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The Edges £100 to £1000 challenge.



  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,371
    Brilliant story and wonderfully told.

    I could read a book written by you any day , you have an easy relaxed style , you set the scene perfectly with minimal effort.

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,930
    I got Tony Kelly (he nut megged Bruce Grobbelaar at Anfield in the cup to send 6000 Stokies mental) to sign my durex pack in Evergreens
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    don't tell me u still got pack unused till this day
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,930
    i,ve got the pack yeah in me loft with the other Stoke stuff , i slipped the noddies into Tonys jacket pocket :p
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    stokefc said:

    I got Tony Kelly (he nut megged Bruce Grobbelaar at Anfield in the cup to send 6000 Stokies mental) to sign my durex pack in Evergreens

    I was in the Anfield Rd End myself that night mate. The ensuing celebration following T.Ks late equaliser probably ranks in my top 5 all time "mentals".
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    Ok I've decided that you guys can pick the next story from the following three quite short tales of mirth and merriment.

    1;- Regimes Hanley " Coming dear"

    2;- Legends Stafford " Mummy knows best"

    3;- Angels Congleton " Cant stand up for falling down"

    Ill post the most popular one over the weekend. If nobody chooses I'll just do it randomly.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,666
    1 for me. Another venue where I spent some of my misspent youth ;)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,823

    All 3 please.
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    im with tk
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,371
    One a month.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,930
    Got to be Regimes had some fun times in their and when it was called liberty's when Shelley's was transforming to Golden, brilliant times
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    Hi all.

    Well what can I say other than oh dear ? Yes that's right the bankroll is empty, gone, bereft of sterling, in negative equity, lacking in positive cashflow etc, etc.

    Never mind I'll reload on Friday. But what to do in the meantime. I know.

    "I'm a Storyteller and my story must be told". Remember that eh?. No!, Oh well whatever.

    So, Regimes, Cannon St Hanley. Possibly one of the most sparkey venues of the late 80s, early 90s. Boasting 3 separate areas unimaginatively called phase 1( main area, playing all the usual popular stuff), phase 2 (very urban, early garage hip hop type stuff) and yes you've guessed it phase 3, they really put a lot of thought into this eh (playing groove, funk, trance etc).

    Now phase 3, where our story takes place was accessed from the main area by going up a flight of steps and through a set of double doors. The dance area was then down a few steps but sitting at the top was a large circular seating area, slightly raised encased in a brick and lattice type arrangement which meant that it was quite private as anybody outside could only see the back of the shoulders and heads of those people inside.

    Now it was usual for the dorrstaff to switch locations every so often and it transpired that myself and Bobby (you were always paired up in Regimes) were going to get phase 3 for the last stag of the night. This was quite nice as phase 3 was perhaps the easiest to empty and certainly much easier to control once the houselights went up.

    So we go up the stairs and immediately do a loo check. Nothing really to report here, a couple of empty popper bottles at most, and go to relieve the other two doormen.

    A quick exchange of info and they go to leave. However upon drawing level with the aforementioned seating area they pause and its obvious they've seen something.

    Now when we first entered we had become aware of a couple of ladies straddled across their men in the seating area and the couples were obviously grinding and kissing with a passion.

    To be honest that was normal for the venue, you were either dancing, drinking, fighting or getting intimate. However it would appear that one of the couples were perhaps more intimate than was usual so making sure to stay out of the eyeline Bob and myself sidle around to join the other two who are keeping a discreet eye on proceedings.

    It doesn't take long to ascertain that she is knickerless and his jeans are just above his knees.

    Bob in his typical manner surmises the situation "He's chock right up her. Jammy git"

    Now its obvious that we have to break up this little tryst but how to go about it in a way that doesn't cause major embarrassment to any party and allows us to maintain an air of professional competence, or we could just have a laugh.

    We vote laugh and walk stooped to stay out of her line of sight, although to be honest why would she have her eyes open at this point , to a spot where we are directly behind him.

    As one we stand up with a shout and she opens her eyes to see four bouncers all gurning and pulling other funny faces. In an instant she leaps off him and its obvious that our timing was impeccable as his seed suddenly airborne describes an almost graceful parabola before returning to his lap and shirt and Oh no the bloke sat next to him who lets be honest isn't going to see the funny side of this.

    Acting quickly we grab him up and basically punt him through the nearest fire exit onto the street / alley/ car park still with his trousers half mast whilst the others prevent said recipient from exiting behind.

    Suffice to say and in the interests of training all 16 doorstaff sat and reviewed the incident via the cctv camera positioned directly over the seated area whilst having a staff drink. Its even funnier in slow motion.

    Til next time.

    Have fun, rungood, love each other and smash it.

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,371
    Brilliant, proper chuckles.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,823

    Another purler. Thanks Mark.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    Ok, so in the interest of donating fairly to all I've punted another £50 onto here and lets see what I can do with that.

    I am however reminded of that line out of Two and a Half Men when Charlie says to Alan

    "Come on were off to Vegas. I've got two grand just itching to turn into twelve bucks and a hangover".

    Will keep you updated.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    Well you really couldn't write it. The first tourney after reloading the bankroll and I bink the 23.15 deepy for £41 and change.

    Great final table with plenty of interaction with the likes of @dellis who came 2nd @cerysanc04, who took 3rd and @brunoboy51 who played a shortish stack like a boss for 4th. Other final table finishers were @pappa1949 and @Col33. GG all and hope to lock horns again very soon.

    Well off to bed now as its almost 3.30

    Til next time.

    Rungood, have fun, and smash it.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    Mini £5.50

    Just taken 38th place for a total of £17.70 really enjoyed this comp and might make it a regular thing.

    21.15 £2.20 deepy. Out in like 40 something. played horribly, deserved nothing.

    Gonna play the late deepy now.

    Til later

    Rungood etc,


  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    glad u put my chips 2 good use
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    Well if you want to know just how to play the late deepy and the 1 a.m. freezy………….. please look elsewhere.

    Honestly what a total train wreck. I couldn't hit the ground if I jumped out of a plane.

    Perhaps need to just go into nit mode for a while. Flop o/e str8 miss, miss, Flop nut fl draw miss, miss. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat . A real groundhog couple of hours.

    Oh and yeah just to prove Im not a total fish those hands also included stuff like 2nd pr o/e etc.

    Ah well in the scheme of things I have my health and I have people who love me so I guess I'm a winner.

    Bal currently at £86+ so happy

    Til next time.

    Rungood, have fun, love each other and ffs take care yeah.

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