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The Longer Than Expected Bankroll target £5k



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130

    Great work!! :) What's the BRM plan now? Nothing too questionable I hope! :D

    Thanks and I'm not sure. I did always say if I got above £1k then I'd take a shot at a £55 but I think I would like to get another £200 or so on the board before I consider that as I'd like to try and stay above the 1k if I can. So it will be more of the same with maybe a couple more 11s for now.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    Tikay10 said:

    Congrats on a great night @waller02

    "I need to change the title of my diary to highlight the next target but I can't edit my opening post anymore. Is there another way please @Tikay10 "

    Think I can do it for you - what would you like it changed to?

    Cheers @Tikay10. If you could just change the next target to 5k please then that would be great. Thanks.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665



    Let me know when it needs changing to £10,000.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    Tikay10 said:



    Let me know when it needs changing to £10,000.

    In about 5 years please......

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
    edited August 2019
    Tikay10 said:



    Let me know when it needs changing to £10,000.

    Just add another 0 to that 5...saves you editing it next month.


    Ryan - just try some AIPF sats to them £55ers. Will not break the BR, but will give you a chance to play higher.
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Fantastic progress Waller :)

    I think it's reaching the point where you'll have to accept that your work away from the tables is making a genuine difference and you're not just a luckbox on a heater anymore :)
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    Great session, very well played. Agree with Dues - no more talk of luckboxing it and imminent downswings please :)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    Cheers all, like Alan suggests I will just be trying a couple of all in sats for the Sheriff rather than treating myself to the buyin, for now anyway.

    Day 32.

    Have cut the session short and unregged from the the 9:30 BH as I wasn't really feeling it tonight. There were a couple of cashes so I only ended up slightly down. I've been ordered to take the family on a day out tomorrow so decided to call it a night, watch a film then have an early night.

    16:15 - £2.20 Deepy (X)
    16:30 - £5.50 BH (6th £15.35 + £12.33 head prizes)
    17:30 - £5.50 BH (X)
    18:30 - £5.50 BH (15th £6.83 + £16.36 head prizes)
    19:00 - £7.70 BH (X)
    20:00 - £2.20 BH (X)
    20:00 - £33 Main (X)
    20:30 - £5.50 Mini (X)
    £6 on Sheriff all in sats

    Start BR: £100
    Current: £1154.33

    Probably back on the tables on Wednesday unless the missus has any more outings up her sleeve. I wouldn't mind but it's always girly things as I'm the only bloke, anything for a quiet life though.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    I thought that having a week and a half off work would mean there would be plenty of time for playing poker, however that couldn't have been further from the truth. My missus also had time off work, and coupled with the fact it is the summer holidays, it meant my days off were spent with the family.

    I realised long ago that life is far easier when you keep the missus sweet so I've only played the odd last minute MTT during my time off resulting in a current roll of £1146.98.

    Back at work and back on the grind now though, starting tonight. Looking forward to a proper session (may regret those words) and there will be a full update later.

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited August 2019
    Day 33.

    Well I said that I may regret saying how much I was looking forward to a proper session and unfortunately that was indeed the case.

    I've de-reg from my remaining games because I was playing pretty bad and really couldn't see things turning around. If I'm playing OK and running bad then I'll always persevere, but when I'm playing as bad as I was then I think it's best to cut my losses and come back again tomorrow with a fresh mind. I was getting my backside handed to me on a plate in the £2.20s so I would have been setting fire to money if I continued.

    I'll put it down to being a bit rusty (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it).

    We go again tomorrow!

    16:15 - £2.20 Deepy (X)
    16:30 - £5.50 BH (X £4.22 head prizes)
    17:30 - £5.50 BH (X)
    18:30 - £5.50 BH (X)
    19:00 - £7.70 BH (X)
    19:15 - £2.20 Deepy (X)
    20:00 - £2.20 BH (X)
    20:00 - £33 Main (X)

    Start BR: £100
    Current: £1087.40

  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    Keep your chin up - keep grinding it will come - wait until you feel really fired up to play then go for it
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    Itsover4u said:

    Keep your chin up - keep grinding it will come - wait until you feel really fired up to play then go for it

    Cheers Danny. Just out of curiosity do players of your ability ever have nights where you play bad? Obv you run bad at times but do the best players sometimes play bad and if so is calling it a night the best thing to do?
  • daggers747daggers747 Member Posts: 193
    Waller good to see you have graduated to the semi pro ranks.
    If you having a bad run try drinking a galleon of beer or a couple of bottles of wine while playing.
    You will feel invincible. Tough decisions become clear. The pain of losing will be numbed, the delight of winning heightened.

    See you hopefully tonight in the orfi and mega.

    Love Daggers
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130

    Waller good to see you have graduated to the semi pro ranks.
    If you having a bad run try drinking a galleon of beer or a couple of bottles of wine while playing.
    You will feel invincible. Tough decisions become clear. The pain of losing will be numbed, the delight of winning heightened.

    See you hopefully tonight in the orfi and mega.

    Love Daggers

    There's nothing better than a few ales whilst playing on a Friday but I'm trying to shift a bit of weight so I only drink once a month. Would absolutely murder a fridge pack of Stella too :(
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    Day 34.

    Another tough one tonight. Only a tenner down for the night but any cashes were hard fought for. There are games where you breeze into the money, flopping the world and getting paid every time. None of tonight's games were like that but it makes any cashes more satisfying I guess and in general I'm happy to come away without any significant damage.

    I ran pretty bad in most games, but we all do so I'm not going to turn the thread into a bad beat moan. However, I think flopping the nut flush in the Mini rebuy, getting the chips in and losing to runner runner FH is worth a mention. I could have had another rebuy as it was still fairly early but enough was enough for that one.

    Still, overall there were signs of improvement and I've stopped the rot a little. Just hope tomorrows session can be a winning one.

    17:30 - £5.50 BH (X)
    18:30 - £5.50 BH (X)
    19:00 - £7.70 BH (X)
    19:15 - £2.20 Deepy (9th £7.23)
    19:15 - £3.30 Orfy (3rd £13.05)
    20:00 - £2.20 BH (X)
    20:15 - £11 BH (11th £12.12 + £19.69 head prizes)
    20:30 - £5.50 Megastack (21st £8.58)
    20:30 - £5.50 Mini (1 rebuy) (X)
    21:30 - £11 BH (X)
    £6 Sheriff All Ins

    Start BR: £100
    Current: £1077.67
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665


    If you ran pretty bad & only lost a tenner after investing around £60, I'd say that's a right result.

    It's good to be self-critical, but equally, keep it real. Self-confidence, as long as it is not misplaced, is important too.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    Tikay10 said:


    If you ran pretty bad & only lost a tenner after investing around £60, I'd say that's a right result.

    It's good to be self-critical, but equally, keep it real. Self-confidence, as long as it is not misplaced, is important too.

    Yeah you're right and I always try to take some positives away from each session. On Thursday there weren't any though, really did play bad and I think it's important to be able to recognise that in order to improve.

    I do beat myself up more than I should though but I'm getting better at starting the next session with a clear head whereas in the past any negative thoughts were often carried over.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited August 2019
    Day 35.

    The plan was to have a normal session tonight, and if I'd got through the semi of the main then I probably would have. To be honest though I'm pretty shattered after a busy day and was playing out of a Saturday night routine rather than because I actually really wanted to. So after not winning a seat in the main, followed by an early exit in the £2.20 deepy, I weirdly felt quite relieved and decided to make the 7@7 my last game and watch some TV with the missus.

    I ended up coming 2nd thanks to the chip leader busting out 2 players in one hand with 4 of us left. Unfortunately it left me with a mountain to climb HU and he quickly disposed of me. He deserved it though.

    So my smallest session for a very long time puts me back to winning ways and my missus has my undivided attention for the rest of the evening, she really is a lucky woman.

    17:30 - £5.50 BH (X)
    18:00 - Main semi (X)
    18:30 - £5.50 BH (X)
    19:00 - £7.70 BH (2nd £62.66 + £23.80 head prizes)
    19:15 - £2.20 Deepy (X)

    Start BR: £100
    Current: £1136.03
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited August 2019
    Day 36.

    Another session done and dusted and although I only came away with about £8 profit I'm feeling a lot better than I have been recently. I feel like I'm playing a lot better and had some deep runs. Bit frustrated about the Mini as I had a top 6 stack with around 60 left but at that stage it only takes a couple of unlucky hands, particularly the second one which was a bit nasty, and it's goodnight Vienna. That's what makes poker such a great game though, it can be cruel but win or lose it's always a buzz.

    I ran like God in the 2.20 deepy until I got heads up where the roles were reversed and I lost 88<67 aipf for the win.

    Got the chips in good for the most part tonight and that's all you can do. A few mistakes here and there but a lot less than recent sessions.

    17:30 - £5.50 BH (X)
    18:30 - £5.50 BH (X £4.22 head prizes)
    19:00 - £7.70 BH (8th £19.68 + £11.15 head prizes)
    19:15 - £2.20 Deepy (2nd £39.22)
    19:30 - £33 BH (X)
    20:30 - £11 Mini (X)
    21:30 - £11 BH (X)
    £6 Sheriff All Ins (No seat but £16.50 bubble money)

    Start BR: £100
    Current: £1144.90

    My playing time will be very limited for a couple of weeks now. I should be playing on Tuesday but after that I have early starts for the rest of the week, followed by a week of being on call and a week away in Wales for a course.

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited August 2019
    Day 37.

    Managed another winning session, only 20 quid or so but I will always be happy with that as it's obviously better than bricking the lot.

    The frustrating tournament of the night was the 18:30 BH as I was ticking along nicely and if I'd won the flips at the business end then it could have been a different story. Can't complain though, it's always nice to at least get to a position where you have a chance of winning and on another night you win the crucial hands. Swings and roundabouts.

    Never really got going in any of the others apart from the £2.20 deepy which I managed to win, albeit with a big help from AA when heads up. Was a pleasure to share the final table with @MynaFrett and @MAXALLY . Cheers to both for sticking around until the end.

    17:30 - £5.50 BH (X £3.76 head prizes)
    18:00 - £7.20 Main Semi (X)
    18:30 - £5.50 BH (20th £5.80 + £11.36 head prizes)
    19:00 - £7.70 BH (X)
    19:15 - £2.20 Deepy (1st £49.02)
    19:45 - £11 BH (X)
    20:15 - £11 BH (X £4.69 head prizes)
    20:30 - £5.50 Mini (X)
    £1 won in Freeroll

    Not sure if I'll get chance to play before the weekend now. It will be small early evening sessions at best.

    Start BR: £100
    Current: £1164.93
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