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.Poker.p. j.Jenuis.,long road,to Poker Redemption.

Please, hang on,for just a moment, only, nano second.

," we are in" Variance,Beats,and aspirational " Brags".

(1) the correct, area, of the Poker Forum ,well, for ( yours truly)
(2) ; just let him, chunder, away to himself,harming,offending,no one, effective, on the naughty step.
(3) " he,expects,no one to read,or take an interest.
(4) " paid his Poker,subs,due's, rake. Only, for verbatim proof,sharkscope,as was,May 2020 ( now reset ) screenshot ,only as proof.
(5) Sharkscope, fully public,nothing hidden , start May 2nd 2020, accumulated Poker reward points, to Sat May 2nd,was zero,had not played.
(6) 6.5 K behind, ( bad two years)
aim, Target Set ,proof will be sharky, 10 K ( nett 3.5k ) within Two Years.
M. B. If, I am so bad, you should ,lay me a million, ? Price me up.I front up stake, send to you ,donate, twice. To charity. If your choice.
(7) 85℅ m.t.t.s, 10 ℅ d.y.m 5℅ cash.

Stubborn,opinionated,ruddy minded,will,fall,or triumph,on my own,Poker Sword,my way, take this at face value,( verbatim fact,zero,non,nada,) fancy, funky ,tricked out,Poker Software, or,fancy " grind station " Very definitely, solo,lone wolf" no Poker " aids,of any description " , for motivation, works for me , if not playing,I watch Poker, successful Poker players,I like, respect.

Any, Poker nugget,gilt edged,that comes along, I take on board.

Sorry, and,no offence,I don't, multi table,why? I, personally, do not " enjoy that, at all" there will be, the counter arguments,you, have too,m multi ? for optimisation,really ?

Well, for my Poker sins, I can, do gladly, play, hours,and hours ,and hours,single table, as far,as I am aware,I have made,my reset Sharkscope,fully public, Saturday May 2nd, I was expecting, reset Sharky, to be effective, from 00.00, actually, it was a few hours late, but, I played, 18 hours,yes, that's correct ,because,this time,I am not jacking around .I was not, jacking around,last time either,but,some utter nonsense,derailed that,in hindsight,good thing.You see, no limit hold em Poker,absorbs me, if ,I am not,in the hand,I watch, intently.

Now, contrary,to the ' misguided belief" , I will throw out,the odd nugget,nuence, do with ,what you will, timing tells,if,you never,ever,wish to give, a single tell, make every decision, every hand , every time. Forever, at the exact, same moment ,on the clock, exploiting, Q.C.B, in other players play, use that,to your advantage, learn,that, the Fold button, is, one of most, powerful, pocket weapons,eradicate, weak bets,and, the raise button,potent.And, again, this, is NOT, for a war of words,with previous protagonists,and, better than that, will prove it, right here , how ? Between, 08.00 , And 13.30 .p.m. today, multi table tournaments played, four. Much easier,with full public unrestricted,Sharky access, for all, to see, within,Every hand,if, one imagines, " live to the World, World series" say,last 18,..would you be,embarrased, or Proud,of your Poker.

Proof, coming , and, for real, not, repeat not , any ,mentalist, attention seeking bandit , out of genuine, respect. For the boss.

So, in a perverse way, I thank, Mr Matt Bates, Mr Nostri, Mr Waller02,Mr Mumsie.Mr MadProf,for, the seering Motivation, and,I simply thank,in the fullest sense, in no particular order, Mark949, essexphil,engy,mynafrett,Brock59,JHOTONE (special thanks ) no, we don't " know each other" no idea, where, the fella resides,simply a Poker respect thing,on here, non forum, ages, ago,hundreds of others, can't won't , name them all, even a player, big winning player, on here, never seen the fella,post on forum, but , let's just say, always a chat box argument , and, bravo ,put to bed, for all time.and, thanks,Mr Guvnor.

Two years, ( effective, majority, of that , May 2018 to May 2020 )



  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    misterpj said:

    Any, Poker nugget,gilt edged,that comes along, I take on board.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Mr Nostri

    Did,? I request, or ask, you to " come along " , no I didn't,but, " Snap" instant,more ,than welcome.

    If what you want, is a proper Poker Joist, a real one , I have just,landed it,right,in your lap.

    ? Now, I throw,down, the gauntlet,to YOU .are you,a big enough Man ?

    I assume ? You rate yourself ? Poker Brilliant ? ..

    Fine line,( very) between, confidence,arrogence.

    Me, yep. Rate, my no limit hold em. Tournament Ability, Off the Richter Scale ,matey,and," my dear friend" , that,is not Arrogance,..maybe,just maybe,...In fact,ThankYou, one , more than You,so thank you,if ( when) if, please God..( and this,is for Mark) Mr Nostri, you,wont get it, in a fit , for Mark, only today,..and,with Sharkscope ,on full public view,have, I played a hand,? Any hand? 2.00.p.m...21.00.p.m...No, Intended too, but,..mercy mission,Kent,Central London,Heathrow,and back,..who? ,Why ? matter,tell you what, Mr Nostri,..I will tell, Mark..privately.

    Mr Nostri....seeing,as you,a Poker must know," Snap.insta,the history, " erm" Mr Dwan,..Mr Jungleman. ( Yes.,I know his real name,insta) but, " insta" do you ?

    And better,whom,did said..Mr poker Phenomenal,,one trick pony,15 mins Dwan,tuck,right up,for seven figures,?

    And, jog off, too Macua.

    A place,I know,intimently,thanks to the SportingLife, circa, late 80's , and,said place,being a betting Haven,but,you,know,better than I.

    Hellmuth.called it right,Mr D Brunson.called it right,but ? What,has that, got to do,with ,you,and I ?.

    So,ten big blinds left " chip and a chair ? "

    Poker Miracles, ..and,lo and behold, your " veiled, brag, Quad 7 7 7 7..,mate, supreme Poker Skill.

    I would rather have to play, Mr Ungar ( r.i.p) ,Mr Negreanu,Mr Ulliot,( r.i.p) Mrs Mitchell Coren,Matt Bates,and Chris don.k.b., than you mate,your,beyond, DURR, class.

    But,simple suggestion, Why, to prove a point,would you,not ? Reset,your very own,sharky,..NOW ?

    That way,....

    You ,I , ,can have,our own,little Poker " Ding Dong" .transparent,fair .over? " Time"
    .In Plain Site...and, give my word, first one,too 10k profit,wins the bragging rites,..

    For clarity,...10k clear profit ,SkyPoker..

    Mr Nostri,," my Son" are nailed on,to do, the Main-Mini double , " scripted,for Poker History " and,within,your very own ," scribes" ...the challenge,is up against,the biggest, ..Stickleback,in History..?

    Q.has ? Nozzer,The,Rozzer,..(B.oo.) m.." got ,a,pair?"

    Rejoice..when ( note, not if ) but, when,( it will happen) the very first,Skypoker, live event, if T.K say, I can, I will ( gladly) come along,on my own,and,wd can play LIVE.

    Over to you,..." Matey " ..
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Mr Nostri,are,you ? Erm. Bit,green, at the gills ?

    So, don't read,dont respond,leave Poker discussion,to those," time served"

    P.s. you are,more,much more,than welcome.

    But then again,you know,that, Mr p.j.PokerJenius. Is;

    A,,shrinking, Violet

  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    Yes, I know Daniel Cates's real name. What is that supposed to prove?

    I offered you a chance to prove you're better than me and you refused. I'm not really interested in comparing Sharkscope profits. I expect I'll be dead before you reach 10k in profit. I will certainly be watching with bemused interest.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    In, public ,in plain site,on SkyPoker..

    " Phenom "v" TadPole" ..according, to,your,good- self,

    Your,the , Biggest,Certainty,since, Goliath.

    Here,are my,full,, hidden, sharky stats....

    Mr Nostri,all,you have to do, log in, click two buttons, and, we have " game on"

    Name Your Side Bet.." race too 10k" .we,can , do that, for, any Charity..your choice..

    But, can try, as hard,as you like.
    .You can, groundbait.much as you like,unless, desperate,to,attempt," get me banned"

    You,will fail.

    Gauntlet, do know..difference ? Talk the talk..walk ( it ) the walk.

    Now, oh the irony..which player..😁..was, in, like Flyn.n...🤣

    Mr.Nostri, I, will now, get back to, tournament Poker..
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,659
    Must take you ages to right that stuff in that manner. It's very difficult to read. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377

    Exactly,what,it says,on, the Tin.

    To. Prove, a point,...Do, please, take a look. If, ? Poker,..runs,in your blood , if, you, adore, love, the game. So do much, ? Like,I do.....

    Playing , at the, I digress,...

    "Side thought" ...the,self announced...thought POLICE..Nozzer.the.Rozzer..

    U.K.Sop." mini"..main man, (a) got, nought better to do, in the eye,of the Storm.(b)..prove, himself,the Biggest { khahoona, less, } chump,in, plain site.

    Do, check, back, Genuine,Poker, debate,opinion...welcomed,sought.


  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    " in short"

    Over a two year period, I played,a tad, over ,10,000 multi table tournaments ,on SkyPoker , for a loss, of £6,500, evidence, to substantiate that, above.

    During said period, as some will know,there,has been ,a **** of a lot, of " heated debate, and disagreement" , between myself, and a tiny percentage,of, players,who either, are, truly Phenomenal players,or,believe,they are,indeed,Phenominal.

    " Basic crux" of said,disagreements, are,that myself,cant,wont,accept;

    That, I am, Delusional,simply can't,either play, no limit hold em Poker,and or admit to myself ,that,I cannot see, the Poker Woods,from the Poker Tree's.

    It should,come as no surprise, that, I do not,subscribe,to that view.

    So ? What,is about,the only thing,a Poker player,can do? to settle, a fiercely difference of opinion.

    Reset Sharky scope, to " zero" , put it,in plain site ( nothing hidden) ,and state,that,and a long term aim ( goal) .

    By the way, in this thread, the " astute and cute" will know, exactly,what I am referencing, it was, and is, not,a " schoolboy error" ,enough said .

    Over this weekend,Sat and Sun, I played,exactly 30 m.t.t.s. the majority,were Saturday, unexpected circumstances, ( mercy mission) curtailed my SkyPoker Sunday, to just four m.t.t.s,b between 08.30 am and 14.00 pm,and a solitary m.t.t late Sunday evening,a cursory glance, shows these finishing positions;

    10th of 114, 11th of 90, 21st of 78, and 44th of 64,reads,somewhat ' bland' doesn't it,and, in no way,articulates, " the Poker story" ,took me, a very long time, to realise, the only way,to articulate a Poker debate, disagreement,as concisely as possible,is,this way,in Plain Site.

    No need,for me to repost, any hand from Saturday,they are on the forum,in a place I will never post again,to say, " I ran Poker Bad" ,this weekend,woukd be an understatement,and that, I am happy to state,is,was,playing Poker with a seering deternination,like never before.

    And, in a very short sentence , I state, ( won't name the names) ; the few, who wish,want,the huge majority of Forum readers,to believe, player misterpj ( that's me) is Poker Lobotomised,I simply cannot express,strongky enough, how much,I disagree,with said few individuals.

    Simple,reallly,isnt it, put all,any personality clashes, to one side,and let, " the Poker " do the talking.

    Exit hand,getting near 3 hours deep,in tenth place,35,800 chip pot,for the out outright chip lead, and to be clear chip leader,what did I hold? A pocket pair,what did I Flop ? A set, 5 5 5 , what were the Poker Maths,when it was all in the middle? ,I was 92 ℅ good, for the chip lead,clear chip lead and down to just nine players,do you think that hand held? ,No chance,out, tenth.

    Exit hand,prior tournament,to get in the money ,I am all in, for the double up, 10,000 chip pot,what with? My pocket 10 10 , snapped off,the player not even stacked, with, pocket, K 6 off suit,if I have proved ,just one little thing,over time, I know, my Poker maths,here, I am 72 per cent good,insta spiked, insta out.

    Prior tournament " easy, on a Sunday morning" happened to be, a bounty hunter ,I have ' turned,the Ace high,nut club flush,with my pocket A 8 , I am. Over 91 per cent good,for over 3,000 chips,and a bounty,and, to be right " in the tournament" ..

    Thus, out,out,and out, 92 per cent good, for the chip lead, set 5 5 5, 72 per cent good to be stacked, and cash with pocket 10 10 , 91 percent good, with the A club nut flush. For a bounty, and 3,000 chips.

    Having," run" exactly , as shown,as stated, I played one,only one m.t.t. Sunday evening,had played two Uksop's, Saturday evening,not even mentioned,what happened to me, in the biggy,huge hand,huge pot,for 10,000 chips,and had, intended to play, Uksop's Sunday,but circumstances,meant I did not get home,until late.

    None the less, when from over, a hundred runners, near three hours deep,and, important point,my " Poker form " I just, couldn't ,shove the turn,( raised it up,a further 1600) am, way best,pocket A 10,flopped the A diamond,nut flush draw, with, 10 10 paired, and A kicker,what am, I up against ? Pocket 8 J off suit, I fear, two form,and,I am heads up, against a big stacked loose player..end,result, turn River ,runner runner, 8 J .!!

    Now, prior,to this, it has always been," deluded player,bad player,cant admit it too himself,selectional memory " etc, not once ,not a single hand, once, in 32 mtts,over two and a bit days, have I , in any remote meaningful Pot, dished out ,a single beat,a single " suck out" Not one.

    How many times, against me, decide, and further,well, it's in plain site, now.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,369
    PJ. Mister.

    Your writing is difficult to read , I've tried and it's difficult, but I think I have the gist of it

    Your basically going to reset your sharkscope and play oodles of MTTs hoping that you have improved.
    And You think maybe your not a bad player as you sometimes get results.

    Your bad results will continue as if you have never reset your sharkscope.
    You haven't come to grips with equity changes throughout the streets.

    90% favourite on the flop will switch and swap equity on the turn and by showdown they will be completely different .

    You spend too much time on this phenomenon and thinking you can fix it by posting extra long screenshots of it happening.

    Stop looking at this happening, it has very little to do with anything you can change.

    Read a book on poker.
  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    Funny that there's two challenges currently ongoing, a mini UKOPS leaderboard challenge as well as a heads up comp, both for charity, and yet you're nowhere to be seen
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,468
    mumsie said:

    PJ. Mister.

    Your writing is difficult to read , I've tried and it's difficult, but I think I have the gist of it

    Your basically going to reset your sharkscope and play oodles of MTTs hoping that you have improved.
    And You think maybe your not a bad player as you sometimes get results.

    Your bad results will continue as if you have never reset your sharkscope.
    You haven't come to grips with equity changes throughout the streets.

    90% favourite on the flop will switch and swap equity on the turn and by showdown they will be completely different .

    You spend too much time on this phenomenon and thinking you can fix it by posting extra long screenshots of it happening.

    Stop looking at this happening, it has very little to do with anything you can change.

    Read a book on poker.

    The case rests, your honour....💩

    I also noticed your were in a ukops Paul...I was desperate to be on your table but unfortunately you had gone out before that could happen....👹

    As previously suggested

    Post hands properly
    Be open to change...try reading dara o’keaneys book on satellite strategy
    Use less commas and full stops!

    Gl( like me, I think you will need it..)
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377

    I, am going, to fight my corner. As respectfully ,as possible,

    Resetting Sharkscope ,putting all " your Poker" transparently,on view, does several things,

    Eradicates any, exaggerations,offers full transparency,eliminates,any " selective memory issues" offers fair balance.

    It ,is any players, free choice,to do that, some players,may find,improves focus,others,not so.

    Three,of the four tournaments referenced ,are from yesterday , and all three,are, on average,over two hours deep, meaning,I went,way over ,two hours,deep,concentrated play,out of, the greatest respect ,for T.K, I am going to,fight my corner ,as respectfully ,as possible,but,even in the few replies above,well, rather than,me,get into it,I will leave it (happily) for the silent majority,of all forum readers,to make up ,there own minds.

    Poker ,is a game,fundamentally based,on probability, percentages,defacto,watch any televised Poker Tournament,you will see, the holdings,hand percentages,constantley displayed,on screen,why ? for the viewing publics enhancement of no limit hold em, and, to assist, the commentators, commentary.

    Above,as stated, from just FOUR, m.t.t.s, on the same day, from ,just four m.t.t.s,three of which, are over ,two hours deep , each.

    A set,5 5 5 ,sucked out,on the river, a mile ahead, for the clear,cbip lead,nine runners left.

    A turned, ( turned means,four community cards dealt,one, the river ,to come) , so,,a turned, Nut A club Flush, a mile ahead,sucked out,on the river,by two pair ,making a " boat " A, boat,is a fullhouse

    Pocket 10 10 ,heads up,is a Monster ,for the double up,to get in the money, I ship it ,first, pocket , K 6 off suit, is a mile behind,calling,you want the call, every time,with that holding,but when you shove, in that situation, the first thing, you should actually want,is the snap Fold,so you take,the Pot down,even with the call,it,is,not flipping,run the numbers,

    Pocket A.d. 10.s,huge hand,heads up, even more so ,on a , Q 10 3 d.d.d. Flop,
    it, is monstrous,paired tens,A kicker, two card nut Flush draw,into, J 8 off suit,

    Each to, there own,the general Poker public,can reach their own conclusions,on who,can,cant,play the game.Look, at some of the comments, what,I don't need,is " good luck" some massive hands,in massive spots,when miles ahead,holding,is " what I need"

    And,no Poker coach,required,or wanted.

  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    If you only ever post exit hands, you'll lose in 100% of the hands you post. Rigged. The only time there will not be an exit hand to post will be when you win an MTT - plenty to choose from then. Of the exit hands there will be those ranging from when you were 0% to win from the turn to the river, to 98%, and everything in-between. But you will lose them all.

    Of course, you'll also experience hands that you win where you were 2%-100% on the turn, but they're not exit hands so won't be featured.

    I am sure you're well aware that in setting yourself a £10k profit target, that the results in 4 small stake MTTs at the start will have zero bearing on the progress of the challenge. Perhaps move to monthly updates to remove some of the variability?
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,468
    bbMike said:

    If you only ever post exit hands, you'll lose in 100% of the hands you post. Rigged. The only time there will not be an exit hand to post will be when you win an MTT - plenty to choose from then. Of the exit hands there will be those ranging from when you were 0% to win from the turn to the river, to 98%, and everything in-between. But you will lose them all.

    Of course, you'll also experience hands that you win where you were 2%-100% on the turn, but they're not exit hands so won't be featured.

    I am sure you're well aware that in setting yourself a £10k profit target, that the results in 4 small stake MTTs at the start will have zero bearing on the progress of the challenge. Perhaps move to monthly updates to remove some of the variability?

    yes please monthly..6 monthly!
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,369
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