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  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    Irish border seems the biggest sticking point.

    Relocate all the Protestants and leavers from N.I. to Scotland and move all the Catholics & remainers to N.I. :-)
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    VespaPX said:

    Irish border seems the biggest sticking point.

    Relocate all the Protestants and leavers from N.I. to Scotland and move all the Catholics & remainers to N.I. :-)

    You should speak to Trevor.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    Pension age may go up AGAIN, forcing Britons to work into their 70s, warn IMF economists

    IMF: All Brexit outcomes will entail costs for the UK

    Currently the majority of men and women qualify for a state pension at 65 but that is due to rise to 66 by 2020 and then 67 by 2028
    However, the IMF warned further increases may be required – raising the prospect that Britons will have to work into their 70s before retiring.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    The Labour leadership are a disgrace, they have more in common with children writing to Santa, than attempting to be an effective opposition.
    It is great to have such a superb bunch of professional elected representatives looking after our interests.
    Is anyone going to end up happy with Brexit?

    Taking back control of our borders means not having one in respect of Ireland, turning motorways into lorry parks, and no checks at all, when it comes to ports. How can that be taking back control?

    Everybody sees the need to trade with the EU, as it currently makes up half of our total trade. When we trade with them post Brexit we will obviously have to comply with their rules. As non members we will not get a say in the rule making process. This will definitely be the case whatever the deal. Taking back control?

    Any trade done with the EU after we have left will involve observing their rules, and having no say. End of.

    The Labour Party say they want access to the Single Market, but without Freedom of Movement, which is impossible. They also want a Customs Union, a say in the rule making, and be allowed to conduct free trade deals with other countries, as likely as pigs flying. Good luck with Santa on all of that.

    What they want is just about what we currently have, yet they wont come out in favour of another referendum.
    They think the Tories will give them a General Election. Good luck with Santa on that one too.

    They have suggested that Theresa May should move over and let the Labour Party negotiate in her place. I can see her standing up in the House of Commons and announcing that course of action this week. There go the pigs again.

    Theresa May has been attempting to remain as close as possible to the EU. Therefore as close as possible to where we currently are. So we are supposed to be leaving because we are unhappy with our membership, yet everyone wants to get as close as possible to it.

    No Freedom of Movement will make Brexiteers happy, but damage the economy. Indian doctors picking fruit, and laying bricks?

    They are all whinging over "The Deal", when we haven't got the deal yet, we only have The Withdrawal Agreement and the Backstop.
    How can you trust MPs that stand in front of tv cameras describing it as a bad deal when it is not even a deal.

    Boris Johnson, the genius, is incredibly arguing in todays paper to forget about The Good Friday Agreement, as a solution to the Irish border problem.

    Every Brexit outcome damages our economy.
    We have to end up worse off compared to where we are today. They cant give us the same benefits, despite the promises made by a number of MPs. We will automatically lose access to the 65 free trade deals that the EU currently have with other countries, in addition to any of their future free trade deals, immediately on leaving in March next year.

    When will our esteemed elected representatives admit that it was all a massive mistake, and abandon Brexit.
    Most people are fed up already, yet negotiations are set to run for years to come.

    Some honest Brexiteers, if there is such a thing, are saying that if they were aware of what was going to happen, they would have voted Remain.

    It seems obvious that a majority of MPs are in favour of a deal that does the least damage to our economy. This is a deal that will see us as close to our current arrangements as we can get. This deal must make us worse off than we are now. We are pursuing this act of self harm as a result of a silly vote. Is it really undemocratic to admit that we made a mistake, and change our course?
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    It is difficult to argue with his opinions of Boris, David Cameron, and Nigel Farage.

    Danny Dyer targets Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage in Brexit rant

    Speaking to The Big Issue, the EastEnders star turned his ire towards the former foreign secretary for his “stupid haircut” and the ex-UKIP leader for being “another pr*** in a suit”
    He said: “Theresa May, bless her, just got that job by default. Boris Johnson running around with his stupid haircut spouting b0ll0cks
    Well, f*** you, Cameron you posh t***. Sorry. It backfired on him didn’t it? And what does he do? He f**** off. He doesn’t like the way it went and he f**** off.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    WTO rules clear on border checks in no deal Brexit - UK Northern Ireland minister

    BELFAST (Reuters) - World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules are clear that checks would be required between EU-member Ireland and the British province of Northern Ireland if Britain crashed out of the bloc without an exit deal, the minister for the region said on Monday.
    "The fact is that the WTO is very clear that if there are two different customs territories, checks have to be able to be carried out on a contemporaneous basis on consignments passing between the two territories," Karen Bradley told reporters.
  • tai-gartai-gar Member Posts: 2,715
    Haysie, thought you would like the Danny Dyer rant when I read it.
    I don't know the guy but I must say that I agree with every word including the "F" ones.
    It's a pity a few more people don't come out shouting.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    tai-gar said:

    Haysie, thought you would like the Danny Dyer rant when I read it.
    I don't know the guy but I must say that I agree with every word including the "F" ones.
    It's a pity a few more people don't come out shouting.

    Not an EastEnders fan then.
    I think that although his view would be written off by most politicians as being mad, it is probably quite representative of the average member of the general public.

    I find hard to understand that we are still pursuing Brexit, when the vast majority know in their hearts that it is a huge mistake.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    Brexit threatened as DUP warns May to ‘keep her side of the bargain’

    The Democratic Unionist party (DUP), whose 10 lawmakers prop up the Conservative party in government, abstained from votes on key budget measures, sending a warning to prime minister Theresa May to keep her side of the Brexit bargain.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758

    I find hard to understand that we are still pursuing Brexit, when the vast majority know in their hearts that it is a huge mistake.

    ^ They are trying to follow “ The will of the people”, and on that note, have a peruse of the Tommy Robinson thread to gain insight as to why some people voted for Brexit, sickening...
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    tomgoodun said:

    I find hard to understand that we are still pursuing Brexit, when the vast majority know in their hearts that it is a huge mistake.

    ^ They are trying to follow “ The will of the people”, and on that note, have a peruse of the Tommy Robinson thread to gain insight as to why some people voted for Brexit, sickening...
    tomgoodun said:

    I find hard to understand that we are still pursuing Brexit, when the vast majority know in their hearts that it is a huge mistake.

    ^ They are trying to follow “ The will of the people”, and on that note, have a peruse of the Tommy Robinson thread to gain insight as to why some people voted for Brexit, sickening...

    I will.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    EU commissioner mocks Rees-Mogg's all male Brexit meeting

    A European commissioner has mocked Jacob Rees Mogg’s all-male panel of Brexit supporters in the latest round of a long running row over comparisons between the EU and Soviet Union.
    The Tory MP leading a “coup” against Theresa May staged a press conference alongside a panel of six high profile supporters in London on Tuesday.
    The group, which also included former Brexit secretary David Davis, have been branded “Dad’s Army” because they were all male political veterans.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    Carl Mortished: Advice to Brexit charlatans — remember the Seventies

    If you wished to provoke capital flight from the UK on a massive scale, you couldn’t do a better job than the Tory Party. If you wanted to scare foreign investors, if you wanted to make English industrialists quake in their boots, keep British chief executives awake into the small hours, you could do worse than take lessons from a former cabinet minister — Dominic Raab, say, the last Brexit secretary, who said he had not been aware how greatly British trade relied on the Dover-Calais crossing.
    Or follow his predecessor, David Davis, a man who spent a lifetime in Parliament campaigning to leave the EU. But when he was offered the job on a plate, he dropped it with a great crash, trod the mess of stew into the Downing Street carpet and ran away. The man charged by the Prime Minister to frame the UK’s economic and political future had thought that his job was to strike a back door deal with Germany. He would swagger off to Berlin, round up a few bosses from Volkswagen, BMW and Siemens and offer “free access for their cars and industrial goods, in exchange for a deal on everything else
    He ran off with a flea in his ear, just like the baffled Boris Johnson who could not understand why the EU had united in defence of the interests of little Ireland. He thought, like Davis and Raab, that the tiresome Irish would be put in their place. The high rollers at the table, Germany, France and the UK, would play the Great Game; the big boys would tell those time-serving Eurocrats to carve out of their Union a big slice of pie for good old Blighty. This is a man who spent years in Brussels writing silly jokes about the EU. But it seems no one told him the EU has a constitution, a basic law, a bit like America or Canada, countries we are supposed to understand well. You don’t ride roughshod over the basic law to satisfy the whim of a spoilt, grizzling child. You set the constitutional wheels in motion and the bulldozer of law is applied, to devastating effect.
    The scale of the incompetence demonstrated by the leadership of Britain’s oldest and grandest political party is breathtaking. It explains why Theresa May was at pains at the CBI this week to reassure the massed ranks of British industry. She needed to tell them that all was not entirely lost. Her agreement with chief negotiator Michel Barnier could salvage something if everyone rallied. The unspoken message was: please don’t remove your business to the eurozone, please don’t sell the pound.
    How is it possible that the party of business, the political grouping that is closest to the requirements of capital and enterprise, the party that is supposed to believe in free markets, could get this so wrong, so miscalculate the interest of a trillion-dollar economy? How could the Tory leader find herself in a position where she must pander to xenophobes across the political spectrum and then wheedle and beg for the support of Labour MPs? The lost tribe of Blairites is both appalled by Brexit and terrified of the prospect of a government led by a Che Guevara wannabe and an economy managed by a Stalinist. Can the Labour softies be won over to her side or is it, again, too late?
    Even so, as the Prime Minister schmoozed the business classes at the CBI this week, she threw a few stale scraps to nationalists in her party and in Labour’s northern strongholds. She would “take back control” and Europeans would no longer “jump the queue” at Britain’s borders.
    After two years of weakening investment, adrift on May’s Raft of the Medusa, I wonder whether Britain’s bosses feel entirely happy about giving back control of our laws to this Government and this Parliament. For anybody who was awake in the Seventies, it is absolutely clear that the EU brought prosperity to the UK. As the doors opened to European industrial and financial power, old British businesses struggled and many failed, unable to compete. What happened to ICI, GEC and British Leyland? But the EU brought with it an avalanche of investment and in the competitive crucible of the EU, new British businesses emerged and thrived.
    Just as the EU once exposed the weakness of protected British business, it is now revealing to us the weakness of Westminster’s insular politics. Our Parliament is bipolar and utterly transactional, incapable of running a modern economy and society. Stuffed with incompetents, place-men and time-servers, it cannot create coalitions of enlightened self-interest. It needs fundamental reform.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989

    Wetherspoon boss Tim Martin plans no deal Brexit pub crawl

    The Brexit-supporting chairman of J D Wetherspoon (LSE: JDW.L - news) is to rise from his sick bed to campaign for a "no deal" withdrawal from the EU.

    mark4 hours ago
    Tell that to the car workers retraining to make coffee in his pubs.

    Alert4 hours ago
    This guy has lost it. I challenge him to wager a $5 million pound bet that the UK
    will be better off post Brexit, and after 5 years ( by which time the UK public will have realised that Brexit did not hep the average man in the street)

    Andrew4 hours ago
    If you really think leaving the EU in March without any kind of deal, then you are surely deluded. As customs & excise, border control, police, re-impose a N. Ireland border etc .etc. this would be blocked on security grounds, irrespective of the disaster it will bring on our economy.

    Robert4 hours ago
    This guy is REALLY thick - have you seen him interviewed? Who drinks in a Wetherspoons? Ha-haaah-haaah! Sun-reading racist sub-educated losers living on the dole who say 'WE AIN'T FICK!" - a true representation of LITTLE England culture, the dregs of humanity

    Adrian4 hours ago
    I also support a hard, no-deal Brexit, for the simple reason that nothing less will do for idiots like this. If Brexit goes ahead with some sort of deal, ANY deal, even if it is not the one currently proposed, and things go pear-shaped afterwards, these morons will claim that it is because it was not the hard Brexit that they so desire.

    Therefore, the only way to resolve this issue it to "suck it and see". I just feel sorry for the people who did not want part of this madness, but c'est la vie.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,989
    Is it finally dawning that the best of both worlds was never going to be possible when it comes to Brexit?
  • rainman215rainman215 Member Posts: 1,186
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    This thread is about Brexit, you have another thread to post your vitriol.
    Please stop trolling @rainman397
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793

    tomgoodun said:

    This thread is about Brexit, you have another thread to post your vitriol.
    Please stop trolling @rainman397

    Since when did you have the right to tell people where to post mr " holier than thou " ?
    Haysie was quite happy to go on the other thread and do some trolling of his own , getting some back now !
  • rainman215rainman215 Member Posts: 1,186
    tomgoodun said:

    This thread is about Brexit, you have another thread to post your vitriol.
    Please stop trolling @rainman397

    Oh i am sorry didnt know you were in charge of the forum, i was invited to post on here, and this post is about brexit.
    Just thought i would balance it out a bit, as haysie came on the TR accused Parents of muslim rape gang victims of being partly responsible, which to me shows what a scummy person he is.
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