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.Poker.p. j.Jenuis.,long road,to Poker Redemption.



  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    And, here we go, 'the eve' July 1st 2020.

    It,may take me, two years, ( well,a potential 22 months more) for misterpj to achieve, full poker redemption, so that, is parked up for a July hiatus.

    An attempt, to hold the forums hands, and make any punter, a much better punter, for life.

    As in poker, you need, a bankroll, an entirely separate roll, from all life and living expenses, essentially, the (your) ammo, tools for the job, quintessentially, exactly the same as poker.

    Then, you need, bankroll management.

    It is, that simple, automate your betting staking, which makes it, so much easier, leaving 'you free' to concentrate on backing, ' value horses' which, again is blissfully simple, continually, backing a horse, horses, where you are, taking a price, greater, than said horse, true, pure, odds.


    I, cannot, make any claim, to any part, of the Kelly Criterion, that is, Mr J L Kelly, who, devised the following, backers, staking plan, in 1956.It is, far and away, the best, staking strategy, bar none.

    I can, make a claim, to a big part, in the ' Maria laying strategy' part of the team, that did it.
    Not, only did it, but did it, transparent, open, in plain site, free, for the world to see, over a period, just shy of a year, then we ghosted away, never went public, never set up, any lay tipping service.

    However, even though, I could do it, the time consumption, to run a duel, back and lay service [ I am not, will not, set up, have, or any remote intention to have, any paid for service] anyone else, who wishes, to do that, up to them, this, is all free, from the philanthropist.

    For my personal mission, we are going, blissfully simple.

    Win singles, only.
    Minimum price, 4-1
    Bets advised, 2 points win, or 1 point each way.
    As, you know, all bookmakers, have daily value offers, skybet, very good, as are others, so, if you luck out, with a promo, ie, stake back if second, stake back if beaten under 1 length, etc etc, I won't be claiming, any of them, that, for the purposes, of this exercise.
    Save for, this caveat, for this, I will not use betting exchanges, other than, for checking the market.
    But, I will, specify, any bet advised, at the time placed, is best price gt, take, say tens (10-1) official sp twelves (12-1) you get paid, to top price, and, or, on a shortener, we are on, at price advised, available, when the bet is placed.

    You don't need this now, for July, do it on your own, after, you will need.

    Access, to betfair, use skybet sporting life racecards, as a, your tissue, a guide, what I do, is price up the market, my prices, no over round, no margin, to 100% then, compare to the sporting life tissue prices, then monitor betfair, all the while, having odds checker, on a 1 second refresh, in essence, there you go.

    You are, already, a better punter, add in the below

    1. Kelly Criterion staking plan
    2. Maria laying plan

    Might look complex? in reality, once you get, your noodle around it, ti's simple.

    Ever been? to the Canary Islands on holiday?
    Had a punt? gee gees, live footy? Live boxing?

    half a chance, I laid your bet.
    For live football, bar(s) packed, I priced up, every game, ( very cheeky, to 140%) amazed, delighted, to find, lashed up football punters, all, always, wanted a tenner or score, their team, regardless of price, take a fistful pesata (euru) punts, sterling, all, good, so long as not monopoly money, ps, old pesata notes, were, the most faked note in the world, once upon a time.

    Once took a large win bet, on Ajax, from a group of lashed Dutchman, they paid on with four 1000 guilder notes, which were, approx worth, almost a grand a note.

    I digress, lay the bets, , into a 140 percent ( my prices) market, and lay straight off, on the machine, into a 100 percent market,.. it, was, like, pj's own Royal mint.

    If? you ever, went holiday, Tenerife, overlooking the harbour, between Los Christianos and Las Americas, circa 1996 on, you may have patronised, Off Shore Racing Ltd, in salubrious setting, bi fold doors, cocktail bar, bar, and, a bookies, miles better, than anything, in UK, yep, it, erm unofficial.. lol.. but, back then, your S. I. S,.. all live pictures, used to be broadcast, from an orbiting inclining satellite, if, for example, you were friendly, with an S.i.S. racecourse technician, who liked a freebie annual, in da Tenerife, you could get, the daily RASS codes, and, old Bobby, your Uncle 👍 back then, analogue, ie, s.i.s. broadcast lorry, rocks up Plumpton, camera man films live race, that signal sent UP to satellite, which then sent the signal, back down to London HQ, which was then sent to all subscribing lbos, in the UK, all that, takes ' time' we, had, the raw feed.. 😉😉😉

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    With, lots of love ( much) to, each and every one, of you all.

    Will, someone, anyone, (please) hold my hand, and whisper gently, what? I am required too do, for any semblance, of reasonable, " run reasonable"

    lost count now ( actually haven't, 57 brutal against, as in, double brutal) and, like for like, 6 for.

    But, £100 gt, £5.50 BH, just now, FT,

    So, misterpj needs a Poker Guru..?

    Really, I mean really... yesterday morning, I wrote, least favorite hand, of the last two months, why?
    Second best, pocket two, relentlessly cracked...

    It, won't cease, monster hand.. Who? played right? Who, got brutalised, on the River.

    If, Mr. R. N. G. machine, is due a full comprehensive service, I will Gladly, pay for that, myself, if Skypoker, bit short, at the moment.

    Hammered, yday evening, quality hand, after quality hand...

    Tiguy, please, consult, dem poker rhoonstone, pj, looking for, his turn, nevermind RunGood, how? bout, blinking HOLD, once, in a while...

    Savage.. below..

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    Please Lads man in trouble here....... please HELP.....

    Misterpj...... you fall in love with your hand... that's jurk'in you off. cough!

    You need to love the R.N.G. it's sensitive like your Dog treat it gently caress it sing too it. It will love you back. !

    Ask your Pommi to help and bark once for fold twice too raise.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Goldie, is, ( she yours?)

    Look, way too a cutie, to be HE.. gwan,? Moniker..?

    Is, the WORD OUT..?

    touched, 6 gee gees, on, da skybet, INSTANTLY, before a shilling, placed..

    Do you accept, price changes.. Lol., minimum shortened, full betting point,

    As, not starting till, 2 mozzy, first two, at Donny, both shorties fancied, but, the two, ( one each race) with class pilots, "that" were, double figures, not now, are very live.. 💋❤️😇😇✅🐶🐶🐶👍
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Ubber, legend, Tarik, and, his MercBenz, 8 seater,

    On, way, now, to Skypoker towers, NOW

    gifting, rng, machine

    a Gross, of WD40, a Feng Shui X pert, too realign the ting.

    50 large, donation, for, a Full defrag, reboot, plus intensive, Service.. 😇❤️💋✅👍🐶🤕🤕

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Donny, 1 2, whoppee, live chunky price, beats the jolly, easily, class pilot, that fella.

    As for KK

    Note, to, self, forget all, poker logic, Snap Fold, every time 😜

  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    unlucky with the ducks pj ever thought of taking up snakes and ladders
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    Looks like I'm the only Help you gonna get here.? So

    No, Crufts armpit Pommi for me, me got Jack Russell called " Was Ozzie then Ozzy till letters fell off collar, now Oz supper glued on. Don't scoff he great Poker Player helped me many times could send him to coach your Pommi .....he teach her howl like Banshee when you're going wrong. In few months you have lots little Banshee's make a few bob.
    Poker should improve enough to send Oz Bono biscuit in gratitude, he often get's a Bono

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    'some things, in life, in your lives, are, simply written, in the stars'

    Scripted by unknown, sliding doors moments of fate, ( before, I "stun" in a very good way) the entire Forum, and put, the most contented smile, on the Big Boss Man's face, let me just say, "eloquent wordsmiths, are us.

    Maybe, July 1st 2020,is the beginning, of the boy misterpj's final redemption.

    So, to prove, once, forever, and for all, form is temporary, Class is permanent, in life, not poker, be prepared, to be pleasently, stunned.

    So, it go, a little something, like this, and never, forget, when you think, misterpj, your abiding and forever memories, will be.

    That boy, pj, what a cocksure, swaggering, opinionated, piece of work.
    Hold, in your minds, to the end, then read my final sentence.

    So, I have a freind, got a good few, ubba tight buddies, actually.

    This particular, mate, is;

    A world renowned, "young.. ish" no limit hold em, household name, winning millions, he, actually, coaches, trains, teaches, a few on here, not me! no chance, way to stubborn,some of you, will have an inbox message, bout now, a few, on here, only a few, that actually know me, do, know, the score.

    So, hold thought exactly Who, on the forum, is posting this, probably, the player, who has wanted, to ' kick Mr Rng' more than anyone.

    You will note, the world renowned, player, writing these reproduced words below ( to me, with perm ish) states, himself, he has never, put this, discussed this, in public, before.

    Why now, do all laugh, the boy pj, drove ' Natty' crazy, relentless, badbeat moan ups.

    Bless You

    Skypoker, TK, NOSTRI, waller02, MATT BATES, madprof, GOLDON, all, everyone, of you all.

    whatever, pj might have once been, is now, might be in the future, takes, a fair bit, of, heart, humble, and..
    genuine CLASS, defacto, even though, I, know doubt, will go poker nuclear, privately, I can't, again, here, ever. Thread closed, all 👍 gee gees, quietly, posted, zero fanfare, on the rail.

    Good Night, God Bless, run, brilliant.. all. Paul
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,368
    Its not run bad misterPJ, your HH proves it.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    You have to take the banter if you post on the Forum, we all want you to do well. I don't wish you bad luck, on the contrary . Urge you to do well while railing.
    If the above is you chucking in the towel then thought you had more staying power.
    You will get stick if you challenge the randomness of the R.N.G. we all play here knowing it's not perfect ..... but what site is.! Learn the twists & turns they happen too top players they cope so can you. I made the decision some time ago to play low stakes just for fun, keeps me happy never looking for Mega Bucks or Vegas Bracelet.
    Live your dream......... I wanted to be Brad Pitt but just sad old man with a Dog. Woof!
  • engyengy Member Posts: 723
    Whats the bets for tomorrow PJ Im going to follow
  • engyengy Member Posts: 723
    what happened to the bets for july PJ ? You still doing them mate?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745


    Hi David,

    Different thread, they are


  • engyengy Member Posts: 723
    @Tikay10 Hi Tony thank you
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    PJ There are times when you get dealt hand, but your gut say's fold.......
    pete76310Small blind50.0050.00630.00
    butters08Big blind100.00150.002000.00
    Your hole cards
    • J
    • 10
    • 5
    • 5
    • 10
    • A
    • 6
    • 10
    • 10
    • 5
    • 5
    pete76310WinFour 5s1460.001460.00
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    Come Back ...... we need your wordjones Oop! wordsmith adventures.
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    the adventure must continue
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304

    PJ has not left the Building he's in the Cellar with his Dog .... and one of them is barking.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,377
    Dear Skypoker

    Please, can I, nominate, your RNG machine,

    For, a Peer Reviewed, Industry Award.

    I believe, " he" is different GRAVY...

    space aliens, nah.., dat boy, fully Terrestrial

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