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craigcu12 diary.



  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2015
    gl with the challenge craig. 
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    When looking back at the amount of times I went all in with a dominant hand and lost out post flop, it makes me regret not quitting whilst ahead at about 8pm. today maniacs were everywhen and the problem with having these maniacs is the can cause hand selection to become a nightmare, AK, Aq were getting into alot of all in spots preflop, I could make the simple decision and fold but in the long run the cash will be in my favour so i had to call, it was to same thing happening frequently post flop this time when i've held top pair, TK or overpairs, again they were made to go all in against donks on the flop frequently and on a number of occassions they had lost out.

    my total loss overall was £28.

    Next time i see luck going against me i shall attempt to quit.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited April 2015
    Don't quit when luck is against you unless that is sending you on tilt - if you are making the right decisions, the luck will head in your favour eventually.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2015
    You really need to understand variance

    If we tossed a coin we both have a 50 percent chance of winning

    So if we flipped 100 times what would the result look like

    We'll it would not be 50/50

    These 100 times could be in one day or over the course of 3 days


    Remember your only 100 percent to win if villain has zero percent
    Even if they have one percent it will happen

    Good luck
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary- cash tables alone:
    Don't quit when luck is against you unless that is sending you on tilt - if you are making the right decisions, the luck will head in your favour eventually.
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    When i said quit, I meant end my poker for that day not quit altogether, i've got over 50 nl4 entries so I don't care about a few bits of bad luck, besides, i'll normally gain back them losses through some strong betting on my other hands and that is what happened today, i was facing a loss but the fact i saw 88 call 3bet pre, cbet on flop and an AI on turn (Q972) this got me to begin doing pot size  bets with my decent hands because at the end of the day i'll still get called by these calling stations.

    when I said quit, i was talking about finishing my poker for that day or session, like today, that session too had a point where I wa getting a bit of winnings but I convinced myself to remain on the tables and soon things went bad again, had I quit like today, I would have made another small winning and in the end what is the point of me continuing to play poker when them tables were constantly  getting spots where an all in was happening preflop?

    The last few day i've been away due to being busy with other things nothing to do with quitting altogether my tilt is a thing i'm trying to work on ATM through the mental game of poker book.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited April 2015
    I know you were just talking about that session/day but I meant you shouldn't quit your session just because you see that luck is going against you because each hand is a new scenario and being the same session or a new session isn't going to make a difference. 

    Booking a winning session is meaningless and shouldn't influence your decision to quit - lets say you are £20 up but lose a £15 pot to only be £5 up and as a result you decide to quit to book a winning session. Now lets look at the scenarios that can happen if you don't quit:

    - The bad luck continues and you end up being £5 down before you decide you've played enough for the session and quit
    - The bad luck turns around and because of the good table you are on, you get back up to being £25 up and decide to finish the session as you've played enough.

    Now lets look at quitting the session and then your following session:

    - The bad luck continues into a new session and you lose £10 - the same as in other scenario
    - The bad luck turns around but because you aren't playing against the same "bad" players, you only end up winning £10 as opposed to the £20

    So to summarize: Only quit because you are not playing your A game anymore and may find yourself tilting if you get another bad beat. Don't just quit to book a winning session.

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015

    Before saturday, I might have had excuses for getting stressed out over a loss against a stupid hand but on saturday that had all changed when I was stupid enough to call an all in jam with 95o and went on to beat AK having hit trips in my live cash game. I wasn't in any form of negative tilt, infact i was in a more positive tilt having had such a great social time at the casino, I think the main reason behind that stupid move was I had been feeling so hyper now having had such a great time socially.

    getting back to my online basis, I've now got no excuse to not accept the badbeats that I get, I give Ak a bad beat against 95 so deserve to get them myself.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    before I talk about today, I explain myquitting opinon fully, basically i'll decide to quit whilst ahead if luck is going against me and it's getting quite late (11pm) 12pm-1am will usually be my bed time so a large loss can feel more disappointing and the chances are i'll no longer have time to recover as i've now got bed time to think about. At 9:30 tonight I was looking as though i'd be on a bad streak but i still had 3 hours remaining therefore i just took a small break before return about 10pm.

    As far as my overall game is concerned well it remained as a loss even after 10pm.

    I've became £10 and a large amount of these losses were due to myself having bad luck coing flipping AK. when played as a stand street by street value betting it was fin, the bad times for AK were always it's flips both when I held the AK and when my premiums came up against AK. One of my theories on this bad luck is maybe it's getting revenge on me knowing my 95o destroyed an AKo in live cash last saturday. It wasn't all bad luck, being so LAG I decided to call with KK on the turned (Aj8 Qdd) thinking he could well be playing a flush draw like this, unfortuntly it was infact 109o which went on to get extremely unlucky when a river came 10 giving me the more decent straight.

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2015
    due to the snooker, i've had little time free to play poker, today I've just played an hour and might have been on the verge of a loss had I not got the lucky river card, being such a maniac I couldn't help but call A10 when he overbet jammed the turn C, he did on this occassion hold the flush but the board paired again on the river allowing my two pair to become a boat.

    after this hour mr BR has reached 263.07
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015
    Now that i've got my own PC back, i will have to catch up with some college work therefore my challenge could be more difficult, I still have confidence of completing the challenge if my days remain as winning days, still have over a month to go.

    The bad run might have came to an end today, overall I made £47.32 and a great deal of that was from sets, usually when playing pocket pairs, you'd feel lucky if your pocket pair hits a set once, today a large majority of my pocket pairs would have flopped set 3 times in a day. I didn't have it all my own way, have got myself such a huge number of sets, i was sure to have lost out with some, twice came when I hit AAA still i made a grand total of £47.32, which should mean i've now reached £300 putting me 3/10 of the way towards the £1K target.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015
    today has seen me make another £37.73 of my £1K target, again I gained most of it from sets!
    I give an estimate of 1/3 my pocket pairs managing to achieve sets, this time it was the turn of QQ and 22. It certainly does feel like a very lucky point and will be likely to end soon ( hopefully not) because my reaction when I go behind is far calmer that it would usally be, I'm just expecting another one to win in minutes.

    my BR as it stands at the minute is £284.91, it should be over £300 when the C4p comes back in replacing the cash i'd withdrawn this week.

    I might not be playing any poker tomorrow because i'll be up most the night watching the boxing match and tomorrow i'll have the snooker world championship final.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015
    Today was not as tiring a day as I thought it would be, what happened was I'd fell asleep on the couch missing the boxing match, it didn't stop me watching the snooker mind, what i'd done is played poker on the laptop whilst the TV screen had the snooker up.

    When playing poker, I think my emotions ma have got the better of me at times, most if not all day, i've  been under the weather with a sore throat and cough, I tried to play some poker but it wasn't really at the correct time, my poker was played more out of bordom than anything and it wasn't long before I started getting wound up with donkeys.

    The amount of weak play certainly let me off, overall I lost about £18 from poor decision making, BR now stands at £256.

    Another depressing thing happening ATM is my football club, again they lost to leister and are now even closer to relegation, I've been saying for weeks now that I should put a bet on them getting relegated, now the odds at these times were about 50/1 and boy could i have been rich, saturday enough was enough, they might now be 5/1 but I just can't take it anymore so decided to place £10 on us being relegated, it's certainly between us and the scums
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015

    Although I'm unrelax due to a cold, I decided to still play a bit of nl4p thinking it’s a very easy game.

    My session was an early one and went quite well, overall I made £10.77 and some of the play that occurred during it gives an idea of what i mean. The session didn’t get off to the best of starts, the problem was the tables had a number of bingo player shoving everything in on flop, it did calm down 30 minute into the session, there was still over betting but this was done for a reason, one of these over bet jams cost me £4.29 the pot at the time was 56p and the board itself was 22 6 Q 3ccc, the opponent decided to jam £4.03 on a river andhaving got hold of the KJcc I made the call myself, once turned over i saw him reveal 22 beating my K flush with quads, I could have folded the flush if I wanted too but when looking at his play, it tells me he’d be just as happy doing a jamming a J high flush because all he’ll be looking at is his own hand,  later on in my session someone done a this type of thing himself only he had 42o which hit a straight on board 8765, the pot inself was 18p big and he shipped in a total of £3.28 into a pot 18p big and ran into myself holding 109, not only had he lost value from two pair and sets but he also lost out to the one hand that will call him.


    I was thinking of playing another session tonight but due to this cold,  the best thing is an early night.

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015
    today I choose to have 1 long evening session, it began at 5:55pm and went on till  11:54. The total I made during this session was £16.46 but i do question weather or not I was taking far too big a gamble calling the overbet jams, one occasion was when a player with £10 went L/AI I myself decided to take a risk with KJ, luckily enough it was in a flip but it didn't come and I was kicking myself after. Another incident occured when i'd held K7 in BB, the problem is i'd turn two pair but got Ch/MR, then this same player shipped £5 on a river, i'd took the brave choice hero calling and went to showdown against a set.

    I can talk about kicking myself over bad calls but the other side to this story is i'd also receeived great cash prize from other doing it with much worse, a person holding two pair went Ch/AI £3.52 on a board 1098 and went on to lose against my QJ straight, someone decided to 3bet/C 23o and tried to bluff trip on flop 998.

    the important thing is i'd still made £16.46 giving me BR now £277.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015
    Wednesday night was a better night in cash prizes with a total winning of £34.86. What might have been a key benifit to this was myself not be as kind to the shoving donks, at the end of the day the pot contains usually 36p so long run it will be a loss calling these £4 shoves, one person learned it the hard way when he'd jammed £4 into the £1 pot, held top pair decent kicker (KJ) and got called by set, i did still go on to lose it as a flush draw decided to also call and went on to hit his draw.

    During todays poker session I'd began with 8 table, then when I noticed shoving on flops become frequent I choose to play on 12 tables and for the final hour i'd spent my time playing on 15 table because my thought is if people are shoving sack £2-£4 ito small pots, i'll  just put more time into other cash tale and let them continue, hopefully i'll be given a set or premium pair ready and waiting for these donkeys.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015

    Had my first session of poker today at 2pm. played for 3 hours and won £8.38. The session as a whole was good but I did seem to become lost when i become HU, playing on 12 tables, I should have just quit but what i was thinking is the table would soon see  new person join it, so continued playing and started becoming confused, when I began to see my play directed into other tables, I managed to make a reaction quickly enough whereby i’d just limp in the HU hand  and let him do his min donkey bets knowing it’s going to see me lose no less than I lost raising my hand pre.


    After watching the premier league darts I went back for a second session, this session was two hours long and was a bit troublesome at the beginning. From 10pm in the evening nl4 begins to get a number of bingo players, I attempted to play on an extremely large number of tables and wait for premium pairs knowing that these maniacs will ruin the normal poker game, the problem was it caused my tables to begin freezing so I reduced the number to between 12-15 and continued playing my natural game, some of the nonsense seen by these maniacs was a person with Q3cc ChMR a flop 1085dd and AI on the 9 turn, i held JJ at the time and was looking to win but J comes on river. Another maniac that got lucky was a person who’d shoved £2 preflop holding J5s myself had AK so made the call but went on to lose AK also lost to Q4s, not ever maniac was so lucky, a person who’d been jamming came up against me called 52o on flop 10108 and did a donk on a turn Qhh, I myself happily called him and when he shipped the river i again called therefore winning £8.41 pot with JJ.


    Overall i've made a total cash prize today of £14.28, BR itself now £324.85

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015

    Yesterday had been an extremely busy poker day. Overall i’ve had 3 sessions and made a total loss of £14.06.


    My first session began at 1:30 and saw me make a loss of -£8.45, I probably had rushed too quickly into cash poker because at the time i’d just finished having a stressful meeting, my thought was that being nl4, I could still gain a cash prize whilst frustrated but it turned out, I was wrong. It wasn’t all bad news because that session had revealed a few of my mistakes and times i’ve been losing value.


    I took a break for an hour had tea and got myself into a much more relaxing mood at 6pm, so I spent another 3 hours playing and made a winnings of £7.81 in this session. At 8:30pm things took a nasty swing and saw a few bad beats occur, AK vs 52o lost me £3.81 when the board came AK6 4 3, JJvs 23 lost me £3.47 on a board Q103 K 2, I could consider myself meant to lose this one mind as he’d 3bet me pre before shipping the flop, the reason i’d called of course was because i’d thought he has AK and that itself goes ahead on turn, my nastiest one came when AJ goes all in against 58cc on flop Ad2h2s and then gets 3 and 4 on turn and riv. Not all maniacs were so lucky, KKvs Q7& 67 got me £6.47, I’d got revenge on the 52o maniac when he’d thought his 72o was ahead on flop A72  it turned out he was drawing dead on turn when we shoved each other and saw me with AA


    My last session was the longest of them all and it say myself lose £13.42 but things could have been alot worse. Nl4 does contain extremely loose caller and what happened is i’d been in for a big loss, so I then choose to take it to the next extreme, “if they want to see a flop, they can, for 40p!” Doing this i was starting to get myself money back and managed to keep my BR over £400 when finished. Some will still make the call and well it could enable me to get back on track getting this £1000 I'm aiming for.

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015

    Today started off excellent, normally I'm watching Newcastle united but at the minute they will be wasting my time, so i’ve spent that time playing some poker with a outcome of £26.58, I do question weather or not i may have been able to escape from a rivered flush, he did cbet the flop and does another cbet on turn and calls my raise, the weird part is he donk jammed the 7sss river, the difficulty was the fact he’d cbet the flop (Ks 8d 5h) and when I raise him on turn a river Ch is the last thing he should be expecting.


    My second session of the day didn’t start anywhere near as good, I seemed to be at a point against one villain in particular undefeatable to me, he could call J10ss on flop 862 knowing he’ll still win which he did with runner runner flush. About three hours into my second session things changed for the better, now i was taking down pots frequently on the flop, my loss started to look more like a win and by the end of it I made a winnings total of £39.27.


    Overall i’ve made a winnings total today of £65.85, BR itself is £438 (including my C4P)

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015

    I had my first session today at 12:53 and it lasted 3 hours, there was a couple of easy come easy go, revenge instances one being when Ks10s in a 4bet pot called the flop A Q ss, turn did give him J therefore he’d won the pot £5.82, late on an instance occurred which he’d donk jammed J high flop, i’d called AJ, when the cards showed he has QQ but like himself i too managed to hit a J to get me ahead, 5.30 of the pot did go to a fish who happily came along with 82s and made a flush. Still £6.40 was mine.


    After the amount of folding made by players last night and during my first session today, I was beginning to think people would respect my bets therefore i should reduce my betting but my second session of the day tells me it’s just a time when the calling station aren’t playing because this in this session, players were making calls with bottom pair on a 2 broadway board when i’ve done a bet that is full pot some would continue on the turn as well if i’ve double barrelled. Overall this session made me £28.35 but question if i should have wasted £2.77 at the very end when a player shoved £2.73 with what i’d expected to be a pocket pair having just seen myself call an AK  when another opponent shoved his hand.


    These mayhem freeroll sound great so I'm giving them a go now, i'll keep an account balance the cash won from these and deduct that away from my actual cash challenge BR, my BR is mind £20 short of its standard BR already due to a super 6 bet and also a relegation bet, my first attempt tells me, I'm unlikely to get far anyway because i’ll have 14 nl4p cash table open.


    After taking another small break, I went back onto the cash tables for my final few hours before bed and the negative thing was flips were again not going my way, the other down fall with this session was i’d not been unlucky in avoiding the draws, so having charged them full pots, i’d suffered some heavy pot losses, still, i did make a total profit in this session of £18.01 therefore i had enough good luck.


    Total cash won overall was £56.46.

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited May 2015

    Due to the cycle group, monday's sessions  begin between 4pm-5pm, today it was at 5:30 and was intent to go on until 9pm but having got disconnected, I  took a break at 8pm. As a whole this session was break even (+0.86p), the beginning of it was packed with bad luck including when an AA lost against  K9  which having jammed the flop 975, got lucky on the turn with his second 9 coming, another eventful one was against a player who i'd knew was shoving most his 1 pair strength hands giving me confidience to call with my over pair,  unfortunely it didn't remain that way because ont he river came 2 giving him two pair (7722), things did begin going my way as the streets soon were giving brick cards making up for these bad bit of luck, getting myself back to being break even.


    My second session of the evening had a slightly better, overall it made £21.06. I had made a silly mistake close to the end attempting to rep AxKc knowing the opponent who held Ac7x now was sure to be ahead of my JJ having got the A rivered, overall it cost me an extra £3.65. 30 minutes later and this costly mistake was forgotten about because I’d now seen myself get a triple up thanks to the player with KK only making a call which in turn allowed Q10s to come along, the on the flop itself then give me Q104 and I’d been jammed on by this KK then the Q10 makes his call thinking he’ll be ahead before discovering himself I’d held set.

    All in all I made a total prize of £21.92 and this has allowed me to reach the halfway mark of this cash challenge.

    The mayhem freeroll was attempted again today but like yesterday, this one itself ended just as quickly, I think it’s pointless playing this when I know my concentration will be on cash table and really, it 99% certain I’ll never be able to go to Vegas because it’ll be deem gambling which is even more reason the social worker won’t allow me to go and right now I'm still no closer at getting myself away on holiday to south Africa!

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