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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Yeah I can understand that Waller, cash can be pretty soul destroying when it feels like you're just handing money over hand over fist.

    Anywayz, another small winning session tonight, made a profit of £15, not bad considering I only played 10 games.

    Bankroll:   £716.37 (£24.02 C4P to come)
    Points:      950 (£7.60)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Hmm... where do I start lol. Aint posted for a week cos it's been a rubbish week and I just really didn't wanna have to post it but can't put it off forever.

    It's stupid really, all started from Monday just gone... played the DTD, as you all know I NEVER go really deep in MTTs lol. Got down to like the final 40ish of two of them, was doing really well then a couple of horrible spots put me out something like 39th and 44th. Even though they're tiny stakes and even the money up top isn't that big a deal, it was the principle of me never running good at the sharp end of tournies that put me on tilt lol.

    Been spewing pretty much since then. Booted up a load of Hypers after the DTD, actually played really well in them, got it in good SO many times it's unbelievable, but I've had a good run on them and the time had to come for me to lose all my 70/30s etc and it did.

    Trying to think what I've done since then. Played a £5 HU BH Shuffle, busted V first oppo, played another one and came 2nd for just over £30, big sigh though cos HU FTW I had a 2:1 CL and got it in K7 v J9, a hold there nearly doubles what I cashed for but oh well.

    Played a lot of Hypers and run pretty bad, more tilt got me playing £21s lol which actually didn't go as bad as it could have, think I'm probably break even, or maybe a bit up from £21s, although SS could well prove me wrong. I did beat Nutter though :p lol.

    Played a few satellites but won no seats. Played a few £5 MTTs but no binks. Was doing great in the £2.20 Speed Rebuy £250 GTD last night, think I was 5/20, dunno how many started but it was 11 paid so I'm guessing like 100ish, great position, lost a few races against shorties and ended up out within minutes.

    Oh yeah I played some 20NL too, doubled up really early, flopped set v OP, loving it, donked some back, ended up about break even, maybe £1 up something

    Either way, I've just been entering games with wreckless abandon not even paying attention to what I'm playing, had no patience at all when playing, trynig to win tournies in the first level etc, donked off a big chunk of my BR... BUT on reflection, even after this terrible week, my BR still a lot higher than it ever had been prior to like November last year.

    Result = got quite a few points, lost a lot of money, didn't really enjoy playing for a week.

    Back hopefully refreshed now, decided I'm gonna try to play more MTTs and satellite into bigger MTTs more often. I see some truly terrible players getting big binks in the big Sky MTTs, players I know I'm miles better than so can't be all that hard eh ;)

    Still gonna be playing cash with a few Hypers. Satellited into the Primo Semi @ 6pm tonight for £2.60 (or whatever that cheap sat costs), going for a big bink tonight imo :p

    Bankroll:   £528.74
    Points:      1688 (£16.88)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited January 2013
    Just seen that you are buying into the primo tonight (hope you make the money back in the semi).

    What was the reason behind this? You are normally very good with your BRM.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2013
    hi Lambert

    loving the diary

    not totally stupid to make money from what you are good at (for you - hypers) and invest it in what you enjoy - mtts?

    if you just want to play sats - or happy to enter direct is up to you - enjoy - and glgl
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Hi Waller,

    It's a combination of things really...

    Decided to live a little. All the money in my account (minus £20) isn't money from my bank account, it's money I've won, and being a massive BR nit gets a bit boring lol. Granted if I was playing for a living, I would be a BR nit, but I'm not I'm playing for fun.

    Unless I have some horrendous bad run, I don't think I'm ever gonna go broke on Sky cos I can always go lower to levels where I know I can win.

    And as I said in this diary not too long ago, I treat the money on here completetly different than I do in the real world. Like £55 for a Primo in poker world seems enormous, but I'm quite financially comfortable (not rich by any means lol) so if I was playing a £55 tourney live I literally wouldn't even give it a second thought.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Cheers Geldy, definitely gonna be investing more in MTTs, I want that big bink that I've never experienced. It's quite funny that my biggest ever MTT bink was when I just started playing online and didn't have a clue about the game.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £528.74:
    Cheers Geldy, definitely gonna be investing more in MTTs, I want that big bink that I've never experienced. It's quite funny that my biggest ever MTT bink was when I just started playing online and didn't have a clue about the game.
    Posted by Lambert180
    chin up buddy you will get back on winning terms soon you defo have a good game to beat the games you play.

    I also agree with you they are a lot of players that get big results on sky that I don`t really rate but thats the joy of mtts you don`t need to be best to win but if its cash in long run the best player will win thats how I prefer cash imo.

    but yeah I had early sucess on sky with a few big scores a couple of years ago when if i`m being honest I was totally rubbish not saying i`m good now but I have improved a great deal over last 2 years and just can`t catch a break in a big mtt now maybe I used all my run good lol.

    but yeah good luck in the primo tonight m8.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    I bought in direct, but then I played some 20NL mastercash while I was waiting for it to start and stacked someone for the full 200xBB, so finished about £44 up so that's practically the Primo paid for :)
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited January 2013
    not daring to play 10nl w/ 400bb to buying direct into the primo lol. what a turn around!
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2013
    ) I thought it read 200NL for a minute - good luck - hope u bink
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Grrrr is all I can say (not angry at you Waller, just at variance lol).

    I went quite far in the main, but got crushed when I 3bet jammed AJ into KQ and he got there, left me with a bowl which I grinded until I eventually jammed A5 into AJ, flopped the 5, turned the J, annoying but can't complain about that one.

    Going really good in the mini though, lost a massive flip AK v TT for a massive stack, grinded it back up blind stealing, got down to the final 12, jam AQ into A6 and Mr Waller rivers his 6 lol. Left me with 2xBB which I shortly shared out to the table. Win that and I'm guaranteed a FT so like £100 minimum, £500+ FTW... instead I got £22. One day I'll not run bad in the final stages of an MTT.

    You better go and win it now Waller!

    But hey, who'd have thought it, I bought in direct to the Primo and thanks to my time on Mastercash and cashing in the mini I actually made a profit on the day, albeit a profit of about £3 lol.

    Bankroll:   £531.40
    Points:      1765 (£17.65)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited January 2013
    Apologies there m8....was short myself and figured (more like hoped) you were shoving any 2. Not the best call I've ever made!!
    I didn't win anyway (rightly so)...finished 6th

    Wp anyway, you should play mtt's on a more reg basis...very tough player
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £531.40:
    Apologies there m8....was short myself and figured (more like hoped) you were shoving any 2. Not the best call I've ever made!! I didn't win anyway (rightly so)...finished 6th Wp anyway, you should play mtt's on a more reg basis...very tough player
    Posted by waller02
    Nah your call was fine, 4 handed and I've got 10xBB, any A is miles ahead of what I'll jam that button with. You got unlucky to walk into the very top end of my range, you could just have easily have called and been up against 89o.

    Yeah I did rip up the table for a bit while we were short handed, cos everyone was just too tight.

    Well I'm playing the DTD tonight so maybe I'll get the FT I've been waiting for.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Yeah baby!!! I did get the FT I've been waiting for, and not only that, I went and took it down :)

    1st place in the £2 DTD1

    Lambert180    1130000    1    £121.41
    badbeatash    0    2    £72.46
    jamboGJ    0    3    £43.21
    spudefc    0    4    £33.99
    ann735    0    5    £28.93
    FLASHJONNY    0    6    £24.23

    Did ok in the other 2 but who cares :p Real nice boost to my BR

    Bankroll:   £647.31
    Points:      1770 (£17.70)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited January 2013
    N1 m8 wp.

    More mtt's ftw........dunno why you don't devote a month to purely playing these I'm pretty sure you will be pleased with the results.

    Seriously, there are loads of ppl I don't want on my table and you are def on the list. You are a far better player than me and if I can stay in profit then just imagine what you could do.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Nice one Lambert180 actually had a search a bit earlier on and saw you were doing well, glad you took it down.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    I wasn't going to play tonight but then I come on to see this Turbo Tuesday thing. Sadly it aint on Hypers (yet) but Turbos did used to be my game of choice, and I do still believe there is a bigger edge at them but not necessarily enough to counteract how much slower they are, but seen as I'm getting double points it's like getting through the games twice as quick.

    Sadly, didn't go that well, so thanks Sky for encouraging me to play cos I was gonna give the HU a rest for a bit but hey I guess that's their job. Wasn't too bad in the end, something like £25 which considering I'm playing £10s is hardly a nightmare session.

    Definitely won't be playing Cash for a week or two, cos I aint sitting on a table with 3-4 regs exchanging BBs and them only getting it in with the nuts. And laying off the HU so I guess I'll have to play a few MTTs.

    Bankroll:   £622.06
    Points:      1965 (£19.65)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £647.31:
    N1 m8 wp. More mtt's ftw........dunno why you don't devote a month to purely playing these I'm pretty sure you will be pleased with the results. Seriously, there are loads of ppl I don't want on my table and you are def on the list. You are a far better player than me and if I can stay in profit then just imagine what you could do.
    Posted by waller02
    Cheers Waller, very kind words.

    As I've said, I aint going on the cash tables for the next week or two when they're so reg heavy so gonna have to be MTTs
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Just finished railing Tommy and Ryan who finished HU in the 5k BH, wp both... especially seen as Tommy decided to take down the ME while he was at it!

    Started off the night quite badly, played 2 x £5.50 TTs and busted both, one when I had a really good stack as well and could have folded for a half decent profit but obv thats not how I roll. Played some other MTTs but cant remember what.

    Played the £6 Sat into the £55 BH tonight, 29 runners, 2 seats + £49 and I just lost a flip to come 5th, pretty annoying but ah well.

    Played some 20NL again, got stacked early by an Evil Penguin, then stacked again about 2 mins late in a pretty sick spot where I got it in JJ v TT on 6728 and he binked his T on the river. Managed to get my stack up to £75 before leaving though so that was pretty much break even.

    Also though Id try out some HU cash, which was good fun (not so much when I kept losing races) until EP pointed out how bad the rake is, which is a bit annoying. Hard to say how I finished up with that, was 20NL again and someone sat down with £6, stacked them, someone sat down with £10 and spun it up to £30 then ran off, then someone else sat down with an actual full BI and I stacked him twice and left that with like £60 so about break even again I think.

    So basically near enough all my losses came from the MTTs which is pretty standard innit, cant win 'em all.

    Earned a poker point or two though lol.

    Bankroll:   £589.45
    Points:      2130 (£25.56)
  • bassripperbassripper Member Posts: 45
    edited January 2013
    so when you take out the massively lucky all in sats you 'won', your bankroll isn't reading amazingly is it.

    not bad for someone who is 'easily good enough to win' but hasn't shown any evidence of it so far
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