I didn't update on Monday cos basically the only thing that changed was my poker points. I played the DTD and had a bit of a frustrating night, built good stacks in all 3 of them, then about 9:30pm got battered, lost a ton of races and ended up busting them all by about 10pm. -£5.50 Busted 2 forum SnGs 2 x £2.20 Then won about £10 on Hypers so break even for the day. Played some cash tonight and made £15.47 so another decent session. Slowly getting that red number down. Hands Played: 52,036 Bankroll: £614.81 Profit/Loss: -£140.99 Poker Points: 762 (£6.10) Posted by Lambert180
hi Paul, don't post here much,but pop in for an up-date every so often. not quite understanding what the red number thing is ...sorry. if your b/roll is £600+ then surely u r in profit,so i'm not getting why your profit/loss is -£140..sorry again. unless your b/roll was higher b4 u started playing cash i'm assuming.
as rancid says,forget the negs think of the positives, maybe lose the red figure,it's misleading i think. it's all about your b/roll imo.
Yeah, I've been thinking about ditching that, in fact I said I would around Luton time I think.
Basically I started my 'cash thing' in my diary with £170 so yeah I'm way up in the last like 3 months but that -£140 is purely cash results, so I'm up so much cos I think I'm about £400+ on Hypers during that time, won 2 all-in sats, and a few Speed MTT cashes (1 win).
Mis-leading a bit yeah, might just get rid. And I know what ya mean Rancid about watching it being -EV lol, but yeah my eye is firmly on the BR
I mincashed a forum £2.20 SnG last night so £1.80 profit
Started playing cash tonight, within about 2 mins of sitting down I got it in KK v AA and just thought FFS... then things finally started going my way, was playing 6 tables and was well up on every single table, one of them I was up to just shy of £40, must have been 4BIs up (even after the KK v AA at the start), then I just had THE most horrible 15 mins ever...
Got it in KK v AA again, then got it in AA v KK for once, except I lost lol, then got it in down the streets with QQ (all undercard board), he's got KK, then KK v A9, obv lost again, just wtf
Well, I'm going for a smoke, calming down a bit, then getting back to the grind.
So I came back for my 2nd session. Got another 1hr 30 mins in so about 3 hours total today.
I think I may have won my first ever pot against Rancid tonight... granted it was a bad beat when I got it in QQ v AA but hey I gotta take what I can get (unlucky Rancid), but then he took it back off me 2 mins before the end of my session when we got it in TPGK v his FD and he got there, sigh!
All in all for the day I finished £32.49 down. Not the worst session in the world but massively frustrating after that 15 mins where I lost about 5 BIs.
pretty sure you should give up cash and just play hypers lol Posted by percival09
I already said this previously in the thread its defo his best game and most profitable but paul wants to learn play cash so hats off to him for sticking to it when he knows can make money in different format.
wish i could do the same for mtts but I lose a flip and moan sayin mtts suck and just go play cash to make my mtt buyin back lol
So you've been doing this for a year and are at a Profit/Loss: -£173.48 I think its probably time you gave up on the idea of becoming a winning player. This isnt a down swing, this is clearly just your actual standard.
So you've been doing this for a year and are at a Profit/Loss: -£173.48 I think its probably time you gave up on the idea of becoming a winning player. This isnt a down swing, this is clearly just your actual standard. Posted by dre136
As Doh pointed out, I'm always happy to set people straight
Firstly I aint been doing this anywhere near a year, I started playing cash again about the end of August so nearly 3 months, secondly, in that time I've only played abuot 50k hands which isn't enormous, thirdly most of the loss came from a bad run which lead to me tilting a lot and losing 20BIs in the space of a week @ 8NL.
Also a downswing has no fixed shape or size so there's no way any outsider can say 'X BIs is a downswing but Y BIs is just bad play' it doesn't work like that. Some of my losses have been through bad play, and some have been through coolers and the like. For instance, I was up about 4 BIs last night session then got it in KK v AA 3 times and lost them all (like I should) then got it in AA v KK and lost that too lol. It happens but I'm happy with how I'm playing now so that'll do me.
And finally, near the end of August when I started this (you can check back if u really want) I had about £170, I now have £600+ so not exactly cause for quitting yet
EDIT: I am a winning player btw cos I deposited £20 about 3-4 years ago and aint deposited since, thanks Just not as big a winner as I aim to be.
I had a spare window for some poker, only like 30 mins so not enough for cash and I prefer to play cash at night anyway, so got a few Hypers in, combination of £5s and £10s which is what I've been doing recently seen as I'm rolled for £10s and don't think the standard is any better.
Dunno how many I played but my poker points went up by about 40 so probably only like 10-12 games, made £16.50 and got over the 1k points threshold that's about an extra £2 banked!! lol
hatersgonnahate lamborinio. I feel bad that all the abuse followed my post which wasn't meant to be abusive in any way lol I didn't know your sample size was that small, keep going and variance will be nice one day
hatersgonnahate lamborinio. I feel bad that all the abuse followed my post which wasn't meant to be abusive in any way lol I didn't know your sample size was that small, keep going and variance will be nice one day Posted by percival09
Lol yeah and hates lover to hate Lambert
This is only my most recent venture into beating cash and hasn't started well, but I know I'm easy good enough to beat 10NL. I know I'm still up from cash cos as I said, I aint deposited more than my original £20 and my SS is only abuot +£150 ish (I think) so I've probably earned about £100 ish from C4P over the years but apart from that, the rest has come from cash, just I used to beat 4NL and 8NL regular and got bored of playing so low. Hence the thing to build up a roll to play 20NL+
I'm gonna be mixing in some 20NL now anyway cos I'm happy to with £600+ and still gonna crush my target. I started with £170 at the end of August wanted wanted 50BIs @ 20NL within 12 months (£1000) and I'm on £630 after like 3 months, I've said for ages I'm gonna reach my target within 6 months imo.
Played the DTD tonight, same old story, doing well in all 3, a lapse in concentration and a few bad beats sent me on my way.
DTD3 I had about 8k only about 1hour and that's the 2.5k starting stack so pretty decent...
Got it in on the turn with KK on 8Q3Q against A8... sigh of relief that he aint got the Q... 8 on the river.
Then I get most of my chips back off the same villian. Then another hand with same villian, get it in on the turn with A2ss on 835Ass against 84, so he aint even got spade 8s or 4s to hit... binks a non-spade 4 to take me out... sigh.
Was like 2nd out of 60odd in DTD2, got it in on the flop with just flush outs to dodge, but no such luck, left me with a bowl which was quickly distributed to the table.
So that'd take the BR down to about £627 but once I was down to 1table I had a few £10 Hypers going on the side and made a few quid there
Think I've missed a few sessions since posting but oh well. Not played any cash since my last post.
Played an all-in sat for UKOPS 2 tonight, dunno why cos I didn't even wanna play it tbh, and didn't get round to buying in direct first so I could take the cash, guess it would force myself to pay attention in an MTT for once. Didn't win that anyway.
Played the £3.30 Orfordable, folded for years then 3bet jammed into AA w/ QJs... no binking there.
Played a £2.20 scary, can't even remember the exit but it was early and didn't bother rebuying.
Then played a load of Hypers and won some moniez. Probably gonna play some more actually... but here's the update for now.
don't post here much,but pop in for an up-date every so often.
not quite understanding what the red number thing is ...sorry.
if your b/roll is £600+ then surely u r in profit,so i'm not getting why your profit/loss is -£140..sorry again.
unless your b/roll was higher b4 u started playing cash i'm assuming.
as rancid says,forget the negs think of the positives,
maybe lose the red figure,it's misleading i think.
it's all about your b/roll imo.
Basically I started my 'cash thing' in my diary with £170 so yeah I'm way up in the last like 3 months but that -£140 is purely cash results, so I'm up so much cos I think I'm about £400+ on Hypers during that time, won 2 all-in sats, and a few Speed MTT cashes (1 win).
Mis-leading a bit yeah, might just get rid. And I know what ya mean Rancid about watching it being -EV lol, but yeah my eye is firmly on the BR
Started playing cash tonight, within about 2 mins of sitting down I got it in KK v AA and just thought FFS... then things finally started going my way, was playing 6 tables and was well up on every single table, one of them I was up to just shy of £40, must have been 4BIs up (even after the KK v AA at the start), then I just had THE most horrible 15 mins ever...
Got it in KK v AA again, then got it in AA v KK for once, except I lost lol, then got it in down the streets with QQ (all undercard board), he's got KK, then KK v A9, obv lost again, just wtf
Well, I'm going for a smoke, calming down a bit, then getting back to the grind.
I think I may have won my first ever pot against Rancid tonight... granted it was a bad beat when I got it in QQ v AA but hey I gotta take what I can get (unlucky Rancid), but then he took it back off me 2 mins before the end of my session when we got it in TPGK v his FD and he got there, sigh!
All in all for the day I finished £32.49 down. Not the worst session in the world but massively frustrating after that 15 mins where I lost about 5 BIs.
Hands Played: 52,036
Bankroll: £584.12
Profit/Loss: -£173.48
Poker Points: 944 (£7.55)
Hands Played: 53,476
Bankroll: £616.37
Profit/Loss: -£173.48
Poker Points: 973 (£7.78)
I think its probably time you gave up on the idea of becoming a winning player.
This isnt a down swing, this is clearly just your actual standard.
Firstly I aint been doing this anywhere near a year, I started playing cash again about the end of August so nearly 3 months, secondly, in that time I've only played abuot 50k hands which isn't enormous, thirdly most of the loss came from a bad run which lead to me tilting a lot and losing 20BIs in the space of a week @ 8NL.
Also a downswing has no fixed shape or size so there's no way any outsider can say 'X BIs is a downswing but Y BIs is just bad play' it doesn't work like that. Some of my losses have been through bad play, and some have been through coolers and the like. For instance, I was up about 4 BIs last night session then got it in KK v AA 3 times and lost them all (like I should) then got it in AA v KK and lost that too lol. It happens but I'm happy with how I'm playing now so that'll do me.
And finally, near the end of August when I started this (you can check back if u really want) I had about £170, I now have £600+ so not exactly cause for quitting yet
EDIT: I am a winning player btw cos I deposited £20 about 3-4 years ago and aint deposited since, thanks
Dunno how many I played but my poker points went up by about 40 so probably only like 10-12 games, made £16.50 and got over the 1k points threshold
Hands Played: 53,476
Bankroll: £632.87
Profit/Loss: -£173.48
Poker Points: 1010 (£10.10)
This is only my most recent venture into beating cash and hasn't started well, but I know I'm easy good enough to beat 10NL. I know I'm still up from cash cos as I said, I aint deposited more than my original £20 and my SS is only abuot +£150 ish (I think) so I've probably earned about £100 ish from C4P over the years but apart from that, the rest has come from cash, just I used to beat 4NL and 8NL regular and got bored of playing so low. Hence the thing to build up a roll to play 20NL+
I'm gonna be mixing in some 20NL now anyway cos I'm happy to with £600+ and still gonna crush my target. I started with £170 at the end of August wanted wanted 50BIs @ 20NL within 12 months (£1000) and I'm on £630 after like 3 months, I've said for ages I'm gonna reach my target within 6 months imo.
DTD3 I had about 8k only about 1hour and that's the 2.5k starting stack so pretty decent...
Got it in on the turn with KK on 8Q3Q against A8... sigh of relief that he aint got the Q... 8 on the river.
Then I get most of my chips back off the same villian. Then another hand with same villian, get it in on the turn with A2ss on 835Ass against 84, so he aint even got spade 8s or 4s to hit... binks a non-spade 4 to take me out... sigh.
Was like 2nd out of 60odd in DTD2, got it in on the flop with just flush outs to dodge, but no such luck, left me with a bowl which was quickly distributed to the table.
So that'd take the BR down to about £627 but once I was down to 1table I had a few £10 Hypers going on the side and made a few quid there
Hands Played: 53,476
Bankroll: £645.37
Profit/Loss: -£173.48
Poker Points: 1030 (£10.30)
Played an all-in sat for UKOPS 2 tonight, dunno why cos I didn't even wanna play it tbh, and didn't get round to buying in direct first so I could take the cash, guess it would force myself to pay attention in an MTT for once. Didn't win that anyway.
Played the £3.30 Orfordable, folded for years then 3bet jammed into AA w/ QJs... no binking there.
Played a £2.20 scary, can't even remember the exit but it was early and didn't bother rebuying.
Then played a load of Hypers and won some moniez. Probably gonna play some more actually... but here's the update for now.
Hands Played: 53,476
Bankroll: £655.37
Profit/Loss: -£173.48
Poker Points: 1259 (£12.59)