sorted now, hoping to finish the rest tonight cos I really HAVE to as I'm doing it all online and need to allow time for it to come.
Nice update fella, sorry to hear that things didn't pan out ideally at luton... sounds like if the AA+QQ hands played themselves pre/held then you could've gone on to ship the whole thing!! Always need a bit of rungod live to cash/ship an MTT
FWIW I would say with £600 you should def mix in some stabs at 20nl... possibly at the end of your usual sessions for say 15-30mins depending on how comfortabe you feel
moving up is a science imo, its about making the next level up your comfort zone as your current stake is. Make sure you dont think everyone is pulling advance plays or bluffing, get used to new regs asap and their leaks, work out who the fish are quick, learn how aggressive the games are, etc. I can assure you if ur beating/breakeven at 10nl no one is going to ruin your roll at 20nl... only tilt will if you can't cope with moving up properly.
Its just about getting that feeling where its numbers in front of you and not money... the worst thing i did RE poker was play too low for too long at another site. and i basically 24tabled from 2nl up to 50nl... over the course of 4 years.
Cheers mate, yeah things could have gone better at Luton, but I can't complain too much, I got in for a fiver through a proper satellite, and then won the BI x 2 from playing the all-in satellites before hand lol.
Yeah frustrating when things don't go your way, especially cos I know I play better live cos I'm much more focussed and not sat there watching TV and flicking around on FB and the forum etc.
And yeah I'm gonna give myself a few sessions back at 10NL cos it's been a little while since I've put any sort of proper cash grind in, then I am gonna be mixing in some 20NL. I guess it's one good thing that I don't see it as money really, can be frustrating at times, but like the money in Sky is pretty meaningless to me really. That's not to say I'm so well off I don't care about £600, but just that it's not come from my bank account, it's come from winning and because I never withdraw it's like it's not even real and I kinda see it as just like a game where I'm trying to get the best score. And I do obsess about getting good scores, like when I was younger I was pretty obsessed about Neopets lol even though it was meaningless really just cos I wanted to 'crush'.
So yeah still sticking to good BRM just not super nitty BRM.
In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £575.24 : I was young! and I'm competetive lol Posted by Lambert180
lol i think the best poker players are those who are obbessive compulsive with hobbies. I'm the same with my 3yr old, snap, connect4, paper/scissors/rock, mouse trap.. whatever man.. i'ma ownin it!!!
I see my poker bankroll as the £30 I started off with and nothing else and for me poker is just a hobby/nice way to pay for fancy toys/holidays, etc. But all the same, once your beating 20nl and have a roll for say ~£1000-1500 than table select 20nl/30nl/40nl (everything but 50nl) for the best seats on the site across any of those tables, tv/action/normal, etc
burning rake at lower stakes can hold a player back imo. I would say like 70% of my profits in the lower stakes came from loyalty/rakeback and 30% profit... so unless you put in redic volume its very hard to move up.
Got another good session in tonight, my best one for a good while now. In the words of Dohhh 'the tides may be turning'.
£24.50 profit so clawing back some of my cash losses. Not counting chickens after 2 good sessions but would be pretty sick if I could get my cash profit/loss back to break even before the end of 2012.
I didn't update on Monday cos basically the only thing that changed was my poker points. I played the DTD and had a bit of a frustrating night, built good stacks in all 3 of them, then about 9:30pm got battered, lost a ton of races and ended up busting them all by about 10pm. -£5.50
Busted 2 forum SnGs 2 x £2.20
Then won about £10 on Hypers so break even for the day.
Played some cash tonight and made £15.47 so another decent session. Slowly getting that red number down.
2xnl20 for you - cmon bring it - try spinning the £100 up - you never won it at cash so pretend you never won it )
some players are just lucky i suppose
although i did notice that the majority of them all in sats were won by sky forum regs
My BR nittiness is relenting a bit BUT with that said, I'm still gonna be playing almost exclusively 10NL still for a bit. This is less abuot the number of BIs I have and more about the fact, I've had some glaring leaks pointed out recently and think I have to realise that of my losses, a larger amount of it is bad play as appose to bad luck than I originally thought. I still did run fairly bad in a few sessions but could have definitely limited my losses by not making some horrible mistakes.
So I do wanna make sure I'm getting the main things right first before I just go risking twice as much money in every hand where I'm playing quite badly. I'm sure I'll introduce a few tables during December though.
No updates really other than the fact I got my C4P today, and I won't be playing for a few days because I'm leaving for Luton in a few hours and won't be back til Saturday or Sunday if things go well
Hands Played: 50,436
Bankroll: £629.93
Profit/Loss: -£190.27
Poker Points: 154
No excuse though, need to get back on the horse after Luton and log some 6 tabling 3 hour sessions and I will! I will be on 65k+ hands before the month is out!
EDIT: A min-cash tomorrow or a decent cash in the sidey tonights puts me on 4 figures and I will deffo start playing 20NL then.
It's still amazes me that when you run bad poker is like so horrible, but when you run good it's all gravy baby )
good luck at Luton, may even pop up and play the side events/cash !!
Would be good to put a name to all the ugly faces !!
Luton didn't go that great. Was doing really well in the side event on the Friday, up to about 42k from a 8k starting stack and think blinds were like 600/1200 I think. Opened AA, 1 caller, cbet on K59 (all spades), turn is a blank like 6c, I jam cos he aint got that much behind now and he takes 2-3 mins then with a smirk turns over KK, so loved that lol. All kinda blew up from there and busted when I was down to like 12xBB, minraised AA, 2 callers, JJ2 ended up getting it in on the turn against J5.
Can't even remember much that happened in the ME, never got started really, think highest I ever got to was like 11k from a 7.5k starting stack, don't even remember my exit hand.
Played a £20 turbo, closest thing I can compare it to online is one of the £2.20 Scaries. 3k starting stack @ 25/50 and blinds going up like every 10 or 15 mins, can't remember but that's my kinda tourney. Only got about 40 odd runners, was doing really well, down to last 12 with 6 paid, I min-raise QQ UTG+1 hoping to induce a jam, the jam comes from AJ, love it, A on the flop against the only guy on the table with more chips than me, sigh.
Played a few Hypers on the Friday morning before leaving for Luton while Emma was getting ready, can't remember the result but finished a little bit down, maybe £10-£15.
The one night I've played since getting back (other than last night) I did some Hypers and made another smallish loss, played that new £16.50 Turbo cos there was just ridic overlay, busted that, played a Velo, no cash.
Played some cash last night, and somehow I managed to finish £9.31 up for the night, god knows how after stacking off to bigger sets twice, and stacking off with a set of Aces agaisnt the nut flush.
Really CBA updating this like crazy with all the wins/losses for Hypers etc anymore, so just gonna post up +/- £££ when I play. Although mostly gonna be playing cash anyway,
Got most of my Xmas pressies sorted now, hoping to finish the rest tonight cos I really HAVE to as I'm doing it all online and need to allow time for it to come.
tl;dr but it's been a week or two.
Hands Played: 51,156
Bankroll: £575.24
Profit/Loss: -£180.96
Poker Points: 690 (£5.52)
Yeah frustrating when things don't go your way, especially cos I know I play better live cos I'm much more focussed and not sat there watching TV and flicking around on FB and the forum etc.
And yeah I'm gonna give myself a few sessions back at 10NL cos it's been a little while since I've put any sort of proper cash grind in, then I am gonna be mixing in some 20NL. I guess it's one good thing that I don't see it as money really, can be frustrating at times, but like the money in Sky is pretty meaningless to me really. That's not to say I'm so well off I don't care about £600, but just that it's not come from my bank account, it's come from winning and because I never withdraw it's like it's not even real and I kinda see it as just like a game where I'm trying to get the best score. And I do obsess about getting good scores, like when I was younger I was pretty obsessed about Neopets lol even though it was meaningless really just cos I wanted to 'crush'.
So yeah still sticking to good BRM just not super nitty BRM.
£24.50 profit so clawing back some of my cash losses. Not counting chickens after 2 good sessions but would be pretty sick if I could get my cash profit/loss back to break even before the end of 2012.
Hands Played: 51,556
Bankroll: £599.74
Profit/Loss: -£156.46
Poker Points: 714 (£5.71)
Busted 2 forum SnGs 2 x £2.20
Then won about £10 on Hypers so break even for the day.
Played some cash tonight and made £15.47 so another decent session. Slowly getting that red number down.
Hands Played: 52,036
Bankroll: £614.81
Profit/Loss: -£140.99
Poker Points: 762 (£6.10)
br is better, concentrate on that )
keep it going, focus on the postives