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craigcu12 diary.



  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited March 2015
    Today i my poker was played for most the day on nl4p, at 10pm, i had done an hour of master cash knowing the TV could make it easier to read who if any were maniacs. My master cash itself had saw me achieve £50,48 alone, those who were watching the TV wiill likely have seen the one hand that played it's part, weather or not it was a bluff or just a one of them maniacs, i don't know but it won me a pot size of £40. another MS maniac also won me £8 playing J8o and a when you know their is so many maniacs i didn't fold my JJ and therefore the deceptive QQ lost having hit set OTT.

    They might have been bad yesterday but today was a much better day for sets, I did lose with some of my sets but these ones were a more standard loss to things like straight and flush, not runner runner full houses.

    Having played on so many nl4 it's going to be hard to give a precise figure of my overall totals, my reacent points tally tells me I can sometimes play on uge numbers of cash tables and the combination of 50 buy ins and the tables consisting of short stacks, I opted to play on as many as 15 tables together!

    MR at this point is £275.28
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary- cash tables alone:
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary- cash tables alone : hey.hey.i was on his right last nite im not that bad am i...oh..i am :)
    Posted by stokefc
    Awkwerdddddddddddd ;-)
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary- cash tables alone:
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary- cash tables alone : hey.hey.i was on his right last nite im not that bad am i...oh..i am :)
    Posted by stokefc
    Ha ha was not you... I don't know if the person it was had ever played online poker before, but totally used every ounce of their 'beginners luck' :)
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited March 2015
    the score is now donks 2- 1 myself, after the good cash won from that master cash donk, today it was the turn of nl4 gamblers and donks, one donk with A7 managed to defeat me on the turn going all in, had it been AA, i would have folded most days on a board 10 9 8 6 but it's a different matter when you hold set, i might be loosing to any 7 but having seen him do a few donks including a one on the flop, i not certain to be losing, still even if i was, i still have 12 outs and had commited most chips in the pot, another donk who got lucky with a straight who'd over valued TP WK (A8), i would have beat him most days with AQ but he was lucky enough today, the worst loss came when 43s too a chance shipping preflop, he defeat my AA with a flush. It wasn't all a case of donks, there were some coolers and the odd bad call as well, there were also some donks who didn't get so lucky and faced a decent hero call on the river and others failing to get me to fold after 4 streets of betting.

    OVerall the poker today give my BR a knockdown to £236.35 but you could say it's the donks getting their own back having saw me upset one on master cash.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited March 2015
    Today had another bit of loss, but it wasn't so much maniacs, I just didn't think careful enough about some of my play, KK for instance should have been able to get away from AA having call a 3bet preflop and saw a flop come QJ2cc, having the Kc myself made it all the more evident that i was behind, somehow it doesn't stop me calling down the streets.

    Overall I don't really care about these losses at all because the whole point of my poker tonight was purely and simply a form of fun and no matter how often i lost cash, I still was having a happy time and enjoying what was the final sky poker TV stream.

    So it is a sad day and that sadness comes from the loss of 861.

    BR itself £202
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited March 2015
    Before i type anything, I would just like to say "thank you" to those who created this weekend DTD, I had never attempted play in a live casino because offear being around strangers. What give me  the belief of attempting this one waas i did have a small prt of me with confidenc of them from the TV and forums. I would like to give a special thank you to those who assisted me in getting to grips with live poker and also those who assisted me on managing to catch the night bus back knowing how dangerous newcastle could be at night.

    The MTT itslef didn't seem to go too well, I had made a good start but then came a silly mistake of raising my AQs OTF 2 3 4 having got a 3bet done against me pre, That lost me about 20BB and my stack that was once above average, soo became average size before i too a riskk calling a extreme stacks 3bet jam with QJ vs AQ and went out having missed it.

    It was around 2pm at the time of this incidient and having still got lots of time before my plaaned bus arrives, I decided to attempt some cash tables and that was a different story altogether. When online the average size recommended to raise a hand by is 3BB, when it's live that's the smallest of raise sizes, The major standard of raising in a live table was between 8-16x BB! Early on in the cash, I was left feeling extremely disappointed, what happened is  I 3bet with JJ, a short stack 4bet AI, an 5th person did a 5bet jam leaving myself and the open raise to go and fold, when the hands were turned over, i got the shock of my life 72s and A10s+ the flop itself coming J75r so not only did i miss my set, i also lost out to 2 maniacs.

    Later on, I myself made a huge gamble, 3bet A10o pre and saw 642, i cbet and was shove, having opted to call, I got myself extremely lucking hitting an A OTT and him missing his open ended straight draw jammed with 33.

    When that hand was finished it was now a simple story really, I charged them large, they called, I cbet and take it down due to such tight game, I make over £180 in a day of pure cash, My total overall was still at a loss because of the stuipid play aagainst a sky community member on cash friday+ the £60 lossed from MTT. The great thing is but I loved this 100% and aim to now attempt occassional  cash play at the live casino and also make it to the other DTDS of north east.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited March 2015
    another day goes buy, another loss occurs, this loss was however caused from a entry into semi and then entry into mini roller having gained entry into the main event via the semi. Cash alone is at a winning today of £13.30 overall, My first part went having managed to leave a number of tables holding stacks above £15, i did get one chip stack over £27 but that table had started off very poorly seeing me reload £39.31. Whilst i was playing the semi, my tables had began going down hill, i was thinking now i would have not wanted to do an entry into the semi or should have taken the £110 instead of playing the main. Once i had exited the main, i went back for a final couple of hours play on cash and this was the best one, it had a combination of master class and l8p tables and achieved the best result of the night.

    My day overall was a loss of -£16.69  (18.31-£35)
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited March 2015
    MTTs and cash tables added together have produced a good cash prize today, It began when i first came back from cycling and spent some time on nl10p, during the last couple of days, i've seemed to get bad luck and lost money from a number of maniacs, perhaps i was playing the wrong cards or just didn't get the luck. Today it was my turn for the luck, a person who held A8 over bet the river and allowed me maximum value with set. The table dynamic during the evening seemed to be a very passive game, the main times we saw loose aggression was when a river card was used as an attempt to bluff.

    Cash games themselves were calm but I still got some form of maniac, it came in DTD  and 2, what happened was I isolated a limper and the flop came Q7x he shoved A7 and i called Qj the turn itself give him the A, that was me out. DTD 1 had a simular circumstance itself, this came when I hit top pair on flop and saw a fish shove 107 holding TP WK but got lucky when the turn and river give runner runner straight. When i first exited DTD1 and 2, i had decided to just leave DTD 3 and go total cash, I then decided to change my mind as  the cash tables were all full and I did have a mega stack on DTD3, having got the mega stack, i went on to win DTD 3 and with some  mattbates type game along the way.

    Overall my game today has finished just shy of the £100 totaling £99.31
    cash £52.30
    MTT £47.01
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,875
    edited March 2015

    oioi, nice one Craig.....

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited March 2015
    As it's so late, i'll make it a brief one, today has been a day purely and simply cash alone, first session was in the afternoon where i managed to make a total winnings of £9.67 through a large quantity of tables getting on average £5 winnings and two big table losses of £12.86 and £13.94.

    My second session in the evening was making it look as though i would be going into a loss the first 7 tables i had enter were making total losses of £32.18, when i switch tables i did start turning things round and whilst on master cash, i did receive some nice pots allowing me to go back into winnings, as the day was getting towards the end, i did suffer a large loss on one mastercash, so i decided whilst watching paul finish his stream, i'll continue poker for one final hour and having remain up, i had got back into a winning state through two table winning of £14.56 and £12.24.

    overall my total winnings today was £12.69

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    due to a broken mother board, i've missed most of the UKOPs, today i decided to attempt all the low UKOPs and also attempted the main event as well as the 3 DTDs, my thought now is call an end to the £5.50 BH because they involve extremely large amounts of luck, I'm not sure i've even final tabled a small stakes BH once and they can get really frustrating at times because of all the gambling that goes on. in DTD 2 i managed to achieve a stack of 20K (5000BB) at the early stage and that chip stack remained stable through but had it been a BH i sense it would have soon dropped back down to a starting stack. If I'm playing the main BH, I might play the mini, but anyother time i'll be better off using the time on cash tables, the prize pool of these £5.50 BH are not really that big unti.l i reach top 6 most other could just as easily be achieved playing 6 nl10p tables.

    topt loss £100 MTTs and rebuys

    £4 made on cash during the 30 minute play
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    today has been a day where my poker game has been great overall but it started off in a very loose aggressive way. Due to my own PC not working ATM, i'm having to use my sister's lap top and the problem i have with this is it does't have excel on it, therefore i'll not be able to give an exact figure of winning just a rough guess, MY BR is currently £225, I had played in a rebuy MTT and did give the turbo an attempt, as they didn't give a prize, i've already spent lost £33 and this indicates i've probably won an overall prize on cash of about £42,NOw i might have been able to gain an even greater winnings had I been more careful at the start, then again maybe it was the thought of now having a nl20p table along side my nl10p tables that made me play more carefully. 

    My very last session did feel a bit frustrating to begin with when this person was playing like a maniac and showing his junk afterwards, on two occasions he did a junk show off and then followed up with a monster hand, it was as if he hacked the cards and would guarentee himself the monster.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    My first attempt at a main event rebuy and my first prize in it, during the first hour of the tournament it was non stop premium hands, during the first 90 minutes alone, I was dealt 4 KK, 2 AKo  1 AKs and 2 AA. something tells me i should have went on to win this MTT or atleast finished on the final table, something mattbates himself would have certainly done, My mistakes came when i had been raised on a flop 444, OOP i should have just given up my A3s but somehow i called and then shipped it all in on the turn. later on i went on to get myself a chipstack back into the 50K when a large stack attmepted to make me fold his ship due to it being near the bubble. My next mistake cme when a 20 BB stack open raised, I myself had  30BB and done a 3bet raise in the SB with AQ, having seen him jam i make to call and get the deserved loss running into KK. All in all this MTT has make it clear where my mistakes lie as the premium pairs were certain to give pros a final talbe.

    My overall BR now stands at £41 and i'll be leaving this MTT winnings inside to make up for the losses i got during final UKOPS night
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    Today the poker has taken a turn, I had a very poor time during this afternoon, I was making aggressive bets that would charge the draws, unfortunately it was giving two pair hands the cash and like any low stakes poker, two pair combos are much more difficult to spot due to the fact you see things like K3o calling.

    When the darts finished, I opted to go back on a see if i could make a recovery, unfortunely nl10p were now dull consisting of very little action what so ever, had i been using my own PC, I would have just gone across to 888 poker but due to it being my sisters laptop, i decided to remain on sky poker playing some nl20 as my sister would have been too happy with me downloading the 888 lobbby.

    My BR after tonights game is £322
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    the general rule of good BR management would usually mean nl20p is not recommended when a BR stands at £300 but the fact I know these players so well, I'm thinking I may be able to play 6 tables of nl20p, Today I began on a number of nl10 and it went awful, What I found was bordom would begin kicking in because everything was getting limped and very little action occured, I did try being aggressive myself but that didn't do much good either and I kept having to reload, nl10p is a stakes I prefer when i can play 12 tables but due to such a small screen on the laptop, i'm left with just 6.

    nl20p did get some loose players, but it also had tight players and the thing about tight players is hey will not be in the pot everytime therefore my head wasn't getting so lost thinking about all the different hands.

    In the lost hour I also attempted some omaha and that went excellent, after just 20 minutes my chipstak tripled.

    All in all it still finished as a loss but My final few hours of nl20 saw me achieve 3 cash triple ups and a number of double ups too, so my BR now stands at £316
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    My current poker form seems to have lots going against me, usually i've managed to get two tables with stacks of £60+, I should be walking into big winnings, well today it was jus a way of ruducing all the big losses coming from back luck, people were frequently over bet jamming on flops happily taking a gamble, the difficulty about this was AK now fealt a much weaker hand, infact things such as 99 and 98s seemed stronger. after about 4 hours, i was beginning to feel like something was missing and then noticed without my own PC, I could only limit myself to 6 tables, when my own PC is onnected to the TV, the screen is big enough allowing me to play 15 tables but due to a small screen on the laptop, it can be a nightmare attempted to read the tables and stacking them onto of each other made things extremely confusing when I attempted to do so.

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    Ir's offical, i'm on an awful tilt at the minute, the issue is a combination of awful luck, bordom and not having my PC which when combined together are getting me frustated.

    I'm going to not play anymore poker now until i've got this meeting out of the way on thursday.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    I might have the ability to play nl20, but i've most certainly not got the BR for it, really, I don't even have the BR for nl10p the best thing for me at the minute is playing between 8 and 12 nl4p tables. Having made £27 in just 3 hours of nl4p, i'm going to give myself a target, that target is to get my BR built back to £1000 in 2 months, I might have some losses during the months but these losses should be tiny due to most playing not having a full chipstack to begin with, If i don't reach my target, I should now be able to remain more calmer as i've started reading the ment states of poker book. I will usually read 1 chapter of that book a number of times each week, that should allow me to undstand it clear enough and take it into my real game.

    If by sunday I still haven't made progress, there is always putting bets on against NUFC like i did on monday.

    The PL darts are tonight, so this should be me finished for today.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    If things continue going like this, i might be able to achieve £1000 in just a months worth of nl4p. Today I had 3 sessions,  each achieving a winnings toal of about £20. My first session of the day at 2:45pm had 17 pots whichhad seen myself winning or losing £1+, of those, 5 were £1+ losses and 12 were £1+ winnings. whilst most of the losses were caused from bad turn and river cards, I had made a bad call with AQ when i got Ch/R on flop K6K, later on I also should have saved myself £1 when a person who Ch/MR me on a 2nd heart turn shoved on the 3rd heart river therefore he was sure to have gone ahead, (actual hand of him was a straight hit on turn).

    My second session of the evening was at 5:15, that session certainly did see me gain chipstack of £10+ on a majority of tables but I also had required a couple of reloads in that session from coolers, I should really complain of course because  I too got a large quantity of coolers in my favour too such as Kj against J10 on a rive board K J 10 J 4

    My most interesting session of the night came in the 3rd session, when on nl4p a chipstack of £12 is quite a decent one to win itself but during the final session of the night, I had managed to make one of my chipstacks reach £21 The way it came was through a failed attempt to bluff 33 when i shipped on turn A K 5 4, i wasn't able to see 77 fold and therefore lost £2, The benifit of this bluff came when i'd hit a flush during the turn in a hand later on, his chipstack preflop was now £7.77,having got A10s i raised preflop, the flop comes Q88cc, having got the flush draw I made a full pot bet and was called by Kc10d when the turn came 6 clubs i'd held the flush and knowing he saw my bluff I did the bet on the turn and having saw him make the call on the turn, i overbet shoved the flush when the river came K thinking to myself well he's call 77 so the chances are he'll still stand a chance calling with Q and knowing clearly that any 8 or flush was certain to call overall that pot saw myself win £16.38 and put my chipstack over £20.

    The general thing about the game as a whole is when 93o can call pot size bets as long as I accept them bad luck, I should do fine.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    Having seen how much I made in the first two days of my 1K challenge, I choose to take a break over the weekend and watch some sport. My first day back has been another great day, I thought the challenge would be a difficult one but when i look at the number of poor calls i see being made on these tables, I think to mysself it won't be that hard to do and my real challeng should be to see if i can make 1K in just a months play, nl4 is sure to get callers most times therefore it;s just a case of knowing how much to bet based obnn the amount of danger cards.

    The session itself was 3 hours long, I made (edit) 32.70 overall and had 4 table stacks finishing over £12, as far as pots go, I had 11 pots where i commited £1+ and lost, of those i could say 3 were losses i made due to taking my hands too far, the number of pots i commited over £1 and won were a total of 40, the is a number of them which nl20 would have seen win ning alot less but that;s nl4, "I myself was a loose caller when i first started".

    being a Monday, I'd normally be joining the DTDs but this challenge has got me playing nothing else, i'll be just on nl4 for the next two months and get that BR built back, even if I make over £1k in just 1 month i shall continue to play nl4 for the second month.
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