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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Sigh only got to play 1 more cos now I got boyfriend duties to be getting on with, but I won it.

    Hands Played:     53,476
    Bankroll:              £664.87
    Poker Points:      1264 (£12.64)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Got another good session in tonight on the Hypers. I'm playing 100% £10s now and have been for the past like 4 sessions ish, and will continue to unless I have some horrid run that drops me below 50 BIs @ £10s.

    Not keeping track of games but earned about 150 poker points so that's about 30 games and won £47

    Feels like another big milestone getting to £700+, the big one is when I reach 4 figures for the first time.

    Gonna be reducing my pokering for a little bit though cos I got an absolute TON of books for Xmas that I wanna crack on with reading and I got a few Xbox games that I also wanna crack on with so scaling back the pokering a bit just for a little while.

    Hands Played:     53,476
    Bankroll:              £711.87
    Poker Points:      1397 (£13.97)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Was bored so I played another 10-15 games and won £14

    Hands Played:     53,476
    Bankroll:              £725.87
    Poker Points:      1457 (£14.57)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Got in about 50 games today, not much to report really, bit up and down as you can expect with Hypers, then hovered around break even for a bit before finishing up with a profit of £24.50

    One half decent day tomorrow and I should be able to finish out the year on £800+ (with my C4P)

    Hands Played:     53,476
    Bankroll:              £750.37
    Poker Points:      1712 (£17.12)

    My lifetime graph on SS for SnGs:

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Played the £11 Turbo last night which ended very quickly after the hand I posted in the clinic, wouldn't normally play an £11 MTT but I'm a bit better rolled for them now and it had ridic overlay that I couldn't turn down.

    So that took me down to like £740. Played a load of Hypers today, started badly again, was probably £70 down at the lowest point, but got it back for a £9.50 profit. Might play a few more later just to get me to 2k points... nits can't turn down a free fiver lol.

    Hands Played:     53,476
    Bankroll:              £748.87
    Poker Points:      1927 (£19.27)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Right, that's me done for the night, and the month and the year. I just needed to play about 10 games to get to 2k so that's what I did. Didn't appreciate a little spurt of regs appearing though, had to play a few tougher games, but I managed to just about make £2.50 profit and I got to 2k points

    Hands Played:     53,476
    Bankroll:              £751.37
    Poker Points:      2002 (£24.02)

    It's hardly changed since the other post I did but I thought I might as well post my SS stats for SnGs. Hopefully New Years Eve next year I'll look back at this and see how much I've progressed.

    Happy New Year All!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Seen as it's a new year, fresh start and all that, I'm gonna listen to people's advice and remove the profit/loss thing that just confuses people as it only relates to cash. I'll still be keeping track of it in my spreadsheet for cash so will probably give updates on how I'm doing in cash as I go but just less often. Might as well ditch the 'Hands Played' thing as well cos it's basically meaningless.

    Dunno what my plans are for the month/year yet so I'll just go with the flow till I have a think, but one thing is for sure, I am not leaving cash behind by any means.

    Played some Hypers today anyway and made a small loss of £23.50

    Bankroll:   £727.87 (£24.02 C4P to come)

    Points:      135
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Was having a chat with Dohhhh the other night about whether I'm just on a sick heater or not at Hypers cos I am doing pretty well so I got PatWalsh to scope my HU SnGs from 1st October to date and it's...

    Games Played: 1,179
    Average Profit: £0.37
    Average Stake: £5.97
    ROI: 4.5%
    Profit: £438
    Rating: 65

    Well happy to know this recent form isn't just unrealistically good. Like if my ROI was 10% I'd know there's no way I can keep that up but I always knew 4-5% was acheivable at Hypers :)
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2013
    good luck for 2013, play the games you beat -
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Another good night at the tables although it didn't start too well. Playing £10s (hypers) again, got off to a bit of a mare about was abuot £70 at one point, my opponents just kept smacking flops and there aint much you can do when they're doing that. But things picked up, I bumped into a very good reg (unfortunately) a few times, managed to get a couple of wins, and that set me off on a bit of a monster winning streak and managed to turn that £70 loss into a £56 profit.

    Well frustrating cos I'd decided that the game I just lost would be my last regardless of the result but really wanted to win just cos it would push me over £800. Got it in once in a standard 60/40, can't even remember who was the 60 but postflop I was ahead until the river came down to take us back even, then we got it in A4 v Q4... I sigh as the first card out is a Q but then there's an A on the flop too :) but river is another Q... ah well.

    Does mean I'll be £800+ when I get my C4P though.

    Bankroll:   £783.87 (£24.02 C4P to come)
    Points:      375
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Pretty horrific night on the Hypers tonight, knew it was coming to be fair, I think I've played abuot 15-20 sessions since I started playing Hypers again and only had 1 very small losing session which is pretty ridiculous. So I knew I had it coming, was just hoping I could keep it below £100 loss but sadly it was just not to be tonight. Swings and swongs in Hypers but I love 'em.

    I won't bore you with details but I played 62 games and barely won a single flip all night, literally like 1or2, lost soo many 70/30s, 60/40s and 40/60s, and one thing that's always massively frustrating lost like 5-6 games from the stacks being like 900 v 100. You gotta expect that every now and then but I had a lot of 'em tonight.

    Either way, the loss is £151 dead on. Felt pretty rubbish abuot it but I looked at my SS after the session and realised in the grand scheme of things, it's still a fairly small dip in comparison to recent results. My BR is still far bigger than it ever has been (and C4P to come) and hopefully I've got that nasty session out the way.

    Bankroll:   £632.87 (£24.02 C4P to come)
    Points:      685 (£5.48)
  • TPTP123TPTP123 Member Posts: 492
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £783.87:
    Pretty horrific night on the Hypers tonight, knew it was coming to be fair, I think I've played abuot 15-20 sessions since I started playing Hypers again and only had 1 very small losing session which is pretty ridiculous. So I knew I had it coming, was just hoping I could keep it below £100 loss but sadly it was just not to be tonight. Swings and swongs in Hypers but I love 'em. I won't bore you with details but I played 62 games and barely won a single flip all night, literally like 1or2, lost soo many 70/30s, 60/40s and 40/60s, and one thing that's always massively frustrating lost like 5-6 games from the stacks being like 900 v 100. You gotta expect that every now and then but I had a lot of 'em tonight. Either way, the loss is £151 dead on. Felt pretty rubbish abuot it but I looked at my SS after the session and realised in the grand scheme of things, it's still a fairly small dip in comparison to recent results. My BR is still far bigger than it ever has been (and C4P to come) and hopefully I've got that nasty session out the way. Bankroll:   £ 6 32.87 (£24.02 C4P to come) Points:      685 (£5.48)
    Posted by Lambert180
    hey fella, 

    Keep your chin up... wish i noticed current update yesterday... would've chimed in with poker is always easy when you winning but its when you start loosing that it gets wildy tough.  And when your on some rungood just play as much as you can to exploit the variance for the maximum £££s and dont be scared of monsters under the bed in terms of its all going to downswong. 

    I've had periods like that in the past...  and for me personally its when i get cocky that my graphs start crash and i either don't concentrate ie autopilot really badly, fps ridic amounts more then usual or tilt off a months worth of hardwork trying to put in a breakeven session where i've lost 4 flips in the first 3 hands. 

    So if i did notice this before hand I would've chimed in with.. exploit it the the upswinging to the max but when it stops becoming the norm, realise that you were on a heater, rinsed it for as much as possible, and now its backto BAU and don't let the results cause you to lose more then you would prior to upswong. because of the change of mindset that winning gives you when can't do anything wrong. 

    Hope that helps, sorry its a bit late!!!  By way you should def be playing 20nl with this bankroll if you do mix in some cash...anything lower than that and your burning money via rake... even if its just 1 table TV table on a thur/fri/sat.... but thats easy for me to say

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2013
    sick - ul - gl
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    hey lambert encountered you tonight dont normally play hypers been grinding turbos for while, should of beat me in one game i sucked out on the turn, just how it goes in some spells as ive started to realise in turbos, had a similar night on them about a month ago think i ended down 150 which was my first proper bad session at HU made sure in the next session i made notes on every game and important hands just to ensure i didnt have a dip in confidence and change my usual style of play. Anyway i keep an eye on this and enjoy reading your views and your updates keep up the good work, was interested to see your roi for hypers since october, i would be interested in finding out mine for turbos since october as i have started to grind them alot more and done quite well, what would you say is a large enough sample of games to know whether you are actually a consistent winner?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Cheers chaps.

    As I said, it was always gonna happen cos Hypers are super swingy and it's just helped massively that this happened after ages of winning rather than happening right at the start of playing them.

    Yeah I remember playing you Benc towards the end of my session, was definitely tilted by that point and made some shocking calls against you lol.

    It's hard to say about sample size, and I'd say the more swingy they are, the bigger sample you need. It's easier to tell if you're a winning player at Turbos for instance than at Hypers over the shor-term imo. Just take last night, I know that I outplay 90% of opponents at my level but 62 games says otherwise! Get 1000 games done (very do-able in 1 month) and you should have a good idea.

    Cheers for the advice TPTP, albeit a tad late lol, but yeah I've had similar conversations with Dohhh before. I think sometimes people don't realise what forms rungood can take... it isn't always getting it in bad and binking, sometimes it's constantly coolering people, sometimes it's being lucky enough to have someone jam bottom pr when you're sat there with TP or whatever... sometimes even it takes the form of you 2tabling hypers and both opponents disconnecting for 2 free wins (happened the night before last lol).

    P.S. I'll definitely be playing 20NL when I go back to cash.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Very small 'session' if you can even call it that cos I was too caught up in a debate and knew I wouldn't be playing my A game while chatting elsewhere and more than ever I don't wanna be playing lazy after last night.

    Small profit of £3.50 anyway

    Bankroll:   £636.37 (£24.02 C4P to come)
    Points:      750 (£6.00)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited January 2013
    Never played hypers on a reg basis and don't intend to tbh.

    You say a session like the one you had other night is pretty standard. How many bi's do you give yourself when playing these? You sticking with em or moving back to cash asap? Finally, why don't you play many MTT's?

    Soz for all the questions but I read this a lot and I'm just curious :)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Nah I love questions Waller and no-one ever asks me them :(

    1. Yeah it was -14 BIs which is horrible but if you play something as small as even 50 sessions, it probably is gonna happen, but likewise you will have winning sessions of that size too (if you're good).

    2. I like to have a bare minimum of 50BIs for these. To be honest 50 BIs might not even be enough but it's what I've always used and I'll always happily step down a level if the bad times go on longer than expected and I drop much below like 35-40 BIs.

    3. I aint gonna be going back to cash asap, I will be playing more again though, probably try out some 20NL but will be keeping going with the Hypers, still playing £10s. Won't stop playing £10s until I go below £500 which touch wood will never happen.

    4. I think I'm pretty decent at MTTs, not great but probably good enough to do ok on Sky. They're also one of the games I enjoy the most, there's nothing like FTing an MTT. My issue is the variance involved in them, I know that Hypers are super high variance but the results are so much quicker, it's the sitting there doing well for 2 hours and getting nothing that I can't stand. I should play some MTTs along side my other games but I could never be someone who plays just MTTs, I'd find it soul destroying.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Phew, that's just what I needed, a good night on the Hypers to get back some confidence after the other night. It didn't start so well, few times I got it in good with things like 2pr, TP and they rivered str8s/flushes etc, thought I was off to another bad 'un but I hung in there and managed to turn it around.

    Finished with a profit of £65 and a mental plus of being back over £700 again (and still yet to receive C4P). Told ya Waller, swings and swongs ;)

    Bankroll:   £701.37 (£24.02 C4P to come)
    Points:      900 (£7.20)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited January 2013
    N1 m8 and thanks for your reply.

    I only play mtts now. Cash was soul destroying for me, I'm a terrible HU player and I find mtts the most enjoyable......each to their own and all that.

    I would like to have another go at cash in the future though as it is where the money's at (if you're good enough and I obv wasn't)

    Good to see you back on winning ways :)
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