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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Played a £5.50 TT tonight... starts with 1k chips @ 25/100... UTG makes it 250 and I love life as I 3bet jam in the BB with AA, snaps me off with 99,  flops the 9, gg

    Bit of a sickener but what can ya do.

    Only like a 30 minute window to play cos I've got other stuff to do tonight so had no choice but Hypers ;)

    Dunno how many I played/won but for the night I've finished on £607.45 despite the donked off £5.50 so that's £23.50 profit.

    Anyone know how we register/when we can register for that 5k Freeroll. Never usually play FRs and the field will be big but can't turn down a 5k PP.

    Bankroll:   £607.45
    Points:      2173 (£26.08)
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited January 2013
    1000 posts on 'Lamberts Diary' Well Done Paul & GL With This!!

    ALSO, wanted to congrajulate you in this celebratory POST, on Your Selection For The HitSquad Elite APAT TEAM!!

    I am Proud to have such a Sensible, Well Rounded & Constructive Member Of OUR HITSQUAD!!

    [wish the others were sane...same i mean, pmsl!!]

    The Hitman
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Cheers Dave!

    I knew the 1000th post was coming soon but lost track over the last few days. Trust you to swipe :P

    I've been meaning to mention the APAT so I guess now is as good a time as any, to explain to everyone else. Basically The Hitsquad were lucky enough to get given a slot in the team event of the APAT (about 25 teams got turned away due to lack of spaces).

    Each team has 8 players, and I was chosen to represent the team :)

    25 teams of 8 so 200 runners. £400+40 BI (for the team) so £55 each. Top 100 players get points (1st getting 100, 2nd getting 99 down to 100th getting 1 point), 50% of the prizepool goes to the top 3 scoring teams, the other 50% goes to the individuals.

    Here's my table draw, feel free to chip in with info if you've heard of any of my opponents:
    8 1 Chris Waddington Lee Barrett Poker Night
    8 2 Duncan Wilkie WPT Poker Magazine
    8 3 Paul Lambert Sky Poker Hitsquad
    8 4 Keith Steffens Punters Lounge
    8 5 Frazer Bolt APAT South West
    8 6 Vicki Lambert Blackbelt Poker
    8 7 Tom Broadbent FISO
    8 8 Richard King APAT Yorkshire
    8 9 Gary Peniket {c} Hendon Mob
    8 10 Johnny Nixon Live Pub Poker League
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    So anyone that is in the Forum DTD FB group will probably already know by now that last night I decided to have a bash of HU cash against Sam Razavi lol...

    Sadly he was only say at 100NL+ tables and I kinda wanted to paly 50NL but I tthought ah well, I'm very comfortable playing a 50xBB stack so just bought in for £50 at his 100NL table.

    He won, although I don't feel like I was outplayed at all, felt like I gave him a good game and ultimately it came down to us getting it in pre and me losing a race and I don't regret my jam at all. I've paid £50 for the priviledge of this brag though so gotta get it in lol...
    LeChoss Small blind   £0.50 £0.50 £151.15
    Lambert180 Big blind   £1.00 £1.50 £49.00
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 9
    LeChoss Raise   £2.50 £4.00 £148.65
    Lambert180 Call   £2.00 £6.00 £47.00
    • J
    • A
    • 2
    Lambert180 Check        
    LeChoss Bet   £3.00 £9.00 £145.65
    Lambert180 Raise   £8.50 £17.50 £38.50
    LeChoss Call   £5.50 £23.00 £140.15
    • 10
    Lambert180 Bet   £10.00 £33.00 £28.50
    LeChoss Call   £10.00 £43.00 £130.15
    • 2
    Lambert180 All-in   £28.50 £71.50 £0.00
    LeChoss Fold        
    Lambert180 Show
    • 7
    • 9
    Lambert180 Win   £42.00   £42.00
    Lambert180 Return   £28.50 £1.00 £70.50
    I was quite happy with how I played and was tempted to give him another go but thought better of it. Played some £10 Hypers instead and won back £25 of what I'd lost so not exactly the worst night in the world considering I played HU cash with Sam Razavi lol.

    Tonight I played 2 tables of 20NL with a table of £10 HU Turbos on the side (only cos it's Turbo Tuesday, bigger edge, twice the points, easy decision). Cash I finished about break even, pretty sigh that the only big hand all night was me getting it in with a set of 4s V a set of Ks, but managed to win that back and finish with about £30 on each table (so covers the £20 I topped up after the set v set).

    Made a few quid profit on the Turbos too, so pretty much back to what I was before the Sam Razavi incident. Fair few points better off too.

    Bankroll:   £602.84
    Points:      2602 (£31.22)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £602.84:
    ya basing this over   a short session against sam razavi saying u dnt fee like u got outplayed long term over a long session n loads of hrs of play he would destroy u  ermmmmm moron
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    Just lol Donk... someone upset cos no-one was impressed by your little stunt?

    Move along son :)
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Just had a quick search never knew he played on this site, took all the self control i have not to sit down, no doubt i'd try a similar move to the one above and be snapped off by bottom pair though £100 down in a matter of minutes lol Nice brag though would love the buzz of playing some highstakes cash HU maybe one day, even though noone seems to play each other on sky must get boring sitting around for hours waiting for fish.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Tbh, with HU, as long as the stakes are low enough that I can afford to/dont mind losing then I wouldn't fear playing anyone.  Obviously against any decent player I'm not gonna have much of an edge but I don't think they'd have a big over me either, which is why most of 'em bumhunt for someone who can't tie their own laces.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2013
    In Response to a:
    Tbh, with HU, as long as the stakes are low enough that I can afford to/dont mind losing then I wouldn't fear playing anyone.  Obviously against any decent player I'm not gonna have much of an edge but I don't think they'd have a big over me either, which is why most of 'em bumhunt for someone who can't tie their own laces.
    Posted by Lambert180
    there's confidence for you - is that the right word?
    meanwhile bankroll nit or shark hunter - which is the real Paul Lambert?
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2013
    If you don't mind losing then obviously your not going to fear anyone.
    Kinda the same mentality that these rich business men have in macou and elsewhere " o it's only 50,000"

    Nothing to gain. nothing to lose playing pros - just a thrill init if you win and nice bluff for the TV )

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £602.84:
    If you don't mind losing then obviously your not going to fear anyone. Kinda the same mentality that these rich business men have in macou and elsewhere " o it's only 50,000" Nothing to gain. nothing to lose playing pros - just a thrill init if you win and nice bluff for the TV ) )
    Posted by rancid
    Well I always mind losing lol but I mean like, if I was playing 10NL HU cash, and I 4bet jammed with AK, got called by 55 and lost a flip, I'd just go meh no big deal, if I did that at 200NL HU cash (with my current BR), I'd feel pretty sick lol.

    So I mean like I was sitting down knowing that I could well play completely perfectly and still lose, but I was willing to risk that £50. I always want to win, whether it's poker or monopoly lol.

    But yeah, was more about a good bit of fun and knowing that I'm not even a big underdog to walk away up anyway, was certainly the first time in ages I've played online poker and actually felt excited.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited January 2013
    Good to see you coming out of your comfort zone and 'having a go' UL on it being a losing session, but at least you have still come out of it positive.
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited January 2013
    Playing Razavi? (I've donked £100 to him before)  What happened to the uber nit who wouldn't even take a shot at the ridiculously soft 10max cash tables!?

    And on the subject of them bumhunting, I've just tried sitting at 100NL vs someone called robocat, I've NEVER played them before yet 3 times they have sat out when I sit, then sit back in about 20 seconds after I leave... 

    EDIT: After sitting at their table for about 10 minutes they leave and start another 100nl table, tempted to sit there too just to annoy them.

    Who do these people wait for? Do they only play vs people who buy in short?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    I'd normally be in work at this time, or rather just heading home from work, but I've got Wednesday, Thursday and Friday booked off this week. It's Emma's birthday tomorrow and gotta use up some holidays so took a few days off. Got APAT this weekend too... should have booked the Monday off really.

    Had an afternoon session on the Hypers today anyway, only a short one cos I was nearly £60 up and said I'd play on till I lost one... lost the next game obv lol. Was nice to run quite good at Hypers, aint really had that for a few weeks now, was holding in all my AJ v 3T type races.

    Bankroll:   £647.34
    Points:      2657 (£31.88)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Was a pretty sigh night to start off with. Had the complete opposite luck in Hypers to what I had earlier, this time round I just couldn't win a game. Doesn't take long at £10s to lose a few bob so think I dropped just below £600 before delcaring that tonight was not my night.

    I did play some 20NL though which went much better than the Hypers. No massive profits, and I did get stacked when I got it in pre AKs v QQ and couldnt get there. Reckon I was at least around £60 on Hypers toight and have only finished like £10 down for the night so turns out 20NL was a decent profit of about £50

    All rough figures cos I've given up on being a nit information tracker.

    Bankroll:   £635.06
    Points:      2811 (£33.73)
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited January 2013
    lol believe me good hu players would have a v.big edge over u. go on stars and sit down w/ someone at 200nl+ and see if they sit out ;-)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months ------ Current Bankroll = £635.06:
    lol believe me good hu players would have a v.big edge over u. go on stars and sit down w/ someone at 200nl+ and see if they sit out ;-)
    Posted by percival09
    Lol yeah I have no doubt the best out there would be able to crush me.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Tonights 20NL started off in pretty sick (good) fashion, can't remember the last time I've ran like that in cash, was 3 BIs up within about 10 mins of sitting down. Flopped the K-high flush and got someone happy to get it in on the flop (50xBB stack) with TP. Then flopped nut str8 and got it in, can't remember what against now but I won, the rest was alot of 3bet and cbet, take it down type pots.

    The next 15 mins were a bit annoying as I handed most of it back though lol, still managed to finish about £10 up on cash though so can't complain too much.

    Also played 2 Hypers along side and won them both, so another +£19 there.

    Bankroll:   £664.52
    Points:      2860 (£34.32)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited January 2013
    Can't believe you are playing poker on your gf's birthday.........tut tut
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited January 2013

    I'm sitting in small blind ace six of spades, 800/ 1600 blinds. One caller (massive chip leader) he has 170k and has been making a lot of moves.

    B/b checks, flop comes come down with 2 spades and Jack High.

    I check, bb checks, button raises 4800, im sittin with 45 k, and jam.

    Original raiser calls with 10 j, off suit.

    Board runs out pair of jacks hold.

    Just wondering how would others have played the hand, i was thinking i can bring the pot down there or at worst it was a coin flip.

    Wonderin now if i should have just peeled off another card hopin 2 hit flush.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Well I'll just give a brief update of how the APAT went. There were 25 teams of 8 (so 200 runners), the top 100 got poitns with 100th getting 1 point up to 1st getting 100 points. THS got 5 into the top 100 with 4 of us going relatively deep (63rd, 51st, 44th and 28th) so as a team we finished 7th out of 25 which is certainly respectable for a first go.

    I did ok (I came 63rd) but was a pretty frustrating day, I bust out shortly before the end of Day 1 and managed to go about 12 hours while only making literally about 2-3 hands all day which were better than 1 pair. Virtually everything pot I took down in the whole tourney was a semi bluff or more often than not just a stone cold bluff.

    Couple of crucial hands not long before I busted... folds to the SB who jams into my BB with J7o, I snap him off with 77 and lose. That leaves me with 11-12 bigs, so I open jam a few hands later with AK into JJ and lose. That leaves me with 2 bigs which someone I manage to spin up to 11 and then jam 45s from the button into A9 and can't get there. Great fun all the same though.


    Then tonight I didn't get off to much of a start, played 2 x £3 all in sats to the 30k roller, first one I get dealt AA in the first hand so I'm happy but obv it's 6 handed so you can never be that happy, got cracked by 84 on the river. No seat for me in either.

    Played the £2.20 Scary, bust, rebuy, bust, rebuy, bust, time to call it a day lol so £6.60 lost there (please stop raking rebuys!!)

    Thought I'd go play some 20NL cos there were no decent MTTs coming up that I wanted to play. One thing I have noticed of late is that I'm doing much better at cash with a couple less tables. I can play 6 'comfortably' but it's still a lot more robotic and I think I'm missing out on spots to exploit people when I can't give it full focus.

    So the last few weeks I've only been 3-4tabling and whether it be the extra concentration I have on each table or maybe just some rungood but I seem to be doing better anyway. Tonight I played for about an hour a half and finished about £35 up so covered my MTT spew and then some :)

    Probably not going to play much for the rest of the month but definitely wanna make sure I get the extra 63 points for 3k cos it's like an extra £10 for practically no work.

    Bankroll:   £685.53
    Points:      2937 (£35.24)
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